Yes, There's Corruption on THE HIGHEST FLOOR: Yet More Inconvenient Truth in Greendale

sun green leaned into that megaphone
and said, "truth is all i seek" '
"Sun Green" by Neil Young
As many of our long time readers here at Thrasher's Wheat know, we have long since declared "The Inconvenient Truth of Greendale".
Mainly this observation centered on the album's environmental call to action and it's plea to respect Mother Nature and all of her creations. But environmentalism is but just one of the many themes of Neil Young's 2003 album Greendale, which we once boldly declared "the most important album of 2003, the musical equivalent of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring".

Greendale Graphic Novel
By Joshua Dysart/Cliff Chiang
The really, truly inconvenient truth of Greendale is its uncomfortable confrontation with themes such as the power of mass media and global corporations, loss of personal freedoms and privacy, destruction of the environment, rampant fraud and corruption, an out of balance government and breakdown of the family. All of which we've detailed before here, here, and here.
And, yes, there is corruption on the highest floor. Quite obviously... at least to us from where we stand. Maybe not to you. Maybe not yet. But if it is not obvious to you as of yet, hopefully it will be before it's too late. Not to sound ominous here or anything, but into your life it will creep.
We all remember those post 9-11 days when so much made so little sense. For us, Greendale was like a sledgehammer to the anvil of truth and awakened this blog from it's post-9/11 dormancy. We can specifically recall receiving a comment back in late 2002/early 2003 which said: "Something has gone seriously wrong."
But what? How? And more importantly, how to fix this derailed streetcar named "Democracy"?

' "Carmichael you asshole,"
the new widow sobbed beneath her veil,
"shot down in the line of duty
is this how justice never fails?" '
Over the intervening years, we've often alluded to the problem and solution. Sometimes directly, sometimes obliquely. And while we could just type it all out plainly in all caps HERE'S THE PROBLEM and HERE'S THE SOLUTION, we know that this approach will not work. Here's why.
Everyone has to find their own truth and deal with it. Right now, our truth and our solution is likely to be so vastly different for so many that to do so would be unhelpful. That said, anyone who puts in the effort can find that liberating freedom, inner peace and unconditional love.
Just remember, "It's all illusion anyway".

“You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”
~~ The Matrix
But do not get trapped in the duality of the Matrix. It's not simply a choice between a red pill and a blue pill. It's about dropping the "Psychedelic Pill".

When Neil says drop the "Psychedelic Pill", recall that his mother had told him a trip was a fall... and don't mention babies at all... never. Yet you must use discernment at all times.

So onward towards the looming "Big Shift"...

You can make a difference if you really try so be the rain!
Labels: greendale, neil young
OK. OK,,,, I won't retire. I might retread.
Most under-rated album of all time. So beautiful and so meaningful. I could watch the movie a million times.
I'm still Lookin' For A Leader.
And I'm not interested in electing a black man or a white woman, there all a bunch of old geezers to me, who've been brainwashed by society to put the economy first.
The real breakthrough with our leadership needs to come from the youth. One of the real last oppressed portions of society. Until youth leads the country, there will be no change. We continue to let the previous generation lead the current generation. When I look at my Canadian leader, I don't see someone who represents me or virtually anyone I know. He's taken what is most important to my Canadian identity and sold it. He put the dollar before the Earth.
@Lloyd - ok, fine. re-tread then. It's all good.
@John - yes, certainly underrated by many. Maybe someday Greendale will get the full appreciation it deserves.
@syscrusher - Thanks for the perspective from our northern neighbor. Actually, we're no longer Lookin' For A Leader.
"We're The Ones We've Been Waiting For"
And in a link sent over to us:
"Many people will read this post, and posts like it, and shrug their shoulders saying that there’s always going to be corruption. True; however, there are degrees of corruption. When empires such as the U.S. attain a certain level of corruption that reaches the point where it becomes engrained within the fabric of society, and you couple that with zero accountability for the super rich and powerful, you have the ingredients for societal collapse. We are rapidly approaching this point, and I personally don’t think there’s any way to stop it."
Neil the prophet.
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