Be The Rain, Be The Change

Be The Rain - 2003 Be The Change - 2009
Tomorrow we'll be on the Mall and be part of history. We're ready to be the change. Yes we can. A sea change.
Sea Change
by Neil Young
June 2008
Sea change
It's a transformation of civilization
Sea change
From nation to nation, an age of innovation
Sea change
You can feel it in the air everywhere you go
Sea change
Come on, come on we gotta change
It takes love, it takes money,
We're all in it 'cause we wanna see light of day
It takes God, it ain't funny
The next generation's gonna have to pay
Sea change
Come on, come on, who's gonna turn this thing around?
Sea change
It's not too late to make a difference right here on the ground
Sea change
I think you're ready now to ride a Sea change
Sea change
Come on, come on
It takes love, it takes money,
We're all in it 'cause we wanna Sea light of day
It takes God, it ain't funny
The next generation's gonna have to pay
Sea change
It's a transformation of civilization
Sea change
We gotta ride the wave from nation to nation
Sea change
Come on, come on you gotta ride the wave
Sea change
Come on, come on, come on
Sea change
We always thought the song's lyrics referred to the Obama campaign. If we get a chance we'll ask. It's one of "those new songs", you know.
Tomorrow we'll be on the Mall. The whole world will be watching. See you there!

"We've got a man of the people who says keep hope alive"
Be the Rain, Be the Change.
Be the Wheat.
Joe the Blogger
ps - here are 24 songs of change.
Joe, have a good time with history! Be the change and say hello to Thrasher if you get a change to see him.
Keep on bloggin in the free world! B.S.M.
Electric Cars Yes We Can!
There was a very nice photograph on the frontcover of a national newspaper in the Netherlands today:
"People hold signs reading "Electric Cars Yes We Can" for U.S. President-elect Barack Obama as his train passes enroute to Baltimore, Maryland January 17, 2009 on their whistle stop train trip to Washington DC."
You can find the picture on the Reuters site.
B. Hussein Obama and change? Absolutely!
Chump change.
Electric Cars Yes We Can!
Just found photo. great! Just back-posted a few down below this post.
"B. Hussein Obama and change? Absolutely!
Chump change."
It was an early morning yesterday
I was up before the dawn
And I really have enjoyed my stay
But I must be moving on
Goodbye stranger it's been nice
Hope you find your paradise
Tried to see your point of view
Hope your dreams will all come true
Let's be "Looking Forward' to our tomorrows with some hope. One man does not make a nation. One heart, together, just might.
most expensive inauguration ever? in this economic climate?
sure, change. that's what your going to be saying sitting on a cardboard box on a street corner rattling a coffee can.
all the while, d.c. is on lockdown.
looks more like the change from the third reich to the fourth reich.
Lots of optimism on this blog. some strange Neil fans? Looks like we can really count on them to get out of this tough spot we're all in.
"Instead of cursing the darkness
Light a candle for where we’re going
There’s something ahead worth looking for"
Good god?!
People its MLK day. Have some dignity. And we wonder how we're going to get out of this mess.
It's because of some of these commenters that we're in this jam.
I'm not particularly religous, but I pray for the Chump.
Tomorrow will be a beautiful day!!!
Have fun Thrasher.
If there is something that can be possibly complained about, you can be sure there will be some "Neil-fan" on Thrasher complaining. New songs, old songs, no songs, archives or no archives, set lists, alternative power, cars, lyrics, music, politics or whatever. Pick a subject, and the complaining choir will start. I didn't know it was possible to complain about so much before I joined Thrasher. I really hope someone will complain about this comment, too.
Hi Martin,
Wouldn't you think on Martin Luther King Day and tomorrow being one of the most historic events ever to take place in this country that folks could be postive?
I mean the Israeli's & Palenstians declared a cease-fire and truce. I guess they missed Bono's message yesterday @ the Lincoln Memorial "We Are One" concert.
Throw your hatred down.
For those of you who always wanted a poster in the style of the Obama "Be The Change" pic at the top, you should go here and make your own!
I've made a few already.
The rock star celebration to me is not very presidential and a waste of money.BHO has little experience in politics, elections have consequences and we will find that out.Who just votes for change when no one knows what the change will be? Is change picking all the same people from the clinton terms or the CIA head with no experience in intelligence? He will disenfranchise his base when he cant possibly come through with his outrageous campaign promises and inflation and unemployment go up,but will probably get another term anyway.Thats my two cents,i like this site but hope it gets back to the real rock star when this settles down.
Thrasher - Of course. Just beeing ironic. I'm a little bit tired of all the complaining from some folks here. I think there is quite a lot to be happy about just now.
I come down from the misty mountain
I got lost on the human highway
Take my head refreshing fountain
Take my eyes from what they've seen.
Take my head and change my mind
How could people get so unkind.
off topic; check out pitchforks article about the new album. spot on!
Pfft. F@%$ Pitchfork.
Seriously, the only thing worse than another smug Pitchfork album review from a writer-who-wishes-he-were-a-real-musician-but-didn't-have-the-balls-to-actually-leave-the-cushy-confines-of-the-college-dormitory-to-do-so is an ill-informed "story" based on second and third-hand reports that have already been published in more mainstream publications.
This writer obviously knows less about his subject than the Village Voice or Guardian reporters, and FAR less than any of us do about Neil's new material.
Pitchfork can eat a fat...
I agree with Lost and found . Amd his fine pick of a song for where we been and what we hope for in America. We have to stop the devisie behavior of the last few years .
I come down from the misty mountain
I got lost on the human highway
Take my head refreshing fountain
Take my eyes from what they've seen.
Take my head and change my mind
How could people get so unkind.
Count your sheep good people, count them and sleep. Follow your leader good sheep, follow the Dali-Bama off of the deep end. Good luck with this Socialist change. Because that is what you will have left-change in your pocket.
So is Obama going to lecture the American people to be more responsible? How incredibly condescending. The same American people victimized by an irresponsible government who choose to be in bed with corporate america, versus represent their constituents? The same irresponsible people who voted in the Dems into power in 2006, only to watch them bumble and capitulate to the necons? Or should the irresponsible American people be more responsible, like the banks and financial traders? The same ones who preyed on those irresponsible Americans who let themselves get duped with toxic mortgages. Sounds like a bald-faced indictment of the American people for the mess Wash D.C. and corporate america inflicted on this country. I voted for him, but it seems every day more like Obama will be a much more articulate speaker than an agent of accountability and change. This country is hosed, so screw The Inauguration. The lovefest ends tomorrow, and it's time for Obama to act, not talk...time to earn some of that adoration... We'll see...
"this site supports free speech online"
ha ha ha ha ha
thrasher, you are such a fraud. you have just as much credibility as george bush. none.
Lauren, please do us all a favour and not bother posting about politics when you clearly don't have a clue what you're talking about. Your post is utter and complete garbage.
Nobody gives a damn what Pitchfork has to say about anything. They are, by a country mile, the worst music site on the internet. Every 'review' they post is absolute nonsense and its clear that their staff don't know anything about music! No one respects Pitchfork so I wouldnt bother giving this pathetic article a second thought.
Agreed with the Pitchfork comments. Never believe a single word they say, ever, it's all trash.
They just wish they could play guitar, really...
Let's hope that the big celibratory innauguration today is not the 'funeral' to America like Woodstock became the funeral to the flower power and hippie movement, and to the REAL music.
Jeez, what a bunch of sour, darkness cursing trolls lurking about here. Must be seasonal affective disorder..or they just need a hug.
Anyways, it's a great day to celebrate, then tomorrow the hard work begins. Yes we can, baby!
A dream come true, a part of history, an accomplishment for all of us.
"It was prophesied by King that we would have a day when everyone would come together. This is that day. I am excited. I am joyful. It brings tears to my eyes."
H I S T O R Y I S N O W !
Welcome to ThrashersWheat, President Obama!
President Obama!
Sounds great!
One thing is for sure, LWW will not get any airplay over here for the next four years.
The Revolution will not be televised..
Long may he run.....
If Jimi Hendrix is still alive, I think he would be the new president of USA today.
It was a remarkable Inauguration Day on the Mall with 1.8 million of our closest friends. By the look of Union Man's pics , we were all within shouting distance but those danged cell phone towers couldn't handle the load. I have no parallel experience with so much positive energy, excitement and pride in the faces of so many fellow citizens. After we finished yukking with our close neighbors comparing the Jumbotron image of Cheney in a wheelchair to Mr. Potter, the Big Lebowski, and Dr. Strangelove, things turned more reflective. After all, we were standing by the WWII Memorial and thoughts of the heroic sacrifices of our forefathers were inescapable. I felt the tear in my eyes when Aretha sang of the "land where our fathers died" and I remembered how my Dad taught us kids that America was not only a place but a profound idea to be cherished and protected. Then at the moment after the Oath, as I hugged my wife and daughter, I felt the hope and prayer that the American idea may be renewed though the principles of our new leaders and that perhaps my daughter's generation may realize their dreams in whole new ways. At least, it's very cool to have that hope again.
Here's a cyber-high five to you Thrasher and Thrashette as we begin the begin! -keys left hanging
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