A CSNY Reunion? Neil Young is "Looking Forward" and Says "For the common good! Anything is possible." + Open Letter to Donald Trump
Today, an announcement was made on NYA of "Looking Forward" by Crosby Stills Nash & Young (1999) as the Album of the Week.
And, so?
Backing up, a recent letter on CSNY | LTE | NYA asked about the "common good" for a CSNY reunion.
Neil Young responded to the heartfelt plea: "For the common good! Anything is possible."
However, we also just published the report that Neil Young Says No 2020 Concert Tour Plans: "I am taking care of my music" | NYA .
Neil Young Says No 2020 Concert Tour Plans: "I am taking care of my music" | NYA
— ThrashersWheat (@ThrashersWheat) February 17, 2020
Details @ https://t.co/ZOBgU77GBq
Letters to the Editor + "Homegrown" in April, 2020 + "Greendale Live" in July, 2020
---@NeilYoungNYA @CrazyHorse4HoF #CrazyHorse4HOF pic.twitter.com/i5EDTizPhp
While we are in pure speculation territory here (where we normally do not tread without some very good intel), most CSNY fans feel that a CSNY reunion or tour will never, ever happen because of the vast amount of "bad blood" between the players, in particular David Crosby. From PODCAST: David Crosby Talks Neil Young & More | ‘Freak Flag Flying’ published in January 2020 where Crosby discusses Neil Young, Stephen Stills and Graham Nash:
David Crosby: “I don’t think it’s going to happen.So that would seem to settle matter that a CSNY reunion ain't happening in our lifetimes. Or maybe not so fast???
The thing to do is be grateful for what there was. There was a period of time there when we really did make some very good music together and I’m grateful for it. I think everybody has to deal with their life as it comes to them and if those guys are stuck where they are, they’re stuck where they are.
I’m trying real hard not to be.”
Here's where it gets interesting.
Earlier this week, a comment was posted here on Thrasher's Wheat on Neil Young Says No 2020 Concert Tour Plans: "I am taking care of my music" | NYA | TW by Acoustic FeedBack saying: "I predict CSNY 2020 this Summer and Fall."

CSNY 2020?
Comment on Neil Young Says No 2020 Concert Tour Plans: "I am taking care of my music" | NYA | TW
OK, Acoustic FeedBack, we heard here on TW 1st and we're buying beers if this happens.
So now today with the "Looking Forward" Album of the Week on NYA, along with Neil's comments on Crosby, maybe the idea of a CSNY 2020 concert reunion and/or tour isn't so far-fetched?
Here's what Neil writes about "Looking Forward" by Crosby Stills Nash & Young: "My favorite song from this album is "Stand And Be Counted", one of Crosby's great songs."
Album of the Week: Looking Forward - CSNY
— Neil Young Archives (@NeilYoungNYA) February 19, 2020
This record was made with CSNY. We have made some incredible music together and felt like giving it another round. There’s nothing like the first time. There are a lot of beautiful parts to this record and I am glad we got to make it. pic.twitter.com/XpEM5kClSG
"Stand And Be Counted"
by: David Crosby and James Raymond
There was a peace of a song I heard the other day
Some words I heard this singer say
Something in me loved the way that it sounded
When he said how he wanted to stand
Stand and be counted
Now, sometimes I talk to myself in the early dawn
Before all the fragments of my dreams are gone
Things you don't know why your mind held on to
Or else sometimes you know more than you want to
Stand an be counted, stand on the truth
Stand on your honor, stand and be counted
And I wonder who that kid was standing brave and trim
And I hear myself breathe and I know that I was him
Defender of the poor and those who cannot speak
I thought I'd be standing by the dam trying to stop the leak
So concerned with matters of the heart
And knowing the millenium was just about to start
And knowing that somehow we could make a difference
I want to stand alone in front of the world and that oncoming tank
Like that Chinese boy that we all have to thank
He showed us in a picture that I have mounted
Exactly what it means to stand and be counted
So what might David Crosby think about all of this speculation as Campaign 2020 heats up? "Tell him [Neil] ... I'm ready."
if Bernie is what finally brings David Crosby and Neil Young back together I will cry real tears pic.twitter.com/1pbb8UNbFs
— pussy cheney (@__rigsby) February 16, 2020
And if Campaign 2020 can't heat up even more, Neil Young has now posted a "Open Letter to Donald Trump" on Times Contrarian | NYA saying: ‘You Are a Disgrace to My Country’.
New in the Times Contrarian: An Open Letter To Donald J Trump
— Neil Young Archives (@NeilYoungNYA) February 19, 2020
"Every time “Keep on Rockin’ in the Free World” or one of my songs is played at your rallies, I hope you hear my voice...”
Page 2, Column 2 of the Times Contrarian pic.twitter.com/cfaeyaYYaH
(More on CITIZEN NEIL: Neil Young Becomes A U.S. Citizen In Order To Vote Against Donald Trump).)
Neil Young News: CITIZEN NEIL: Neil Young Becomes A U.S. Citizen
— ThrashersWheat (@ThrashersWheat) January 23, 2020
See https://t.co/nOylPQPFZr
---@NeilYoungNYA pic.twitter.com/vZzCFONArd
Since we're all playing Nostradamus lately, here's what we posted on Twitter on Feb 1, 2020:

“Helplessly Hoping” – by Steven Stills w/ Graham Nash, Neil Young & David Crosby - CSNY
Thrashers Wheat | Twitter
So, as Acoustic FeedBack said: "Remember you hear it here first," because that's the way it is.
And, so will CSNY reunite yet again (Lineup #9)?
Will David Crosby and Stephen Stills, Graham Nash, and Neil Young ever be friends again?
Will the mutual support of Bernie Sanders be the bridge between David Crosby and Neil Young?
Stay tuned to the never ending CSNY soap opera of the band that Bill Graham once called "America's Beatles".
Will Acoustic FeedBack and TW be buying beers this summer?! One can only hope and be a dreamin' man...
(Click photo to enlarge)
Also, see from 2015, David Crosby Apologizes to Neil Young.
Also, more on Crosby Stills Nash & Young, David Crosby, Graham Nash, and Stephen Stills.
UPDATE: Another hint?!
July 24, 1969
— Neil Young Archives (@NeilYoungNYA) February 25, 2020
CSNY rehearsal at
Stephen Stills' house
Studio City, CA
Photo by Henry Diltz#NeilYoung #NeilYoungArchives #CSNY pic.twitter.com/uBc63sJpEC
Labels: albums, archives, concert, Crosby Stills Nash Young, csny, david crosby, graham nash, neil young, neil young archives, nya, stephen stills, tour
Read the front page of today's USA Today. Neil just sent a letter to Trump. Not sure how Trump will respond, but I am sure he'll be on offense.
Thanks DREman.
We went w/ the CSNY news since we felt that was of greater interest to the NY & CSN fan community.
We think everyone here knows about the Neil v Donald stuff and might prefer something else.
but what do we know?
If you were editor of TW and could only post one headline per day, would you have picked CSNY tour or The Donald?
tell the truth now...
And while we're speculating, maybe at the Autism Speaks benefit Stephen and Neil will hammer out some details? Or maybe even CSNY will reunite as a test run?
And if that goes OK, then on with a CSNY tour?
That's what happened with Buffalo Springfield reunion. test run at Bridge, success, schedule tour.
Although we know how that reunion went....
>> Will Acoustic FeedBack and TW be buying beers this summer?!
oh my ...... should THAT opportunity present itself.. I will chip in on those beers
i think i'd go anywhere, for any kind of event .. wherein those 4 sang again.
carbon footprint be damned ;-)
Nowhere in Neil's open letter to the President was there any mention of Neil taking pictures with Trump as he was looking for financial backing for Pono. Neil must have forgotten.
Hey, I kid because I care.
we hear you Mark!
btw, now that we see that Neil's "Open Letter to Donald Trump" is blowing up the internets, we've gone back and added some links and commentary.
Also, it seems that the mutual support of Bernie Sanders might be the bridge between David and Neil that reunites CSNY.
Afterall, it was mutual hatred of Bush, jr that reunited CSNY back in 2006.
Frankly, after all the grief they encountered on Freedom of Speech Concert Tour, it's a wonder why this is even being speculated?!
In fact, if memory serves, one of the guys said after "never again will we tour under those circumstances".
@ richie - this one?!
we kid because we care, too. actually, we're beginning to fear that we do care too much...
going on almost 25 years of blogging now ... same message, every day and folks still say, why bother? nothing changes. or does it? is the best yet to come?!
we're all dreamin men & women.
This comment has been removed by the author.
God bless President Trump.
President Trump has been a fan of Neil's for a long time & Neil used to seem quite friendly with him...especially when he went looking for investment money for PONO.
Gee what changed?
no standards except double standards for the Bernie crowd of fools...sigh
Jonathon, easy there fella.
TW, if this actually does happen, I'll have to make my way west and share that beer!!!
Fun to speculate tho.
Another of those icons, and one of Laurel Canyon’s most flamboyant residents, is a young man by the name of David Crosby, founding member of the seminal Laurel Canyon band the Byrds, as well as, of course, Crosby, Stills & Nash. Crosby is, not surprisingly, the son of an Annapolis graduate and WWII military intelligence officer, Major Floyd Delafield Crosby. Like others in this story, Floyd Crosby spent much of his post-service time traveling the world. Those travels landed him in places like Haiti, where he paid a visit in 1927, when the country just happened to be, coincidentally of course, under military occupation by the U.S. Marines. One of the Marines doing that occupying was a guy that we met earlier by the name of Captain Claude Andrew Phillips.
But David Crosby is much more than just the son of Major Floyd Delafield Crosby. David Van Cortlandt Crosby, as it turns out, is a scion of the closely intertwined Van Cortlandt, Van Schuyler and Van Rensselaer families. And while you’re probably thinking, “the Van Who families?,” I can assure you that if you plug those names in over at Wikipedia, you can spend a pretty fair amount of time reading up on the power wielded by this clan for the last, oh, two-and-a-quarter centuries or so. Suffice it to say that the Crosby family tree includes a truly dizzying array of US senators and congressmen, state senators and assemblymen, governors, mayors, judges, Supreme Court justices, Revolutionary and Civil War generals, signers of the Declaration of Independence, and members of the Continental Congress. It also includes, I should hasten to add – for those of you with a taste for such things – more than a few high-ranking Masons. Stephen Van Rensselaer III, for example, reportedly served as Grand Master of Masons for New York. And if all that isn’t impressive enough, according to the New England Genealogical Society, David Van Cortlandt Crosby is also a direct descendant of ‘Founding Fathers’ and Federalist Papers’ authors Alexander Hamilton and John Jay.
If there is, as many believe, a network of elite families that has shaped national and world events for a very long time, then it is probably safe to say that David Crosby is a bloodline member of that clan (which may explain, come to think of it, why his semen seems to be in such demand in certain circles – because, if we’re being honest here, it certainly can’t be due to his looks or talent.) If America had royalty, then David Crosby would probably be a Duke, or a Prince, or something similar (I’m not really sure how that shit works). But other than that, he is just a normal, run-of-the-mill kind of guy who just happened to shine as one of Laurel Canyon’s brightest stars. And who, I guess I should add, has a real fondness for guns, especially handguns, which he has maintained a sizable collection of for his entire life. According to those closest to him, it is a rare occasion when Mr. Crosby is not packing heat (John Phillips also owned and sometimes carried handguns). And according to Crosby himself, he has, on at least one occasion, discharged a firearm in anger at another human being. All of which made him, of course, an obvious choice for the Flower Children to rally around.
Was it something I said?
Amazing flanged out electric version of Campaigner on the front page of the Contrarian today. Also a very funny, sarcastic, and pointed article from the Washington Post too. Written by George T. Conway III.
Don't really give a shit about your 60 year old politics. I'm a proud Trumper, but if you four want to get together to make music, I'm all for that. Do it before old age takes one of you down. It'll be too late after that.
Why bother... Neil been there done that nothing new to see here. Neil's time is so much better moving forward with Stuff. Who knows what he will come up with again...just look at Greendale way ahead of the curve. More New Neil
Lost, I think all 4 are in their 70's, so you're a decade off. So it would be "your 70 year old politics". And that just sounds a little mean now. "60 year old" not as mean. If I were you, I would avoid this concert tho, if it ever happens.
Any chance at Neil showing up at the Kent State concert on May 2 in Kent ??
This version of Campaigner is from the 2/16/91 Buffalo,New York show.Leftover that wasnt included on the Weld VHS/laserdisc/album/CDs. Like A Hurricane from the same show 2/16/91 Buffalo was included on the album/CD but it's coming soon to the hearse theatre according to NYA.I attended that show and it's great to finally see this great performance.
Thanks Soldier Steve. I recognized the shirt Neil had on from Weld. Can’t imagine why this wasn’t included as it is awesome.
In other news: In his latest batch of letters to the editor answers Neil re-iterates his intent to do a tour with Crazy Horse, a North American summer tour that is, Texas is mentioned, maybe with a down under leg thrown in later on for good measure. The tour will likely be called the "Checked and Balanced Tour":-)
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