New Video: Let's Impeach The President
A new video has been posted to Neil Young's Living With War page.
Let's Impeach The President Video - QuickTime or Neil Young - Let's Impeach The President Video - WindowsMedia
More on the controversary of "Living with War" and the song "Let's Impeach The President".

Shocked. I'm absolutely shocked that Neil released this just prior to the election. Simply shocked.
Why are you shocked? I'm even more shocked Sadaam's death sentence was announced two days before the election.
Let's vote everyone from the President's party out of office tomorrow before we talk about impeachment. Without control of Congress, there's no chance and 2 more years of Bush.
Tell everyone to vote tomorrow!
Agreed, don't forget to vote, folks.......
it's time to take back OUR country.
I watched the video 3 times. Once for the picture. Once for the top scroll and again for the bottom scroll.
There's more to the picture than meets the eye...
Hey Three Creeks, time to stop smoking that stuff. You're rambling.
Thanks for the link, causal, I'll be sending that around. After what has gone on with the soon to be ex-congress and the Executive branch, it's certainly time to impeach the president. I mean, if they could go after Clinton for lying about sex, then what Bush et al has been responsible for should merit at least tar, feathers, a rail and a whuppin'
Every dog has its day. Yesterday was soooo sweet. Maybe Bush will get what he deserves.
Thanks Neil for being so brave in an age of cowards and chicken-hawks.
Ive met plently of conservative miserable people who are "old stoners" and consider themselves open minded and liberal. Intelligence and ideas are kinda funny, like a light in a room, the people with the dimmest lights can't understand what the others are talking about.
You were'nt making sense Three Creeks and you are insulting others. Bored on your ranch? go build somehting useful.
-Live in DC and see it everyday
There's a bit of an Earl Green stoned rambling to Three Creeks.."wrappin'up dope in a paper bag, talkin' to yourself, takin' a drag..". Whatever makes your world bearable, dude. Actually, impeachment would be best started with Cheney, then move on to your compadre. As it is, history will not be kind to him for his massive strategic blunders, just like a previous president from Tejas and his fiasco. All hat and no cattle.
yours, Tom
ps- Lay off the stuff for a while. Sooner or later, it all gets real.
ps- 9/11 happened on HIS watch, btw
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