Truly, Thank You So Very, Very Much for Supporting Thrasher's Wheat Over the Past 23+ Years!!! We Love You All

Flying The Colors From The MountainTop to the Fields of Wheat:
Thrasher's Wheat Crew @
MOUNTAINTOP Film Premiere in Washington DC
We here at Thrasher's Wheat are always thrilled to share the love and give away Neil Young concert tickets, books, posters, magazines and all sorts of other free stuff. But the best of all is sharing what we call Neil Stories -- those which "emotionally resonate" with us all and make it such a joy to be part of the community of global rust.
Truly one the greatest highlights in the 23+ years of Thrasher's Wheat existence was -- without a shred of doubt -- was taking Thrasher's Wheat Radio on to Europe in 2012 for the Neil Young & Crazy Horse Alchemy Tour. But there have been many others as well, such as the pilgrimage to the Annual Bridge School concerts -- as we did in 2015 or more recently, The Philadelphia Stories from The Man in The High Tower (Theater): Neil Young Solo @ Upper Darby, PA - Sept. 30 & Oct 1, 2018 or Farm Aid 2019 Highlights in Alpine Valley, Wisconsin.
We love your photos of TW shirts and -- of course -- your comments like this one from our buddy Dan:
Thrasher and Thrashette,
You guys are such an inspiration and could not be more grateful for the incredible sacrifice, effort, and creativity you put into the site literally day in day out, year in year out … it is a pleasure and comfort to visit daily to get enriched by all the homegrown content whether produced by you and this community … its been an epic journey with Neil (that seems to get better and better) and TW has over many years become part and parcel with the whole Neil trip (and continues to enhance it) … thank you, thank you. Financially supporting your efforts is a privilege.
Gratefully yours,
Berlin, Germany Concert: Neil Young + Promise of the Real - July 21, 2016
As you may recall, in 2014, we had Some Good News and Not So Good News. Essentially, Thrasher's Wheat last it's advertising partnership and the source of the majority of funding for running the Thrasher's Wheat blog. And things continue to get tougher and tougher on independent media and bloggers as Facebook suspended our account in 2015.
(And there's crime in the city... "They" have tried to take us down by canceling our advertising partnerships, or blocking our ability to run Google Ads, or hacking our Twitter account, or filing fraudulent transactions on our PayPal account, or disrupting the ISP service of our partner and Thrasher's Wheat Radio, or screwing around with our Amazon partner links, or jerking us around about Willie for a Nobel, capping our LIKES below 30K and unsub'g folks automatically, throttled our once robust reader comments eco-system suspending the Gigs for the Gulf page based on false copyright infringement claims, trying to make exposing environmental crimes a crime, disrupting freedom of speech and assembly, or humiliating and mocking our efforts when we try and stand up, algorithmic censorship to lower our rank off of Top 10 Search results or gaslighting us with "fake Neil news", sending in all sorts of trolls and spammers to disrupt the Neil community, or making exposing a war crime a war crime or blasting us with near Stuxnet-like levels of crippling attacks on our servers, de-platformed from Google News as a legitimate (non-fake) news source, the impending de-platforming of the TW Channel on YouTube (per latest change in ToS effective Dec. 10th) -- and on & on...
This oppressive censorship and "digital assassination" of TW is an attempt to control our language and thus control your mind. More on the entire subject here if you care to handle the TRUTH...)
But we harvest on here at Thrasher's Wheat undeterred because we have a job to do. So we formally invite you to join us in this venture: Support our blog, engage with us, and make your participation and support a reality. Find a level that suits you and slip into the groove.
London Concert of Neil Young + Promise of the Real, June 11, 2016
So Why Bother To Support Neil Young News on TW?
Our goal is simple: we create the best Neil Young blog we possibly can, refrain from contaminating it with nasty, evil corporate advertising, and then ask you to donate to us what you think it's worth. So far it seems to be working out sort of. We're not likely to break even on bandwidth and storage expenses (much less donated labor) this way, but that's not our goal. The challenges of separating the Wheat from the Chaff (or the REAL from the Fake) has never been more difficult -- or important.
Rusties After The Show
Here at TW we're not just non-commercial. We're anti-commercial. We feel that quality blogs and corporate advertising just cannot co-exist. We also choose to refrain from forcibly extracting money from you by charging subscription fees. We want to extend our sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed so generously over the past few years. We quite literally couldn't do it without you.
And, as always, we understand that contributing money is just not an option for some of you. That's fine. All posts, feeds and services at TW are open to everyone, and we will do everything in our power to keep it that way.
We’ve helped influence decisions on release formats and availability, we think, through our writing and your activism in response to it. We’ve exposed the hypocrisy of professional music critics and tried to speak out against the madness, fear and greed. All the while trying to find some hope in the future and have a little fun along the way!

But the basic underpinnings of our financial model haven’t changed: we’re often only one blog post away from pulling the plugs at any given moment.
So, here's how you can help.
We need ask for your financial support, at least at the most basic level of *just* $3 per year. Only $3 per year.
At less one penny a day, it’s less than your daily newspaper, cable television, subscription package or internet service. Less than a 6-pack of decent beer, even?! And you very well know the high quality of independent blogging, informed opinion, thoughtful commentary, wonderful and bizarre reader comments and warped humor you get here for that minimal contribution. Is there any other blog you read anywhere that provides you this much fun?
Donations are the only model we can see as we look ahead at the media landscape that faces us. Without a corporate sell-out (that would limit our independence) and without a mega patron (ahem... who would likely impose opinions and views while probably also staking out No-Go areas of speech) we simply cannot continue onwards toward the New Media Paradigm we’ve become. In addition to this blog, we also have Twitter and
As the people-powered, irreverent blog that Thrasher's Wheat is, we can only remain this way with your help. Your support will let us continue to do what Thrasher's Wheat tries to do as well as possible. Won’t you please donate now? (securely, safely, privately)
Walk with us.

This Blog's For You!
Support us now, please. It’s really easy, almost painless. Your support matters: it’s the only way we can see our way into the future.
Which we plan to continue, with your help. Today. Now. C'mon just 3 bucks. Only $3 today for a year of Neil fun. Such a deal. Thank you!

Trouble donating via Paypal?
1. Go to
2. Click "SEND" @ top
3. Enter YOUR email or cell# + NEXT Button
4. Enter PAYEE email:
5. Enter $ donation amount
6. Use credit card & proceed
Purchases via of *anything* (books, CD's, shoes, etc.) will provide Thrasher's Wheat with a small commission. All you have to do is click the banner above and shop. (Please shop locally and independently. But if you can't, we appreciate your supporting Thrasher's Wheat by clicking image above. Thanks!!!)

United States -

Canada -

United Kingdom -

Germany -

(Please note: International Amazon orders (non-U.S.A., non-Canada, non-U.K., non-Germany) do not credit to Thrasher's Wheat unfortunately. Other international readers are asked to please use PayPal account or credit card to support Thrasher's Wheat.)
You have proven that Thrasher's Wheat matters to you, and that you support our mission: to bring free Neil Young knowledge to the planet, free of charge and as free as possible of advertising. You've helped make and keep Thrasher's Wheat available for the whole world. If you find this site helpful as a reference or news source, please help us continue to help all Neil Young fans. Hopefully, this will continue to work to help defray the costs of running Thrasher's Wheat. Any excess funds generated above and beyond operating expenses will be donated to The Bridge School.

Pulling the plug on TW simply cannot happen. After all, we've been implored to "Keep on bloggin' til the power goes out."
Helsinki, Finland Concert: Neil Young + Promise of the Real - July 3, 2016
And if shopping for stuff isn't your thing, we understand.
Just spreading the word about Thrasher's Wheat is a huge help. If you have friends that you think might enjoy TW - please take a moment to drop them a note. Postings about TW on appropriate web forums are also a great way to spread the word. As a matter of fact, we have folks using our Thrasher's Wheat logo on their blogs!
White House, Washington, DC
Photo by Hounds That Howell
In response to our semi-irregular
As some have suggested, "if there is a more balanced, fact based, deeply analytic, independent and proven insightful Neil blog, or voice than TW, better serving the relevant niche, than this one, we would like to see it. Whether you love or hate Neil, this blog is incredibly valuable for its depth and consistency of analysis."
for Neil Young & Crazy Horse Concert Tour
Koln, Germany, July 2013
(Click photo to enlarge)
We need your support as independent journalistic voices in the mass media milieu. Make no mistake, your support of all of our work here helps establish all of us as protected and respected bloggera, and we are thankful for the same.
If you are reading this, you either know, or should know, precisely what level of outstanding blogging that goes down daily here on TW.
So who is TW? We're a teeny, tiny non-profit that runs a popular Neil Young fan blog. We have only 1.5 staff but serve 1,000's & 1,000's, and we have costs like any other web sites: servers, power, programs, and ancillary costs. Folks think TW is special. We like that we're NOT behind a pay firewall but out in the open -- in public view --as it should be. Love all, serve all, as they say. It is like a temple for the mind, a place we can all go to think and learn. To protect our independence, we'll never *rarely* run ads. We take no record label funds. We survive on donations averaging about $5. Now is the time we ask. If everyone reading this gave $5, our fundraiser would be done within an hour. If Thrasher's Wheat is useful to you, take one minute to keep it online and ad-free another year. Please help us forget fundraising and get back to Neil news.
Maui, Hawaii
That said, this posting violates all our precepts here at TW -- it’s the time of year we do something we hate, which is asking for your support.
We hate it for two reasons:
One: many of our supporters are in dire straits economically and have no money to contribute. Even for those fortunate to have jobs and homes and food, it’s still been a tough of late. If you don’t have funds to spare, don’t even think about giving.
Two: Far more than we want people giving money, we want people taking action. That’s our first, second, and third priority -- that’s what we ask for 9 times out of 10. Videos, photos, reviews, comments. That truly supports TW.
But we’ve had so many people taking so many actions this year that this whole blog continues to grow -- those less crazy than those early days of the 21st century. It’s completely great. And it means we need the resources to coordinate it all, to make it more than the sum of its parts.
So today, we’re asking you to chip in what you can. So, if you can

These periodic blog fund-raisers, play a vital role in supporting the work we do here. Reader support in all its forms really is central to the work we do here, and it’s very appreciated, gratifying, and helpful.
The most vital attribute of our work, by far, is full-scale independence — the ability to write on any topics of importance free of concerns about offending potential advertisers or fear of other forms of implications — and it’s reader support that makes that possible. This model ensures that we have only one constituency that matters — our readers — and that, in turn, means we need only be concerned with producing work that is as informative, as consequential and, most of all, as honest as possible. Neil has always been faithful to his word in honoring our unfettered editorial independence while publishing this blog, which is one reason it’s been a great platform for our work, but it is reader support that permits us to spend a portion of our time voluntarily writing here every day and doing the work we think will do the most good without any fears or constraints.

Author Dave Zimmer
On The Beach with Thrasher's Wheat Radio
There is widespread and always-growing concern about the inability of blogging endeavors to find a sustainable financial model, particularly with the ever expanding Internet. But we think the Internet has highlighted one of the best ways to enable independent blogging: through reader support. This is not a brand new approach, nor is it one confined to smaller outlets. But for us, this is the model that permits us to engage in the optimal form of independent blogging and generally maintain independence.
Those wishing to participate can do so via Paypal by clicking the button above.
As always, we genuinely appreciate all forms of reader involvement here; the communal nature of Internet writing is one of its most valuable characteristics, and an active, vibrant, supportive readership has been crucial to blogging the Neil scene since 1996 (and on a daily basis since 2003) in so many ways.
The Arkansas Girls
Words, such as these, by the oh-so delightfully handled ShittyHorse:
Thrasher, what you provide to us Neil Fanatics is truly invaluable.Thanks SH! We appreciate your kind words of support. Always and sincerely.
I visit other "Neil Sites", and Thrasher's Wheat is by far my favorite, not to diminish others, just my personal preference. You've created a strong community here, where Neil fans can talk everything Neil- from news and events to albums, songs, concerts, personal experiences and feelings, band members and other musicians, but most of all you give us a place to gather, to show our numbers, and be with others who truly understand why Neil's music touches us in such a profound and meaningful way.
I think it's safe to say that we all, even the most critical fans, appreciate the hard work and dedication that you and Thrashette put into this site. Times are tough, which is why your site and others like it become more and more important- it provides a much needed escape at times, entertainment, information and always puts a smile on my face. Even Neil Young himself has recognized the importance of Thrasher's Wheat.
You are part of Neil history and, in turn, Rock n' Roll History.
From here on I'd say any definitive book written on Neil's life and career would be lacking if missing a Thrasher's Wheat reference- you've been a liaison between the fans and the man himself. What you do is important and appreciated. Never loose heart.
I've made a large purchase this morning on Amazon through this site, as I always try to do, which I hope helps out. Of course it is a small thing, but if all your readers did this same, one small thing I'm sure it would help out a lot.
Again, thank you for your hard work, and devotion, not only to Neil but also his fans.
Happy Holidays to you and Thrashette!
Again, thanks everyone for their contributions. But mostly thanks for all the reviews, photos, links, videos, and comments. And your kind and supportive words, especially. We truly enjoy sharing the Neil love around the world. We've been doing this on & off for 18 years on Rust/HH/RH and 15 years on TW and we'd really like to continue -- readers willing.

Henrik Flying the TW Colors in Berlin
Neil Young + Promise of The Real - Waldbühne, Berlin, Germany - July 3, 2019
We are all for the better for gathering here. So, to one and all, thank you. It means everything to us. Seriously. And the Merriest of Holidays to one and all, no matter what your faith or following. It is a season for sharing and love, and we send that to one and all.
With that said, let’s give thanks to one and all, not only here, but who have come and left. There are so many friends that have come and, sadly, departed there is no good way to cover one and all. There have been so many.
We can only say thanks to one and all. It is one thing to have a forum to talk to people. It is yet another where people both listen and interact positively and brightly better than what you ever hoped. That has been the hallmark here from the start.
Thank you for that. For all, sincerely, thanks, both for the year that was, and the time to come. Be well.
So by helping us out, you'll also help out to spread the Neil love around the world. And -- maybe in some small way -- it all helps the Bridge School, Farm Aid, Musicares, and the LincVolt project. Because we all want to light a candle, make a difference, be the rain, and be the change.
Be the wheat.
peace and love,
thrasher & thrashette
Down by the Corner (Somewhere between The Land of OZ & Greendale)
"Keep on bloggin'
`Til the power goes out
The batteries dead
Twist and shout"
- "Fork In the Road"
ps - it keeps us searchin' for the vista and the muse. We won't Be Denied!
NY + CH: Paris, June 6, 2013
@ 2015 Bridge Concerts
And -- as always -- it's all about the Bridge Kids. Really... the best of the wheat is yet to come...

Flying The Colors: Thrasher's Wheat 20th Anniversary Shirts
Telluride, Colorado, October 1, 2016
Photo by Expecting To Fly

"Children of Destiny" will NOT be harvested
However, the chaff will be burned by unquenchable fire
Labels: love, neil young, support, Supporting Thrasher's Wheat
Happy Holiday
Thanks wsanjose ! You too.
And thanks everyone for your support and messages. We'll try and get our thank you notes out more promptly this year.
We are so grateful and fortunate to have you folks. So happy harvesting, don't be denied and have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!
"Oh, Mother Earth with your fields of green
Once more laid down by the hungry hand
How long can you give and not receive?
And feed this world ruled by greed."
~~ Mother Earth (Natural Anthem) by NY
Totally thankful for you, the website and all Rusties! Keep on rockin’ in the new year T. Love ya!!
Hi, TW. Please give me a mailing address, so I can donate to you thru snail mail. I don't do anything online for reasons of my own. Thanks!
Any Neil young fan of your magnitude is a friend of mine.. Happy to donate.
Keep it up & Happy Thanksgiving. ✌
Thrashers Wheat is great! I tried to donate but can’t figure out how to do it with credit card. I seem to get sent to PayPal. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for all your great work!
Thanks David. Much appreciated.
To donate without creating a PayPal account, scroll down and click on the Pay with a credit or debit card link.
The PAYEE is
Click to pay with Credit Card via Paypal
Select your payment option (credit card or debit card) and fill out the form, then click the orange button at the bottom when you’re done.
Thanks so much for your support of TW!
Thanks, it worked. On my device there isn’t a link that says “pay with credit or debit card.” But I clicked on “Create an Account” and used a credit card there. It doesn’t actually create a PayPal account.
thanks and good to know David.
yep, just saw come through Paypal.
Thanks for readin' & Keep on rockin'!
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