Neil Young Concert Reviews - Spartanburg, SC, May 30, 2010

Photo by Ken Toney Photography
From BlogAsheville: Neil Young solo in Spartanburg May 30:
My impression is that most there are on board with me that Young's facemelting, emotional version of "Cortez the Killer" was a highlight of an unforgettable show. Young moved effortlessly from VH1 singer-songwriter mode with acoustic guitar to hard, feedback-heavy rock and roll in full-on Crazy Horse mode.
He played the hits and wasn't going through the motions.
From Review: Neil Young rocks Spartanburg Sunday night - Legendary singer performs new, classic songs in two-hour show | by Tim Kimzey
As shouts of “We love you, Neil” and “Freebird!” filled the break, Young played another new song “Sign of Love.” Seeming to realize that the southern men and women in the audience did want him around, he was welcomed by a roar of applause as the first notes of “Ohio” rung from his guitar. Young played the song with heartfelt passion and intensity, as if the 40 years since the anniversary of the tragedy at Kent State University were only yesterday, and Nixon could still hear his message.
Young then lumbered about the expansive stage, as if in his own living room, trying to decide which instrument he wanted to try out next. He settled down to an old upright piano and sang a whimsical-sounding new tune called “Leia,” then meandering to the other side of the stage to sit under a chandelier-covered grand piano. While seated, he paused and said, “I've got so many songs I'm just trying to remember what I'm doing.”
Moving around again, this time to a pump organ raised in the back of the stage, he quietly stated “this is for Dennis right now,” as the church-like chords filled the air with “After the Gold Rush.” Young had worked with Dennis Hopper in the late ‘70s on his film “Human Highway,” and honored his friend who had just passed away Saturday.
Neil Young will be performing tonight at the Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium Spartanburg, SC. Special guest Bert Jansch will open concert.
Got a report? Drop a comment below. No registration required.
Check Sugar Mountain for setlist updates. Also, see Song Grid Chart.
Also, see Neil Young's "Twisted Road" Concert Tour Reviews and the right, middle sidebar for continuous real time RSS feed updates.

A M A Z I N G !!!!!!!!!!
Heart of gold and OLD MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!
A M A Z I N G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People yelled "Freebird" and "Dennis Hopper" at him and he still played Old Man and Heart of Gold? Neil...........ruled!
"two krispy kremes on the same street" . . .
Neil didn't even seem annoyed by the guy shouting "Freebird" ... he actually chuckled and flashed the devil's horns. He dedicated both "Heart of Gold" and "Old Man" to the specific folks requesting those songs... A really special show.
I've heard all the shows and was at the Knoxville show, and Spartanburg was clearly the best show of the tour so far. Neil was in great spirits, played great versions of all of the tunes, especially the new ones (and Cortez was amazing). The audience was surprisingly polite and respectful. It was really an honor to be there and thanks to my fellow concert-goers for showing such respect. Lots of Ashevillians (Asheville, NC is only an hour a way) in the audience too. Bert Jansch got some of the best applause I think he's had on the tour. Neil was clearly moved by the audience during the encores!
Payne Wanapinto
The Spartanburg show was amazing - the first time on this tour he varied from the set list, with a three song encore that included acoustic versions of Old Man and Heart of Gold. Except for the odd shout out for songs and occaisional random attacks of the woo-people, the crowd was respectful and realized the were seeing something very special.
As others have noted on other dates, this is an intensly personal tour for Neil, and he was on his game from the first note to the last. I have never seen anyone fill up a stage by themselves like he did tonight, and there was a real connection with the fans. I have seen complaints on here from other dates, but I have seen Neil several times over the years and this was by far the most intimate, most connected, and most heartfelt performance I have ever seen. Truly a night to remember.
Thank you, Neil...
one for the ages!
Ah, the irony. We love to bag the 'Harvest crowd' that go along expecting the hits - but then we go all gaga and wet our pants when he actually plays them! Love it!
I was sitting right up front and my 16 y/o son was in the upper balcony... it didn't matter where we sat. Everyone there tonight was taken on a journey to somewhere else... a portal of some sort opened up. Neil seemed to be a conduit of emotion that had every attendee (minus the 'freebird guy') in the palm of his hand. There were moments you thought that only you and Neil were in the room... Simply awe inspiring show tonight! Especially loved when he made the very deliberate decision to abandon the set list and had the stage hands scrambling. They didn't know what to make of his improv - timeless Neil Young! I feel so fortunate to have been at this VERY special show!
Want to know what kind of show this was tonight? I had this group of people sitting by me that were confessed fair weather fans of Neil Young... they were very chatty and even near obnoxious before the show... very loud and ridiculous... about half way though the show I looked over and one of them was wiping tears from her eyes. You could have heard a pin drop. Later, the same people were up out of their chairs dancing with the rest of us. It was contagious. 'AMAZING' is right!
Wow. A truly amazing show! The encore completely caught me off guard. The audience was great.
Does anyone know where I can get one of the black "Hitchhiker" shirts (with the skull on it)? They sold the last one to the gentleman in front of me and I can't find any online.
By far... the most positive, unaminous comments I've read from any of the shows..this must be a keeper for the compilation live album hey?
"All you critics stand alone"......
I started live with Neil on the Live Rust
tour in 1978. I've seen his shows probably 20 times since. Last night I was proud to be there with my wife and our 13 year old daughter and 10 year old son. My daughter was moved to tears. My son's said "one word awesome". Great show, great crowd, Neil is clearly on top of his game. Wonderful. Special. Can't wait for the Ryman.
Of my 8 shows dating back to Ragged Glory in 1991, this one stands out for many reasons. I was so proud of the Upstate crowd for their respect and honor displayed. I have heard far more unruly crowds in Seattle at the Paramount than I was part of last night.
It was skin crawlingly good during "I Believe in You". I couldn't even hear myself breathing, probably because I was holding my breath. :-) The crowd and Neil were together last night.
I have wanted to hear "Hitchhiker" live for many years thanks to Archives Be Damned 2000 and last night it was delivered in a fashion that made my eyes roll up in the back of my head. That "Cortez" was otherworldly and had "El Dorado" sprinkled here and there. A 3 song encore and it's unbelievable that in 8 shows I had never heard "Old Man" live. It was very poignant for me as my Dad passed away 3 years ago last week.
I was balcony, 4th row dead center and the sound was perfect and the view great with binoculars. Neil looked and sounded great and very healthy. At one point during his final goodbyes he looked right at me (via the binoculars of course) and those eyes pierced me. That's the kind of connection he had going last night.
Thank you Neil for coming to the Upstate and yes, there are 2 Krispy Kremes on the same corner. Don't make it so long until you come back to see us. Long May You Run!
Just got back from seeing Neil...Well, I wasn't exactly there in witness live,the 'Storyteller of the Soul', sadly I was only sitting at my son's laptop(my computer just packed it in and is out on the weekend!).
thanks Homesick for the link to "purple words.."..
I've played every song,felt every emotion, experienced every story..I was a passenger on Neil's journey of both nostalga and hope..and never wanted to go home!
Man, that guy's got a way with words!!
Yep, I know now what you say Neil.."It's all the same song"...
Like a novel, a biography, each song is a chapter ...I now know where you're at Neil!... and I wanted to be there to.
to the reworking of his classics to the emotion of his new songs, I sat and watched on this 15 inch screen, what you guys had the joy to experience live...but strangely enough I felt I was there!!
Whoa that 3 song encore...
to play heart of gold and old man.....these songs are so special to me...I buried my Dad last year to these songs...I wish I had been there...sorry ..i'm wiping the tears from the keyboard..these pull at myheart strings every time I hear them...
"Walk with me".....This is Neil telling us to come, to stay on this journey..What a great song to finish the perfect concert with!
Neil, please!!!'ve got to bring this down under!!
emotional doc
Neil was definitely in a GREAT mood last night. He was feeling the crowd... and I loved how he changed up his set list at the end!!! I was not expecting a three song encore, since he's only played one at the other shows this tour... What a treat!
Neil is 64 years young and still rockin' out with a strong voice.
My only complaint is that we had 3 young guys in front of us...who were texting and talking the entire time. They only paid attention when he played his familiar stuff... When you pay 150 bucks for a seat, you don't want to be distracted by a bunch of idiots in front of you...
Regardless, one of the best shows I've seen.
LOVE Neil.
My pleasure, Doc
I just love this concept of raw solo-electric, and it sounds great, but I really hope that we'll see the Horse again. Crazy Horse is the sound.
In my 32 years of concert attendance, seeing some of the best musical acts out there... the concert of my lifetime. From the opening strains of hey, hey to the amazing encore- Heart of Gold and OLD MAN. Thank you Neil for a magical evening that has enriched my life. God bless you!
Does anyone know if Neil pulled out the old D45 for Old Man and Heart of Gold last night or did he stick with the D28 he used for the first three songs? I was in the first row for the DAR show with my 8 year old son (who got quite the experience!); loved every minute of Neil and the music, as well as the opportunity to watch what he was doing musically from that vantage point--what a treat!!! As much as I was captivated by the show at the time, the music continues to grow on me more and more as I listen to the shows again and again when played on Rust Radio. My family thinks I've gone off the deep end . . . . Can't wait to see Neil again!
PS Anyone know how I can find a copy of Archives be Damned 2000?
listening to cortez via the youtube video. . he came dancing across the water... cortez cortez. . . what a killer . . . a shiver of pain in my being. . mixed with the awe at neil's passion. suddenly a spoken word song from leonard cohen came to me. from the album dear heather. it is titled, villanelle for our time.
from bitter searching of the heart
quickened with passion and pain
we rise to play a greater part
this is the faith from where we start
men shall know commonwealth again
from bitter searching of the heart
we love the easy and the smart
but now with keener hand and brain
we rise to play a greater part
the lesser loyalties depart
and neither race nor creed remain
from bitter searching of the heart
not steering from the venal chart
that tricked the masses for private gain
we rise to play a greater part
reshaping narrow law and art
whos symbols are the millions slain
from bitter searching of the heart
we rise to play a greater part.
you can feel all this with neil. . and with those who truly understand the many levels and dimensions being woven together here . . we are rising
to play our greater part . . . thank you neil. .and thank you all . .
for sharing your hearts . . and tears . . and hopes.
love, light, and laughter. k.
This was SUCH a great show! We were 4 rows from the stage and I was the one yelling for Heart of Gold... I GOT IT TOO!!! Being acknowledged by Neil was probably the most awesome moment of my life. Yes, I cried :-)
Sorry to the people around me that my mom said were annoyed, but I think letting him know we appreciated him paid off.
I saw my first Neil show when I was 6 in Chicago...Neil Young and Crazy Horse, as a matter of fact...and have seen him about a dozen times since then...this show was one of the best. Neil solo was amazing...
Sadly, I expect this to probably be the last time we'll see Neil least through the deep south...but definitely a great way to remember him.
Long may you run, Neil!
This was my first Neil Young concert. I've grown up with him and his music became my own. I'm 53. I took my 15 yr old daughter to this event. She is a true music lover. We were not disappointed! I literally cried during "After The Gold Rush". Like many other posts, there were alot more songs I would have loved to hear. However I respect Neil and his choices. I left happy and content.
Great show. GREAT. Loved the electric guitar pieces. Nice contrast with the more typical acoustic solo stuff. After the Gold Rush on pipe organ was really cool, especially when the bass registers kicked in (Look at Mother Nature on the run in the 21st Century). Fantastic song selection, well performed. Two extra encores well done and well received as close to sing alongs in Heart of Gold and Old Man. Truly a special show.
This tour should be recorded and released.
In answer to someone's question, I think he played the D-28 on the encore. I had a feeling he was going to play "Heart of Gold" because he had to insist several times to his guitar tech that he wanted the Martin acoustic guitar. The roadie kept sort of trying to say, "No Neil, that's not the right one..."
I'm struck that several commenters were struck by how polite the audience in Spartanburg was. Is this because everyone in SC is perceived to be an idiot? I'm a Yankee who has lived in SC and NYC both for many years, and I'm not a defender of the South. But having seen many shows up and down the east coast, northern audiences in my experience are, in general, less likely to listen attentively through quiet performances. Music lovers in the South aren't as spoiled. It's a special show before it even starts. A place like Spartanburg doesn't get many acts of Young's stature. Artists that do regularly play in South Carolina, like Bob Dylan, get some of the best audiences of a tour.
And, at the Spartanburg show, I have to say that I was more irritated by the smart-asses shouting out requests for "Albuquerque" and "Homegrown" than I was by the regular folks calling for "Old Man" and "Heart of Gold". Apparently Neil felt the same way.
Thanks for the post, Michael. As for the guitar, both the D28 and D45 are Martin guitars. The most obvious thing that differentiates them is that the D45 has all the pearl trim around it, and Neil is pretty famously known for playing this guitar which Stephen Stills gave him as a gift (you can see it on the cover of the Comes A Time album and up above about a quarter of the way down on this page where Neil is wearing a Greendale High t shirt). He plays some other great Martins as well, like the D28 he was playing at DAR for the first 3 songs (actually you can see this guitar pictured on the cover of the Freedom album. Anyhow, I was just curious if he had switched guitars D45 for the encore.
I was at the show in louisville ,and now I made the Spartanburg show , maybe Neil was just plain old feelin better but the Spartanburg show left me more satisfied and waiting for the CD
Excellent show. My 2nd time seeing Neil and I couldn't have asked for a better show. Was lucky to have had 2nd row seats ( my birthday present from my awesome wife!)
A question....? Why are people thinking this will be the last or near to last Neil tour? He looked more healthy and spry to me last night than I have seen him in years. He was thinner and ....well didn't look nearly as old as some recent pictures I had seen. Is there some info out there I haven't heard? Or has Neil made some kind of announcement or something I missed?
Loved the versions of "Down By the River," "Cortez the Killer," and "I Believe in You." Thank you, Spartanburg, for being great fans and motivating Neil to play "Heart of Gold" and "Old Man" in the encore. Thank you, Neil, for giving props to your fans in the South.
-Jeff in Charlotte, NC
Spartanburg was the least lucrative date on this tour, the least prepared for what Jansch and Young had to offer, and was characterized by alienated and distracted perfunctory performance on the part of Neil Young. The buzz seeking audience never got off the Piedmont clay and the hecklers could not quieten down. Young, like a grade school teacher losing control, punished the entire class with anguished sonic reverb and shorthand songs. He is 65 years old and is incapable of writing the earlier abstracted soarings, and his audience lacks the sensitivity to embrace his grandfatherliness. But the real failing is in his older audience obsessed with status and material wealth. They are no longer the feedback hurricane that can blow him away (You Are Like a Hurricane) but more like a pissy rain in their running back and forth to the toilet. (This reviewer is 60 years old.)
Yo Mr. 60 years old dude!!!
Were we at same gig??? Up in the balconey everyone was groovin' Maybe down in them high priced seats were some of them sophisticated folks. like yourself it'd seem
ms molly
It was all worth the trip from Sweden to see Neil perform solo. It was more than I expected, and I expect a lot when it comes to Neil.
I'm 19-years-old, and have loved Neil's music since before I could walk. I've lived in the south all of my life and have therefore never had the opportunity and privilege to be at one of his shows.. Last night was the most incredible experiences of my life. I told my family jokingly that I was going to be like the girls during Beatlemania.. Screaming and crying. Little did I know that the moment I saw him walk on stage, it was no longer a joke. I spent much of the show singing and dancing... and silently crying, because I never thought I'd have the immense joy of seeing him in person. He's been my hero and my musical companion since I was young, and through him I will always be forever Young. Don't be denied? WON'T be denied. Thank you for a wonderful show, Neil. I love you.
Happy Memorial Day!
First time poster here with a story to tell. Just finished a 10 hour trek home to Northeast Ohio, from Spartanburg with my wife, via a side trip thru the smokey mountains on Saturday (ahhhhhh, in the trees in the trees). We arrived in Spartanburg aud. parking lot around 4p.m. to watch for busses. soon after here comes Niel down the road. A dozen of us or so gather as they situate up the long ramp against the building. Joe from Jersey said at the Atlanta show he signed stuff. We are excited to get an Autograph of some sort but he probably won't come down the long ramp to see us. Elliot Roberts gets off one of the other busses first, and walks to us and said "he was sorry but we are running late he can't come down please understand." I ask him for his autograph, he humbly says " We'll I'm nobody Neils the guy." I said oh no sir thats not true I would like your autograph and you are important. Surprised at me he graciously signed my credit card voucher for the tickets its all i had. I thanked him and off he goes. People are now dissapointed, Neil exits his bus, his crew aiming him towards the building, he turns to great our calls for him and rambles down the ramp. He signs one for each person, they all had memoribilia, he signs his name below Elliots on my folded piece of paper with a grin this is now my only autograph of any sort. Quite exciting!! I will be better prepared in the future. I've seen Neil 20 times since 1987. Acoustic 4 times previous including the unreleased harvest moon material in 1992. My memory says he played home grown not home fires? Anyway its show time.
The internet spit out front row left of center, on the isle seat 1 and 3. We've been stoked for months! The only time I was closer was in 1988 the Cleveland Agora with the Bluenotes. I stood right in front of his mike but that another story...
I knew nothing about Bert, he was very good, but hard to enjoy thoroughly due to people being shuffled about finding seats and his accent made it difficult to understand his stories completely. Before his last song he thanked the crowd and for not throwing anything at him. He didn't seem to be joking. ( Did something happen at a previous show?)
At the break we noticed Ben seated behind the sound board which brought us a big smile. Neil opened with the usual 3
oldies well done and well recieved. I quickly filled my wife in on the story about L.A. and Ben for the next song You Never
Call. This was incredibly touching and funny ( All we do is work work work.) Especially when he gives a look and a smile
at Ben upon singing his name. Then Love and War to follow. WOW!! He just couldn't be any more open at this point. I've
lost track of the song order my mind its all blending together. He goes to the little upright piano right in front of us.
He tells the crowd how most of us probably have little ones about now and that his is about this high, a year and three
quarters old walking and making music. This song is about her so be quiet shes a little shy around crowds we don't want to
scare her away. Leia is beautiful and funny as he turns to the crowds at is anticdotes. the mostly aging crowd loves this
one he starts towards the back of the stage to the pump organ and his back is to us as someone hollars out Dennis Hopper.
he stops in his tracks and repeats the name through his harmonic mic. Moves towards the organ and says this ones for
Dennis. I wonder how he'll do it as if the last 3 songs weren't enough. ATGR starts with an extra shake in his voice but
keeps it together throughout. As he is applauded for his effort I saw what looked like he wiped with his left finger a
tear? Sat for a little while longer got up and nodded in satisfaction.
I didn't even know the Hitchhicker existed. To bring this one back sounded like owing up to his past for me. Very
powerful! Those were the highlights for me. Cortez and Cinnamon Girl were different and fun.
Some confusion when he came back for the oncore on which quitar he wanted or what song he settled for the acustic and
said this ones for the young girl that was sitting behind us. ( She yelled our Heart of Gold after almost every song.) She
got it. Then he said this ones for the girl on the other side and played Old Man. I'm thinking he can't leave out Walk
With Me and he didn't. So we were blessed with 3 at the end not just one. He left the Gretch ringing on the stand and back
to the mic and said again Walk With Me.
Thanks Neil!!! It was priceless!!!!!!!!
God Bless troops past and present, NYAS, TW, Neil and his crew. NYAS No. 6162
You are definately 60 years old...Neil is just 65 years young.
America The Beautiful: Part One
"Every action should be taken with thoughts of its effects on children seven generations from now."
~Cherokee saying
First of all, my most humble thanks to those who have served and are serving our country...I hope that I never forget what you have done or take any of it for granted, even for a moment. Special thanks to all the living veterans of WWII and to those who are no longer with us, including my Uncle Hal (who fought in North Africa) and my Dad...I should have listened even more and I hope that you and mom are happy and together again. More than six decades later, we are only starting to appreciate all that everyone did and the sacrifices that were made.
Greetings to Thrasher and to all others who are reading this. From everything I've been reading, the Twisted Road continues to awe and inspire. I've had a great four day weekend, with lots of good music included, and I hope that you all are also doing well. Travelled from the mountains to the shore, and I wanted to share a bit with you.
Headed up to Maine on Friday and stopped on the way at Blast from the Past Diner in Waterboro. They were having a Cruise Night and the cars there were totally amazing. Had a great dinner, with "burgers and fries all around" and then checked out all of the vintage autos. Many great old cars and some of them date back to the 30's, but my absolute favorite was a 1948 Buick Eight Roadmonster (same as Neil mentions in Hitchhiker) which I have never seen before. Might be the most beautiful automobile that I have ever seen in my entire life. There were too many other incredible cars to detail, but did see a 1952 Chevy (same as my dad used to have), a 1968 GTO (like a girlfriend in High School had), Chevelles, Impalas and a whole bunch of others. If Neil is ever in the area on a Friday night between May and September, he should be sure to get there.
Continued on to my house, then from there went up to North Conway and to May Kelly's Cottage in North Conway NH, where the great local duo Dennis and Davies were playing. They've been playing in Mount Washington Valley for over two decades, and they just keep getting better and better with age. Their set was a combination of cover songs and old Celtic numbers, closing with U2 (Still Haven't Found....) and then a beautiful traditional number.
Had a wonderful chat and did some catching up with a friend who works there. Her husband almost died a few months back after he fell from a roof while doing construction work, and they have two young girls, both of whom she said were sick at home. Nevertheless my friend was still in a fine mood and is one of the nicest and most positive human beings that I've ever met in my life. Godspeed your man's recovery, and bless you and your young ladies.
Back to my adopted town and caught last call at a local spot that I also love. Chatted with a nice couple there and offered a ride home, since they were a bit over the edge (so to speak). But they lived close enough to walk home, so we said our goodbyes and I headed off to sleep.
Next morning I went back to North Conway for a late breakfast at Peach's on Main Street. The table I was sitting at had notes from previous folks, including a couple who had gotten engaged earlier in the month and four women who came down from PEI to celebrate their 40th birthdays. Oh, and the California Omelet that I had was great too!
America The Beautiful: Part Two
"Redy to wenden on my pilgrymage
To Caunterbury, with ful devout corage"
~Geoffrey Chaucer
From there I went to a local craft show, where I bought some presents for my daughter who has a birthday coming soon. Then I stopped at a local shop for Native American items, where I bought a beautiful End of the Trail sculpture. The owner's name is Dori and she is very nice -- after chatting we found that we have a lot in common, including where we grew up and having some Cherokee ancestors. It sure is a small world sometimes, and there are an awful lot of nice people in it.
Back to the house, packed up and then headed back south. On the way I was listening to Prairie Home Companion, with Gillian Welch and David Rawlings as guests. I met them a number of years earlier at a show, and they are both great people and musicians. The show also had Tom Rush on and he performed Child's Song, which I hadn't heard in about twenty five years. Used to go see Tom a lot back in the day, and it's great to see that he's doing well and still has that amazing voice. The show was live from Wolf Trap in VA and I was wondering if Thrasher might be there by any chance! Garrison Keilor talked about the many Civil War battles that took place in the areas nearby, and they closed the show with a beautiful Gospel song.
Home for a bit, then out to a local spot at the beach where the band 5 Flavor Discount was playing. They play a potent combination of funk and rock, including a version of My Prerogative (Bobby Brown's song) combined somehow with Stairway to Heaven. And then the guitarist played Somewhere Over the Rainbow, sounding like a hybrid of Tal Farlow and Jimi Hendrix. After a couple nice encores, headed home to bed...but then checked TW site and learned that Dennis Hopper had passed away, so stayed up adding my thoughts about this.
Next day was Sunday and I headed to Cape Cod for a family visit and dinner. After that, travelled to the Outer Cape and The Beachcomber in Wellfleet, where the band The Incredible Casuals were opening their 30th summer as the house band. If you've never seen them live, you're really missing something special. Rikki Bates is one of the best rock and roll drummers ever, Johnny Spampinato is an incredible guitarist (with both the Casuals and NRBQ), Aaron Spade ("the new guy") is a great singer and guitarist, and Chandler Travis is New England's version of Neil Young. The crowd was great, weather was amazing and Cahoon Hollow Beach was like heaven.
Driving back home, I listened to the House of Blues radio show where Elwood (aka Dan Akroyd) was interviewing Cody Dickinson. They played some fine music and talked about the greats, including R. L. Burnside, Junior Kimbrough and Cody's dad Jim. Great show and great music meant for a quick and memorable drive back.
America The Beautiful: Part Three
When I sing about Love and War
I don't really know what I'm sayin'
`~Neil Young
Today we all slept in a bit, then went up to the Memorial Day ceremony nearby. On the walk up, I exchanged greetings with former Senator Bob Graham, whose daughter is a neighbor. I was very moved by the Vets there, and even more so when they read the last roll call and then played taps. A young lady from town sang an outstanding version of America the Beautiful. During the benediction, we were reminded that Jesus said "whatever you do for your brother and sister, you do for me as well". The parade and celebration for 4th of July is always much bigger and grander, but this is the one that has the most meaning for me.
In the afternoon, I stopped in for a bit at the local Irish Pub where some performers were doing a traditional Sessun. When they played "Jesus Loves the Little Children", I'm sure it was to commemorate and remember the day...very moving. Finally back home for a nice surf and turf barbecue with my family. Then watching my son's favorite movie, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (with Brad Pitt)...great movie based upon an equally great book. America with all its beauty and warts, truths and contradictions.
Interesting how great music can hold things together and make them that much more memorable. Tomorrow night I'm going to see Alberta Cross again; should be a great time and I'm really looking forward to it. Again, I really hope that you all are doing well and had an equally fine long weekend...keep on rockin' in the free world!!!
"Find peace, health, wholeness, connection and completion in the small miracles."
~Mohawk/Onondaga healer
God Bless the World
Celtics in Six...and MVP will be Ray Allen
Please note that two quotes are from Listening With Your Heart: Lessons from Native America by Wayne Peate, M.D.
This is going to be a great cd when it's released. I am guessing we have not heard all the tracks. I'll be at the Ryman both nights. I wish he could throw in Change Your Mind. I think it would fit real well with his set-list. Anyway you you look at it the concert will be greatttttt.
NYAS No. 6162 loved the timeline commentary of your night to remember...another slant, another interpretation of a memorable concert.
Neil sure does bring out that emotion in everyone.
Have really enjoyed reading such positive comments!
Could it get any better?
mr henry, please start your own blog diary
First Atlanta then Spartanburg. A Memorial weekend with Neil. How profound. Neil has a message for us. He's learning how to lead and we need to walk with him. If we're ever going to get this world right, we need to walk with Neil. The new music was so powerful. I could go on and on about how spectacular the shows were, especially Spartanburg but you read the blogs. I can only agree on how much it meant to me to see Neil again. How I felt like I was in my basement jamming out with Neil. I love you Neil!!
Special thanks to my new "best" friend, Mark Humphreys. Neil certainly has an asset there. The sound at both shows was amazing. After both performances I spoke with Mark, he even gave out picks. He was more personable than anyone I've ever met at a concert. Not only is he one of the finest sound guys out there, he brings something more to the show (at least for me). He made it an even more personal experience than what it was.
Thanks Mark!! I hope to hear from you real soon.
Terri & Donna
For Anon 06.01.10 @ 8:13 a.m., I am planning to do just that. Whether your comment is made as fan or critic, either or both would be valid. I enjoy sharing information and stories at certain key times, but sometimes it's probably a bit too much for here and I really don't want to hog space on TW site. I especially would never want to bore or antagonize folks -- there's already enough of that in this world today.
Although my comments are usually Neil related (and almost always music related), I might sometimes go a bit off topic. I also want be sure that I don't burn out before I fade away (to twist Neil's words around a bit).
Anyway I appreciate the feedback...thank you very much!
Being seated in the front row center, seats 1 and 2, we had a wonderful view of everything at all times! Where we were seated was kept as a wonderful surprise for me and IT WORKED! I loved every moment of the entire show! It was almost like I felt I had died and gone to heaven to be able to listen to the music and see Neil's every move!
Sweetie, you did REAL good!!!!!
Was my second of 4 shows this tour with a few more to go as leg 2 is added, (caught the 2 at The Ryman as well) seeing as he's adding dates it'll total more than 4 for sure. Special show from a special artist. He did well to not go off on the guy who kept yelling the set list prior to the tunes being played, guess every clown wants their 15 seconds of fame, it was the only thing that could have turned a great show into a little shorter great show if you know what I mean, have witnessed him several times getting pissed, not a good thing.
wacky back........must have been beside you, we came down from the great White North and had seats 3&4 ORCH PITC ROW1
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