CSNY 1974 Tour Box Set: Release Now Set for 2013

Wembley Stadium, London, 1974-09-14
Photo by smartsetpix | Flickr
(click photo to enlarge)
As we've reported over the years, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young have been working on a CSNY 1974 Tour Box Set. At the rate they've been going, they just might have it ready for the 40th anniversary of the tour!?
Now comes word from 4 Way Site that the CSNY 1974 Concert DVD is due to be released in the first quarter of 2013.
In an interview with CBS This Morning Crosby, Stills, and Nash discussed their current tour and how the dynamics of the group are better than ever before. "Were really good this year, people are responding well." Nash said.
The group also mentioned the release of their new concert DVD in July. But perhaps the biggest news of all was an announcement about the long-awaited 1974 reunion box set. "When Neil joins us, its different, its a darker edge, more mysterious, he brings a different kind of music to us." Nash said.
The box set is tentatively set to be released in the first quarter of 2013.
Graham Nash left fans will one final hopefully comment about the possible status of an incoming CSNY tour." If you have a new record, don't you have to go and perform it?
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young's 1974 summer tour was unprecedented in many ways -- not the least of which was a pioneering mega huge sound system able to blast tens of thousands at outdoor stadiums. The Bill Graham produced spectacle went on to usher in the massive rock and roll extravaganzas that so many other acts would later follow.

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
1974-08-23, Stadium, Tampa, Florida
Photo Gallery by John Gellman Photography
Planned as a three CD and a DVD set, the box is being put together by Joel Bernstein and Stanley Johnston from eight full shows from that tour.

Stephen Stills and Neil Young
CSNY Concert: 1974-08-23, Stadium, Tampa, Florida
Photo Gallery by John Gellman Photography
A comment by Yardbird:
I saw them on their reunion tour at the Capital Center in DC and it was one of the best concerts I've been to.
The DC crowd was attentive and appreciated their wooden music as much as their electric. It was like attending several concerts in one as they played together, then split up to play individually or as a duo (Crosby & Nash) and then finished together. It was a long concert, but awesome. As stated by an earlier poster, Neil Young was clearly the star of that night, when he played a solo set near the show's end. I hope they include something from the DC show.
I am definitely looking forward to this release!
Crosby Stills Nash Young & Mitchell - Helpless (1974)
Nick Dagan | MySpace Video
CSNY w/ Joni Mitchell - "Helpless", 1974-09-14, Wembley Stadium, London, England
From Stephen Stills: As I Come of Age by Bill DeYoung:
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young attempted a studio reunion in the fall of '73, but the old bitterness reappeared and it failed. By the following spring, however, they were rehearsing at Young's ranch for what turned out to be the first all–stadium rock 'n' roll tour.
"We did this wonderful, monstrous tour, but no album came out of it," Stills said of the summer '74 jaunt, which had many fans bitching that the foursome been brought back together—remember that guy at Big Sur? — for the money.
Stills has an answer. "We grossed $11 million," he said. "But we were getting away with a profit margin of less than 20 percent. They were spending so much money on this grandiose shit, and the parties, and the backstage, and taking care of all of their friends.
"We didn't do enough press; we were not doing the right things because everybody was too hip for that or something. I found that a little disconcerting. There's such a thing as too cool."
He tried to get the band to rehearse a proper set. "The rehearsals were like jam sessions. I was the burr under the saddle, and the irritating force that kept telling them 'could we please get a cogent arrangement together here?'
"And the potheads were all about 'oh, just let it happen.' This is my perspective—please take it in context—we've got this enormous opportunity to get up there on the tall dogs' level. So I'm of a mind that there's a certain amount of discipline that should be exercised."
Today, the stadium tour is remembered for the unruly crowds, drowning out the acoustic sets; and for the more–fiery–than–ever electric guitar interchanges between Stills and Young.
"By this time, I'd played with Hendrix, I'd been playing lead guitar in my own band for a while, and I didn't suck," Stills said. "Like I did before.
"There was a lot of manic energy around. The same kind of stuff that used to have the Who beating the shit out of each other, the same kind of stuff that broke up a lot of other bands. We kind of steeled ourselves to it.
"But I was angry a lot. There was one time after a show where I thought I'd really played good, and we walk off the stage. On the stage I'd gotten a lot of stink–eye from David, and Neil said 'You played all over everything.'
"There was this 'CSNY' made in ice backstage. There's a picture somewhere, and I've got an expression on my face that says this guy is ready for a fight.
"They start giving me shit, and the show blew. We were playing too loud and the harmonies weren't together, we weren't using any methodology to get ourselves singing correctly. There was too much of everything around, including old girlfriends, every sycophant you could possibly imagine—each camp had its own set of sycophants. We were just buying into the whole act.
"I walked backstage and I was so frustrated, I took this thing apart with backfists and knuckle punches and karate. I took it apart right in front of them. This thing had to be 10 inches deep and four inches wide. I went through the 'N' with one punch, and it just shattered.
"Because I knew they were going to come after me about something that I'd done wrong on the stage, and I just put an end to it."

Rolling Stone - August 15th, 1974
More on the reunion tour of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young in 1974.
(Thanks Matt!)
Labels: 1974, box set, concert, csny, david crosby, graham nash, neil young, stephen stills, tour
No mention of the abandoned covers record and no mention of writing new songs. Great news about the 74 concerts coming out next year. I hate to say it but Neil was right about the park benchers. Crosby didn't like Neil's last few records - guess he's not alone there.
Did I sense a little bit of aborted 'Buffalo Springfield Tour' cynicism in Stephens response in regards to working with Neil in the future ?
ok Neil's is to CSNY Lennon to the Beatles! but Stills is far from harisson and graham definitely not up to mccartney :) crosby was the man with if i could only remember my name, brilliant record!
Stills was more like Hendrix. There was magic between Neil & Stills. Even Crosby and Nash said it was unbelievable when they played . I was always grateful they played Neil's songs. Don't get me wrong, I like CSN. I go see them when I can but nothing ever surprises me like when Neil tours.
I did see that concert 3 times in 1974. I can tell you no one thought it was a reunion tour because most people associated Neil as part as CSN&Y even though he had a huge following when he went solo or played with Crazy Horse ( not in that order) but back then unless you were an avid reader of Rolling Stone or Cream you would have no idea what was going on with bands except from what was written in liner notes or what you experienced at the concerts. The guys at the record store knew a lot of stuff and if you had a cool radio station that played the albums -- they would tell you stuff about the bands they were featuring. It's not like it is today ...
Man, I can barely stand to listen to Stills. The man's pomposity worked wonderfully in the coked up 70s, but just comes off as desperate alpha aggression in his old age. Cros and Nash, on the other hand, seem genuinely happy and at peace with their legacy and the current state of their careers. They're like a couple of wise old sages.
Croz, of course, has to come off like a dick. Whatever the artistic value of Neil's last few records, what has Crosby done? Continued singing the same songs he was singing 40 years ago on oldies tours that play to smaller and smaller audiences. How many new songs has he come up with? And he would be delighted with himself if he wrote "Love and War" or "Peaceful Valley"
maybe I should know but I don't--did Stills have a slight stroke or something? the slightly garbled speech has GOT to mean something...I don't like everything Neil has done over the years, or C or S or N...but more than that--after the 74Tour was over, didn't all four of them say it was a disaster? The recording I have is evidence that maybe it was...Wembly stadium, anyone? Suddenly it's "amazing" ? in a good way? we'll see...
They all recorded some of the most beautiful loves songs and ballads. Sometimes an artist's greatest masterpiece isn't the destination -- making records -- but the journey they take. Maybe their greatest masterpiece is what comes after the songs they wrote and recorded?
I think if you met them today, they would come off as the neighbor kids you grew up with long ago.
Crosby totally disregards songs like "Peaceful Valley" (which is among the best songs he's ever written) and they puts "Old Man" and "Heart of Gold" of all things at the top. Oh well. I guess Neil will always be one to scare CSN.
I wondered the same things...as in what's up with Stills and Crosby. They had their time and their moments, no doubt. But Neil has run circles around these two since 1975 or so. I did like 1000 Roads - the song, at least a live take I copied from somewhere. Looking Forward? a waste of Neils time, tho Isle of Sanibell has merit.
I think they are just tired of having Neil shadow over their careers at times when they are promoting tours and themselves as their independant act. I'll always respect Grahamn Nash though, he generally gets things straight.
man, look at that photo of stills at the very top. says it all...what a fuckin' douche.
CSNY recorded one decent record 'Deja Vu' the two later records are awful. Neil has kept writing songs - some great, some good & some awful but he's still doing it. The solo records from the early 70s of all them are peerless - Crosby's 'If Only' is a masterpiece - BUT MANASSAS is the stand alone best record by all four solo or together.
I'm suprised they're even gonna release this. While it was nice at the time..... outdoors concerts....long shows...lots of songs from each of them.... lets face it, what ruined the tour was COCAINE ! I'm not making judgement on that, as nobody was immune at that time.....but it greatly affected the performances.
Stills spent the whole tour so fucked out of his mind that he thought he was a cop.Neil sings like someone has a rope tied to his balls and the veins are ready to pop out of his neck, and nash is so obliterated he basicaly screams instead of sings every songs-which is the affect of coke !
Cros at this point was almost immune to coke, so it probably didnt make much difference.I'm sure soem of the time he was playing the wrong song so they just turned down his amp !
Like I said, I was there for 3 of the concerts and saw many before and many after. When they sang Only Love Can. Break Your Heart sang we could hear a pin drop and this was a a very rowdy and very high stadium venue.
I was surprised reading in Shakey about how everyone was so messed up but I'll can tell you that they sounded absolutely perfect. They played right at dusk so by the time they got to Cowgirl everyone was under their spell ...
I love autobiographies but some of that stuff in Shakey is just a different version of what really happened. Lots of people were recording but the distortions heard on the bootlegs from that tour resulted from shoddy equipment. I doubt the stuff they're releasing in this box set was recorded by amateurs.
Although they might not be destroying themselves with substances these days, they sure can do a lot of damage with their tongues. Collectively they know their worth increases 400% whenever Neil works with them and it's no wonder he distances himself from them after they, especially Still's and Crosby, make those ignorant off the cuff disrespectful comments towards Neil. As far as Neil touring to promote some nearly 40 year old performance opposes everything Neil stands for. Especially after they commit corporate suicide with their thoughtless comments.
Stills, while he hasn't made a good new song in about thirty years has a right to be pissed the way Neil jerked him off on the Buffalo Springfield tour. Neil, while obviously the most dynamic continuing songwriter of the bunch is full of himself, what with all the filming. I'm glad a lot of the retro stuff is coming out, especially the Stills box set. Hey, I'm just glad these three are having fun! Neil can eat a peach!
Neil keeps these guy's on a short leash no different then he doe's Crazy Horse and anyone else he records or performs with. Neil has earned his status among his peer's as a 'super star'. He has more quality songs in his vast catalog then C.S.N. has collectively. That didn't just happen by accident. While they were resting on their laurels and becoming a nostalgia act touring on the fumes of the days that used to be, Neil continued to create and remain a vital force while building a legacy far beyond the point in which C.S.N peaked. And even they would have to admit that their finest work and most memorable contributions to Rock-N-Roll were when collaborating with Neil. You won't hear anyone in Neil's audience shouting out for a C.S.N song anytime too soon. Catch any one of them during a sober moment in an interview and they will usually respectfully give Neil the credit that is due for their success and popularity. It only seems when their together during interviews when they trash talk their cash cow. Most of the recent collaborations has been the result of Neil coming to their rescue. It always seems to be Still's and Crosby who make Neil the butt of their jokes. I saw a recent C.S.N. concert where during the intro to covering Neil's 'Long May You Run' Still's and Crosby spent several minutes joking about Neil's voice while Nash turned his back on the audience and appeared to distance himself from their irreverent remarks. At least Nash seems to know better then to nuke the bridge that they may need to cross once again in the future.
This site is so funny. You waste so much time in your "who is better" competitions. It's a Neil Young groupie site, for Pete's sake - why do you feel you have to run others down just to appreciate Young's work? You all type about what a unique artist he is, so treat him like one and quit dragging out your rulers every 10 minutes.
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