Bruce Springsteen and Neil Young (sort of): "Whip My Hair" on YouTube
You just don't see this everyday ... Bruce Springsteen and Neil Young perform their hit "Whip My Hair" on Jimmy Fallon Late Night via YouTube.
And -- for those of you who are pop-culturally clueless (like us) -- this is a cover of a 9 year old "pop" star named Willow Smith.
As amrit on Stereogum sums it up: "Bruce Springsteen & Jimmy Fallon As Neil Young Cover “Whip My Hair” In A Manner Suitable For Old Men With Bad Alignment".
You’d be surprised. In 2010, the #1 hazard about being a man of a certain age spending too much time working from bed consuming the internet is NOT poor vision, or bedsores, or even the anxiety that comes with acute social isolation. Rather it is the having of a very jacked up neck that can barely withstand a facewash without aching and most certainly does NOT allow you to whip your hair when people at parties put on “Whip Your Hair,” as people should be doing all the times at all the parties.
It’s a total modern day travesty, I’m sure.
But having this self-imposed ailment of spinal alignment this year is good for at least one thing, and that is to provide a much enhanced appreciation of Willow Smith’s 9 year old swag, and deep envy for how freely those that were born during George W. Bush’s presidency can crank around their craniums with such reckless abandon during Obama’s. Oh to be young. And gifted. And have movie star parents. And be on Jay-Z’s label. And be a lightning rod for debates on proper parenting vis a vis celebrity, talent, and exploitation. And 9.
While Willow’s version is irreplaceable, the rendition on Late Night last night was one that even this neck can enjoy: Jimmy Fallon indulging his recurring meme-recreation as Neil Young, joined this time by a man named Bruce Springsteen. The Boss and the spirit of Neil Young (who just turned 65 last week, btw), two guys who know from not being 9 years old, turning Willow’s internet banger into a neck-friendly Americana classic.
I gently sway my head side-to-side.
Jimmy Fallon seems to be making a career out of his Neil Young impressions. Last year, it all started with Jimmy Fallon impersonating Neil Young covering "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" which went totally viral. Then followed by "Pants On The Ground"
Which led to a viral video of a viral video of Neil Young's Emotional 'Double Rainbow' Ballad (VIDEO).
But enough about Jimmy Fallon. Here's more on Bruce Springsteen and Neil Young: The Difference in Greatness.

UPDATE: Parody video has gone massively viral.
From Fallon on His Neil Young Parody With Springsteen | Rolling Stone Music:
"'We were just gonna do that as Neil, but in the meantime, we'd been talking to [Springsteen manager] Jon Landau. I know he'd loved the [Glee/'Born to Run'] Emmy opening. They called us up and said, 'Bruce wants to come on and do a couple songs off the box set and the new record.' I was like, 'Oh my God — would he be up for a bit?' We didn't hear back for a couple days, but they said, 'Yeah, he'd be open to it — he's not really into that stuff, but if you wanna pitch him something.'
'So we did a scratch track in my office, sent it to Bruce — and he loved it. He was like, 'I'm in!' And then Jon Landau — this is the craziest call — says, 'I have an idea: If Jimmy's being Neil from the '70s, maybe Bruce should be Bruce from the '70s? We'll get a beard ...' And I was like, 'What?' So he says, 'Here's his number, give him a call and talk about it.' '
CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! soooo funny x
Jimmy's got a big, big, big, crush on Neil. Who doesn't?
classic. i just watched neil and bruce sing "helpless" at the first bridge concert, and now here they are together again all these years later.
strangely, they both seem to be aging in reverse.
hmmm..loved the first time I saw Jimmy send up ol Neil..who'd obviously get a quick out of it...but I'm sort of over it now...its all the same song!!
hey, just my opinion!..some people would love this!..go for it!!
tired doc
Jimmy Neil Fallone Whips it good.
Enough already with this impression. Funny once? Absolutely. Funny every few months over and over? Not at all.
fyi, willow smith is will smith's kid.
hmm... there's no mention on this site of the tribute cd to The Band that was released yesterday? it features Neil performing with the great canadian band The Sadies.
I love it. Like I've said before, I think Fallon could make a killing touring as his Neil Young impression. He could do a whole 2-hour show. I would die laughing the whole time.
Furthermore, anyone notice that Willow is all auto-tune, while Fallon is all natural? Yep.
Auto-tune sucks.
Jimmy does the best Neil since SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BRINGS ME DOWN--National Lampoon 1975--I THINK it was Christopher Guest
hopefully this will work
Also, old Bruce dressed up as young Bruce is weirdly, like meta or something. Or post-modern, I don't know. It's just bizarrely beautiful.
@Matt - exactly.
This stuff is just so circular.
Fallon channels Willow channeling Neil via Bruce.
Sort of like the final Conan episode with Will Ferrel channeling Neil wearing a TTN shirt while playing a Lynyrd Skynyrd song spoofing Blue Oyster Cult...
round & round it goes....
I love Jimmy's Neil impression; it's so uncanny it's almost scary (word, Matthew, about auto-tune - the only auto-tune I enjoy is "Auto-Tune the News"! ;-) What I want to see now is Neil singing a duet with his Late Night doppelgänger, but I'm wonderin' . . .
1) Would Neil appear as '70s Neil or today's Neil?
2) Would the space-time continuum crack up and/or the universe implode if this happened?
Round and round, indeed . . . ;-)
@Melanie - If Neil played a duet w/ Fallon it would definitely be a space-time continuum crack up.
i shudder at the possibilities...
Thrasher, even though we know Neil doesn't listen to his fans, I'm seriously tempted to start a Facebook campaign for this. I mean, it worked for Betty White, right? ;-)
@Melanie - Go for it! We'll Like It!
Be glad to give it some play here on TW too.
Happy T-Giving!
@Thrasher: Done! Here it is:
I'm not completely finished with it yet. If it's not too shameless of me to ask this, do you (or anyone else reading this) have Photoshop or any other kind of graphic editing capabilities? I've got a graphic I made up there, but it's not very good - I'd like something that looks a little bit better. If anyone would like to create me one to use, I'll give you credit on the page!
Thanks for the encouragement, Thrasher, and happy Thanksgiving to y'all, too. :-)
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