Leia's Daddy: Find the Cost of Freedom

Leia's Daddy
All Sgt. Ryan John Baum wanted to do was come home and put his daughter, Leia, on his chest. Born 11 days after his death in Iraq on May 18, 2007, the placement of the baby photo during visitation addresses that wish.
After leaving this weekend's screening of CSNY/Deja Vu -- which produced a flood of emotions -- we couldn't stop thinking about this award winning photo by Barry Gutierrez.
Those faces we see during the "Find the Cost of Freedom" sequence are -- of course -- more than just statistics. They represent real families and their pain and suffering.
And not just Leia's daddy. Or Bo's daddy. Or the Gold Star Mothers.
CSNY/Deja Vu made us think. Talk. Inspire us to hope that we can make a difference.
find the cost of freedom
buried in the ground
mother earth will swallow you
lay your body down
More on the finding the cost of freedom.
Iraqi Veterans against the War
Why is the free world attending the Olympics in China and why isn't everyone outraged?
Then why not boycott everything to do with the United States, whose international network of gulags makes China look like Sweden or Norway.
Well meaning people who want to boyott the olympics are doing so albeit unintentionally as a favor to the new-cold-war craving neocons.
Where's the outrage?
According to Mr. King, the violent death rate in Iraq is 25.71 per 100,000. That may sound high, but not when you compare it to places like Colombia 61.7" per 100,000 death rate, violent death rate. South Africa, has a higher violent death rate per 100,000: 49.6 per 100,000. Even Jamaica has a higher violent death rate than does Iraq: 32.4, and Venezuela comes in at 31.6 violent deaths per 100,000. "How about the violent death rates in American cities? New Orleans before Hurricane Katrina was 53.1," violent death rate per 100,000. "FBI statistics for 2004-05 have Washington" DC's violent death rate at 45.9 per 100,000; Baltimore at 37.7 per 100,000, and Atlanta at 34.9 per 100,000. The figure again from Iraq, 25.71 per 100,000, and that includes the war.
I don't feel sorry for anybody who enlisted under the false war cry of the Bush-Cheney Administration.
That crap about protecting American freedoms against terrorism is the same crap they feed the kids about the first Thanksgiving dinner.
The cost of any freedom unfortunately comes at the expense of the lies and distortions which most history is based on.
All the talk of politics. I see a dead young man and a picture of a girl who will not grow up with her Daddy. That is sad, no matter how it happens. If you must point your finger; point it at the gas pump as you fill up, then be honest and say-I am responsible. OR AM I?
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