


Neil Young's new release ""World Record" w/ Crazy Horse is now available for pre-order. Order here
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Saturday, March 07, 2020

Neil Young's "Year of the Horse" Streaming This Weekend | NYA + Message From Neil

Neil Young and Crazy Horse

The Neil Young film "Year of the Horse" (1997), directed by Jim Jarmusch, is streaming this weekend in Hearse Theater on NYA.

Meanwhile, Neil Young & Crazy Horse 2020 Tour remains on hold. Here's the latest "Message From Neil" on tour plans:

"We are looking at this uncertain world with our fully booked Crazy Horse Barn Tour, ready to announce the first stage.

The last thing we want is to put people at risk, especially our older audience. Nobody wants to get sick in this pandemic.

So we wait together and see how it goes on, how long it will take, and how many people and animals on our planet will be affected."
And so we wait and watch. Watch "Year of the Horse", for example. The film features David Briggs, along with Neil's father Scott Young.

 Scott Young
(Writer, Neil's Dad)

Jarmusch's concert film of Neil Young and Crazy Horse from the the 1996 tour has been called: "A concert film-group portrait that captures as well as any other music movie the natural, untethered essence of live rock." (John Anderson, in the LOS ANGELES TIMES).

From Australia's The Age Newspaper interview with Jim Jarmusch by writer Stephanie Bunbury:
    "For "Year of the Horse", his documentary about a Neil Young concert tour, Young himself suggested the project after he had written the music for Dead Man and they had made a video clip for his song Big Time. "Young said: 'Look, I'll pay for it. Just shoot some stuff and see if you like it, and we'll continue if you do, and if you don't, I'll just put it on a shelf somewhere.' How could I refuse that? And it was a really great experience, because there was no road map at all."

Jim Jarmusch & Neil Young

From Now Magazine interview with Jim Jarmusch By INGRID RANDOJA (DECEMBER 18-24, 1997) on Year Of The Horse:
"Neil's incredible," recalls Jarmusch.

We showed him the Like A Hurricane number, which right in the middle of the song cuts from him now to him 20 years ago.

"Neil jumps out of his seat. I thought, 'He's going to say something about how different he looks.' Instead, he says, 'Look at Old Black!' which is the name of his guitar. 'She looks so new and shiny! She was so young back then.'

"We were laughing so hard, but he was deadly serious. He wasn't self-conscious about his own image changing, just 'Look at Old Black. I haven't taken good care of her.'"

But Jarmusch gets serious when he says, "If Neil were a native American he would be a 'contrary' -- a medicine man. He'd have to walk backwards, because everything Neil does is contrary to what is natural.

"Neil is a perfectionist who embraces imperfection. Everything he does is like that, and the more you get to know him, the more you see it in him.

"Jesus, he doesn't even dress like a rock star. He dresses like a garbage man. He doesn't care."

Ralph Molina Discussing Danny Whitten

An interview with Jim Jarmusch and Neil's Producer L.A. Johnson in Austin Chronicle . 11-10-97 By Marjorie Baumgarten:
Austin Chronicle: : What did you see as your greatest challenge in making this movie?
Jim Jarmusch : No, ah, there wasn't a challenge.
You know it was really fun and Larry (L.A. Johnson) was so amazingly organized. I wish my feature films could have the same kind of organization because Neil's people, his road people, man we should make a movie just about them. Cause his road crew are like pirates, or a biker gang, or something. Very organized. And they were great. And then Larry, whatever we needed was suddenly there.
Like Neil asked us to go on the road and in three days -- I was in New York, Larry lives in L.A. -- he had all the equipment together, all the film material, everything was on the way. It was amazing. I guess the challenge to it came after collecting the material and sitting down and being open enough so that the material told us -- me and Jay Rabinowitz, the editor -- what the film wanted to be. You know, to just not try to bludgeon it into any form at all, just sort of in a Zen-like way say, "Okay, what do you want us to do with you now?"
That was like the most challenging thing. It was a fun film to make.
jim jarmusch
Jim Jarmusch & Neil Young

Also, see:
Billy, Poncho and Neil 
At a 7/11 store before gig @ Old Princeton Landing in Princeton - Half Moon Bay, CA

    Soundtrack songs for YOTH: "Fuckin' Up", "Slip Away", "Barstool Blues", "Stupid Girl", "Big Time", "Tonight's the Night", "Sedan Delivery", "My Girl", "Like a Hurricane" ,"Music Arcade"

Yet, the album Year Of The Horse, contains none of the performances that are in the film. Go figure.

     REVIEWS: "Year of the Horse"
    A concert film-group portrait that captures as well as any other music movie the natural, untethered essence of live rock." -- John Anderson, LOS ANGELES TIMES 
    The concert film "Year of The Horse" from the 1996 tour, directed by Jim Jarmusch, is certainly a worthy successor to the classic "Rust Never Sleeps" with the addition of interviews and behind the scenes footage along with the raging, stomping, raw Crazy Horse style. Featuring a several epic jams including "Slip Away" and "Big Time" which clock in over 15 minutes each, the live material reveals the magic nature of what happens onstage in the "huddle".
    A Tale of 4 Guys Who Like To Rock
    Neil Young: I love that movie and I think it is a perfect add-on for the "Year of The Horse" record. You can really feel the personal view of a film maker, and above all the movie is about the band. It's more than a simple story, it's an impression, a succession of feelings. I had the idea of doing this movie - I like this kind of stuff and I like to have a camera with me, but Jim made it possible. 

    Poncho: I always thought that that the story of Crazy Horse was less interesting than his music. It's certainly the more successful movie on Neil Young and Crazy Horse, but for me, this film is just touching on this topic. With all due respect to Jim and his work, I think that the first song in the movie shows more than what you can see in the following hour. So I liked this short movie, but I wouldn't like people to stick to this cinematographic view. It happened so many things in that band, that no one, as a movie maker, will be able to relate."

In an interview with Crazy Horse's Manuel Francisco (Poncho) Sampedro:
    "So what we've got," he says, aiming his RayBans right at the camera and folding a couple of massive forearms over his Jimi Hendrix T-shirt, "is some artsy-fartsy New York director gonna ask a bunch of stupid questions and pretend like you're explaining what's been a 30-year relationship."
  • Year of The Horse Reviews from Rotten Tomatoes:
    "This is quite possibly the worst documentary I have ever had the displeasure of watching on the big screen."
    -- James Berardinelli, REELVIEWS

  • From Roger Ebert's I Hated, Hated, Hated This Movie on Year of the Horse:
      " 'Year of the Horse' plays like This is Spinal Tap made from antimatter. Both films are about aging rockers, but Year of the Horse removes the humour and energy, portraying Neil Young and Crazy Horse as the survivors of a death march. There are times indeed, when Young, his hair plastred flat against his face with sweat, his eyes haunted beneath a glowering brow, looks like a candidate for a mad slasher role."

  • "Year of The Horse" - Directed by Jim Jarmusch, Film Review, Ottawa Citizen, February 18, 1998


    Neil Young & Crazy Horse: "3rd Best Garage Band in the World" ~~Bill Graham - The Cow Palace, Daly City, California, Nov. 21, 1986 

    Bill Graham said that Crazy Horse is "the 3rd Best Garage Band in the World", during the intermission of the final stop of Neil Young & Crazy Horse's 1986 Rusted Out Garage tour. Bill Graham also once called CSN&Y: "America's Beatles".

    Neil Young & Crazy Horse  
    Neil Young & Crazy Horse - 2012

    Jack Nitzsche , Neil Young's producer/arranger on the masterpiece "Broken Arrow", has stated that "Crazy Horse was the American equivalent of The Rolling Stones." IOHO, Crazy Horse is to Neil Young what The Band was to Bob Dylan. As perfect a complement as tequila and salt. In tribute to Crazy Horse, the "3rd Best Garage Band in the World", here's a look back at some highlights:
    Neil Young & Crazy Horse - 2019

    Rusties @ "Year of the Horse" Film
    Key Theater, Georgetown, DC - 1997

    Photo by thrashette

    So between some sort of cosmically alchemical blend of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones via "the 3rd Best Garage Band in the World", 2020 looks to promise a 'Neil Young & Crazy Horse Barn Tour'?!

    More on Crazy Horse -- whom Bill Graham once called "the 3rd Best Garage Band in the World". And how about Crazy Horse being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame someday soon?


    (More on More Barn! page. Thanks MB Brad!)


    Also, see Remembering Danny Whitten: 1943 - 1972.

    Danny Ray Whitten: 1943 - 1972
    (via Danny Whitten - His Life - His Music)

    "You only get one musician in your life who you really connect with, and for me, that musician was Danny Whitten."
    ~~Neil Young (From Danny's Friends)

    Also, see Crazy Horse: A Noble American History.

    "His ferocity of spirit remains a guiding light for all who seek lives of defiance."
     Crazy Horse: A Noble American History
    from album art for Americana by Neil Young & Crazy Horse

    Also, see "In The Spirit of Crazy Horse" | National Geographic Magazine - August 2012.

    "In The Spirit of Crazy Horse"
    National Geographic Magazine - August 2012

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    Friday, March 06, 2020

    Jimmy Fallon Strikes Again w/ Another Neil Young F* Up

    Jimmy Fallon w/ Joe Russo's Almost Dead
    Photo by Dino Perrucci | Capitol Theater

    The irrepressible Jimmy Fallon strikes yet again with another Neil Young cover.

    From Joe Russo's Almost Dead Live concert at The Capitol Theatre on 2/23/20 (Night #3), Fallon closed the 3 concert run with a mashup of Neil Young’s “Fuckin’ Up,” Bruce Springsteen’s “Born To Run” and The Beatles’ “Hey Jude.” (Thanks Allen!)

    Really?! Jimmy Fallon with a lyric sheet that says: "why do i keep f'n up?" Figures. priceless

    Jimmy Fallon has a real appreciation of Neil Young as evidenced by the numerous tributes from his 'Tonight Show'.

    Who could forget 2016's "Two Neil Youngs on a Tree Stump"?!

    "Two Neil Youngs on a Tree Stump"
    Neil Young and Jimmy Fallon

    As previously noted, it is quite well established by now that Jimmy Fallon likes to respectfully poke fun at Neil Young, Jimmy Fallon tremendously admires Neil Young and goes to considerable lengths to showcase his "Neil Passion".

    Bruce Springsteen and Neil Young: "Whip My Hair" - 2010

    Jimmy Fallon as Neil Young | Letterman - 2012

    Of course, who could ever forget Neil Young News: Another Jimmy Fallon Impression: "Pants On The Ground"???

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    Comment of the Moment: Top 10 Favorite Songs by Neil Young

    "One Of These Days"
    Photo by thrasher

    A diverse range of reactions to the Top 10 Favorite Songs by Neil Young as compiled by YouTube Host Pete Pardo.

    The Comment of the Moment is from the post Top 10 Favorite Songs by Neil Young by Greg, A Friend Of Yours:
    Very, very fair list, and analysis, based on admitted personal preferences, and for all he says he has gone in and out of the music over the years, more educated on the discography than 95% of critical reviews I've read and heard over the years attempting to sum up a career that can't really be summed up too succinctly.

    I think his admission that he gravitates to the electric side of things, without dismissing the acoustic, is very close to what I have tried to say on this site many times, in many contexts. Because you like or don't like any given thing is totally acceptable- it's your preference, how can I dispute that? It's only when it drifts into "I don't like it, therefore, it sucks," that I start to get the willies. I really enjoyed this piece. As for me trying to narrow things down to a top ten? I won't even attempt it. The closest I've come is a list I put together years ago for a friend who wanted to explore Neil, which amounted to me listing standout cuts from every album in the discography, which was always a minimum of two or three per album, and many times four and five. Count up the albums, and do the math- more than ten. I mean, electric, acoustic, piano, lyrics, melody, lead guitar, etc., etc.

    Sorry, a top ten just ain't gonna happen.

    A Friend Of Yours
    Good to hear from you in 2020, Greg, A Friend Of Yours. We've been seeing lots of folks fall of the Neil wagon for one reason or another lately, so nice to see you've got staying power.

    Know what you mean about trying to nail down Top Neil -- albums, concerts, tours, songs, films, videos, books, etc.

    More comments on Top 10 Favorite Songs by Neil Young .

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    Wednesday, March 04, 2020

    Top 10 Favorite Songs by Neil Young

    Here is a rundown of 10 favorite songs by Neil Young as compiled by YouTube Host Pete Pardo.

    Also, see:

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    Tuesday, March 03, 2020

    Comment of the Moment: Neil Young & Crazy Horse 2020 Tour | #DontSpookTheHorse #MoreBarn


    When we say, "Don't Spook The Horse", we mean it -- and so do other Crazy Horse fans.

    Last week, Neil Young announced that a Crazy Horse Tour "may have to wait" due the global Coronavirus. This was after Neil Young reversed himself the previous week and announced that he would tour with Crazy Horse this year -- after all -- even though he had clearly stated that he had no concert tour plans for 2020.

    Then -- in another simple twist of fate -- Neil Young announced "We Are Going To Book This" on "Chompin At The Bit - Crazy Horse Barn Tour" | NYA.

    So things change. They go viral. We change your mind. Or is this the #BigShift or what?!

    The Comment of the Moment is from the post "Neil Young & Crazy Horse Tour: "We Are Going To Book This" | NYA" by the intrepid Scotsman:
    I can relate strongly to the idea that "the show must go on!", but I do think some caution is in order when it comes to Coronavirus.

    Deaths so far have been very low (not a particularly reassuring observation, I realise, if you are one of the unlucky ones), but we are still at an early stage.

    Containing a virus is very difficult at the best of times, but if and when it starts to spread freely between people en masse, multiplying rapidly, it has the very real potential to be far more extreme in the damage done.

    Less dangerous than smoking? Smoking isn't highly contagious, except amongst teenagers. Less dangerous than the flu? Only because it hasn't infected many people. Yet.

    My point is not to inspire raging PANIC among us all, but perhaps a dash of caution is well advised. So make sure you wash your hands regularly.

    And in the meantime, keeping animals crammed together in cages by the hundred-thousand is playing with fire with this sort of thing, as well as being particularly unpleasant for the animals. Leaving them off your plate is probably the single most effective thing you can do to help the environment and animal welfare, as well as a step towards ensuring that these sort of viruses remain an exception.

    Anyway! Self-righteous lecture over.

    Neil seems to have been changing his mind about a Crazy Horse tour roughly every 5 minutes since May 2018, hence my reserved level of enthusiasm so far. But you know my thoughts: there are few things as enjoyable as a Crazy Horse tour (although POTR deserve great credit for a fantastic Euro tour in 2019, retaining their unique dynamic whilst letting a lot of the spook back in).

    And the urgent truth is that their probably aren't all that many years left when a Crazy Horse tour is a particularly viable option. In 2020, I think they have to take things a little more easy than they have in the past: a 50-date Weld-esque experience was exhausting for them even 30 years ago. The most exciting prospect for Crazy Horse is watching them burning; not watching them burn out.

    But I think a tour, a fairly relaxed one in terms of schedule and show-length, would do them all a world of good. And I hope Poncho is doing well and will be back onboard, I really do. I think he adds so much to Neil's music. But either way, second guitar remains in very safe hands: I thought Nils Lofgren's contributions to Colorado were just fantastic.

    And if Coronavirus does necessitate show cancellations, as I think it might? I think Crazy Horse should do some shows anyway. But do them at home, behind closed doors without a paying audience. Not a singer without a song, but a live concert without a live audience. The solution: broadcast them on NYA, either live or as edited highlights.

    If the Horse can't come to us, we shall go to them! It would be an opportunity to try something a bit different.

    Thanks Scotsman, as always. Regarding the Coronavirus, the only cure we've found so far is to turn off the news and build a garden. We're washing our hands regularly, also, and that's working ... so far.

    And while it is a frivolous lavish luxury for us to contemplate a Crazy Horse 2020 Tour with either Poncho or Nils, we know many others can't afford such flights of fatuity fancy.

    Well, no matter what, it keeps us searching for The Holy Rail.

    Rusties on The Rail: In Search of The Holy Rail
    Berlin, Germany - June 2, 2013
    Photo by thrasher
    (Click photo to enlarge)

    (More on More Barn! page. Thanks MB Brad!)

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    Neil Young's Album of the Week: Hawks & Doves | NYA

    "Hawks & Doves" by Neil Young
    Album of the Week | NYA

    The Neil Young Archives Album of the Week is "Hawks & Doves", released 10-29-1980.

    Neil Young comments that "Hawks & Doves" reveals him as "A redneck and a hippie, all rolled into one album." Once again, Neil succinctly nails himself yet again. He goes on to reveal one of his more obvious -- but profound -- observations:

    While stating the obvious about writing in the 3rd person and being understood as autobiographical, Neil Young has always struggled with the artists and audiences perceptions and misconceptions.

    In an interview in 1980, Neil Young made comments that were considered supportive of Ronald Reagan, the conservative Republican president of the U.S. (See interview on Neil Young and Ronald Reagan). The remarks, in conjunction with the politically ambiguous "Hawks & Doves", made Neil Young appear to seem conservative which was an anathema to his liberal, anti-war fan base.

    MTV's KURT LODER: At one point when you were sort of in a country mode, you were sort of making noises about Ronald Reagan was a good sort of come around from that position too?

    NEIL: I never made, you know, I was never a Reagan supporter in a total blanket sense.

    I was one of those who felt that some ideas he had were good ideas. He had one point that he was stressing in the first six months of his job that he thought the people in the communities and neighborhoods should pull together and try to do things on their own more than depending on government to do it for them. And I thought that was a hell of an idea and here's this old guy and he's kind of got this image, of this fatherly image, telling all these people in their neighborhoods to pull together and get your own daycare centers happening, and get this and that happening.

    I thought that was a cool thing, I thought it was a good thing.

    So then I'm on my bus, someplace in some hell hole somewhere, playing some show and the good part of it is when I'm on stage and the bad part of it is the rest of it. And these two dorks come on my bus, I don't know how it happened, I swear to God, two jerks from some press service come on my bus and start asking me these questions and I was just kind of burnt.

    And these guys started putting down Reagan left and right and everything and I looked at the guy and I said "You're an asshole, you know, you don't know what the hell you are talking about cause you probably put down every damn president, you know, that ever lived. You're a president basher, that's all you do is if they win, they lose."

    So I said the guy's got some good ideas, I stand behind the way he feels about this and that, and I told him...I said, I think you're full of shit for dismissing a person completely in every idea he has because he happens to be president and he makes some really stupid moves on one level, that I would never think of making. That doesn't mean that the guy didn't have some good ideas somewhere along the line maybe yesterday about something else.

    So with the press, it's so hard, even though print is in black and white, it's so hard for them to make it clear what's really happening.

    So here I am - Reagan supporter! [Neil throws up hands in mock humor sort of way while shrugging and shaking his head in disbelief.]
    An Original R@D "Live Music Is Better" Bumpersticker

    Also, see more on the question of whether Neil Young is proud to be a union man?

    After all, isn't all about the "Ordinary People"?

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    Monday, March 02, 2020

    Chrissie Hynde and Neil Young: Rock of the Aged Protesters | National Review

    Chrissie Hynde & Neil Young
    The Pretenders Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame by Neil Young - 2005
    (Click photo to enlarge)

    A rather provocative article on the politics of Chrissie Hynde and Neil Young.

    Claiming that Neil Young is a "rock-and-roll bully" and Chrissie Hynde is "an American pragmatist with a heart of gold", the article Neil Young and Chrissie Hynde: Rock of the Aged Protesters | National Review by Armond White hits all sorts of discordant notes.

    The setup is Neil Young's "Open Letter to Donald Trump" saying: ‘You Are a Disgrace to My Country’ and Chrissie Hynde's tweet to President Trump on Julian Assange's extradition.

    From Neil Young and Chrissie Hynde: Rock of the Aged Protesters | National Review by Armond White:
    Both artists stepped outside their usual medium of the rock-and-roll record that brought them fame; their passion and creativity won our attention and instilled our fondness. Politics is not what we want from them, though, except in compelling tunes that describe the human condition and sustain our moral beliefs. Who doesn’t like “Heart of Gold” and “Brass in Pocket”? Who can resist the former’s sensitivity or the latter’s scintillation?

    Pop music no longer represents the counterculture. Rolling Stone magazine hasn’t caught on, but it’s time that rock-and-roll politics change and shift.

    Only the recent antagonism in current affairs of state could cause crowd-pleasers Young and Hynde to draw such startling political contrasts and reveal their divergent, individual styles. Pop artists are not role models so much as bellwethers of human potential, and though it’s usually best to ignore their off-stage actions, the two musicians’ difference in behavior can reveal our moral and political options.
    National Review's White suggests that both Hynde and Young work their messaging on liberal or conservative audiences and that "Hynde trumps Young because her middle-American brashness instills a blue-collar noblesse oblige greater than Young’s Canadian guilelessness." It should be noted that author White seems to misinterpret Young's song "Rockin' in the Free World", which is a critique of America under George H.W. Bush. In addition, "Rockin' in the Free World" came out in 1989 on the album Freedom -- not after 9/11/01.

    Full article @ Neil Young and Chrissie Hynde: Rock of the Aged Protesters | National Review by Armond White.

    Neil Young Inducting The Pretenders @
    2005 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Ceremony

    More on Chrissie Hynde and Neil Young Inducting The Pretenders into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

    Also, see:


    Neil Young Speaks Truth to Power
    Neil Rocks on CNN

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    "Children of Destiny" will NOT be harvested
    However, the chaff will be burned by unquenchable fire

    Neil Young + Promise of the Real

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    2015 Rebel Content Tour

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    Alchemy Concert Tour Reviews

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    Spring 2013 Australia/New Zealand Tour
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    Neil Young & Crazy Horse

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    2010 MusiCares Honors Neil Young

    Features Elvis Costello, Crosby Stills & Nash, Sheryl Crow, Josh Groban, Ben Harper, Elton John, Norah Jones, Lady Antebellum, Dave Matthews, James Taylor, Keith Urban, and others.
    Proceeds from sales go to MusiCares,
    which helps musicians in need of
    financial and medical assistance.


    "There's more to the picture
    Than meets the eye"



    Neil Young FAQ:
    Everything Left to Know About the Iconic and Mercurial Rocker
    "an indispensable reference"

    Paul McCartney and Neil Young


    "You can make a difference
    If you really a try"

    John Lennon and Neil Young

    "hailed by fans as a wonderful read"

    Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young:
    The Supergroup of the 20th Century

    Director Jonathan Demme's Exquisite film "Heart of Gold"

    eddie & neil
    Eddie Vedder and Neil Young

    Revisiting The Significance of
    The Buffalo Springfield

    "The revolution will not be televised"
    ... it will be blogged, streamed,
    tweeted, shared and liked
    The Embarrassment of Mainstream Media

    Turn Off Your TV & Have A Life

    "Everything Is Bullshit" +
    "Turn Off The News"
    Turn Off the News (Build a Garden)

    Neil Young 2016 Year in Review:
    The Year of The Wheat

    Kurt Cobain
    Kurt Cobain and Neil Young

    Neil Young's Feedback:
    An Acquired Taste?

    Young Neil: The Sugar Mountain Years
    by Rustie Sharry "Keepin' Jive Alive in T.O." Wilson

    "the definitive source of Neil Young's formative childhood years in Canada"

    neil & joni
    Joni Mitchell & Neil Young

    europe 1987.jpg

    Bob and Neil

    So Who Really Was "The Godfather of Grunge"?

    Four Dead in Ohio
    kent state
    So What Really Happened at Kent State?

    The Four Dead in Ohio

    May The FOUR Be With You #MayThe4thBeWithYou


    dissent is not treason
    Dissent is the highest form of patriotism

    Rockin' In The Free World

    Sing Truth to Power!
    When Neil Young Speaks Truth To Power,
    The World Listens

    Emmylou Harris and Neil Young

    Wilco and Neil Young


    Bruce Springsteen and Neil Young


    Elton John and Neil Young

    Lynyrd Skynyrd and Neil Young


    The Meaning of "Sweet Home Alabama" Lyrics

    Neil Young Nation -
    "The definitive Neil Young fan book"

    What does the song mean?

    Random Neil Young Link of the Moment

    Bonnie Raitt and Neil Young

    I'm Proud to Be A Union Man


    When Neil Young is Playing,
    You Shut the Fuck Up

    Class War:
    They Started It and We'll Finish It...

    A battle raged on the open page...
    No Fear, No Surrender. Courage

    "What if Al Qaeda blew up the levees?"
    Full Disclousre Now

    "I've Got The Revolution Blues"

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    Willie Nelson for Nobel Peace Prize

    John Mellencamp:
    Why Willie Deserves a Nobel



    Love and Only Love

    "Thinking about what a friend had said,
    I was hoping it was a lie"

    We're All On
    A Journey Through the Past

    Neil Young's Moon Songs
    Tell Us The F'n TRUTH
    (we can handle it... try us)

    Does Anything Else Really Matter?

    "Nobody's free until everybody's free."
    ~~ Fannie Lou Hamer

    Here Comes "The Big Shift"

    Maybe everything you think you know is wrong? NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS
    "It's all illusion anyway."

    Propaganda = Mind Control
    Guess what?
    "Symbols Rule the World, not Words or Laws."
    ... and symbolism will be their downfall...

    Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge
    Be The Rain, Be The Change

    the truth will set you free
    This Machine Kills Fascists

    "Children of Destiny" - THE Part of THE Solution

    (Frame from Official Music Video)

    war is not the answer
    yet we are
    Still Living With War

    "greed is NOT good"
    Hey Big Brother!
    Stop Spying On Us!
    Civic Duty Is Not Terrorism

    The Achilles Heel
    Orwell (and Grandpa) Was Right
    “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery.”
    ~~ Bob Marley

    The Essence of "The Doubters"

    Yes, There's Definitely A Hole in The Sky

    Even Though The Music Died 50+ Years Ago
    Open Up the "Tired Eyes" & Wake up!
    "consciousness is near"
    What's So Funny About
    Peace, Love, & Understanding & Music?


    Show Me A Sign

    "Who is John Galt?"
    To ask the question is to know the answer

    "Whosoever shall give up his liberty for a temporary security
    deserves neither liberty nor safety."

    ~~ Benjamin Franklin


    (Between the lines of age)

    And in the end, the love you take
    Is equal to the love you make

    ~~ John & Paul

    the zen of neil
    the power of rust
    the karma of the wheat

