TONIGHT: Neil Young & Jimmy Fallon on “David Letterman”
Neil Young will be a guest on “The Late Show with David Letterman” tonight, Thursday, September 27. Also, Jimmy Fallon will be a guest as well. Or maybe musical entertainment?
Presumably, host David Letterman will have read Waging Heavy Peace and ask a few questions about Neil's writing style and technique? Or about the muse? Or cars and trains?

(Click photo to enlarge)
Incidentally, Waging Heavy Peace is now the
Also, there is now a Deluxe version of Waging Heavy Peace . The deluxe eBook edition of Waging Heavy Peace includes excerpts of more than fifteen Neil Young songs (personally selected by Young himself) such as “After the Gold Rush,” “Like a Hurricane,” and “The Needle and the Damage Done,” providing a soundtrack to his stories. Interspersed throughout the text are ten rare Young videos from his own archives, offering an uncommon behind the scenes glimpse of the man behind this memoir. In addition, a complete discography.
Here's a favorite from the book so far...
Talking to Bruce Springsteen shortly after the death of Clarence Clemons, Young realizes that, "Ben Keith was my Clarence Clemons. Clarence was Bruce's Ben Mink."
Also, see:
- Welcome to Neil's world
- Neil Young: 'Being mentioned in Kurt Cobain's suicide note fucked with me' | News | NME.COM
- Neil Young Expands Pono Digital-to-Analog Music Service | Music News | Rolling Stone
- Neil Young in his own words: Autobiography leaves out tales of music and just yammers about nonsense - NY Daily News
- What Neil Said to Bruce: The Juiciest Parts of Neil Young's 'Waging Heavy Peace' | SPIN | Newswire
- Book Review: Neil Young's Wandering Journey Through the Past | Music News | Rolling Stone by Simon Vozick-Levinson.
Labels: david letterman, Jimmy Fallon, neil young, waging heavy peace
We've all seen the Neil impression there Jimmy...give it a fucking rest for cryin' out loud...
When I read that Bruce-Clarence-Ben quote what I found interesting was that Bruce DID find another Clarence - Clarence's nephew, Jake, was partially taking over the sax role. And so, presumably, Bruce will continue to perform all of the songs that formerly featured Clarence Clemons on sax.
Obviously, this section of the book was written and gone to publishers before the E-Street band decision, but it kind of waters down the analogy that Neil was trying to make between Ben Keith's role in Neil's music and Clarence Clemons role in Bruce's music. Of course, Neil can do what he wants and not play Old Man etc. anymore with a steel pedal player but I hope he re-thinks that.
I haven't completely finished the book yet but I am really struck by Neil's growing sense of mortality, as if the end is on the horizon and he better get it all out before his faculties fail him.
I really enjoyed his real-time excitement over the prospect of making music once again with the Horse (this was before they got back together last year). I got the sense that he found the Springfield to be weighing on him - all nostalgia and no new songs.
Lastly, he really says some very nice things about Stephen Stills. Kind of puts the lie to the griping Nash has issues of late about how Neil hurt Stills (no doubt, he did, but that clearly wasn't intentional).
Neil really is fretting over the difficulty of monitizing his art. He's sitting on millions of bucks of uncommercialized songs but I don't think he's going there.
Looks like I might get my wish after all, eh, Thrasher? ;-)
Hi Melanie,
So nice to hear from you on this.
Yes, we suppose anything could happen. It would be pretty funny if Jimmy did the Neil thing. Or Neil did the Jimmy thing. Maybe like the way Bruce & jimmy did it back a few months ago??
well stay tuned and visit us again.
yo thrasher, yet another new neil story over at this one's about pono, and it's pretty fucking cool.
sorry to be off topic, but came across the following excerpt from a NYT article on the new Barclays Arena and I think it explains a lot about ticket prices and Neil's willingness to forgo some profits that his peers have decided to keep:
Not surprisingly, Barclays has undercut the Garden’s prices for performers, which are among the highest in the industry. Several promoters said a band stands to earn between $150,000 and $250,000 more for a sold-out show at Barclays than for one at the Garden. For concertgoers that means ticket prices for some shows will be lower at Barclays as well: Neil Young fans can buy a seat for $58 at Barclays, versus $63 at the Garden, according to Ticketmaster. Yet tickets to other big shows — the Who and Justin Bieber for instance — are roughly the same price at both places.
Neil showed the "PONO" on Letterman. Looks like it's ready to go! Toughest part is that it's another 'new' format that's gonna cost ya more moolah to have the same material we already have on Lp, CD, etc. Oh well, the price of progress.
Dave didn't ask one question about the book, so I don't think he's read it. Neil looked like he was having some fun. Must be in town early for the free concert on Saturday
Offtopic: I just found this nice little clip of Neil and his children and his trains, made in the mid 90s. Ive nevver seen it before. Makes a good connection with Waging Heavy Peace.
Forgot the clip:
Fallon was a waste of time. He didn't need to be on the same show as Neil. Neil could have had two spots and had more to offer.
The interview was good. Two old friends catching up.
I used to like Letterman, for many years. Then he started doing recurring bits like the woman staffer who would walk on every night, stare at him and ask for soup. Painfully not funny. It was to me like Dave had lost his sense of what was funny. Last nights show was good. Fallons story about Bruce Jenner was great and his brief bit on Neil doing Prince of Bel-Air was spot on. I bet Neil loved it. Funny, Jenner got the exact opposite reaction by his comment to Fallon ( youll understand it after seeing it). Neil was in good spirits and humor. So intelligent this guy and Dave even calls him, basically a genius at one point while Neil self-depricatingly refers to himself more as nerd. No, they didnt mention the book but he expians his involvement in Lionel which I believe is in the book. Great show worth seeing up to Lupe Fiasco. Good name for this guy, quite a fiasco indeed.
He was very articulate, engaging, and relaxed. Nice white teeth, too!
In his book, he notes about 1/3 way through that he hates doing interviews but will probably have to go on a few to promote the book when it gets published - mentioned Colbert and Stewart, whom he likes and admires. I think he's pissed off at NBC for what they did to Conan.
On another note, the editor for "Neil Young, an Illustrated History" stopped by my house last night with the hot-off-the-press comp copie of the revised edition - I was honored to have picked out the new cover.
So Old Black, what exactly is updated in the new book?! I'm running out of money here. Books, records, concert tickets. But I'd be real curious to know what's different besides the cover?! Thanks!
Neil looked to be in good spirits last night!! He's still got it. Maybe now that he sees the horizon, we'll get some more stuff released finally?! We can only hope!!
Not much new in content except an updated chapter (with nice pictures) that includes Le Noise, Lincvolt, and Americana - basically brings "us" up-to-date (as of about July 2012)
Hmmm. My book won't ship until "Journeys" is ready. Wonder if I should cancel and wait?
Neil was showing some serious gut, flaunting it, even. Yuck. Sex appeal officially MIA.
yea dude...he looks quite plump...
The Globe & Mail has an interview with Neil about WHP:
The Wall Street Journal's review of WHP includes these lines:
"Most of Mr. Young's obsessions involve restoring a version of a previous innocence or purer quality: getting back to the garden. His LincVolt project is "repowering the American dream" by putting a green engine in a 1959 Lincoln Continental Convertible. He is a walking TED talk on why the degraded sound of MP3s is killing music..."
Hadn't really thought of it that way but it makes sense: all of Neil's obsessions involve restoring a version of a previous innocence or purer quality.
NPR interview with Neil about his book:
I forgot to mention that the NPR interview (which is very revealing, btw) features a clip of For The Love Of Man near the beginning. I think it's the first time we've heard the version that will be on PP. Absolutely gorgeous performance, especially Neil's vocals!
@ Jay!!! Thank you so much for the link. I'm so fascinated with every aspect of his life. I love, "For the Love of Man" and hope Neil and Ben live forever.
Hi Thrasher,
Well, they didn't perform together, but I enjoyed it all the same. Really can't wait to get a copy of Neil's book.
Hope all is well with you—will try to visit more often!
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