NEW ALBUM & TOUR: Monsanto Years & Nelson Brothers
UPDATE: Also, see 2nd Leg of Rebel Content Tour Announced: Neil Young + Promise of the Real Head to West Coast

Lukas Nelson, Neil Young and Micah Nelson
Farm Aid 2014
Walnut Creek Amphitheatre - Raleigh, North Carolina - September 13, 2014
Photo Images by Jim McKelvey Photography -
(Click photo to enlarge)
Well the good times just keep on coming.
Neil Young has announced that his next album The Monsanto Years will be released on 16th June 2015.
Also, the “Rebel Content” tour has been announced for this summer with Neil Young and the Nelson Brothers, Lukas and Micah Nelson and the band Promise of the REAL.
July 5 Milwaukee, WI— Summerfest
July 8 Morrison, CO— Red Rocks
July 9 Morrison, CO— Red Rocks
July 11 Lincoln, NE— Arena
July 13 Cincinnati, OH— Riverbend Music Center
July 14 Clarkston, MI— Music Theater
July 16 Camden, NJ— Susquehanna Bank Center
July 17 Bethel, NY— Bethel Woods
July 19 Essex Junction, VT— Champlain Valley Expo
July 21 Wantagh, NY— Nikon at Jones Beach Theater
July 22 Mansfield, MA— Xfinity Center
July 24 Oro-Medonte, CAN— WayHome Music & Arts Festival
Those who say it only gets better are right. The Big Shift rolls on. Stay calm. Use discernment. Be the wheat. peace & love
Labels: album, neil young, tour
Let's hope this isn't as lame as 'FORK IN THE ROAD', 'GREENDALE' or LIVING WITH WAR.
Let's hope it is as Awesome, Rocking and Current as those three!!!
any word on presale ticketmaster on sale date Friday @ 10.00 am
matt... sadly with only one real gem this century Psychedelic Pill Neil's relevancy has waned - particularly when he strays from The Horse. He is still my rock n roll hero as long as I live
Timothy, don't worry about Matt, all Neil, all good, right? You are more than correct about FITR and LWW. Greendale, pretty good music, ridiculous storyline.
I agree with Thrasher and Matt.
Neil rolls on, more relevant than ever. One million people watched him sing Old Man with Jimmy Fallon.
To me Greendale is brilliant. If this record is half as good, I'm grateful
But I am grateful for his life and work and interested in anything he does.
Neil, Please come back to St Louis before I die.
Greendale is one of Neil's finest albums. period. What are you talking about?
FITR was garbage, Greendale and LWW were masterpieces.
Bring on the details!
I love all three of the albums mentioned here,truly...GREAT songs on all three,IMO.I would expect nothing less from the new "Monsanto" album (great title,you KNOW where he's going with this one !) Side request : I would LOVE a live album from his tour with Booker T. in '93...I have heard some recordings,and they are AMAZING !!! Walk On !!
Hoping to come across from England to catch 1 or 2 shows. This is all new territory to me but I guess Red Rocks would be good? Any other recommendations, folks? Do you think more venues will follow?
I've been following NY for over 40 years now. I still look forward to every release but now with more scepticism( I use to buy everything NY). I have only bought two of his (new release)albums since fork in the road. I have grown tired of his poor choices and will not fork over(pun intended) any money for inferior music. This has been his longest period where he cannot seem to have long creative stretches of great music. Too many distractions away from the muse.Monsanto Years seems like one of those Mother Jones articles my wife loved but full of disturbing reasoning. This also has Daryl Hannah written all over it. Damn I miss Pegi.
I hope it's just as AWESOME!!! as Fork in the Road, Greendale AND Living with War, not to mention the myriad of additional awesomeness Neil has delivered over the past decade. :)
Any word on Bethel pre sale codes? HUGE thanks of you can email em to me at
@growl, If your liking Colorado, and who doesn't, Red Rocks is a very cool place to see a show! Close to New York City ~ an hour, Jones Beach Theater aint bad. Just like any other outdoor venue, hope that the weather cooperates. And just like any other venue, a great seat makes all the difference :)
My .02 cents.... I liked FITR, I thought there were a few good "keepers", LWW was so so for me. Greendale was TOP NOTCH in my books. I wouldn't say it was one of his best albums but it was one of his (their) best tours ever. Loved, Loved the live performances.
Best of luck on tkts everyone!
anyone listen to storytone on pono player? it surely brought a tear to my eye. Heres hoping neil comes back to seattle! Keep on Rocking in the USA NY
PS red rocks is awesome place to see a concert
I, too, worry about this album, given the title (Monsanto Years). Sounds like a lot of GMO bashing heading our way. Bashing Monsanto is not completely unwarranted - they are a giant corporation that guards their products zealously. But if he starts bashing GMOs for all of the unscientific reasons, I'm tuning him out. There are plenty of scientific reasons against certain GMO uses but there are also plenty of scientific reasons why GMOs (especially bt corn and bt potatoes) have been of great benefit to the world (and the health concerns are completely unfounded).
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What is Presale code for bethel?
I don't know too much about Monsanto / GMO. I just regard them as evil. I'm sure Neil will say things on the record that aren't exactly true / backed, but what can you do?
I am, however, excited to hear the album / see the show. I've really been digging his collaboration with Lukas. It's rare to hear someone else solo on a Neil song so it's refreshing... The jamming has been quite good so far (DBTR, Country Home, Who's Gonna Stand Up), and I like Lukas's voice quite a lot.
It would be cool if they played "L.A." I know POTR covered it on one of their albums...
Hello, I am looking for the pre-sale code for Bethel NY. Anyone know?
any word of presale code for red rocks or bethel ?!
Lukas Nelson & Promise Of The Real have done LA at farm aid.And have done Cortez The Killer. Any others? Their name is inspired from Walk On lyrics.
Thank you, unknown!
Thanks to who ever posted the presale code for Bethel. I was able to get section 5 row G. Doug S.
Your welcome!
I found it on another blog and it worked for jones beach. I usually find presale code on ThrashersWheat, so I thought I'd return the favor.
For our English friend, you could do the July 17-18 run. Both venues are average, but you could spend a great weekend on the hallowed grounds of Woodstock. Not sure if all of the venues have pits, but Camden does. You could find a great B&B at Lake Kauneunga (White Lake) in the Catskills. Everyone swum naked in August of 69.
I will be in the General Admission pit at Camden. I am bald, wear glasses, will wear my Crazy Horse Sandy Benefit tshirt and have big smile on my face. Don't tell the cute brunette with me how much the tickets cost. I am worth it.
I love Neil. I love some of his music more than others. I look at this to be a great night. As we look at his recent work, why not look at a recent release but from the 80's. A Treasure is one of my all-time favorites. I will take whatever I get and be happy, but I am pulling for Southern Pacific and Ramada Inn. I think it is going to be a country grunge night.
Any knowledge of the presale code for lincoln, NE? Thank you soooo much!
If you want a good laugh, go to Stub Hub or another resale site and check some of the prices. Just looked at the Mansfield show, and some real go getters are asking over $2,000, including more than one offer for the "open air seating" (aka lawn seating on a bleacher)--and those are still available on Ticketmaster as of this writing!
Someone is making wry commentary and has an absurdist sense of humor, or else they fell asleep at the keyboard while listing their tickets. Either way, the most humorous thing I've seen in awhile.
First it's hello, goodbye
Then push and then crash
But we're all gonna make it at
That million dollar bash
--Bob Dylan
I am so proud to be a Neil Young fan in this modern era. Those who think the good times are all gone are way wrong, in my opinion. Lots of folks think the Status Quo is just fine. If only Neil would just keep remaking Harvest, etc. My politics line up with those of Mr. Young. The Mainstream Media and the Minds of Americans are not likely to notice a problem like massive doses of Poison in the food supply were it not for the courageous voices of famous artists like Neil Young. His rebellious vantage point and his hip girlfriend just add fuel to the fire of environmental righteousness he will lay out in this next dose of sonic brilliance. His latest wake up call to the sleeping populace. How did Americans get so Apolitical? The 60's are dead and gone. For most all, except for our hero, Neil, who carries the torch the present day. Each and every one of his modern releases contain masterful work. Take Fork in the Road, for instance. Johnny Magic and Fuel line are 2 of the hottest Rock songs any veteran has recorded in the last decade. If Don Henley could write and perform a song like Fuel Line, he would still be relevant. Yes, Psychedelic Pill was brilliant. So was Living With War. Who has the balls to call it like he sees it. He nails it. "Back in the days of 'Mission Accomplished…' " Cutting insight. "There's a Bailout coming but its not for you." Hello?! The Middle Class is being bled dry by this corruption. Are you paying attention? Neil is. Long Live Neil! How many more masterpieces can we get from the man? Be grateful he is so productive. Even Storytone is a classic album (I like the solo version best). There are some burned out Right Wing fans out there who wish Neil would shut up and do what they want him to do. Sorry, that's not how he works. Bring it on, Neil! Alan in Seattle
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