Solo Neil Young Spring U.S. Tour Dates
UPDATE: JUNE 2011 - Buffalo Springfield Reunion Tour Dates and Reviews

Neil Young will go on a solo tour this Spring.
Concert Reviews linked below.
04/15 Durham, NC Durham PAC
04/17 Richmond, VA Landmark Theater
04/19 Boston, MA Wang Theatre
04/20 Boston, MA Wang Theatre
04/22 Providence, RI Providence PAC
04/24 New York, NY Avery Fisher Hall
04/25 New York, NY Avery Fisher Hall
04/27 Baltimore, MD Hippodrome
04/28 Baltimore, MD Hippodrome
04/30 Philadelphia, PA Tower Theatre
05/01 Philadelphia, PA Tower Theatre
05/03 Cincinnati, OH Aronoff Center
05/04 Detroit, MI Fox Theatre
05/06 Chicago, IL Chicago Theatre
05/07 Chicago, IL Chicago Theatre
05/10 Toronto, Canada Massey Hall
05/11 Toronto, Canada Massey Hall
From what we gather, this appears to be a continuation of the Twisted Road/Le Noise tour of 2010. (note that poster above is from 2010. No info on opening act as of yet.)

Don't be denied.
Labels: concerts, neil young, reviews, solo, tour
Music to my years ...
In the Spring the grass grows by itself
--Suzuki Roshi
Wow...this was SO unexpected - he's coming back to the east coast!! Thanks, Thrasher for the info!!! Two shows in Baltimore? Ughhh...hello credit card!!!!!!!!!!
Bert Jansch is opening at least some of the shows. He's listed for Baltimore & Richmond.
Anyone know if there will be any presales for these tickets? After missing this tour in 2010, I gotta get to at least one show!
Ticketmaster says there's a fan club presale on Wednesday. Anyone know what fan club they mean? Didn't think Neil had one.
Carson, I read that the presale for the concerts in Durham and Richmond were March 8th on ticketmaster. As for the NY community fan site I haven't seen anything.
I'm looking for pre-sale, too!
Durham Info through ticketmaster
Onsale to General Public
Start: Fri, 03/11/11 10:00 AM EST
Start: Thu, 03/10/11 10:00 AM EST
End: Thu, 03/10/11 11:59 PM EST
Richmond Landmark Theater:
Onsale to General Public
Start: Fri, 03/11/11 10:00 AM EST
Media / Venue Presale
Start: Thu, 03/10/11 07:00 AM EST
End: Thu, 03/10/11 10:00 PM EST
US $59.50 - US $204.50
US $59.50 Ticket + US $12.10 Fees =
US $71.60
US $204.50 Ticket + US $17.70 Fees =
US $222.20
See More
See Less
Is this a great Country or what?
YEA Neil, Spring is in the air.
Excellent news! Hope Neil books a date at Massey Hall in T.O. A solo acoustic tour suits me just fine.:)
Life is Good!!!
2 words shakey: Pitts Burgh
Hey Neil, The west is the best, we've got some could micro brews for ya up here in the Pacific North West. It'll be Good to see you again my friend. WOOOHOOOO!!!
This is great news.
Why don't I see the Chicago dates on Ticketmaster yet? I'm paranoid those might not happen.
I am going to get drunk and yell neil as loud as i can in Chicago both shows
If anyone get info on pre-order or has the Neil Young fan site url pls pls share it here.
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peter said...
Great News for all you lucky Americans!
I really really hope there will be a European tour as well. These shows are on the same level as the TTN tour - altough I was only 10 years old then and had never heard of Neil I just DON'T WANT TO BE DENIED again!
(and furthermore: this tour should become the third part of the Demme Trilogy!)
Actually there already is a Demme trilogy of Neil.
First was Complex Sessions from back in 1994. Came out on VHS and I still have my copy...watched it again a number of times last Spring. Has a number of songs from Sleeps With Angels, including My Heart and Change Your Mind. Recorded over two days, it's Neil and the Horse at their most introspective. Only about thirty minutes long, but every moment counts...a great beginning and indicator of what's to come.
Heart of Gold is the second one, the film that is most familiar. Filmed more than a decade later, and also introspective in its own way.
Third one is Trunk Show...hoping that's coming out soon on DVD and Blu Ray. Since the Complex Sessions film is still only available on VHS (and not currently in copies going for 60 bucks on Amazon), would be great if they come out with all three on Blu Ray and go for the hat trick!
I'm also hoping that Mr. Demme will be filming one or more performances for another film. It would be wonderful to capture this incredible period of Neil's artistry, and it would also complement the other films perfectly. With Tower Theater on the schedule, and for two nights no less, that could be the plan...or not. And Neil could do a solo version of No Hidden Path and dedicate it to Larry and Ben.
Somewhere, Somewhere
I gotta get Somewhere
It's not too late
It's not too late
I've got to get Somewhere
Somewhere someone has a dream come true
Somehow someone has a dream come true
--Neil Young...My Heart
So psyched for acoustic? neil at the wang ctr!
btw: here's my video montage of the boston premier of trunk show:
OK Neil, really happy for Americans (again!) but what about Europeans ?
No dates in France, Italy, UK, Germany ????
Please ....
(and i'm dying to see Trunk Show, nobody seen it here in Europe and it's sad. I just hope this movie pop up one day, i begin to fear Neil plan to put it aside for long years.)
I hope to be wrong, but to me it sounds like we don't have to expect a Twisted Road Tour european leg... That's a small theater tour so in my mind no summer dates in Europe for sure, than comes Farm Aid and Bridge Benefit time...
Anyway we all know that Neil only does what he wants when he wants so.
Many people, including myself, were waiting for the Buffalo Springfield tour announcement and were firmly convinced that the Le Noise era was over. So maybe next step will be a Europe only tour of Buffalo Springfield ... (Just kidding with only a little bit of hope)
Not sure how these solo acoustic rumors got started, but here's the official announcement (thanks to Jacques-Eric on Rust):
BURBANK, CA -- (Marketwire) -- 03/07/11 -- Legendary rocker Neil Young will
embark on a solo tour that will kick off on April 15th in Durham, NC, and
conclude on May 7th in Chicago. The tour, which will include stops with a
pair of nights at Boston's Wang Center and two shows at the prestigious and
intimate Avery Fisher Hall in NYC's Lincoln Center, will cover songs from
his current acclaimed album, Le Noise as well as classic tracks performed in
both electric and acoustic settings. Young recently won his second-ever
Grammy Award for "Best Rock Song" for "Angry World" -- a track off Le Noise,
which was also nominated for "Best Rock Album."
Rolling Stone has a story about the Spring Tour; posted early evening yesterday. They picked it up in the RS listing on you go there now, here are the bullet links that you get. Very interesting snapshot of the modern world, no? Especially the link to Matt's piece "Why Isn't Wall Street In Jail" which is immediately preceded by "Bevis and Butthead Reborn". But Neil is right at the top, as of course he should be. And "Snooki's Wild Ride" closes things out.
Rolling Stone
•Neil Young announces solo tour
•Why Phil Collins wants to call it quits
•'Beavis & Butt-head' reborn
•Why isn't Wall Street in jail?
•Kevin Smith uncensored
•Snooki's wild ride
Twenty First Century Schizoid Man
--Robert Fripp/King Crimson
...and to deter any confusion, the Fripp quote I just used refers to our modern world and its fractured culture and priorities. Would not anyone to think I meant that for Neil:) Thanks!
I am holding my breath.....
When do tickets go on sale for New York????
Marian M.
I knew he was just taking a much needed rest from the 'Twisted Road' Tour. There was no way he was gonna do a North American solo accoustic/electric show and not hit the 'Fox Theater' in Detroit! (O.K, maybe I was just a little worried) I know where me and the kids are gonna be on the evening of May 4th!
MAY 4 ???
That is one HELL of an "anniversary"...
I hope that Uncle Neil does honor it and plays "OHIO" on that tearfully-shed 1970 (2011) day... Really, not much has changed since then...
quite the schedule, 5 one nighters and 5 two night stands. I'm gonna need a 3 day pass or 2.
MARIAN M. : I called the Avery Fisher Hall and they said no info until the end of the week...
I have to repeat an earlier comment: PITTSBURGH???????
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Glad to have him back in Cincinnati. Hope he brings the friends and relatives in for this one, too.
Thrasher, will you be listing pre-sale dates or direct us where to find the information?
An almost un-noticeable link to pre-sale info is now up on the tour page of Here is the link:
That takes you to the page where you buy the tickets. All the pre-sale info is there.
Does anyone know why Cincinnati tickets are not available?
Thanks so much Josh for bringing this to our attention! I was going to wait for the American Express presale to get tickets for the Wang Center shows, and that doesn't happen until later today. So I definitely owe you...thanks again.
Great seats for the first show on April 19 and some good (less expensive) ones for April 20 performance. It will be incredible to see Neil at the old Music Hall venue where I've seen so many great shows, including Bob Marley back in the summer of '78. I'll be thinking of that when I'm attending the second show on 4.20...maybe Neil will even do "Roll Another Number" as a special tune!
when does pre sale on sale for new york shows :(
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No Canadian dates????? You are on my bucket list, I have to see you once live in this life time, please come to the West Coast of Canada!!!! Please Neil.....!xxxx
What is going on with the NYC shows? I can't find any info, apart from numerous scalpers tickets being for sale already.
I checked the presale page on Friday ... nothing. I swear I checked Monday and still nothing, but when I checked Tuesday, the 2 NYC shows had magically appeared but the presale had sold out. Now that I check again today, only the 2nd show is listed on the presale website.
Something just seems odd about the NYC shows. There is still nothing listed on the Avery Hall website.
@Alfonz - sorry on troubles. don't have any insight into this. some updates here....
good luck
Any word on the opening band yet for this tour
Tickets are on sale at Yesterday it was an American Express presale, but it appears to be a general on sale today.
The Avery Fisher hall ticekts went on sale Sat., 3/26, at 10 am. But they weren't up on the site until 10:15 or 10:20. There was a pre-sale before that and it was all very confusing. I bought tickets for my boyfriend and I on Sat. morn.
Then, I decided I wanted to go to a Chicago show w/a friend who lives there. It was pretty much sold out. But she's in a wheelchair, and those tickets weren't sold out. What luck, in a strange way.
As for the opening band, it's this guy Burt. He opened for all the shows last summer. Some people like him, but most don't. He's a good guitar player, but you can't understand his singing. Some people think he's a legend. All I know is I went to see Neil in CT last summer and then 2 shows in Winnipeg. By Winnipeg, I spent the Burt period at the bar. In CT, he actually thanked the audience for not throwing rotten fruit at him.
Also, does the solo tour ever end? Is this the same tour as last yr. or is it going to have new stuff?
$270+ for a ticket ! ?
Will there be any West coast shows?! I am so desperately wanting to see Neil Live.
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