Reviews of Neil Young in Concert in Biloxi, MS, September 25, 2010

Neil Young will be performing tonight at the IP Casino, Resort & Spa, Biloxi, Mississippi. Allen Toussaint will open the concert.
Got a report? Drop a comment below.
Check Sugar Mountain for setlist updates. Also, see Song Grid Chart.
Also, see Neil Young's "Twisted Road" Concert Tour Reviews and the right, middle sidebar for continuous real time RSS feed updates.
The concerts will benefit Gulf of Mexico residents and concert goers are encouraged to bring canned goods for donation.

When Neil walked out between his scattered guitars, multiple amplifiers and signature piano and organ the whole audience felt a rush. Everyone stood and leaned toward the stage.
Neil's classical guitar, with effects, equalizers and delays made the whole venue feel warm and saturated. The strings were crisp and rumblin. His black beauty and gretsch were full of saw-blade fuzz and such an undulating lower end that our seats vibrated.
Every song from new Love and War to old Down By The River had all of Neil's nuances and changes keeping them engaging and fresh.
After the show we walked around back to take a peak at the Pocahontas tour bus and were pleasantly surprised to see Neil's sons and comrades around LincVolt.
Neil emerged and his older son and friends all piled in her and went for an electro-cruise around Biloxi, off in to the night.
When our plane touched back down in San Diego we saw a marquee announcing UB40 at a local venue.
I can't help but think of all the people flooding in to thier seats anticipating the same band they saw in the 80's...the same hits, the same feeling.
The thing about Neil is that the comfort and constant you get from him is that their is no constant except his dedication to the muse he follows. His songs from forty years ago were fresh and played in ways that bring reincarnate them and his brand new tunes challange and scathe the audience with thier unfamiliarity that I as a Neil fan can safely say I say Neil of today. Neil 2010, not a 64 year old playing covers of a younger self. He's always playing in the present.
It's as good as it gets.
What a great show in a small theater with a good sound. Even the jackass bellowing 'Play Harvest Moon!' repeatedly between songs lent a certain comedic levity to the experience.
Were I to pick one moment that really stood out for me it was Neil alone on stage with Old Black ripping through 'Down By the River.' It felt like you were watching a fourteen year old jamming in his bedroom purely for the thrill of it. It was special to see Neil up there in 2010 still doing what he loves.
I am not good at filling pages with prose about the classic heroes of our time. But I think that Neil Young is truly a class act and a wonderful artist. He blew me away. As a 58 year old cynic that in it's self is something good for me. The Biloxi show wad just as good as it gets. Keep on rocking Neil.
I saw the show in Biloxi and was amazed. Neil still has got it! I loved the ending with the way he made the guitars and amps feedback. I saw him in TO at Massey Hall in 07 and he was amazing then, too, but this show was extra special. The next night I traveled over to Mobile, Alabama and remembered half way there that Neil was playing at the Saenger Theatre. This was my first time to Mobile (or Alabama for that part).
I decided to see if there were any extra tickets available for the show (unfortunately they were sold out) but a local showed me the back of the theatre and a number of tour buses were back there. I had to see if there was a chance I could see Neil or maybe even talk to him.
I waited around for 3 - 4 hours. The weather was horrible (drenching rain and thunderstorms).
Around 5 pm, up rolls the LincVolt right up to where I was standing and inside was Neil, a front passenger (perhaps Lanois?) and a passenger in the back. The car was dead quiet.
Security received a cell phone call minutes before and it was Neil. He was lost and didn't know where the back of the theatre was.
I couldn't believe my eyes.
Security was kind enough to let me stand there for as long as I did.
Suddenly his assistant brings up an umbrella and up rises Neil from the car (wearing sort of a skull cap and a long coat). His front passenger comes out and stares right at me. Neil is quickly escorted around and the small gathering just starts descending on him. A few snapped photos. It happened so fast that there wasn't time to try and shake his hand.
I wish I had a camera because I was right on top of the LincVolt looking in.
A strange woman gave him a portrait she made and someone (maybe someone from the press or a crazed fan) asked him something but he said "No..gotta run." Again, this all happened in moments.
He entered his tour bus (with Florida 'Zuma' license plates, by the way. Awesome!) and that was the last I saw of him. I tried hanging out longer but the one security guard politely told me that they've asked him to clear the street and for no one to be out around the buses.
I was stunned. I drove back to Biloxi (where I was staying) in complete silence. I called everyone I knew. I texted people. Just me in complete silence; no radio playing, driving back to the casino I was staying in a ferocious thunderstorm only the Gulf could provide.
I was feet away from Neil!
I was disappointed that I couldn't shake his hand. I contemplated asking an assistant if they'd check to see if he would autograph my Biloxi ticket but they were busy and I didn't want to push my luck.
All I wanted to do was shake his hand and say "great show in Biloxi, Mr. Young"
My day will come when I get that change to just shake his hand. This sighting alone made my trip.
Does anyone know if Neil is usually approachable or does he tend to avoid crowds and fans? I know he's a little reclusive and I get that. I think, though, that if it wasn't raining so hard and thunder storming he may have been out longer and the chance would have been there.
The LincVolt, by the way, is awesome. Neil has his Garmin GPS in there and a large computer screen in the front.
I did manage to talk to his front passenger (does anyone know if Lanois travels with him in the LincVolt--that could have been him) I asked him if they drove directly from Biloxi to here and he said 'yes'. I told him I saw the show in MS and it was excellent.
This was worth the trip from Maine!!!
I saw the show in Biloxi and was amazed. Neil still has got it! I loved the ending with the way he made the guitars and amps feedback. I saw him in TO at Massey Hall in 07 and he was amazing then, too, but this show was extra special. The next night I traveled over to Mobile, Alabama and remembered half way there that Neil was playing at the Saenger Theatre. This was my first time to Mobile (or Alabama for that part).
I decided to see if there were any extra tickets available for the show (unfortunately they were sold out) but a local showed me the back of the theatre and a number of tour buses were back there. I had to see if there was a chance I could see Neil or maybe even talk to him.
I waited around for 3 - 4 hours. The weather was horrible (drenching rain and thunderstorms).
Around 5 pm, up rolls the LincVolt right up to where I was standing and inside was Neil, a front passenger (perhaps Lanois?) and a passenger in the back. The car was dead quiet.
Security received a cell phone call minutes before and it was Neil. He was lost and didn't know where the back of the theatre was.
I couldn't believe my eyes.
Security was kind enough to let me stand there for as long as I did.
Suddenly his assistant brings up an umbrella and up rises Neil from the car (wearing sort of a skull cap and a long coat). His front passenger comes out and stares right at me. Neil is quickly escorted around and the small gathering just starts descending on him. A few snapped photos. It happened so fast that there wasn't time to try and shake his hand.
I wish I had a camera because I was right on top of the LincVolt looking in.
A strange woman gave him a portrait she made and someone (maybe someone from the press or a crazed fan) asked him something but he said "No..gotta run." Again, this all happened in moments.
He entered his tour bus (with Florida 'Zuma' license plates, by the way. Awesome!) and that was the last I saw of him. I tried hanging out longer but the one security guard politely told me that they've asked him to clear the street and for no one to be out around the buses.
I was stunned. I drove back to Biloxi (where I was staying) in complete silence. I called everyone I knew. I texted people. Just me in complete silence; no radio playing, driving back to the casino I was staying in a ferocious thunderstorm only the Gulf could provide.
I was feet away from Neil!
I was disappointed that I couldn't shake his hand. I contemplated asking an assistant if they'd check to see if he would autograph my Biloxi ticket but they were busy and I didn't want to push my luck.
All I wanted to do was shake his hand and say "great show in Biloxi, Mr. Young"
My day will come when I get that change to just shake his hand. This sighting alone made my trip.
Does anyone know if Neil is usually approachable or does he tend to avoid crowds and fans? I know he's a little reclusive and I get that. I think, though, that if it wasn't raining so hard and thunder storming he may have been out longer and the chance would have been there.
The LincVolt, by the way, is awesome. Neil has his Garmin GPS in there and a large computer screen in the front.
I did manage to talk to his front passenger (does anyone know if Lanois travels with him in the LincVolt--that could have been him) I asked him if they drove directly from Biloxi to here and he said 'yes'. I told him I saw the show in MS and it was excellent.
This was worth the trip from Maine!!!
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