VIEWPOINT: The Apotheosis of War | Neil Young Archives
From VIEWPOINT: The Apotheosis of War | Neil Young Archives:
Some in the Russian public are starting to speak out.
In St. Petersburg on Wednesday, one activist stood on a busy sidewalk holding up a copy of Russia’s most famous antiwar painting,“The Apotheosis of War” by Vasily Vereshchagin. The 19th-century painter had dedicated the work, showing a stack of skulls on a sun-parched field,
“to all great conquerors, past, present and future.”
2-24-22The Russian people should take to the streets and show they do not back Putin.
The Russian police will attack them and coverage of that would cause a world-wide awakening.
Standing up would be the most historic move they or anyone else could make.
Russians do not back Putin. Anything else that you see from Russian Media would be propaganda. The Streets are the stage for change. This is a time when it is absolutely necessary. Nothing else would be as strong or constructive. THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE NEED TO STAND UP FOR HUMANITY and let the whole world know who they really are.
Or just maybe its military madness that is killing our countries?
Obviously, we're Still Living With War -- both in our minds and hearts -- because it's all just deja vu, all over again and again and again ...

More on CSNY: Deja Vu Film.
Also, see:
- Premiere of 'CSNY Deja Vu' at 2008 Sundance Film Festival
- Deja Vu Preview Footage on YouTube
- Interview at Sundance: Bernard Shakey Explains CSNY Deja Vu
- Concert film 'Deja Vu' polarizes Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young fans
- 2006 Crosby Stills Nash & Young Freedom of Speech Tour

Crosby Stills Nash & Young - 7/6/2006 - Camden, NJ
photo by Buzz Person (via
Also, see Crosby Stills Nash & Young Freedom of Speech tour comments. More at Commentary on Politics of CSNY Freedom of Speech Tour.
Labels: #disCERNment, #TFY&QA, concert, csny, film, neil young, neil young archives, tour
The government’s of this planet are frozen in the past. No visionaries; just old men and women recreating the same old agony and pain for those of us simply trying to survive. The ones responsible for wars never suffer the realities of war, only the innocent suffer. It is long overdue for the world powers to recognize that our world no longer needs their wars. What we do need is more love, peace and understanding in our ever shrinking world. Unity is our only hope, and our future depends on it coming sooner, and not later. History has proven to everyone a long time ago that this madness has to end, and our only rational option is unity.
Peace 🙏
It is unclear as to whether our species is redeemable
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@ Dan : True words. War is Hell. The US economy and both political parties have been Pro War for a long time. It’s a money machine, trading is weapons, dealing in Death. Things really got wierd when Hillary out-Hawked the Republicans. Humans are quickly decimating our planet, and there is no other we will get to. The Humans and life on Earth has entered the 6th major Extinction Event of Earth.
@Abner : Agreed.
Your Brother in Seattle
Neil, you definetly should retire now, brainless asshole. Another dumb opinion without brain. Putin is in self defense mode. Your fucking aggression NATO gets nearer and nearer on russian borders. Putin wanted a deal since 2014. Nothing happened. I know russians,ukraines and more germans that back Putin and hate the fucking US for standing and playing with fire in front of everyones front door. If I had to go to a third world war I will shot americans, anglosaxons, french and other brainless Idiots. Greetings. A german
@ Unknown @ 2/28/2022 04:06:00 PM:
As a policy, TW does not allow anonymous comments. However, due to a 3rd party technical glitch, which we attempted to explain before, somehow these do make it thru.
There are a number of reasons which we would normally delete this comment, but not b/c of viewpoint.
Foremost, it's just a plain rude comment in tone and language.
In the future, please properly display your profile and moderate yourself. But we will allow and consider this a 2nd warning. There will not be a 3rd.
Thrasher, as always you do your best and, as always, it is pretty damn good.
Unknown, you display a pathetically shallow view on all sides and so one not worthy of any serious reply.
Do the work, put in the effort, don't antagonize for the sake of antagonism.
I accept this and yes It was a rude comment. Please delete that although this is my opinion. I am so cencerned of war. Americans and russians are far away and if war took place europe will be the place of event. My family and children will suffer and not Neil saying undifferentiated things from his broken arrow ranch or Hawaii etc. Sorry
Say the guy from a country who tried to violently overthrow the world... Twice! Germany and the rest of the EU are shaking in their boots because of Putin. Putin is dangerous to the world. Putin needs NO safety guarantees if he stops crippling his own people with corruption and threatening other countries. When Russia decides to put in leadership that will join the rest of the world in growing and peace.
you say you want a revolution....
@ SONY - no, actually a peaceful evolution would be preferable. That was JFKs approach. Until Dallas.
As JFK said, othetwise bloody revolution is inevitable.
Seems we took wrong fork in the road long ago and can not seem to turn back. Despite so many of saying this is wrong direction.
Hence, why TW got lost on the human Highway.
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