Photo of the Moment: Neil Young Rejects & Protects: KXL Rally - Washington, DC - April 26, 2014

Ever since the news hit that Neil Young's application to become a U.S. citizen has been delayed due to "Possible Lack of GMC (Good Moral Character)", controversy and misinformation has proliferated.
Despite this "Possible Lack of GMC", the fact is that Neil Young has been far more engaged in trying to do what is right in the U.S. than most of his detractors have even attempted. While the plan was for Neil Young to have been sworn in on his 74th birthday (Nov. 12). But alas -- it was not to be -- despite his level of dedication to charitable causes and worthy benefits demonstrating not only his excellent GMC but that Neil Young is a humanitarian rebel WITH causes, also.
So onto Exhibit #143, on April 22nd, 2014, a group of ranchers, farmers and tribal communities from along the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline route, called the Cowboy Indian Alliance (the original C.I.A.), rode into Washington DC and set up camp near the White House to tell President Obama to reject the pipeline.
Neil Young: Reject & Protect Rally, Washington, DC - April 26, 2014
On April 26th, 2014 thousands of people joined to stand together for a final message that the Keystone XL pipeline and the tar sands must be rejected — to protect this, and future generations.
Reject & Protect Rally - 4/26/14
Washington, DC (Click photo to enlarge)
More on:
Neil Young Rejects & Protects: KXL Rally - Washington, DC - April 26, 2014
We Need to End the Fossil Fuel Age": Music Legend Neil Young Protests Keystone XL Oil Pipeline | Democracy Now!
Labels: neil young, photo
Unrelated but homegrown is coming out early next year apparently, here's a link to what I read:
Dear Thrasher!
Nice photo! (KXL)!!!!!!!
Another thing I love about Neil! He is against Big Oil and Global Warming!
-Alan in Seattle
Sent from my iPhone
@ Unknown - right, yes, thanks for noting and sending along.
well, we've probably made dozen or posts or more on unreleased material like HomeGrown. Usually along the lines that it will be released in the somewhat near future.
we've even posted the album cover long ago. As well as speculative track lists.
Speaking of, it seems that track list has now finalized. any guesses out there???!!
So we think folks have this one covered.
Yeah, the real news here isn't some still-indefinite release date, but rather the (inadvertent) revelation of the actual tracklist (or at least the current iteration) for perhaps Neil Young's most legendary unreleased album, after all those decades of speculation. Of no real consequence to this blog, I guess, but at least Rolling Stone picked it up.
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