A Message From Neil Young: RISING WITH THE MOON + Crazy Horse + The Ghost of Elliot
On Monday, we reported on Neil Young's Latest New Album Recording w/ Crazy Horse.
And the Neil news gets even better -- if that's even possible -- given "The Streak" he's been on over past 16 months or so.
Today Neil informs on A Message From Neil: RISING WITH THE MOON | T-C | NYA| that The Horse is "definitely kickin’. Billy Ralph, Nils and I are enjoying these sessions. It’s been so long without" while in The Barn.
Neil writes:
The music lives. We have recorded nine new songs. Some are already to mix or add chorus vocals to, as we love to do. That is probably next. The moon is full. We are about to turn to mixing and post production of these songs. A few linger, saying they could be better played, but we have not listened back to anything. Listening opens the door to post-production and we are still rising with the moon. It’s too soon. Today we will play again.
Other details:
One song, ‘Welcome Back’, was played last night at sunset, with alpen glow bathing the barn. It is magic. Alpen glow is Daryl’s favorite time. One other song was recorded in Canada solo, but we still did it again and we will listen and decide which one makes the album. ‘Song of the Seasons’ is its name. Of the other seven new songs, today we will feel out which ones to play again. We talk it over, go with the songs that we know we felt heavily while they were going down. We have to review those. That means listening. Listening impacts your feelings for the song when you next play it, so we have to be careful what we listen to. But not quite yet. No listening yet. While the rising continues, we will feel out what we are about to do. We will know when to stop and listen.
I saw Elliot yesterday in the room with us, as clear as light. That was a great sign.
Neil goes on to highlight each crew member by name, their role and a personal thanks.
Again, quite reassuring and gratifying news and somewhat of a relief for many. to hear that these 2020 themes will have a soundtrack by Neil & The Horse.

Reflecting on Reflections
Photo by Gijsbert Hanekroot
Neil's message on "The focus, a gift" continued with a rundown on all of the projects he has
completed and will be releasing over the next year or so. Most of the
release details have been previously shared. See Neil Young's planned release schedule for 2021 and 2022 plus Neil Young's DVD & Official Bootleg Series release schedule.
In 2020, Neil Young said that "We Are Going To Book This" on "Chompin At The Bit - Crazy Horse Barn Tour" | NYA. But things changed ... yet again ... or changed your mind, much, eh?

Neil Young & Crazy Horse:
"3rd Best Garage Band in the World"
~~Bill Graham - The Cow Palace, Daly City, California, Nov. 21, 1986
Saddle up. Ride on. Fearlessly, gallop from the pastures into those old dusty barns. There will be a very warm rusty welcome awaiting.

Induct Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Labels: #CrazyHorse4HOF, #DontSpookTheHorse, #MayTheHorseBeWithYou, #MoreBarn, album, archives, concert, crazy horse, neil young, recording, tour
Full Moon on the 24th and there will be magic, mystery, and music. We have all been blessed with more music from Neil & the Horse that is still in the making….. I just can’t wait to hear what has come from the magic of the moon and the heart and soul of Neil & his Horse.
Peace 🙏
Great News to hear of the Moon’s Full effect on these sessions. Research revealed within last 6 months that humans requireme less sleep during full moons, whether they are in big cities or 3rd world desolate places with no electricity. The body knows when the moon is full. Working in MRI yesterday revealed an odd influence on the patients. A lot of them were amped up, could not hold still, etc. Such is the life of a MRI Tech when the Moon is full. Luckily, no werewolves. AwooooOOOOOOOO!
Keep it up Neil. It’s been working great so far! Ride the lunar energy. We have Faith you will deliver another masterpiece. We happily anticipate the music to come. Alan in Seattle
The Horse is rested and ready. These unprecedented times have given Neil a gift of new ideas and feelings. Hopefully he trailers the Horse brining it across country to Farm AId. That would be a great warmup for a fall tour. New album, “After the Pandemic.”
Let's hope that Neil nails it like only Neil can. I imagine a "Freedom" type impact. Something hard, relentless, but in the end a realistic hope. My wife and I just visited Chicago for a month, our son got married. I missed a lot of great Wheat. Really happy to see Thrashers rip into social media and the erosion of free speech. Great to be home and happy to be back with all of you. Dan, I really miss reading your comments when I am gone from the internet. Alan, same thing, actually everyone.
@ Dan - right on w/ Full Moon on magic, mystery, and music!
Shine on you crazy Pink/Strawberry Moon, you!
@ Alan - definitely think that Neil has been totally tapped into riding the lunar energy.
last we checked, there are dozens of song lyrics w/ moon refs. so many, that we just had to compile a post on subject, of course.
Moon songs by Neil Young
HtH - hmm, well, in a way neil released an album long ago on “After the Pandemic.” obviously, that wasn't the title tho.
seen the needle and the damage done, a little jab in everyone ...
@ Abner - that would be something if Neil could pull a "Freedom" type impact.
We would see more of a Greendale meets Living With War meets "Ohio/RITFW".
Sort of a "Living with Greendale After The Rush to War on Viruses".
"4 million dead in the world of tyranny", sort of thing, you know.
welcome home!
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