Neil Young's Unreleased Songs: UNCLE EDDIE'S CUPBOARD + The Unofficial Archive - UPDATE Vers. 7 + COTM

Neil Young's Unreleased Songs:
The Unofficial Archive - UPDATE Version 7 (Abridged): 12 November 2019
Here is an update to an exclusive compilation specifically for Neil Young fans as a reference to his unreleased songs. In 2018, Thrasher's Wheat first published the most comprehensive listing of Neil Young’s unreleased material. Long time rustie Robert Broadfoot -- who hails from Germany -- produced a PDF document which Thrasher's Wheat has been honored to serve as host.
Here is the updated Version 7 (Abridged): 12 November 2019 and Robert's note.
The Unofficial Archive - Neil Young's Unreleased Songs by Robert Broadfoot
Version 7 (Abridged): 12 November 2019
DOWNLOAD FILE @ NY Unofficial Archive Version 7 (Abridged): 12 November 2019.pdf (right click to "Save As")
Dear Thrasher’s Wheat Community,
I thought you might be interested in this new, updated document and some thoughts on Uncle Eddie.
Uncle Eddie has focused Neil's attention on his unreleased catalogue. (See "Uncle Eddie's NYA - New Tier?": Neil Young Releasing Everything in 2020 on NYA. Plus, see Comment of the Moment on "Uncle Eddie's NYA - New Tier?)
So how many songs are we in theory talking about? Well a lot of Neil's songs from the early days were never recorded, at least as far as we know, and then there is the question of whether you include live performances of songs he has covered. Some like A Day In The Life or Eight Miles High are as good as anything he has released.
For the completists amongst you, here is a summary list which includes everything so far unreleased on official albums. It includes performances of covers on which Neil plays a leading role (i.e. not just as a backing artist, though this is a grey area).
There are close to 250 titles in total and that's just the confirmed ones. There are a lot more unconfirmed possibles. I would guess only 50 or so have any chance of seeing the light of day, excluding a possible Ducks compilation.
No doubt there are errors and some questionable items here. I would welcome feedback and corrections as always. It is a work in progress. Hope y'all find it useful/interesting.
Best to you (and Thrashette) as always. Hope we get to meet soon on the CH 2020 tour!
Robert Broadfoot
NYUA Facebook group
Twitter feed
Many thanks Robert on this labor of love, which we can certainly relate to. This "Neilopedia" makes a mighty fine contribution to the global rustie/Neil fan community.
For any suggestions, corrections, updates, etc., please contact Robert at
Thrasher's Wheat will continue to host updates as long as possible and/or necessary.
Keep on rockin'!
Also, here is the Comment of the Moment on "Uncle Eddie's NYA - New Tier?": Neil Young Releasing Everything in 2020 on NYA by erstwhile, longtime fan, the intrepid and fearless Lone Red Rider:
Neil has been slippery with NYA.Many thanks Lone Red Rider, especially for your long term tenacity as a NYA aficionado and technical wizard.
At the beginning, Neil was pretty clear that NYA was going to be "all of the music I released" plus photos, news clippings, lyrics, credits, videos and a lot of context around the music. As much as we wanted NYA to be the big unreleased vault open for all, it was just never promised to be that way. The unreleased albums teased on the timeline were always intended to be released as physical product and then show up on NYA about the same time. Maybe a day earlier than the physical release. But they were never intended to be exclusive to NYA.
Over the last year, however, Neil has teased his "users" at various times through "Letters To The Editor" that he would be adding outtakes and single tracks in addition to the albums into NYA. And Neil has received a lot of feedback from users that exclusive content was what would drive his fans to NYA and keep them there. Well, we have been waiting for a while for this and it hasn't happened. One example was the promised addition of bonus tracks into the file cabinet fro Tuscaloosa. In the end, there were "unforseen legal issues". So it may be harder than Neil had previously thought to put bonus tracks out there. God knows why. Doesn't Neil own all of this stuff?
Now Uncle Eddie has tugged on Neil's heartstrings and made him talk, yet again, about adding things exclusively to NYA. Now there is talk of a new pricing tier. All said, this is probably fair because one would be paying for albums way ahead of their actual physical release. Neil has never promised this to regular NYA members. Just single tracks. There were hints that NYA would be considering ways to put things like "The Bottom Line" boot out there, but never anything concrete was promised. So I do not believe we are NOT getting anything promised by Neil today in the regular subscription. And should we pay more for new features, such as getting whole albums exclusively on NYA? Again, I think it is fair. And if you do not pay, you will get all of that stuff anyway, eventually, at the rate of about 2-3 albums a year with all of the reference material.
So I'll state it another way. NYA gives you High Res streaming, and extended multimedia metadata for all of Neil's music, AND the chance to get good concert tickets for $20 per year. Perhaps more features will come. But if you want to get early access to whole albums as yet unreleased and possibly on-demand movies, then yeah, that will cost more. Personally, I think Neil has huge challenges to put "exclusives" on NYA, but if he can get it done, then great!
Your concerns here are of course valid. Like we said on your original comment, lots to unpack here. Many thanks for sharing your thoughts here which we know many may agree and disagree with. We commented rather harshly on the thread to "Unknown" that things are moving so f'n fast these days, that even the best laid plans are obsolete by the time they reach the market.
As for us -- like Neil -- we wish for Uncle Eddie to die a happy man -- listening to the unreleased songs playing in his head as he drifts off into the Great Beyond.
"In the field of opportunity
It's plowin' time again."
~~ Neil Young
Labels: neil young, songs, unreleased
Unbelievable. Where does it stands in terms of most prolific artists? And compare to Dylan?
Pretty close now. Neil is less than 100 songs behind Bob.
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