Neil Young Archives Says: "HAPPY 25th Anniversary Thrasher’s Wheat!"
Well they say #MayThe4thBeWithYou.
And they do say #MayTheHorseBeWithYou.
And then Neil Young Archives says: "HAPPY 25th Anniversary Thrasher’s Wheat!"
Color us stunned yet again.
Per "HAPPY 25th Anniversary Thrasher’s Wheat!" | Neil Young Archives:
"Thanks for being there.
We at NYA greatly appreciate your members and their enthusiasm over the years. it will be a great period for us all over the next years as well. Lots more music coming. Our biggest concern is that NYA Volume 3 is so big!
Lots of love and thanks to TW and the people who love it and support it."
To say the thrashers are humbled and honored would be a vast under statement.
Oh, btw, no worries on NYA #3 being too big.
As we indicated just yesterday as we marked our anniversary, the Rust community is -- without a shred of doubt -- the tightest and coolest group of music fans running in history... online or offline.
The power of Rust has changed our lives -- and many others -- immeasurably.
@ 2015 Bridge Concerts
To be the rust is to know the rust.
Rusties After The Show
No, really, thank you Neil, Archives Team, everyone at Shakey Pictures and all the rusties out there for making the music and memories happen.
All in a dream... we love you all.

thrashers Rockin' on the Long Walk to FREEDOM #RITFW
Robben Island World Heritage Site
33 Degrees, 49' 03" S, 18 Degrees, 22' 44" E
Back in 2010 -- when we were down on a frown -- a messenger brought us a letter ... The Vista and The Muse
The rest is history as they say. We'll continue to keep on bloggin' until the power goes out and our battery's dead, trust us.
It is most appreciated.
We can not begin to tell you how excited we are to share here very soon a major announcement in our next chapter of Thrasher's Wheat, as we continue our mission to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Labels: neil young, neil young archives, rust
I just saw this on NYA. Congrats!
Cool shout out Thrasher!
I love it. Neil congratulates Thrasher on his epic historic blog, a blog that reveals the truth behind the Kent State killings while MSM yawns and shows us the Kardashian bikini news, etc. (Yawn). Thanks to all y’all. And Neil, don’t worry about NYA3 being too large. We like to wallow in the treasure, like the dragon in The Hobbit film, but with a better soundtrack! Thanks for all you do and all you have done. Keep on Rockin’ in the Free World! Alan in Seattle
Congratulations, well deserved!
Well deserved Thrasher and Thrashette! I've been a fan of Neil's for about 18 years now (mind you, I'm only 36) and TW is still the go-to site for me when it comes to news about Neil Young (alongside Neil's own website and Steve Hoffman Forums).
As for the tightest group of fans, don't discount Deadheads! I would argue they are even more loyal to the Dead than us Rusties are to Neil.
PS: I consider myself both a Rustie and a Deadhead.
Kudos to you Thrasher. What better recognition than the official nod from NYA? Congratulations. Richly deserved. The importance of this community and the work you put into it is appreciated by all (including the man himself it seems...). Long may you run!
Congrats, well deserved.
It'd be a lot nicer if they sent you a check to at least cover your server costs.
Sure to create a little well merited extra traffic in the TW sphere.
I got my own small mention on NYA for requesting the current Timeline Concert of the Week (Plenary, Melbourne). I hope to make it to the Front Page by 2046!
Awesome - great, well deserved recognition. Keep on rockin’!
Congrats Thrasher & Thrashette! Well deserved! I am looking forward to your announcement! Rust on! Love ya!!
Congrats and happy anniversary!
Congratulations! 25 years – time flies, indeed.
Thank you to Thrasher & Thrashette & to the people posting here.
Excellent blog. Best Neil-related information/discussions on the net.
An honour to be congratulated by NYA, and great to see Thrasherswheat on the front page of The Contrarian.
Looking forward to the major announcement in your next chapter of Thrasher's Wheat.
You deserve a nod from the big guy himself...congrates and thanks for all you give!!!Love your emails so full of info not available anywhere else.Jackieblue(L.A.)✌
@ 21st Century Thrasher's Wheat Supporters - many, many thanks for all of the notes of support!
It is most appreciated.
We can not begin to tell you how excited we are to share here very soon a major announcement in our next chapter of Thrasher's Wheat, as we continue our mission to separate the wheat from the chaff.
As rolandthompsongunner said in earlier thread: "If you ever doubt yourself, don't."
it is these words and thoughts which sustain us and allow us to keep moving onward in our journey & mission. Your efforts help guide and empower us.
"It means so much to us to mean so much to you."
peace and love to all
Having been to 40 Grateful Dead shows, I will say this about the Dead fan base: They are less critical of their Hero’s. They don’t disparage one album or another. It’s all 100% positive. Is Hard Core Neil Young fans may be, IMHO, accustomed to a more vital artist in one man... a great songwriter, great singer, great lead electric, great acoustic, great performer. I prefer NY to the GD by a large amount but I can’t diss the GD much. I had too many good times at the shows to go there. But we get to have it all. We can love more than one. Alan in Seattle
Once again, Congratulations, Thrasher! You've hit the big time!
Massive Congratulations Thrasher’s wheat - I’m a daily reader - have been since around the Greendale days when my Neil obsession really took hold (getting broken arrow as my first album in 96 was a bit of a false start!)
Thanks so much Thrasher and all the regular contributors in the comments section
@ Alan : Great observation on the difference between the fans of the Dead & Neil. When I read posts on I never read anyone putting the band down ever, although on occasion they may get slightly testy with each other, but even that's rare. Where with Neil, it seems whenever he releases something unique or different, some Neil fans start taking offence as if it were a personal attack on them. Weird.......
Congrats on 25 years!!!!
Hope you can go 25 more..
Well Deserved! Congrats! :)
A Link from NYA to Trasher Wheat would be very nice..... TW has been pure Gold thank you
Dan, 2nd attempt at reply, weak WiFi at work after they took it away. Ya, Neil Young fans are way more critical of our Hero, the Artist, than GD fans, polar opposites, really. I might even say that Dead fans don’t have the ability or willingness to fault the GD. They tend to see it all thru Rose colored glasses. Even poor harmonies. I am a GD fan but more open to criticize than the average Deadhead. Truth is, I don’t really consider myself a Deadhead in the last 27+ years. But I still like them. There are some great original songs in there, and some great covers. But Neil Young stands alone. He wrote all the songs himself. That is unusual. Even Dylan used songwriters (Desire). Neil Young figured out how to capture lightning in a bottle. All those wintertime hours playing guitar indoors with band mates while the others played hockey... really paid off for him. Neil Young is not afraid of criticism; he posts the most horrible stuff by shit-talkers on NYA and patiently answers these buffoons. What a good sport! Neil can change up his band and turn in a dime. He is the shape shifter musician. If only Dylan hadn’t smoked cigs all those years, he would be a much better singer. I am a fan of Dylan, big time, but no use to deny reality. Elvis never wrote a song. Elvis is no King. Chuck Berry, now there is a man worthy of the name, King of Rock and Roll. What does that make Neil Young? Perhaps the reigning king of Rock and Roll. Springsteen? Boring AF, to me. I got to see Chuck Berry play in 1998 with Little Richard, who was not singing well by then. Chuck blew the place up! I saw the Dead cover his songs so many times, but nobody could play them as well as Chuck. He was the King. Alan in Seattle
(My reply to Dan) Ya, Neil Young fans are way more critical of our Hero, the Artist, than GD fans, polar opposites, really. I might even say that Dead fans don’t have the ability or willingness to fault the GD. They tend to see it all thru Rose colored glasses. Even poor harmonies. I am a GD fan but more open to criticize than the average Deadhead. Truth is, I don’t really consider myself a Deadhead in the last 27+ years. But I still like them. There are some great original songs in there, and some great covers. But Neil Young stands alone. He wrote all the songs himself. That is unusual. Even Dylan used songwriters (Desire). Neil Young figured out how to capture lightning in a bottle. All those wintertime hours playing guitar indoors with band mates while the others played hockey... really paid off for him. Neil Young is not afraid of criticism; he posts the most horrible stuff by shit-talkers on NYA and patiently answers these buffoons. What a good sport! Neil can change up his band and turn in a dime. He is the shape shifter musician. If only Dylan hadn’t smoked cigs all those years, he would be a much better singer. I am a fan of Dylan, big time, but no use to deny reality. Elvis never wrote a song. Elvis is no King. Chuck Berry, now there is a man worthy of the name, King of Rock and Roll. What does that make Neil Young? Perhaps the reigning king of Rock and Roll. Springsteen? Boring AF, to me. I got to see Chuck Berry play in 1998 with Little Richard, who was not singing well by then. Chuck blew the place up! I saw the Dead cover his songs so many times, but nobody could play them as well as Chuck. He was the King.
I would add that Neil Young has a larger, more impressive body of work than any other Rock Star. In light of the fact that he plays lead electric guitar in his own distinctive style, in a manner sure to please the Gods of Grunge, I say Neil is the Top Dog. He cracks open the Heavens when he wields Old Black! I have seen it with my own eyes many times. When the blood in your neck feels like ice water and the hair stands up, the univers is paying attention. Neil Young may affect weather patterns when he performs live. The science is not yet fully understood. Long live Neil Young. Long love his scrappy fans, shit talkers or not. Thanks for your ceaseless dedication to the cause and your blog, Thrasher. You matter. You help us feed on the Nectar of the Gods.
Alan in Seattle
Long LIVE his scrappy fans... as well.
Long LIVE his scrappy fans... as well.
Congratulations from all the FarmAidians. Hopefully we will all see each other thus year
@ 21st Century Thrasher's Wheat Supporters again - so many thanks for notes of support! Very appreciated.
Of course, we're beyond thrilled, delighted and stunned by NYA's message on our 25th celebration.
As you may have seen, this weekend we launched the PREMIERE: Thrasher's Wheat Radio 2.0 Podcast | Hosted by @
"It means so much to us to mean so much to you."
peace and love to all
ps - let us know what you think of podcast and send us some feedback.
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