A Happy 4th of July To All of Our "Children of Destiny": Celebrate and Exercise Your Freedoms!
A very happy 4th of July to all of our "Children of Destiny" out there across the lands.
And on this Independence Day in America, as we celebrate freedom, eat hot dogs (and conduct our protests with diatribes and actions), once again we are reminded how Neil Young's music resonates with its own special brand of fireworks with the song and video "Children of Destiny" from the 2017 album The Visitor with the band Promise of the Real.
As you may recall, one of the big Neil news items in 2020 was CITIZEN NEIL or ... Neil Young Becomes A U.S. Citizen.
In 2019, the application by Canadian Neil Young to become a U.S. citizen was delayed due to "possible lack of GMC (Good Moral Character)". In January 2020, Neil posted a photo of himself saluting the US flag, with a caption: "I'm Happy To Report In. Vote Your Conscience."
Neil Young is finally a U.S. citizen. https://t.co/wx0IBSk3Mg
— Randi Scott (@RandiScottKSLX) January 23, 2020
In 2019, in a posting on Neil Young Archives: "I Have Been Very Successful In My Life", Neil revealed that his initial citizenship interview went fine, but due to a technicality, another interview was required by the USCIS because of his "marijuana related activities".
In October 2019, Neil Young said in an interview: “I’ve passed all the tests; I’ve got my appointment, and if everything goes as planned, I’ll be taking the oath of citizenship” shortly after turning 74 on Nov. 12." Neil continues to be optimistic on becoming a U.S. citizen in order to "vote my conscious on Donald J. Trump".
Meanwhile, back to Neil Young's song "Children of Destiny". Judging by the reaction in July 2017, clearly once again Neil had managed to polarize his fan base. As if right on cue, some fans say "Right on Neil! Tell it to The Man!". Other fans say, "This is really dreadful hippie patriot jingoism."
Normally, over the past years here at Thrasher's Wheat, we blog on the 4th of July -- where we were born in the U.S.A. -- our hopes and dreams, such as 2015's Americana and The American Dream - This Land Is Our Land, This Land Is Your Land or Who's Really Going To Stand Up?
Neil Young really hasn't changed that much in the past 40 years. He is still singing truth to power and we love him for that alone.
Once again, thanks Neil. You're clearly on the right track. Past experience demonstrates that the more polarizing a new song is to your fan base, the more it demonstrates its the power and success. If we can't share our differences, we can't peacefully coexist.
To all, have a great and safe holiday.
Here is Neil Young's statement to go with the video version of "Children of Destiny".
FriendsThanks Neil.
Thanks so much for your response to Children of Destiny! This is a heartfelt message to people all around the world, our home. We hope this song resonates with you and gives you strength to know that you are not alone. Resist those who lash out against our positive message with violence, name calling and negativity. We are concerned for our Democracy, Environment and Freedom. Nothing will ever stop us from standing up. We gathered together on the full moon to record our song.
Here is a new video of that moment!
Love and Respect,
Celebrate Interdependence!
Your words inspire us indeed. When we say we know the feeling, it is because of the support you gave us when we here at Thrasher's Wheat were feeling the same way regarding the relentless negativity of "The Doubters".
"The Doubters" -- who embrace failure -- will never be the "Children of Destiny". Not sure about that? Check the danger of able @ ~2:00:00 and your world will be rocked for the children. This is the TRUE Field of wheat.
Likewise, we still see the vista. We hear the muse. We continue. We continue because we believe and have faith in that greater good. Just as we all must teach our children (of destiny) well, we "must have a code that we can live by." Because, you are a child, i am a child, and we are all children of destiny. And, don't forget, in the fields of wheat, the "Children of Destiny" will NOT be harvested -- however, the chaff will be burned by unquenchable fire.
And just as your encouragement long ago inspired us to soldier on, we won't quit or give up. We will
"Keep on bloggin'
`Til the power goes out
The batteries dead
Twist and shout"
Because, "We're The Ones We've Been Waiting For", as we like to remind ourselves.

Who's Going To Stand Up and Save The Earth?
Neil Young
2014-07-12, Hyde Park, London, England
For more on Neil Young + Promise of the Real's song "Children of Destiny", see:
- NEW Official Music Video: Neil Young + Promise of the Real - "Children of Destiny" (55+ comments)
- Statement by Neil Young + Orchestra Video Version of "Children of Destiny" (35+ comments)
- A Happy 4th of July To All of Our "Children of Destiny": Some Commentary on Neil Young's New Song w/ counter response to Forbes Magazine's review by author David Alm (20+ comments)
- Comments of the Moment:"Children of Destiny" by Neil Young + Promise of the Real (15+ comments)
- Neil Young's Muse: The Passion, The Pathos & The 4% (10+ comments)
- Comments of the Moment: Statement by Neil Young on "Children of Destiny" (10+ comments)

GEORGE Magazine - 1997; U.S. Citizen Neil Young - 2020
Labels: album, neil young, promise of the real, song, video, visitor
Happy 4th to one and all, both here at "home" and to those abroad.
Interesting reading some of the old comments I made and those of others.
Hey, I still like "Children of Destiny" though I admit that today is the first
time I listened to it in at least a few years. It is indeed "catchy" and it does
resonate with me.
Neil is still far and away the singular artist that means the most to me, and I'm
glad to hear he's working on another Crazy Horse album. I have found myself unintentionally taking a break from his music as I hardly ever login to the archives (though I am a patron) and I didn't pay much attention to his "porch" series or archive releases. I have been somewhat underwhelmed by his vault releases, especially Homegrown, and I don't like how he edits his live releases, etc.
But, I find myself hoping and waiting for one more tour--one more chance to see him live and let him hear my applause. I will clap loudly enough, believe me. I need to be in the same venue with him one more time, a final celebration and farewell to my big brother/uncle/best friend/mentor/healer/guru/inspiration/muse/lifelong storyteller...
"Woke up this morning with love in mind....
When will I see you again.."
and as always,
"Take my advice
Don't listen to me"
TopangaDaze - very nice to hear from you.
and excellent on taking a journey thru the past. we do find it a real trip go back on memory lane when the future just seems to be another chapter in bad news comes to town.
we've all been thru happier times. and sadder times. it is the times, all the same.
alchemy baby w/ past, present and future timelines all merging and converging simultaneously as The Big Shift rolls merrily along ..
speaking of which, here's a perfect example of which we speak, as some find all of this time travel stuff to be a bit perplexing.
See comments and our reply on July 4, 2020 -- exactly one year ago @
see? same as it ever was, deja vu, same as it ever was, deja vu, over & over again our friends ...
It has been a long while, indeed TD. Hoping you can pass this way again someday ... soon ... but not too late ...
I wish TD loved Rust Bucket and Homegrown half as much as I do. I never even think of the live editing until someone mentions it. To me it’s no issue. The show rolls along quite nicely. It’s my favorite live Crazy Horse album by a lot. Homegrown is fascinating in the new window it provides into our favorite artist’s heartbreak at the end of his relationship with Carrie Snodgrass. “Too personal” is what Neil thought. Cool guest spots by members of The Band.
There’s no accounting for taste. I love or like most of what Neil does. His archival releases of live shows has really impressed me. I loved Massey Hall and then along comes Young Shakespeare, perhaps even better. Less crowd noise, a surreal performance. I take a break from Neil here and there. I am into many bands, and different kinds of music, like so many of you (Dan and I have the same favorite Tom Waits album: Rain Dogs. I find that amusing!). No artist has held my interest like Neil, although I have been a huge Dylan fan for many years. I kind of got bored when he started doing Sinatra songbook albums. He trashed his voice with cigs a long time ago. Duquesne Whistle revealed that in a big way. A great song but the singer. Agh! Maybe one more album with Daniel Lanois would be cool! I sure loved what Neil did on Le Noise. It boggles my mind that some big fans of Neil hate that album. Anyway, Peace be upon you. Alan in Seattle
The Pandemic era home performances by NY were just the shot in the arm I needed. Seeing him play Homegrown to the chickens is priceless. Thanks Neil Young!
After the last several years of political upheaval and the attack on the Capital, I see Independence Day differently now. I’m not sure exactly how to explain it, but it definitely feels different. The new album Neil and the Horse are working on may help me find clarity on the subject, as Neil has a real gift for communicating feelings through words. As I laid in bed last night with the sound of fireworks ringing in the atmosphere, I felt it difficult to have any celebratory feelings about this country of ours. It just seems as if it’s less United now, and that doesn’t bode well for the future.
Peace 🙏
Well said Dan. Our country has changed, and not for the better. I remain hopeful, but my skepticism has never been higher. Any country that would elect Trump and then have 74M people vote for him again truly boggles the mind. And his ongoing lies about voter fraud continue to resonate with way too many. He is the most dangerous "politician" of my lifetime.
Trump rant over!!!
Alan, good thoughts. I do like/love Rust Bucket, but Homegrown somewhat underwhelmed me. I think largely due to overhyped expectations and that I already knew many of the songs. The "new" songs and overall flow of the album just came up short in my opinion.
But I'm certainly glad to have it. Years from now I'll spin it again and will find fond memories and new insights. Neil's albums always take on new meaning to me year after year.
Neil's music is like that old pair of jeans that just always feel right or that warm fire burning that lets me know I'm home and safe.
"Take my advice
Don't list to me"
Here's the story 'bout Surfer Joe
he caught the big one and he let it go!
Happy 4th- T and all.
As Jefferson stated above about the people.... they alone "if well informed" are capable of preventing corruption.....
...we're not well informed, we are duped, scooped, and pooped on by the media, the disinformation, education curriculums and many other outlets, including the government.
WE THE PEOPLE! Stay with it!
I got faith in you, it's a razor love....it cuts clean through!
It might help if some citizens endeavored to educate themselves. How did we ever get to the point where people are "anti-vaccine." This is objectively stupid. School boards around the country "block" the teaching of natural selection and the theory of evolution (generally). Pretty stupid- and this is "we the people." Our state just passed a new gun law so that citizens do not need any permit to buy or carry concealed weapons. Meanwhile Iowa has seen a spike in gun deaths in the last two years, especially suicide in younger people. "We the People" again. Social unity and actual human freedom takes discipline, insight, and truly good education. Freedom is not "doing whatever we want" which is simply an empty individualism. Like Dan, I went to bed last night with many misgivings and confusions. Next year I am pretty sure the state will pass laws against teaching "divisive concepts." Goodbye to anything resembling the intelligent teaching of history, US history, which is fraught with division from day one. One of our state legislators said that no one should teach "critical race theory" because it would disrupt "the peace we have known since the revolution." How stupid is stupid? And "we the people" vote for these morons. If someone really wants good work and research to read it is available but it takes EFFORT. Right now we need EFFORT from everyone to make our country even approach justice and good policy for all people. I guess July 4th means booze, fireworks and cheeseburgers.
Kudos Abner--drop the mic!
"Take my advice
Don't listen to me"
I'm sorry if I went on too long. I can't take some of this stuff any more.
Thank the Democrats for getting Trump elected in 2016. They rigged their own Primary Election against Bernie, handing it to Hillary, who could barely fill a school cafeteria. HRC, the pro War Hawk. Bernie was blacklisted by the mainstream media until he got so huge they could no longer postpone… their attack. The MSM ripped up Bernie, “unelectable” they said. He was unelectable BECAUSE they said it. Bernies crowds could not get on TV. 100,000 people on the streets of Oakland, invisible.
I read the DNC emails which heroic Assange Wikileaked. Podesta & HRC instructed their Media Minions to “Elevate Trump as the “Pied Piper candidate” who will be easily defeated in the general election.” Oops. They were wrong. The Mainstream Media gave Trump between $1 Billion and $3 Billion in FREE Coverage! They made him into a popular Monster instead of just a monster. The other Republican candidates could NOT get on TV. They saw the fix was in. They threw in the towel!
The media is culpable. They called the Priamry election for HRC, always counting the Superdelegates which they were not supposed to count. The MSM is owned by 6 Corporations who tell us what to think, and offer up distractions. Kim Kardashian. Oh my.
The DNC rigged their Primary again in 2020. You all know how the DNC defended itself in court when sued for “Electoral Fraud” ?! Their attorney, Bruce Spiva, said, The DNC is a club that picks its own nominee. It is not required to run a fair election.” The whole thing is a farce. We do not live in a Democracy. We cannot be educated out of this mess. It’s game over.
The 1% don’t WANT us to succeed. They don’t wish to pay taxes. Why not bleed the former “middle class “ instead? Both parties are all about the War machine and protecting Wall Street and Big Oil.
I had always identified as a Democrat. My disappointment at learning what I did would never make me vote for a Republican, but it has snuffed out any hope I had of us voting our way out of this mess. The whole system is designed to not be reinvented. It perpetuates itself. As Earth heats up to the point humans can no longer hang. It’s up to the UFO’s to save us. We won’t save ourselves. Unless… #ExtinctionRebellion Alan in Seattle
I too can’t muster any enthusiasm for Fireworks. I think of these other thoughts, and the birds and the animals, and the Carbon. The Americans have done more than anyone to destroy the Earth.
Alan7/06/2021 01:43:00 AM (From prior Blog post )
Thrasher, thanks for the heads up. I somehow arrived to this party late, on this post anyway. My last word on the 4th of July post was “Game Over.” But I want to now rail against myself for giving an Anti-Pep talk. We cannot give up. Even if Global Warming looks to be Much Farther Along than we have been lead to believe by the “Scientists” (most of whom have been downplaying the severity of Global Warming and denying the reality of the rate at which is hitting us HARD, Right Now. It’s not just the grandkids who are going to have it rough; our children and ourselves are in for a “World of Hurt.” And here I am slathering on the Pessimism (Realism) again.
But we don’t give up. We must stand and fight, indeed! Social Media AI aims to weld us to our couch. Watch “The Social Dilemma” on Netflix for some more terrifying Truth telling by some of the very people who grew AI into what it has become. They say that Jan 6 was “Inevitable” due to the nature of AI and the algorithms, which feed people more of what they react to, what they watch. If you likeQ, you get more Q. Unfortunately for “Our Democracy” (Oligarchy), legions of tiny minded reactionaries laid Siege to the Legislature as a result. Luckily they left their AR-15’s at home. The Capitol Police Brass told their Cops to go East on the Trumpers. Save your overwhelming attacks for the BLM Activists. This was a sad spectacle, but don’t be mistaken: We DO NOT live in a Democracy. Now I am preaching to the Choir(!). See my post at end of July 4 blog comments, please.
What was I saying before? Oh yes, we CANNOT give up. We have got a good soundtrack to keep us fired up. We Neil Young fans are tough (and tender). We favor the underdog. We watch NY stand with the Standing Rock Sioux at the DAPL protest and we know he stands for us too. We must fight on. Our kids and grandkids will thank us for it. I marched against Monsanto those years because I knew that the “Science” of its supposed safety was complete bullshit. We must fight on, for freedoms of speech, the right to Protest, and the right to live in society free of Racism, and the right to live on our planet Earth without letting it be destroyed by those Sociopathic Forces who would hasten its destruction. So, don’t listen to me when I say “Game Over.” The hour is late for the fight to Save the Humans (Earth will continue on without us). But Fight on we must.
Abber, glad to know you are knowledgeable about Herbicides. My uncles still run a farming operation in northwest MN. One relative flies a crop duster. One Uncle signs off on Oil Pipeline projects on the side. My cousin is one of 6 major North American John Deere sales managers. Monsanto is a crucial part of their operation, of course. How cool is that that Neil went outside the box again and fought them with all his might?! I am proud of his efforts. Hell, I even like the album! I will leave you with one last thought to encourage y’all to participate in “Democracy” (or at least Protest). After the Garden is Gone, what will people do? What will people say? Never give up, Never give in. In the fight for Mother Earth and Justice, Freedom, Human Rights, and Peace! Alan in Seattle. So my upbeat urging here were typed after my defeatist post on July 4. Keep on rock in’ in the free world. Never mind that the incarceration rate in Louisiana is Higher than it is in China. Some Freedoms are an internal thing, too, right? Be free to question the status quo. Suck on a Hydrofoil with a Flag made me want to barf, btw. 😂 Alan in Seattle
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