


Neil Young's new release ""World Record" w/ Crazy Horse is now available for pre-order. Order here
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Monday, June 07, 2010

Neil Young Concert Reviews - Dallas, TX , June 7, 2010

Neil Young - Meyerson Symphony Center Dallas, TX
Photo by Danny Hurley

Neil Young will be performing tonight at the Meyerson Symphony Center Dallas, TX. Special guest Bert Jansch will open concert.

Got a report? Drop a comment below. No registration required.

Check Sugar Mountain for setlist updates. Also, see Song Grid Chart.

Also, see Neil Young's "Twisted Road" Concert Tour Reviews and the right, middle sidebar for continuous real time RSS feed updates.

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"Soaking it in, every note, chord, verse and vibe"

Neil Young performs "After The Goldrush" - Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium, Spartanburg, SC, 5/30/10
Photo by Ken Toney Photography

The never ending twisted road goes on forever it seems.

By now, you've read how twisted Neil Young's Twisted Road tour has become. Are we seeing something on par with the audacity of the TTN, TFA or Greendale tours? Or are we seeing something much deeper, nuanced, intimate and wondrous?

Reading some of the reviews it is clearly apparent that folks seem not even to have attended the same concert. Some report walkouts. Virtually everyone else reporting sees no mid-set departures and empty seats. Some report severe sound problems while universally all else report pristine audio from the acoustics of classic theaters. Some even report he didn't play enough of his classic songs. Yet every setlist contains 8 or so undoubtedly classic songs like HHMM, TMY, HL, DBTR, CTK, ATGR, etc.

The tribute song to LA Johnson (1947-2010) "You Never Call" with a mention of Ben is quite heartbreaking and a remarkable confrontation with loss. Seriously, can you imagine how hard it must be to sing a song about a dear friend -- who you have known and worked with nearly your entire professional life -- suddenly dies taking your son to a hockey game?

So what is going with this range of experiences? Some sort of parallel universe? Strange things happening when worlds collide?

Whatever it is, maybe folks can take the following approach in going to the concert tonight. From Dave M in MO on his way to last week's Nashville concerts:
As I plan to leave my home in Missouri and travel over 350 miles for Neil’s performance in Nashville in two days, I think about how I will prepare my mind for the event.

How will my lovely wife Debbie, also a NY fan, react to seeing Neil in our first solo concert? We have seen him at Farm Aid, but this is different. This is Neil, alone on stage, baring his talent and soul for all to see and feel. For me, and I think Debbie also, it is all about enjoying the experience.

I won’t be comparing TR to any other event, Neil’s or otherwise. I won’t be complaining about the ticket price (it was my choice to pay) vs. the concert length or number of songs. I have seen the set list, but even if I had not, the odds of Neil playing our “favorite” song would have been a futile wish, and set us up for disappointment. It is what it is.

I feel it is all about soaking it in, every note, chord, verse and vibe. It is coming away with a better appreciation for Neil and his music, and in this case, the awesome chance to hear several new songs. We are not many years behind Neil and, as the saying goes, “life is too short”, seize the moment!

So at the Ryman Theater we will be Tuesday night, a slowly balding mid-50’s guy sitting next to his lovely wife in her wheelchair, just soaking it all in. BTW, don’t get in her way, she might run you over. :-)

Dave M in MO

Thanks Dave! Hope you and Debbie enjoyed the show.

More on Neil Young's perpetually "Twisted Road" Concert Tour Reviews.

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"Look At Mother Nature On The Run In The 21st Century"

"Look At Mother Nature On The Run In The 21st Century"

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Sunday, June 06, 2010

Concert Review of the Moment: Neil Young in Atlanta, GA - May 29, 2010

Neil Young in Worcester, MA, on 5/21/10
Photo gallery by Tim Bugbee/Prefix Mag

The Neil Young Concert Review of the Moment is from Fox Theatre Atlanta, GA - May 29, 2010.

From Crib Notes » Atlanta Music Blog by Spencer Sloan:
It felt a little like being pushed in the chest by an invisible hand and having to catch your breath. Whatever it was, when Neil began singing ”Hey, Hey, My, My,” it was all I could do keep the wiper fluid in. His voice was so unbelievably strong, clear and confident. It was shocking. This was far and away one of the greatest live music experiences I have witnessed in years. And the songs he chose, at least the ones I knew, were transcendent. The lyrics, however routed in vague, 60’s, hippie daydreams and era-specific politics, still seemed to resonant so well, line after line.

Dubbed “The Twisted Road,” this tour was to be a departure from previous outings in that Neil would play both acoustic and electric guitar, piano and pump organ, by himself. The stage was outfitted to resemble the now somewhat familiar warm, worn-in, “unplugged” living room. When Neil ambled out in his now-familiar fatigue jacket, loose jeans, and straw hat, he would conduct himself onstage much the same way he has his entire life.

Throughout the set he moved from one instrument, and sound, to the next, ever restless, never sitting still. A couple acoustic numbers, then an electric, then a turn at the piano and then back to acoustic, again. I don’t remember him saying much from the whole night except his standard, self-deprecating, “By now you know all my songs sound the same.” The most interesting part of the night was the way in which he presented normally jam-heavy, longer numbers such as “Down By The River” and “Cortez The Killer,” solo, but still electric.

You’ve heard these songs so many times, that you fill in the other parts, it’s all fleshed out in your head, but even without the crazy horse behind him he was able to command the songs, and make them feel whole. On “Cortez,” a clear highlight, he brushed the strings lightly and toyed with the ensuing reverb like he was playing a theremin. He substituted solos with sustained notes and feedback. It wasn’t so much that he was re-interpreting the songs as he was taking complete and sole ownership of them.

I can’t stress enough Neil Young’s absolute flawless control and mastery of the instruments he played.

More reviews of Neil Young at Fox Theatre Atlanta, GA on May 29, 2010.

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Saturday, June 05, 2010

Neil Young Concert Reviews - Austin, TX, June 5, 2010

Neil Young will be performing tonight at the Bass Performance Hall Austin, TX. Special guest Bert Jansch will open concert.

Got a report? Drop a comment below. No registration required.

Check Sugar Mountain for setlist updates. Also, see Song Grid Chart.

Also, see Neil Young's "Twisted Road" Concert Tour Reviews and the right, middle sidebar for continuous real time RSS feed updates.

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Neil Young's Influence on the Organic Music Scene

Neil Young has had quite an influence on a number of music scenes throughout his career stretching from Canada to Southern California and back up to San Fraqncisco to Seattle.

An interesting essay on growing organic music communities in a corporate world from Seattle Post-Intelligencer by GLEN BOYD that vectors in on Neil Young's musical influences:
In reacquainting myself with Neil's amazing story, one thing has struck me above all else:

Perhaps it is because of just who he is, or maybe just because he was in the right place at the right time, but as he was working his way up to become an iconic/legendary artist, Neil Young managed to find himself planted dead center in the middle of not one, but several locally based "scenes" that would go on to alter the course of popular music.

He was there in Canada — in Fort William and in Toronto, Ontario — when folk music and rock and roll began to coalesce itself into the hybrid sound that would eventually produce such influential artists as Joni Mitchell on the one hand and the Band on the other (not to mention Young himself).

He was there once again when the American West Coast began to similarly merge these sounds in the mid-sixties to produce the folk-rock boom which gave birth to the Byrds and to Young's own band with Stephen Stills, the Buffalo Springfield.

Neil Young was also there when this same sound evolved into the beautiful, trademark four-part harmonies of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young — the country/folk-rock supergroup who provided the eventual blueprint for every West Coast country-rock band which would follow in their wake, from the Eagles and Poco on down through latter-day mid-west acolytes like the Jayhawks and Wilco.

More on Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

Also, see Neil Young's influence on other musicians.

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UPDATE: Tour Dates for 2nd leg of Neil Young's Twisted Road Tour

More tour dates for the 2nd leg of Neil Young's Twisted Road Tour from Lookout Management via Lookout Mama via rust:

SUN 11-Jul OAKLAND, CA FOX THEATER (presale starts Tues 6/8)
MON 12-Jul OAKLAND, CA FOX THEATER (presale starts Tues 6/8)
MON 19-Jul PORTLAND, OR SCHNITZER CONCERT HALL (presale starts today)
TUE 20-Jul SEATTLE, WA PARAMOUNT THEATRE (presale starts today)
SAT 24-Jul CALGARY, AB S. ALBERTA JUIBLEE AUDITORIUM (presale starts Tues 6/8)
MON 26-Jul WINNIPEG, MB CENTENNIAL CONCERT HALL (presale starts Tues 6/8)
TUE 27-Jul WINNIPEG, MB CENTENNIAL CONCERT HALL (presale starts Tues 6/8)
THU 29-Jul MINNEAPOLIS, MN NORTHROP AUDITORIUM (presale starts Tues 6/8)
FRI 30-Jul MILWAUKEE, WI RIVERSIDE THEATRE (presale starts today)

Thanks Lookout Mama! There's a Neil Young tour coming up the river.

Also, see Leg #1 of Neil Young's "Twisted Road" Concert Tour Reviews.

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Friday, June 04, 2010

Concert Reviews of Neil Young at Jones Hall, Houston, TX, June 4, 2010

Photo by Jay Lee

From Neil Young, Fans Will Never Walk Alone - Houston Music - Rocks Off By Craig Hlavaty:
The utterly monolithic tag-team of "Cortez The Killer" and "Cinnamon Girl" signaled the last few songs of the night, with Young wrenching out the tracks with a ferocity he probably hadn't injected since their initial live runs.

It takes balls to close a show (and an encore) with a new song, which Young did after returning with "Old Man." It was the ender "Walk with Me" that pretty much tore our throats out, with a lilting acoustic stagger and lines about being alone with your spouse at the dusk of your life, and just yearning for their hand in yours as you take that long walk home.

We can't describe it better than how Young sang it: "I'll never let you down no matter what we do, if you just walk with me and let me walk with you. I'm on this journey. I don't want to walk alone."

From Neil Young, Old Man, Loudly Looks Back At His Life by Chris Gray:
Surrounded by a variety of guitars and keyboards, his only human company a handful of stage techs, Young cut a curious figure Friday. Lit by a single spotlight in the otherwise pitch-black and mostly sold-out hall, as he wandered from instrument to instrument between songs, he was an old man - not doddering or stumbling, but pensive, and certainly in no great rush.

Once he picked up a guitar or sat down at a keyboard, or blew his harmonica like a hurricane, that image instantly vanished. Young became the wizened tribal elder, imparting his shamanic wisdom through every cutting chord and photographic lyric, whether history lesson, elegy, confession or profession of faith.

"I sing about love and war," he sang on "Love and War," one of the handful of new songs in the set list. What was implied, and became clearer and clearer as the 90-minute set progressed, is how intertwined those two themes are in Young's work, how they always have been and continue to be.

Neil Young will be performing tonight at the Jones Hall Houston, TX. Special guest Bert Jansch will open concert.

Got a report? Drop a comment below. No registration required.

Check Sugar Mountain for setlist updates. Also, see Song Grid Chart.

Also, see Neil Young's "Twisted Road" Concert Tour Reviews and the right, middle sidebar for continuous real time RSS feed updates.

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Thursday, June 03, 2010

The Twisted Road Is Indeed Twisted

"I said solo...they said acoustic"
Neil Young - Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, TN - 6-1-10

Photo Gallery by Ed Rode for Rolling Stone

It would seem that Neil Young's Twisted Road concert tour is indeed -- well -- quite twisted.

Just from reading all of the reviews from Neil Young's "Twisted Road" concert tour, one might be left with a number of mis-impressions.

It would seem that for many -- if not most -- the tour has been an exceptional experience. We see folks writing in after the concerts that they are "amazing", "epic", "brilliant", and "primal", and "unforgettable".

Some longtime fans even say that they have been to "one of the truly great shows that I have seen, definitely one of the best from Neil Young and maybe, just possibly the best one yet." Many reviewers are left literally "in tears" by the experience.


Maybe it's not too hard to understand how so many folks seeing the same concert can walk away with completely different impressions.

We our selves after attending the Worcester and Washington concerts got the distinct feeling that not everyone fully appreciated what had just happened. In our review Expecting to See Neil Young (or Man Without A Net) we wrote:
It was a night where some in the audience thought it was too loud or not loud enough. Some thought too many new songs, others too few classics. Some came for the folky singer-songwriter, some for the hippie grunge rocker loner. Some wanted to sit and politely, clap & nod while others wanted to stand up and dance & rock out.

And you know what? They were all right. They all got some of what they were expecting. But didn't get everything they wanted. Kinda like life itself. Funny.

Several days later, we examined the diverse audience reaction we were seeing in our comments threads and asked Does The Twisted Road Tour Compare With TTN or TFA Tours? Or Greendale? It would seem for the die-hard fans, the fact that seven (7) new songs are being debuted is just astonishing good fortune that is a joy to treasure. Neil is looking good and sounding as much on top of his game as ever -- all things considered.

And the solo electric Ol' Black sessions are both revelatory and a mesmerizing musical coup de grace.

So then. How do we explain a comment like this? From the always intrepid coward Anonymous :
Just returned from Ryman show. Very disappointed. The revert [sic] was awful. Sounded like the speakers were in a low riders [sic] trunk [sic] driving by.

There were so many pissed off fans leaving half way through. So sad


Oddly, there is not one other single report of walkouts from the Ryman shows.

So what then are we to make of negative comments like this, this, or this?

Well we'll let others draw their own conclusions, but consider this when weighing these anonymous comments with this from Kimball on the Nashville concerts:
Well folks, its been 2 night and 2 shows, experiencing neil young.

The first show I was acoustic, the second I was electric.

2 totally different experiences and I wouldn't trade either for anything. I think the crowd was well behaved both nights, I'm usually quite sensitive to interruptions and I was able to stay engaged in the performance both Ryman nights. I got my Ryman Hatch show poster signed the first night after the show outside the Hermitage, and then, before the second night at the Ryman, I got my 6/2 ticket signed.

Neil was a class act both nights as far as I was concerned, he appreciates the true fans waiting for acknowledgment, and there is nothing more than we can expect as fans. I spent the 2nd night in tears, totally in lock step with Neil's emotive expressions. I spent the hours after the show experiencing the concert inside and out; watching the stage crew load up the semi trailer up til 1 AM, and then watching local Nashville bands play their hearts out at Tootsie's (both upstairs stage and downstairs stage).

Tip: Open your soul to the things that are right, and they will naturally make their way to you. Best wishes to all who have truly connected with Neil's state of being so far on this tour and those yet to on the shows yet to come. Doug, after experiencing both Ryman shows and getting Neil's autographs both nights, I can understand how he was able to say: "To Doug, Love Neil Young"; Its really telling about where he is on this tour. I was hanging outside Neil's bus up by the Hermitage in Nashville after the 2nd Ryman show, and I mentioned to Elliot that this show was so much more than any of us could hope for from Neil, and Elliot said to me, that it was for them too, it is for them too.

I have no doubt that we're witnessing a tour that will stand up completely in 3 or 4 decades time.

Truly content with all my being,
Kimball B.

The point here is to compare Kimball's comment above with these random anonymous nattering nabobs of negativity which are extreme outliers of opinion and in no way whatsoever representative of the overall audience's reaction.

Sure some were disappointed no doubt that he didn't play their favorite song, etc. Here's a comment on living up to expectations:
Here's what you critics don't, or refuse, to understand.

neil is not the same man that wrote those lyrics you hold so dear. he has moved on. some of us have moved on with him, and some have not. it's not a sin...just listen to those old songs you love so well and leave the new neil to those of us who still appreciate it.

is that so hard?

Like we've said before regarding some of the comments posted on this blog: 1) consider the source and 2) consider the effort expended to make the case. When someone starts talking about how long they've been a fan, how many concerts they've been to, how many albums they own, etc. think about the motivation that compels one to state their bona fides in order to advance their arguments when the facts do not support them. Seriously. How can one make the statement that they've been a Neil Young fan for 30 or 40 years and then turnaround and say that they were disappointed because the show wasn't what they expected? It's a total non-sequitur.

Or think about the kind of person who writes this tripe versus someone who makes the comment below by Keith Burris:

I was not going to post anything, but when I saw some of the inexplicable and bizarre negative stuff I felt I should speak up.

I saw the Louisville and and first Nashville shows. Both were amazing. For me highlights were the new songs, and his deeply felt performances of "Ohio" and "I Believe in You." I am always interested in a new NY record, and what he is thinking. But "Love and War" and "Walk with Me," make me think the new one will be special.

In Louisville I was impressed with the audacity of a solo acoustic/electric show. I just felt privileged to be there.

In Nashville, there was the additional privilege of the Ryman. But I was also impressed at the somberness of much of the music. What an interesting, spiritual old man Neil Young is becoming. The topics are God, love in all its forms, nature, death, loss, healing.The chords are dark and deep.

He's a modern psalmist.

Thanks Keith B.!

The Twisted Road is indeed quite twisted it seems. So, walk with us.

For more madness, see Expecting to See Neil Young (or Man Without A Net).

Also, see more Neil Young's "Twisted Road" Concert Tour Reviews.

Not enough? Does The Twisted Road Tour Compare With TTN or TFA Tours?

And -- for god's sake -- this is not some Greendale-like/Stravinsky’s Rites of Spring moment.

Or is it now....

walk with us.

Rainbow over The Ryman prior to Neil Young concert, 6/2/10
Photo by The Ryman

UPDATE 6/4: It seems as TW is being channeled...

From CultureMap Houston - Don't be a setlist whiner: Just enjoy Neil Young in symphony - 2010-Jun-04 by Michael D. Clark:

Whether it be Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan, Prince or even Neil Young, an unlikely tension emerges during shows by artists whose careers span decades with record releases that can be counted by the dozen.

Fans often leave these shows unfulfilled. Most surprisingly, it's not the casual, wide-eyed, first-time-seeing-this-icon-and-I can't-wait fan that stomps out kicking their just purchased concert T-shirt down the street. It's the older, wiser, been-there-done-that-before fan who wants to be wowed in new and unexpected ways by a guy like Neil Young — who plays Jones Hall tonight.

It's this seasoned fan, that will sit at Starbuck's for an hour before a show, combing through all 33 Young studio albums dating back to 1968 (and that's not even counting the albums he made with Buffalo Springfield; Crosby, Stills & Nash; Pearl Jam or any other band besides his own backing group, Crazy Horse) in order to concoct the perfect setlist that should be played ... only to be disappointed when only one or two of those songs are actually performed.

I have been to quite a few momentous Young shows in the last 15 years and I always hear one or two of these complainers who totally miss Young's genius while waiting for "Old Man" to be performed.

If this description fits you, let me save you some time: Throw your dream setlist out and go to the Young show without any preconceived notions

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Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Neil Young Concert Reviews - Nashville, TN, June 1 & 2, 2010

Photo Gallery by Ed Rode for Rolling Stone

From American Songwriter | Neil Young @ The Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, TN 6/2/10 By Evan Schlansky:
While it was a treat to hear a relaxed Young play his signature licks on his vintage acoustics, the best moments came when he plugged in his electric guitars, creating true “power chords” which vibrated the very floors and walls of the fabled auditorium. I’ve seen a thousand shows at the Ryman,” remarked one nearby concert-goer, “and I’ve never seen anything like it.”

From Rolling Stone by Andy Greene:
Six songs into Neil Young's seemingly sedate solo set at Nashville's Ryman Auditorium last night, the 64-year-old rocker stunned fans who weren't expecting to leave with ringing ears. Putting down his acoustic guitar, he strapped on his signature electric Les Paul Old Black and began thrashing away on "Down by the River" like a one-man Crazy Horse. Over the last four decades, Young's solo theater shows have been decidedly unplugged affairs — but this time around, he clearly felt like once again defying expectations.

From Speakers in Code: Concert Review: Neil Young at The Ryman in Nashville by Jason Gonulsen:
It seems something special has hit Young. Even the older songs he chose to perform, like "Cortez the Killer," "Ohio," and "Cinnamon Girl," seemed new and fresh. Young gave every song, old or new, an eerie sense of space, a new sense of freedom that didn't once belong. A new twisted road.

If you do get to see Young on this tour, go in with a clear mind. Go in with a sense that you're going to hear your favorite songs performed for you for the first time. Go in wanting to hang or every word, every note.

Go in realizing that we're lucky Neil Young is still alive, still creating, and not resting on his laurels.

From The Novel Girls: The Ryman, Neil Young, Will and Me
The concert was, well there isn't really a good enough word that hasn't already been used to describe Neil's shows. But for clarification sake I'll just say the concert was everything we hoped it would be.

Neil carried the show solo but had all of his different instruments set around the stage. Both his acoustic and electric guitars were in the middle, his grand piano on stage right. His pump organ was in the rear of the stage and his upright piano was off to stage left. And of course, his harmonica was usually in the holder around his neck. He spent the evening rotating around each instrument sharing the depth of his talent with the audience.

Mr. Young didn't say much, but if you've been following his career at all you know that's his way - quintessentially Neil. Each time he sang an old song my son jabbed me in the arm and I got to watch a huge smile spread across his face.

That was heaven for me.

Photo by thesiglibrary

Neil Young will be performing tonight at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, TN. Special guest Bert Jansch will open concert.

Got a report? Drop a comment below. No registration required.

Check Sugar Mountain for setlist updates. Also, see Song Grid Chart.

Also, see Neil Young's "Twisted Road" Concert Tour Reviews and the right, middle sidebar for continuous real time RSS feed updates.

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Photo Gallery: Neil Young - Worcester, MA, 5/21/10

Neil Young in Worcester, MA, on 5/21/10
Photo gallery by Tim Bugbee/Prefix Mag

Nice photo gallery and review of Neil Young in Worcester, MA, on 5/21/10 in Prefix Mag by Tim Bugbee:
Not shirking some of the songs that made his name, Young slung Old Black (his well-weathered black Les Paul guitar) over his shoulder and proceeded to rework timeless pieces like "Down By The River" and "Cortez The Killer," creating a spareness to the songs by concentrating on the primal riffs and foregoing the trademark, drawn-out guitar solos that define those songs. Occasionally augmenting the sound by adding a bottom end via foot-pedals, he stormed through the signature protest song "Ohio," and his guitar style of attacking the strings was well-suited.

The gentler side of his songbook was displayed via a tender, heart-felt reading of "I Believe In You" with Young on grand piano. Just before that he played harmonica and pump organ, updating the lyrics of "After The Gold Rush" to state that Mother Nature is now on the run in the 21st century (just ask the higher-ups at BP...).

More of photo gallery and review on Prefix Mag.

Thanks Tim!

Also, see more Neil Young Concert Reviews of Worcester, MA, May 21, 2010.

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BREAKING: More Tour Dates for Neil Young's Twisted Road Tour!

UPDATE 6/3:Oakland, CA , July 11 &12th Presales begin tomorrow, see for details

UPDATE 6/2:2010-07-30, Riverside Theater, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

UPDATE: July 20 at the Paramount Theatre, Seattle, WA via's Gene Stout.

Per Official Ticketmaster site, a date has been announced for the 2nd leg of Neil Young's Twisted Road tour.

July 24 - Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

We're also hearing from Oregonian Music's Ryan White that a date of 7/19 in Portland, Oregon at the Schnitz Theater will be announced soon along with other dates.

Also, see more on Neil Young's "Twisted Road" Concert Tour Reviews.

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Neil Young's "Twisted Road" Concert Tour Dates and Reviews

UPDATE: Neil Young 2011 Spring U.S. Tour Dates


3rd Leg
Concert Reviews:

- 2010-09-20, Marina Civic Center, Panama City, Florida
- 2010-09-22, Ruth Eckerd Hall, Clearwater, Florida
- 2010-09-23, Hard Rock Live, Hollywood, Florida
- 2010-09-25, IP Casino, Resort & Spa, Biloxi, Mississippi
- 2010-09-26, Saenger Theatre, Mobile, Alabama
- 2010-09-28, Saenger Theartre, Pensacola, Florida

2nd Leg
Concert Reviews:

- 2010-07-11, Fox Theater, Oakland, California, USA
- 2010-07-12, Fox Theater, Oakland, California, USA
- 2010-07-14, Fox Theater, Oakland, California, USA

- 2010-07-15, Mondavi Center, Davis, California, USA
- 2010-07-17, Grand Sierra Resort and Casino, Reno, Nevada, USA
- 2010-07-19, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland, Oregon, USA
- 2010-07-20, Paramount Theatre, Seattle, Washington, USA
- 2010-07-23, Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
- 2010-07-24, Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
- 2010-07-26, Centennial Concert Hall, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
- 2010-07-27, Centennial Concert Hall, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

- 2010-07-29, Northrop Auditorium, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
- 2010-07-30, Riverside Theater, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

1st Leg
Concert Reviews:

- Tue May 18 Palace Theatre Albany, NY
- Wed May 19 Shea's Performing Arts Center Buffalo, NY
- Fri May 21 Hanover Theatre Worcester, MA
- Sun May 23 Oakdale Theatre Wallingford, CT
- Mon May 24 Constitution Hall Washington, DC
- Wed May 26 Palace Theatre Louisville, KY
- Thu May 27 Knoxville Civic Auditorium Knoxville, TN
- Sat May 29 Fox Theatre Atlanta, GA
- Sun May 30 Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium Spartanburg, SC
- Tue & Wed June 1 & 2 Ryman Auditorium Nashville, TN
- Fri June 4 Jones Hall Houston, TX
- Sat June 5 Bass Performance Hall Austin, TX
- Mon June 7 Meyerson Symphony Center Dallas, TX

Neil Young's "Twisted Road" concert tour dates. Opening act: Bert Jansch

Tickets on sale tomorrow, Saturday, March 27.

- May 19 - Shea's Performing Arts Center, Buffalo, New York
- May 23- Oakdale Theatre, Wallingford, Connecticut
- May 26 - Louisville Palace Theatre, Louisville, KY (2,600 seats)
- May 29 - Atlanta's Fox Theatre (4,600 seats)
- May 30 - Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium, Spartanburg, SC (3,200 seats)
- June 1 - Nashville, TN Ryman Auditorium (2,300 seats)
- June 2 – Nashville, TN Ryman Auditorium

Don't be denied!

Also, see Sugar Mountain for tour date updates. (Thanks Tom!)

Also, see Tour Map on Rust Radio. (Thanks Roel!)

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Concert Reviews of the Moment: Neil Young in Spartanburg, SC, May 30, 2010

Neil Young with Pearl Jam T-Shirt
Spartanburg, SC, May 30, 2010
Photo by Tim Kimzey

Without a doubt, what has to be the best reviewed show of the Twisted Road tour thus far, seems to be the Spartanburg, SC, May 30, 2010 concert.

The 19 song setlist is the longest concert on the tour. But apparently there was more to the evening than just the setlist. It seems everyone was in a great mood -- both the audience and Neil.

Here's just a small sample of comments.

From Lauren Ellis:
I'm 19-years-old, and have loved Neil's music since before I could walk.

I've lived in the south all of my life and have therefore never had the opportunity and privilege to be at one of his shows.. Last night was the most incredible experiences of my life.

I told my family jokingly that I was going to be like the girls during Beatlemania.. Screaming and crying. Little did I know that the moment I saw him walk on stage, it was no longer a joke. I spent much of the show singing and dancing... and silently crying, because I never thought I'd have the immense joy of seeing him in person.

He's been my hero and my musical companion since I was young, and through him I will always be forever Young. Don't be denied? WON'T be denied. Thank you for a wonderful show, Neil. I love you.

From Anonymous :
In my 32 years of concert attendance, seeing some of the best musical acts out there... the concert of my lifetime. From the opening strains of hey, hey to the amazing encore- Heart of Gold and OLD MAN. Thank you Neil for a magical evening that has enriched my life. God bless you!
From NYAS No. 6162:

At the break we noticed Ben seated behind the sound board which brought us a big smile. Neil opened with the usual 3 oldies well done and well recieved. I quickly filled my wife in on the story about L.A. and Ben for the next song You Never Call. This was incredibly touching and funny ( All we do is work work work.) Especially when he gives a look and a smile at Ben upon singing his name. Then Love and War to follow. WOW!! He just couldn't be any more open at this point. I've lost track of the song order my mind its all blending together. He goes to the little upright piano right in front of us.

He tells the crowd how most of us probably have little ones about now and that his is about this high, a year and three quarters old walking and making music. This song is about her so be quiet shes a little shy around crowds we don't want to scare her away. Leia is beautiful and funny as he turns to the crowds at is anticdotes. the mostly aging crowd loves this one he starts towards the back of the stage to the pump organ and his back is to us as someone hollars out Dennis Hopper.

He stops in his tracks and repeats the name through his harmonic mic. Moves towards the organ and says this ones for Dennis. I wonder how he'll do it as if the last 3 songs weren't enough. ATGR starts with an extra shake in his voice but keeps it together throughout. As he is applauded for his effort I saw what looked like he wiped with his left finger a tear? Sat for a little while longer got up and nodded in satisfaction.

I didn't even know the Hitchhicker existed. To bring this one back sounded like owing up to his past for me. Very powerful! Those were the highlights for me. Cortez and Cinnamon Girl were different and fun.

Some confusion when he came back for the encore on which quitar he wanted or what song he settled for the acustic and said this ones for the young girl that was sitting behind us. ( She yelled our Heart of Gold after almost every song.) She got it. Then he said this ones for the girl on the other side and played Old Man. I'm thinking he can't leave out Walk With Me and he didn't. So we were blessed with 3 at the end not just one. He left the Gretch ringing on the stand and back to the mic and said again Walk With Me.

Thanks Neil!!! It was priceless!!!!!!!!

God Bless troops past and present, NYAS, TW, Neil and his crew. NYAS No. 6162

More comments and reviews of Neil Young in Spartanburg, SC, May 30, 2010. Also, see more on Neil Young's "Twisted Road" Concert Tour Reviews.

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