


Neil Young's new release ""World Record" w/ Crazy Horse is now available for pre-order. Order here
(Please shop locally & independently. But if you can't, we appreciate your supporting Thrasher's Wheat by clicking this link or YOUR COUNTRY's FLAG. Thank you!!!)
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Friday, May 31, 2013

Thrasher's Wheat Takes Off for Europe Tour of Neil Young & Crazy Horse

Thrasher's Wheat Radio T-Shirts
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Here's how to support Europe reporting this summer

Don't be denied!
(Click photo to enlarge)

And we're off to Europe for Neil Young & Crazy Horse's concert tour!

Thrasher's Wheat will be bringing back live concert reports from the venues with previews, setlists, fan reactions and whatever else comes our way.

Our first reports will be from Berlin, Germany on Sunday, 2013-06-02 - the opening date of Summer Tour of Neil Young & Crazy Horse.

To celebrate our golden moment with Neil Young and Crazy Horse in Europe this upcoming week we are real happy to announce the final spin on our commemorative T-shirt. Spun without the use of any pesticide....using only biofuel.... We diligently sought the most environmentally friendly piece of clothing on the planet and found it Vermont. At and we dream daily of the farmer in the great NorthWest.

Our intention in Europe is to connect the encourage greater connection through sincerity, fun, and focus. This shirt benefits that cause without hurting anyone or anything. The shirt won't make the difference but you can bet all those that wear it are trying. In honor of the Sacred Mother, help stoke the dire need to get together thru the muse and save Mother Earth. Grab a shirt and wear it.....WE GOT A JOB TO DO: WE GOTTA SAVE MOTHER EARTH!

Thanks to all for your support.

If you've made a contributing donation, we've just finished getting t-shirts and buttons printed and will be shipping once we get back from our trip.

We love you all.

peace & love

4 concerts in 3 countries in 5 days
Thrasher's Wheat Radio Goes To Europe!

Thrasher's Wheat Radio Button
Want one???
Here's how to support Europe reporting this summer

Don't be denied!

Thrasher's Wheat Radio
Tune in on, Saturdays @ 9P EST

Collage by Uwe Grahl | Cover Photos
(Click photo to enlarge)

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

PRE-SALE: Greenbelt Harvest Picnic featuring Neil Young with Crazy Horse, Daniel Lanois, Emmylou Harris and more

Greenbelt Harvest Picnic featuring Neil Young with Crazy Horse, Daniel Lanois, Emmylou Harris and more

Saturday 8/31/2013 - 11:00 am EST @ Christie Lake Conservation Area in Dundas, ONTARIO, CANADA

Tickets go on sale ***TODAY*** on 5/28/2013 at 1:00 pm EST @ Neil Young.

Don't be denied!

Official video for song "Born In Ontario" by Neil Young & Crazy Horse from their new album, "Psychedelic Pill".

The event celebrates the importance of Ontario's Greenbelt, local farmers, art, the outdoors and the eat-local movement. According to the event's website Daniel Lanois, Emmylou Harris, Whitehorse, Trixie Whitley and Rocco DeLuca are also scheduled to perform.

The picnic was conceived by Lanois and his agent and friend J.P. Gauthier, both from the Hamilton area.

Young's performance with Crazy Horse is part of the Alchemy Tour which began in 2012. The Harvest Picnic is the only scheduled date for Young with Crazy Horse in southern Ontario in 2013.

“It is a great honour to have Neil Young & Crazy Horse join us for what will be an historic event for this region,” Gauthier announced on the website. “Fans can expect high quality sound, food and art in the most beautiful and intimate outdoor venue around.”

This year's festival will be the third annual event. Both Lanois and Harris have performed in the previous two festivals. Lanois said, "As I look at this year’s lineup for the Greenbelt Harvest Picnic, I can say that my dream has come true. I’m surrounded by artists who I love, many of whom I’ve made records with. This year’s Harvest is truly a homecoming.”
The Greenbelt Harvest Picnic takes place August 31 at the Christie Lake Conservation Area in Dundas. More performers will be announced in the next few weeks. Tickets go on sale June 1 at 10 a.m.

(Thanks bh & bnb!)

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Monday, May 27, 2013

PODCAST: Thrasher's Wheat Radio Hour - Episode #39

Collage by Uwe Grahl | Cover Photos
(Click photo to enlarge)

Here is the latest downloadable podcast for the Thrashers Wheat Radio Hour. [To download, right click on link, save target as, pick destination folder: the podcast will download. Select your preferred MP3 audio player and play file.]

Saturday, May 25, 2013 - Preview of Europe tour in 1 week
Thrasher's Wheat Radio Hour - Show #39


Also, all previous podcasts archived @ PODCAST: Thrasher's Wheat Radio Hour.

4 concerts in 3 countries in 5 days
Thrasher's Wheat Radio Goes To Europe!

Thrasher's Wheat Radio Button
Want one???
Here's how to support Europe reporting this summer

Don't be denied!

Thrasher's Wheat Radio
Tune in on, Saturdays @ 9P EST

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Sunday, May 26, 2013

For Memorial Day: A Neil Young Idea - "Flags of Freedom"

For Memorial Day: A Young Idea

Neil Young, "Flags of Freedom."

Support the troops... Bring Them Home & End The Wars.

And we're still Living With War.

4 riders
The 4 Musketeers
Woodie Guthrie, Bob Dylan, Phil Ochs, & Neil

Art by Down With Tyranny!

Seven years ago it all started when an obscure blog link popped up over in the right sidebar here on Thrasher's Wheat. According to the blog Last Left Turn Before Hooterville a new Neil Young album was being recorded. The blog, written by a member of a 100-voice choir, said the album would contain the lyrics: "Let's impeach the President for lyin'!". Alicia blogged:
"Every time new lyrics would come up on the screen, there were cheers, tears and applause. It was a spiritual experience ... We finished the session by singing an a cappella version of "America the Beautiful" and there was not a dry eye in the house."

"I've never been at a recording session that was more like being at church. Heck, I've never been to a church that was more like a church than that session."

Needless to say, the Rusties were in an uproar in April 2006, with a serious meme circulating that this was all an elaborate hoax.

Could this be the predicted swerve to the ditch? This wasn't the first time Neil was ahead of the curve on impeachment (Nixon) or calling out for the truth.

neil_young_forehead_handAs word of the album began to percolate through the blogosphere, reactions began to pour in fast and furious.

From Cole Slaw Blog:
"Mildly disappointed with Neil Young's syrupy fall release 'Prairie Wind,' this morning I'm happy (I'd write 'thrilled' or 'overjoyed,' but I'm trying to be more understated) to read that Neil will soon release a hard-rocking protest album called 'Life in War.'

After days of continuing speculation as to what Neil was up to, his official website began to offer up specific details. Neil himself described the album as "Metal Folk Protest" like Phil Ochs and Bob Dylan.

Once completed, Neil played the album for his label Reprise and than immediately gave a live interview to CNN. For many fans, this was Neil at his finest -- speaking truth to power.

Neil Rocks on CNN

So would "Living With War" be rock's "Fahrenheit 9/11"? For critics, it seemed to be the case.

But things would get ugly. Very ugly. Blogs exploded on early news reports of the still unheard album.

Day By Day Cartoon

Sadly, a not untypical comment on Hammer of Truth » Neil Young Jumping on the Impeachment Train by Taylor:
"How should I put this? How but, Fuck Neil Young.

He nothing but another commi, liberal, anti-american, hippie. If he hates the way George Bush runs America, then he can just take his whining ass back to Canada. We sure as hell don’t need him here, complaining about how bad things are. He talks like he would make a better president than George Bush. If someone like Neil Young was our president, then every terrorist in the world could walk all over us and he wouldn’t do a damn thing. His little anti-war ass."
Well, we thought we had seen everything. Until "War on Neil Young" from Red State Update started appearing on YouTube. Couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry.

It nearly became depressing. How could so many who probably had never even heard of Neil's music become so filled with hate? I was down on a frown when a messenger brought me a letter. Thankfully, there was much support for both Neil and Thrasher's Wheat. Without the stunning and overwhelming reader support, this site would have folded in April 2006.

Eventually, the CD was released, heard and evaluated. Reviews of "Living with War" were predictable for their focus around one song on the album and failing to grasp the larger picture.

The experience of April 2006 was unlike anything ever experienced before here at Thrasher's Wheat. Now I know what it feels to be hit by a virtual tsunami with 100's of comments on nearly every post -- many of which were filled with hate about Neil's freedom of expression. One of the things Thrasher is most proud of is the coverage the site has received that notes our non-partisan and apolitical stance, as Daily Kos notes:
"The definitive Neil Young site Thrasher's Wheat has done the hard work of assembling reaction from musical and political bloggers. Some of the reactions gathered on the normally apolitical Thrasher's Wheat show Bush's zombies in early meltdown."
If nothing else, Living With War was the most courageous album of 2006.

As Neil Young has stated: "History is a cruel judge of overconfidence."

It's now been 10 years since the days of "Shock & Awe" and "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq.

And. We're. Still. Living. With. War.

So just as Neil Young was right about the Vietnam War being wrong, so he was again by warning of the consequences of reckless war in Iraq.


Leia's Daddy: Find the Cost of Freedom

From Pressing Issues: When Neil Young Hit Bush, and the Media, On Iraq by Greg Mitchell, the former editor of Editor & Publisher (the newspaper for newspaper editors) and author of "So Wrong for So Long: How the Press, the Pundits and the President Failed on Iraq.":

Neil Young: Rock star as journo? It essentially happened in 2006 when Neil Young, son of a famous Canadian sportswriter, hurriedly wrote and released (only online at first) his ripped-from-the-headlines Living With War CD. He even proposed impeaching the president "for lying" (and "for spying"). In one of the songs in the collection, Young sang repeatedly: "Don't need no more lies."

He emphasized the prohibition against the media showing pictures of coffins with the American dead being returned from Iraq, singing: "Thousands of bodies in the ground/ Brought home in boxes to a trumpet's sound/ No one sees them coming home that way/ Thousands buried in the ground." In another song: "More boxes covered in flags/ but I can't see them on TV."

When Young urged that Americans "Impeach the President," he included audio clips of embarrassing Bush statements ("We'll smoke them out ..."). But a highlight of the collection was the blistering "Shock and Awe," which, along with its antiwar lyrics, included the more philosophical "History is a cruel judge of overconfidence." He also recalled that "back in the days of Mission Accomplished ... the sun was setting on another photo op."

"There's one more kid that will never go to school
Never get to fall in love, never get to be cool."

Photo by Chris Hondros -

More on why we're still living with war.

Complete coverage of the Living With War controversary at Neil Young News: 04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006 and Neil Young News: 05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006.

American Dream: How could something so good, go bad, so fast?

(Thanks Greg!)

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Saturday, May 25, 2013

8 Days: Counting Down to Alchemy Trip to Europe for Neil Young & Crazy Horse

Collage by Uwe Grahl | Cover Photos
(Click photo to enlarge)

Excitement continues to build here at Thrasher's Wheat and around the world as we approach the kickoff off for the Neil Young & Crazy Horse Alchemy Tour in Europe this summer.

It's now about 8 days until the tour leg opener in Berlin on June 2nd... and we'll be there bringing back the stories and colors.

A huge thanks to all for the love and support to make this dream happen. We could not have done this without you -- our dear, loyal readers and listeners. We'll have more on tonight's broadcast of Thrasher's Wheat Radio. Tune in on, Saturday @ 9P EST.

4 concerts in 3 countries in 5 days
Thrasher's Wheat Radio Goes To Europe!

Thrasher's Wheat Radio Button
Want one???
Here's how to support Europe reporting this summer

Don't be denied!

Thrasher's Wheat Radio
Tune in on, Saturdays @ 9P EST

via Rusties Believer Trivia/>(Click photo to enlarge)


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Friday, May 24, 2013

A Horse with a Name: Frank "Poncho" Sampedro Tells the Crazy Horse Story

Poncho & Neil Young, Melbourne 13 March 2013
Photo Gallery by Sten Thorborg | Flickr
(Click photo to enlarge)

Here's an interview from last Fall, A Horse with a Name: Frank Sampedro Tells the Crazy Horse Story by John Swenson:
Offbeat: Your ability to look at it all as music is part of your singular genius. You guys appeal to people who don’t like rock made after 1982, yet you also appeal to people who don’t like rock made before 1982. Not sure anyone else on the touring circuit can say that.

Frank "Poncho" Sampedro: It amazes me when I look out into the crowd and I can see someone younger than one of my kids singing the words. I can see his lips moving. I don’t even know all the words to “Powderfinger,” a song I’ve played a million times, and here’s this young kid singing along.

I always felt that music is something that should bring people together. When I first got in the band in ’75, you could turn on the radio and hear a rock tune, then a gospel tune, folk music, bluegrass, Ramblin’ Jack Elliot, Bob Dylan, and Aretha Franklin all in one station. That’s gone. They use music now to separate people: “I’m a hip-hop guy,” “I’m a blues guy,” “I’m a jazz guy,” “I hate rock ’n’ roll.” In my vision that’s not what music is.

Music should be something that we can all hear and enjoy with each other no matter what it is instead of being separated like it is today.
More of interview A Horse with a Name: Frank Sampedro Tells the Crazy Horse Story by John Swenson.

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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Photo of the Moment: Neil Young & Crazy Horse, Melbourne 13 March 2013

Neil Young & Crazy Horse, Melbourne 13 March 2013
Photo Gallery by Sten Thorborg | Flickr
(Click photo to enlarge)

The Photo of the Moment is Neil Young & Crazy Horse in Melbourne, AUS on 13 March 2013 by Sten Thorborg | Flickr.

An excellent photo gallery. (Thanks Mandy!)

More on Neil Young & Crazy Horse, Mar 13, 2013 - The Plenary, Melbourne.

4 concerts in 3 countries in 5 days
Thrasher's Wheat Radio Goes To Europe!

Thrasher's Wheat Radio Button
Want one???
Here's how to support Europe reporting this summer

Don't be denied!

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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Crazy Horse's Billy Talbot Album "On The Road To Spearfish" Released Today

Billy Talbot Band - On The Road To Spearfish

(Click photo to preview tracks)

via Press Release Los Angeles, CA, May 20, 2013:

Billy Talbot, best known as a founding member of Neil Young’s longtime backing band Crazy Horse, is releasing a new solo album, On The Road To Spearfish, May 21 on Vapor Records. In addition to the digital release of the nine-song set, a companion film chronicling the sessions—shot in HD—will be available. The album, his second with the Billy Talbot Band, was inspired by the open spaces of the North American prairie, where Talbot and his wife Karin have restored a historic homestead in Spearfish, South Dakota. In a musical journey that feels at once mortal and mythic—perhaps even mystic—Talbot translates the strength and beauty of the elemental Great Plains landscape into songs that transcend any specific geography. Rather, they inhabit the realms of the heart and soul, emanating a restless sense of wonder about the world of Spearfish and beyond.

The album opens with “Empty Stadium,” a plaintive ballad driven by a longing for home—the real and metaphorical Spearfish. It is followed by the up-tempo groove of what will be the album’s lead track, “Running Around,” a song about searching for a better place. That yearning is felt throughout the set list in songs that that juxtapose despair and redemption, range from somber to psychedelic, and that span the distances in between—with an overall progression from darkness to light.

The spirit of what Talbot has helped create with Neil Young and Crazy Horse—with whom he is currently on tour—also flows through the record, nowhere more fully than on the title track. Spacious and awash in guitar interplay, “On The Road To Spearfish” is an epic anthem to the open plain that clocks in at almost 13 minutes. It came to Talbot after watching the first episode of the HBO western series Deadwood, in which a family of Squareheads—a slur for Swedish immigrants—was massacred. The tragedy happened “on the road to Spearfish,” which is just 15 miles from the actual town of Deadwood, SD, and about 70 miles from where Talbot’s wife Karin—who is of Swedish descent—is from (and, incidentally, only an hour north of the monumental Crazy Horse Memorial in the Black Hills). The song mourns the West that once was, while still seeking solace in what will never fade away.

On The Road To Spearfish follows up the Billy Talbot Band’s 2004 album Alive In The Spirit World. With the addition of newcomer Ryan James Holzer on trombone, harmonica, autoharp, organ, and acoustic guitar, the same versatile musicians join Talbot for On The Road To Spearfish. They include guitarist Matt Piucci (formerly of Rain Parade and Moving Sidewalks), Erik Pearson (horns, banjo, lap steel), Mark Hanley (lap steel, mandolin, and guitar), Tommy Carns (bass), and Stephan Junca on drums. Using vintage gear and an eclectic orchestra of acoustic and electric instruments, the new album was recorded at Light Rail Studios in a repurposed warehouse in the Potrero Hill district of San Francisco.

The road that led Talbot to Spearfish began a continent away on the lower west side of Manhattan where he was born. He started his first vocal group at age 14, singing on street corners and in the hallways of the old Hudson Tubes, which now house the PATH Trains connecting New York City and Hoboken. Talbot quit high school as a sophomore, and at 17 hopped a bus to L.A., where his mother—a nightclub singer who always encouraged his musical pursuits—and brother had moved two years earlier. In late ’62, he met Danny Whitten at a club on the Sunset Strip, and they began singing doo wop as Danny and the Memories. When Ralph Molina joined the line-up, the core of what would become the original Crazy Horse was in place.

The group evolved into The Rockets, and in 1967, Neil Young—then in Buffalo Springfield—sat in on a gig of theirs at The Whisky. Shortly afterwards, Young invited them to be his backing band—under the new name Crazy Horse—for his second solo album, 1969’s Everybody Knows This is Nowhere. Whitten passed away in 1971, and Frank “Poncho” Sampedro joined in 1974. They have been central to every incarnation of Crazy Horse since, both on its own, and backing up Young—with the latter, on many epic tours and almost two dozen albums.

Reflecting on his journey as a songwriter and performer, from the sidewalks of New York all the way to Spearfish, Talbot is looking to put forth a truer expression of himself. He cites Warren Zevon’s final album, The Wind (2003), as a touchpoint in this quest. “I’m trying to really listen to the way I’m singing, to understand it more. When I first heard Warren’s last record, the starkness and the raw emotion, I really felt that and got into it. It inspired me,” Talbot says. “That quality, that is what I’m going for.”


1. Empty Stadium (4:34)

2. Runnin Around (3:05)

3. Cold Wind (7:58)

4. On the Road to Spearfish (12:46)

5. Big Rain (9:00)

6. The Herd (4:18)

7. Miller Drive (9:45)

8. God and Me (8:54)

9. Ring the Bell (6:23)

Preview tracks of Billy Talbot Band - On The Road To Spearfish .


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Monday, May 20, 2013

PODCAST: Thrasher's Wheat Radio Hour - Episode #38

Billy, Poncho, Ralph & Neil
Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Albuquerque, NM, Aug 3, 2012
Photo by Steve Snowden/Getty Images North America

Here is the latest downloadable podcasts for the Thrashers Wheat Radio Hour. [To download, right click on link, save target as, pick destination folder: the podcast will download. Select your preferred MP3 audio player and play file.]

Saturday, May 18, 2013 - N. American Fall Tour shaping up

Thrasher's Wheat Radio Hour - Show #38


Also, all previous podcasts archived @ PODCAST: Thrasher's Wheat Radio Hour.

4 concerts in 3 countries in 5 days
Thrasher's Wheat Radio Goes To Europe!

Thrasher's Wheat Radio Button
Want one???
Here's how to support Europe reporting this summer

Don't be denied!

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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Neil Young & Crazy Horse To Headline Interlocken 2013

Interlocken 2013

Neil Young & Crazy Horse will headline the Interlocken 2013 festival this year.

The announcement seems to confirm that there will indeed be additional North American tour dates this Fall for Neil & The Horse.

Interlocken, a 4-day music festival, will take place September 5 – 8 at Oak Ridge Farm at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Arrington, VA (35 miles south of Charlottesville).

From Relix:
Interlocken was created by industry veterans Dave Frey and Peter Shapiro. Frey founded the HORDE Festival while Shapiro owned New York City’s historic rock club, “Wetlands Preserve.” He also produced U2’s award-winning film U23D and currently publishes Relix Magazine, as well as being the proprietor of Brooklyn Bowl and The Capitol Theater in Port Chester, NY. With the pedigree of these two producers, Interlocken is set to be one of the country’s most unique and dynamic events. Frey and Shapiro’s sense for innovation and creativity together with the backdrop of this beautiful setting in the Blue Ridge Mountains is certain to make for an unforgettable weekend.

Interlocken was named for traditions central to both Frey and Shapiro: The inter-locking performances presented at Wetlands and the continuous uninterrupted music featured between the two stages at HORDE. Interlocken’s conceptual theme will touch all elements of the event: “when something ends, another begins.” This simple yet powerful ethos of sustainability will be integrated into camping, lodging, food, drink, transport offerings as well as specialized onsite activities.

“Most festivals these days are trying to be everything to everyone — very eclectic with an emphasis on a large number of artists in various genres,” says Shapiro. “With Interlocken, we want to break away from that mold and create something more identifiable and distinct.”

Interlocken’s two main stages will feature full two-hour sets that will run seamlessly from one to the other without breaks between performances, giving the audience a unique and singular experience as the music will be continuous throughout the weekend. The emphasis will be on quality over quantity, as fewer bands will be playing longer sets and many of the featured artists will perform multiple sets on different days.

Since both Frey and Shapiro have a strong history of running environmentally conscious organizations, Interlocken will be a particularly green undertaking, utilizing carbon offsetting, locally sourced food, recycling programs and many more initiatives. The festival has engaged a person closely associated with the property who is a local sustainable food provider to help Interlocken source food, beverages and services from the Central Virginia.

“As a life-long concert goer, Peter has a fan-first approach to the events he produces and I think his audiences respond to that as they feel his respect and generosity,” says Frey. “He creates events that he would want to attend himself, and that really sets them apart from everything else out there.”
Pre-sale tickets will be available at 10am EST on Wednesday, May 22, and general “early bird” tickets will go on sale Thursday, May 23 at 10am EST.

4 concerts in 3 countries in 5 days
Thrasher's Wheat Radio Goes To Europe!

Thrasher's Wheat Radio Button
Want one???
Here's how to support Europe reporting this summer

Don't be denied!

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Friday, May 17, 2013

Update: Thrasher's Wheat Radio Goes To Europe

4 concerts in 3 countries in 5 days
Thrasher's Wheat Radio Goes To Europe

Plans continue to solidify on the upcoming adventure of Thrasher's Wheat Radio Goes To Europe.

We're getting tremendous support from Neil Young fans around the world and can't thank all of you enough for your faith and support.

Here's the itinerary:

2013-06-02 Waldbühne, Berlin, Germany - Opening Date of Summer Tour of Neil Young & Crazy Horse
2013-06-03 O2 World, Hamburg, Germany
2013-06-05 Ziggo Dome, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2013-06-06 Le Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy, Paris, France

We're working on arrangements to stream via internet live audio & video from venues immediately before and after the concert with reports, interviews, setlists and whatever else seems fun at the time.

Tickets continue to be the priority as departure approaches.

We;re all set for our first stop in Berlin, but still looking for any extra General Admission tickets for Hamburg, Amsterdam, or Paris. Please get in touch with us at .

Thrasher's Wheat Radio T-Shirts
Don't be denied!

(Click photo to enlarge)

To celebrate our golden moment with Neil Young and Crazy Horse in Europe this upcoming week we are real happy to announce the final spin on our commemorative T-shirt. Spun without the use of any pesticide....using only biofuel.... We diligently sought the most environmentally friendly piece of clothing on the planet and found it Vermont. At and we dream daily of the farmer in the great NorthWest.

Our intention in Europe is to connect the encourage greater connection through sincerity, fun, and focus. This shirt benefits that cause without hurting anyone or anything. The shirt won't make the difference but you can bet all those that wear it are trying. In honor of the Sacred Mother, help stoke the dire need to get together thru the muse and save Mother Earth. Grab a shirt and wear it.....WE GOT A JOB TO DO: WE GOTTA SAVE MOTHER EARTH!

Also, we will be printing t-shirts & buttons(see above) with the Thrasher's Wheat Radio logo and we'd love to send you one to say thanks for supporting Thrasher's Wheat Radio Goes To Europe. Here's the deal:

Solo Acoustic Support Level: Thrasher's Wheat Radio button

Crazy Horse Electric Support Level: Thrasher's Wheat Radio button + Thrasher's Wheat Radio Goes To Europe T-Shirt

ALL ACCESS SPONSOR Support Level: Here's your opportunity to Program a Quarter Hour of a Thrashers Wheat Radio Episode. You Create a 15 minute personal Neil Young set list which will be broadcast during a Thrashers Wheat Radio episode. You pick the songs and tell us to whom each song or your segment is dedicated. Hey, give a shout out to Neil and the Horse! Prior to broadcast we may be able to record you dedicating each song and play them on the air. (Note all material and dedications requires prior approval of WBKM Radio and Thrashers Wheat in their sole discretion).

Plus Thrasher's Wheat Radio button + Thrasher's Wheat Radio Goes To Europe T-Shirt

Choose your support level and we'll ship as soon as we can!

Solo Acoustic Support Level: $5.00 USA & $8.00 International/Non-USA
Crazy Horse Electric Support Level: $35.00 USA & $40.00 International/Non-USA
ALL ACCESS SPONSOR Support Level: $100.00 USA & $105.00 International/Non-USA

To support Thrasher's Wheat Radio Goes To Europe , donate securely using PayPal. Only your credit card is necessary to apply directly & securely. No PayPal account setup is necessary.

Only your credit card is necessary to apply directly & securely. No PayPal account setup necessary. (NOTE: Any excess donations will be contributed to helping The Bridge School, Farm Aid, Musicares, and other worthy causes.)

Your donation must include shipping address, including country. Also, if supporting at Crazy Horse Electric Support Level or ALL ACCESS SPONSOR Support Level, include your T-shirt size (Large or Extra Large). (First, login, then enter $ amount, and before confirming, complete field "Instructions to merchant")

Thrasher's Wheat Radio Button

Feel free to get in touch with us on any questions at .

Let's all make this historic tour coverage happen so that we can bring the music and magic of the Neil Young & Crazy Horse Alchemy World Tour to all of those who are unable to make it to Europe this summer.

This is really all up to you -- our loyal and faithful readers here on Thrasher's Wheat, our radio listeners and the entire Neil Young fan community.

Let's all not be denied.

Billy, Poncho, Ralph & Neil
Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Albuquerque, NM, Aug 3, 2012
Photo by Steve Snowden/Getty Images North America

(*Thanks for logo design by Geoff Moore - Silver Moon Graphics & Dee & Tim for button design & production.)


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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Neil Young & The Bottom Line Club, New York City

The Bottom Line Club, New York City
(Click photo to enlarge)

The thirty-ninth anniversary of Neil Young’s legendary 1974 appearance at New York’s Bottom Line club falls today – May 16.

This fabled show – an unannounced acoustic set of eleven mostly new songs performed in just over an hour – was captured for posterity by an anonymous, prescient taper; something all Neil Young fans should remain eternally grateful for. At the height of his song-writing and performing powers and in the middle of a sustained burst of creativity, Neil Young – almost certainly aided by illegal substances – delivered an unforgettably powerful acoustic performance that has stood the test of time. An astonishing five of the eleven songs played that night were début performances and even more astonishingly 10 out of the 11 were unreleased at the time. Yes, you read that correctly, it’s not a typo. Of the eleven songs performed only “Helpless” had been officially released. The show itself had a wonderfully feel-good, happy vibe. Both Neil and the audience were very loose and Neil was in a humorous, storytelling mood. If you’ve never heard the Bottom Line tape you need to go listen right now!

To commemorate this anniversary all round Neil Young fanatic Bernie B. Shakey has re-visited the Bottom Line performance and, over 16 fascinating pages, takes us back to those long ago days of 1974. Full of press clippings, rare photos, historical facts, anecdotes, transcripts, commentary, and contemporaneous news items it makes for a wonderful read. I am pleased to say that this article will be published exclusively in the June issue of Broken Arrow, published by the Neil Young Appreciation Society. (Although fingers crossed Bernie will choose to subsequently put it up online to make it available for everyone to read! Always a good home for archiving here @ TW.).

Thanks Bernie!


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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

"LIKE A HURRICANE" - Neil Young and Crazy Horse @ Storm Sandy Benefit Concert Atlantic City 12-6-2012 - YouTube

"LIKE A HURRICANE" by Neil Young and Crazy Horse @ Hurricane Sandy Benefit Concert, Atlantic City, 12/6/12 on YouTube. Six days BEFORE the 12-12-12 Madison Square Garden Sandy Benefit Concert.

20:00 minutes + of sonic pleasure.

Thrasher's Wheat Radio Goes To Europe!

4 concerts in 3 countries in 5 days.

Walk with us.

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Sunday, May 12, 2013

EXCLUSIVE: Crazy Horse Drummer Ralph Molina Interview

Crazy Horse on Australia 2013 Tour
Neil, Poncho, Billy & Ralph

Photo by Robert (Stringman) Sampimon
(Click photo to enlarge)

In an exclusive for Thrasher's Wheat, here is a recent interview with Crazy Horse's drummer Ralph Molina.

The Q&A session with Ralph came about after this past Spring's Neil Young and Crazy Horse Australia/New Zealand Tour. Aussie rusties Tony Maplestone, Robert (Stringman) Sampimon & Karen (Kaz) Webb had quite a bit of interaction with Ralph during the tour through Facebook and also on stage. Kaz managed to get 4 drumsticks from Ralph!! :) Also some of the guys went backstage after the Sydney shows and gave Neil and the Horse some Aussie made t-shirts.

A few days after the tour Tony Maplestone was chatting to Ralph to thank him for the great tour. This was just after Poncho's interview with Rolling Stone where he mentioned that this might have been the last tour. Evidently Ralph didn't agree, so Tony and Robert had the idea of compiling 20 odd questions from the Aussie Rusties and getting Ralph to answer them. Ralph preferred doing the interview via fax so we didn't get a chance to do follow up questions. Hence it is quite short but interesting to compare and contrast.

Q: "What's it like recording at Broken Arrow? Do you stay there? Do Neil and Pegi cook and feed you all and is it a real homely atmosphere or does Neil keep his private life away from the recording studio"?

Ralph Molina: Recording at "Broken Arrow" is awesome! We prefer recording in "garages, living rooms, Barns". I don't like studios! The Ranch and places I mentioned are not "sterile". Neil has the producer/engineer at all times keep the "tape" rolling!

The Ranch is so much more "cozy homey".

We have a "cook" at the Ranch whenever we are there - Linda is her name. We've had others but she's the cook now - awesome.

Our "private lives" are an open book, known each other a looong time.

Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Adelaide, AUS, 3/5/13

(Click photo to enlarge)

Q: On the ALCHEMY tour of Australia there was general admission standing at every venue. There was a lot of interaction between those standing & the band during each show. Did this format affect the way the band performed at each venue, as it seemed you were all enjoying yourselves immensely?

Ralph: The only way it affects us, or any other band, is that it is awesome having the audience/fans standing, dancing, rockin' with us. It helps to interact with each other which we love. It makes us even "looser"; the fans "looser". We're all part of each other; the band, the fans.

We were totally enjoying ourselves, totally.

Q: In the concerts we've been seeing down in Oz with at least four of the songs being over 10 mins long, extending out to nearly 23 mins, does playing songs for that length of time cause any injuries and if so, what do you guys do to lesson the chances of serious long term problems?

Ralph: Lordy, we've been playing songs like that forever. We love to jam, extend the songs.

I love when Neil has the chance to play his long, soulful solos, that's what makes us get off!

We just stay in shape, we exercise, eat good, stopped the messing around (if you know what I mean).

I've been asked by younger bands, "How are we still playing? Where do we get our energy?".

I tell them, "If you want the longevity, lose your egos and realise what you have to do, to last as long, you have to make changes".

I don't believe we will have any long term problems. We "think good, live good, take care of ourselves and love each other".

Q: On the "Road" what "Riders" do you request these days..have the requests gotten more elaborate over the years or have you all gone back to basics?

Ralph: No we don't have any elaborate requests on our "riders". Just no junk, plenty of water, fruit, salads, it's pretty basic. Like us.

Q: I always wanted to know what they all do when they are not playing with that a good enough question..i.e. do they do session work or what...I know Billy has one album, but does he do other stuff and apart from Ralph growing veggies what does he do....I heard Barbara bakes cookies for the school kids...but what do they do musically!!

Ralph: When we are not playing, we do what you do, live normal lives. I play with my friends, Sometimes we play at my house; George Whitsell, Sonny More, Phil Lee and others, we just jam.

I've done some playing with Billy, on any projects he may have. We stay in touch with each other.

Play; Think Music mentally; it's what we do!

I've written some songs which I hope to record.

We just stay ready for what may come.

Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Perth Arena, Perth, Australia - 3-2-2013
Photo via Perth Arena on Twitter

Q: Has there been anything planned for putting down another album other than a live version of this tour?? Has Neil been writing during touring (ie. Hole In The Sky)?

Ralph: Well yes, "Hole In The Sky". I'm sure he (Neil) is writing and if he wants to record with us any other new songs, that's what will happen.

Right now we are concentrating on the NOW!

Q: Have they ever considered issuing USB concerts after the show like others are now doing ?

Ralph: Everything is considered! USB concerts? Time will tell.

Q: I know Neil often suggests to the guys to play like this or try that however do they in turn tell Neil to try this or that or do they not interfere with Neil’s creative?

Ralph: Neil doesn't do much "telling" of what to play, nor do we. Any suggestions by him or us will never interfere with "creativity". We'll ask each other, we suggest but don't "tell" each other.

Telling interferes, suggesting doesn't, it's co-existing. We don't mind suggestions, neither doe Neil. (That's) why we're together.

Q: I want to know about the Danny Whitten era Fillmore footage !! and what outtakes of alternative versions are there from everybody knows this is nowhere and after the goldrush

Ralph: Danny Whitten era? All I know are happy times, for the most part, the majority of it.

Only footage I know of are the "Scopitone Songs", the Fillmore East footage. Before the Horse we didn't do much, if any, filming.

Billy, Poncho, Ralph & Neil
Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Albuquerque, NM, Aug 3, 2012
Photo by Steve Snowden/Getty Images North America

Q: After each show do you guys like to dissect it and think about what you could have done differently. On listening to the songs of PP on the Australian leg of the tour, each night I noticed there were lots of differing little changes occurring, from all you guys. Was that a conscious effort to bring more life to the songs, or have the songs just naturally evolved, and will they keep evolving or are you all happy with how they sound now?

Ralph: To me recording and playing live are different! Right, there are times you do some dissecting while in the dressing room after shows. I call it locker room talk.

Recording , you don't have any fans, live obviously you do.

It's like an actor, they love to film and act but it's when they get on a live stage, they love more.

I don't believe we make any conscious effort to bring more life into the songs. It's natural, it's like there's the adrenaline (of) the fans, you play for them.

Yes, of course songs are always evolving, songs like "Cinnamon Girl" don't really evolve but the anthems do "Danger Bird" etc. They will keep evolving, each show you are different, the music will too.

Q: What I want to know is the band dynamics. On one hand they are effectively session players. Neil writes the songs, they play as instructed. On the other hand he obviously writes certain songs with them in mind, he has referred to them in YOTH as a true band (check the intro section), they look like a band on stage. Do they have any input into the shape of the song? does he tell them what he wants it to sound like or do they play and see how it goes?

Ralph: Band dynamics? Session players? Are you talking about us? lol

We're "feel" players, all of us! The arts of all arts is feeling. I'd rather look ugly playing with feel then pretty reading a chart. It doesn't matter who writes the songs, again suggestions may be made, that's it.

He doesn't tell us what he wants the song to sound like. Geez what a question.

If you want the "magic feel" you don't instruct someone. You (as Neil does) let them play. Put their own feel into the song. If you instruct you restrict and you are not going to get that.

We play, let it go.

Q: If it was up to to you Ralph, what setlist would you choose?

Ralph: I like our setlists. I love the way Neil has new songs to do, he doesn't live (rest) on his laurels, he continues to evolve.

I would at times throw in "Dangerbird", "Cortez" which we do occasionally. It depends on the night, the way the show is going. Sometimes you have your setlist but you may not want to do the next song on the list.

I have to say, Neil is the most soulful guitar player on this or any other planet.

Q: On this tour, which song did you enjoy playing the most and why??

Ralph: Honestly I love them all but "Ramada Inn", "Giant", "Love and Only Love"," Mr Soul", Fuckin' Up", I love!

And of course when we would do "Dangerbird", "Cortez", I love the "anthems", where you can play them different each night.

Q: Are you ever going to play She's always Dancing?

Ralph: Working on it.

Q: We know a lot of music that influenced Neil growing up, what was the spark that drove the passion within you to pursue a career in music?

Ralph: I believe it was pre-destined for me. As a teen growing up in NYC Lower East side I used to read movie mags. I would sing in the hallways of my project building with friends. When we moved to LA at 16 years old, I ran into guys who sang and I sang with them. Bit I don't believe I ever pursued a career in music.

I grew up listening to the "Doo Wop" songs mostly, it's what I loved.

Q: You just had a long tour of Australia with a lot of days off in between shows...what did you guys get up to in your spare time? Write new songs like ‘Hole in the Sky’? practice obscure old songs (danger bird)? Hang out on the beach? Explore the cities?

Ralph: We spent some time on the beautiful beaches; some sightseeing yes; went to the shops; rested; yes we talked about putting songs like "Dangerbird", "Surfer Joe", etc. into the setlist or as encores

"See No Evil"
Neil Young & Crazy Horse
1987 Japan Tour Program

Q: Which Crazy Horse tour would you like to see released from the archives? Are there any truly memorable shows that you will never forget?

Ralph: Oh Lordy! The "Rust", the "Garage", the "Tonight's The Night" tours stand out from the past.

Honestly I will never forget any of the tours; the music; the friendship; all the "behind the scenes" goings on, never!

Like I will never forget my childhood!

Any tour from the Archives I would relish.

Q: Is there any truth to the Melbourne show at The Plenary being released as a DVD/Movie in the near future as reported in the press?

Ralph: I'm sure the Melbourne (Plenary) show will, in the near future be released!

Q: You have been playing and touring with Neil for almost 45 years, what has been the highlights for you in terms of touring, both musically and atmosphereHighlights?

Ralph: All of it.

Each tour, Each recording, Each moment is a highlight for me, us.

The things we did, got into, while on tour when we were younger. The initials tours to Australia, Japan, Europe as mischievous little lads. Way too many highlights to mention.

Some I'd be in trouble if I mentioned them.

Q: Can you describe how your drumming has evolved over the past 45 years?

Ralph: My drumming, I believe, has evolved from my earlier years. I watch, I listen. I don't copy but I try something, to make me feel less constricted.

Most important to me and the guys is passion and feel.

If I've instilled those 2 things I'm happy.

Q: After a 3-2 hour show how do you recover?

Ralph: I just wait until I come down. No aches, no pain, I feel we could play for 5 hours as long as you're having fun, the music flowing, it makes it easy.

Me? I've been blessed in not having to (as you ask) recover.

Q: Neil in his book talked about compiling a boxset of Crazy Horse music. Can you give us an update on the likely release and what it might contain?

Ralph: Neil has the answer to that!

No release date yet. But sure it will contain unreleased tunes and his years of music with all his friends.

Handwritten FAX from Ralph

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