Broken Arrow Magazine: February 2012 - Win a Free Copy

Photo by Steve Cross
The latest issue of Broken Arrow Magazine, published by the Neil Young Appreciation Society recently hit the streets and we're now finishing up reading the issue. As always a nice read -- especially as we look back while looking ahead.
And -- thanks to the generous support of NYAS and editor Scott Sandie -- we're pleased to be able to offer a copy of the latest issue of Broken Arrow Magazine to a Thrasher's Wheat reader. Details follow below.
The latest issue of Broken Arrow Magazine – number 125 – is now out with another interesting mixture of articles and photographs. Included in this issue:
- An obituary for Allan Bates, one of the founder members of The Squires.
- The results of the BA Article Competition for NYA boxset.
- A picture special on the After The Gold Rush album location with some fascinating updates from the author.
- The story of a fan suing Neil after The 1973 Oakland Show.
- A Neil Spotted! from Brazil.
- Here I Am In The Years - a fan analyses why he doesn't feel as strongly about Neil's music now...
- An update on all the Tour Books out there.
- As well as lots more news, reviews and letters.
For more information and subscription information visit the Neil Young Appreciation Society or directly contact NYAS editor Scott Sandie at
Don't be denied!
Thanks Scott and everyone who is supporting the NYAS & BA!
Thrasher - NYAS#2476

More on back issues of Broken Arrow magazine.
One lucky Thrasher's Wheat supporter will win a free copy of the latest Broken Arrow Magazine. We truly appreciate being able to what we do here at TW, and we love being able to give something back in return.
All Thrasher's Wheat supporters between now and the end of the month will be automatically entered into the Broken Arrow Magazine drawing. (If you donated in the last 30 days you are automatically eligible and no further action is necessary).
Click below to send support now via Visa or Mastercard — or send support via Paypal.

If you're unable to send any support at this time, we understand. But we'd still like for you to be eligible to win a free copy of the latest issue of Broken Arrow Magazine. Here's how.
We'll randomly select a Thrasher's Wheat reader who subscribes to one of our feed channels either via Facebook (LIKE us), Twitter (FOLLOW us) and/or subscribe to our email list. Just email us (thrasher ATSIGN with your name, postal mailing address, and which communication channel you signed up for (Facebook, Twitter, email list). *Be sure to identify your complete Facebook ID, Twitter handle, or email address.*
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Thanks and Good Luck to everyone!
peace & love to all,
thrasher & thrashette
This is a little but off-topic, but what ever happened to that Neil Young & Crazy Horse reunion thing? I mean, we heard a lot about it in January, Neil mentioned a new album coming out possibly in the spring, and another one in the works, there was the Horseback thing, and then, nothing. No album release date, no information on a possible tour, nothing. What happened?
@ Untitled
Perhaps Neil realized that an album of "re-imagined childrens songs" would lead to the most disappointing Crazy Horse tour ever. Youtube already has a nice selection of Old Macdonald hardrock covers.
Ragged Glory 2 please.
The concept of 'Traditional American Folk Songs' wouldn't be a stretch for Neil and the Horse although I have a difficult time grasping the concept of the addition of a 'childrens choir'.However, there was one album completed and one in the works so who knows what awaits us. There was never any mention of a Crazy Horse tour.
The US government has settled its legal case against the iconic Gibson Guitar company over use of illegal timber from Madagascar in its instruments.
Gibson admitted violating the Lacey Act, which requires firms to know that timber they use is legally obtained.
They will pay a $300,000 (£190,000) fine and a $50,000 community payment. A joke.
Well I think old Neil and others should lean heavy on Gibson
"Look at Mother Nature on the run in the 1970s"
well today there’s no place left to run and the lemurs of Madagascar are getting pretty desperate, time for a new song I reckon. And soon.
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