Neil Young Solo @ White River Amphitheatre, Auburn, WA - Thursday July 20
Neil Young will perform tonight at White River Amphitheatre, Auburn, WA on Thursday, July 20. Also, with special guest Chris Pierce as opening act.
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More concert reports @ NEIL YOUNG COASTAL TOUR.

When Neil Young is Playing, You Shut the Fuck Up
Labels: archives, concert, neil young, neil young archives, nya, presale, reviews, solo, stream, tickets
Neil put on a fantastic show Thursday at White River Amphitheater, Auburn, WA
He mailed I’m The Ocean (I think!), dropped Burned from the set.
Birds! Throw Your Hatred Down 12 string,…. Double Encore Homegrown!
Peace be with you. Alan
Good deal Brother Alan.
Looks like you guys got the high water mark of tour last night.
Per Sugar Mountain, 21 songs last night. 2 songs added to tour: I Am A Child & Homegrown
Full setlist:
I'm The Ocean / Homefires / Burned / On The Way Home / If You Got Love / A Dream That Can Last / Birds / My Heart / Vampire Blues / Throw Your Hatred Down / Prime Of Life / When I Hold You In My Arms / I Am A Child / Mr. Soul / Ohio / Don't Forget Love / Heart Of Gold / Comes A Time // Love Earth / Four Strong Winds // Homegrown
Neil Young is back. Two encores. Lofe is balanced again
Auburn eclipsed Bend and then some, but, I wasn’t fully present at Bend. That is to say, my wife and I were bobbing on a kayak in the Deschutes river with 200-250 other “River Rats” and could not hear perfectly due to wind and chatter among the partners. But, I did hear him screw up I’m the Ocean, which I winced at, and hit a wrong note during Burned. One song had a false start… God, I’m so picky!
After evading the canine Patrol a few times pre show, I felt I had sent enough smoke signals to Neil. I had feelings of a good omen for this show. The signs were good. Seattle traffic was killer due to Taylor Swift being in town, baseball, etc. I headed East and then south, a pretty drive with a nice view of Mt Rainier. Soon to be renamed after local native culture, which I support.
Auburn’s White River Amphitheater was Heaven on Earth last night for Neil’s latest stop on his Coastal tour. I had pretty good seats but I yearned to be closer. Having a criminal mind from many years of walking past barriers or hopping over them, this time I outdid myself and crawled thru a barrier to gain access to the best seats in the house! I watched the security personnel and timed my audacious act for when they were all distracted, looking the other way… Luck was with me and nobody arrived to apprehend me! I kept pushing it and got to the 4th row before Neil’s set started. I had to retreat as I played musical chairs with the late arriving fans.
I saw most of the show from row 10, ended up at row 2 by encores. What a night!
Neil was in great form, his voice sounded very good. His playing was excellent. Oh my God, what a great show!
Thank you Neil Young! Sorry for the loud locals in WA. I actually shouted “Sorry!” A few times when it got quiet! And “ThNk you!” And “We Love you Neil!”
Last night’s show charged up my spiritual battery… I could power a small town right now.
Singalong on Love Earth and Homegrown was so good! Neil was a happy man last night.
Now if you will excuse me I will go outside and send some new smoke signals today. I have been on vacation all week, sometimes wondering if I might have died and gone to heaven! Saw Dave Alvin w Jimmie Dale Gilmore up close on Tuesday after returning from Bend. And Neil from the river? I have trunks of memories….
Much Love, your Brother Alan in Seattle
Was Burned really played last night? I was having an out of body experience at that moment apparently. Out of mind, more like! 8 Miles High. I was present for every other song. Not sure if he really played Burned or not. Got to get the recording!
Everyone’s Brother Alan in Seattle (except my wife… she and I are no relation.😁)
One huge drunk bald guy was so drunk he was walking around screaming while Neil was playing a song! I actually got to help this guy (& all the fans). I asked him if he Harare the phrase “When Neil Young is playing you shut the Fuck Up!” I was giving him the “Shhhhhh / Shut the fuck up / whisper” gesture, when he approached and I invited him to sit down next to me. Then I patted him on the back and encouraged him to Shhhhhhhh. He calmed down for awhile , then stood up and announced “I need to make pee pee.” Off he went; he got about 50’ before making some new friends and sitting. But it was back to the show for me. Hahaha. We have the East coast some competition for obnoxious crowd behavior.
Jumping barriers / crawling thru barriers is not a crime… I am Left coast all the way baby!
Now about those smoke signals……
Your brother Alan in Seattle
well Brother Alan, you've really lived up to your reputation as an ardent Neil & TW fan with this one.
Sounds like quite a night out west. really glad you got an excellent show and made the most of many circumstances.
so this note's for you!
Keep on rockin and don't be denied ... ever.
My first trip down to the USA for a show since COVID, and it was quite a surreal night.
This tour is such a strange fit for the venues he's been choosing. This is an almost elegiac show - Neil's was preoccupied with reminiscing about lost friends and thanking the crowd throughout, and yet the crowd itself was, as others have noted, very rowdy. Lots of folks shouting requests, talking during the obscure tracks... and yet, it almost became a part of the experience. It took me back to the Tonight's The Night bootlegs: an artist challenging their audience to have 'fun', if they dare. The specific performance of Mr. Soul, which he introduced as "We're going to do a hootenanny!" (Crowd cheers) "... but not yet", and proceeded to play a dark dirge-like version on the pump organ, was particularly indicative of his general tack for the night.
The show is fastidiously-staged, but so many of Neil's decisions seem calibrated not to cover over his frailty as he ages but to highlight it. He could very easily pick a series of fairly simple lay-ups, sit down, and perform them pretty darn solidly, but he doesn't: A Dream That Can Last was a bit of a mess, and he stalked around the stage while playing his usual harmonica-guitar setup and switched instruments mid-song at one point. And then he'd pull out 'Birds' (my favourite performance of the night) execute it flawlessly.
Between his usual trollish (a word I use lovingly) audience-challenging and the way that his advancing age was so apparent in his performance (it really feels like ten years have passed since the 2019 show I saw, not five), it was a hugely emotional night for me and one of the more unique performances I've ever seen any artist give. I'm glad I saw it.
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(I should also add - Burned was definitely performed. One flub, but a good rendition on the whole. I'm The Ocean, which I was looking forward to, really suffered from the audience being terribly unsettled and a bit obnoxious, at least around me. Homegrown was what appeared to be a true encore - the house lights actually came on at the end of Four Strong winds, and then quickly came down. Huge audience rush back to the venue. Very special moment.)
Off topic, but I just noticed in the Greedy Hand store that Odeon Budokon is up for presale in vinyl. So that makes 4 out the 10 discs from V. 2 now available individually as vinyl.
Sounds like Auburn was a great show. Hopefully, we'll get an official NYA recording or video down the road. Would love to hear that rendition of Birds.
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Neil at piano with Old Black slung over his arms playing the classic “When I Hold You in My Arms” was impressive and so cool! He demonstrated masterful skill with tasteful blues licks on guitar.
This happened! This is reality, and my reality.
Your Brother Alan from Seattle
It’s a mystery as to what happened to me during Burned. It may have been a strange euphoric state I entered, out of body experience, or possible alien abduction. Hahahaha
Alan, favorite planet, Earth
I had gained access to that seating area prior to Neil’s set starting.
Did I mention I am a part time shaman? Kidding on that!
your brother Alan in Seattle
What a bloody great show Neil played! I am so glad they are filming this tour for a future release! NYA or physical release, you can all figure out for yourselves how awesome the tour was, if you were not able to make it, or even if you were! I am a lucky bastard, yours truly...
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@ Devan : Burned ! Me and the drunk dude distracting me, joins me to philosophize.
I’m The Ocean sounds SO GOOD when Neil plays it on the 12 string! That song is in my Top 10 Neil songs. He played many songs on the 12 string and ihe sounded fantastic. MR Soul was killer on Pump Organ. I didn’t hear Neil’s show the same way as you, Devan, I missed the flaw if it was there, but it’s perfectly imperfect.
What I saw & heard was a triumph of Artist over time, a Rock God with tons of soul, and tons of talent still in reserve. I did not at all see this anything less than an ass kicking night of great music. My state of mind comes into play, and I was in high spirits for the incredible and powerful set Neil Young gave us last night. But I was fully paying attention and keen to hear all of it, the good, the bad, and the ugly. It isn’t 1989, or 2007, it’s 2023. We who could attend the west Coastal tour are fortunate! So many folks would love to have attended. I hope my posts have added flavor from an eyewitness account. Sorry about the many posts! I was up very late driving home. The 1st post was late last night, and I meant to say Neil “Nailed” it…..
This was an Epic show. The Rock and Roll Gods have smiled upon us.
The crowd was mostly polite down in front but so did tell one group of young men to shut up a few times. I heard no songs requested up front. Rude behavior was rare, but some did talk. Some very drunk dudes made some local disturbances. I would suggest that people shut the fuck up when Neil Young is playing live.
This Coastal Tour has become a Real accomplishment for Neil, playing solo, doing songs less played. I loved Birds, gorgeous! Throw Your Hatred Down was was fantastic. But what I saw was a living legend laying himself bare for us, the audience. He humbly opened his heart to us, and we fucking LOVED it! Neil was patient with the crowd, and in good spirits. Holy Hell, Homegrown! I am a child sounded sweet.
The theme and feeling that ran through it all was Love and Earth, joy and music. “What’s your favorite planet?”
Neil Young played a strong show and I would think most fans would agree. Some are unfamiliar with his lesser known songs but the 1st timers I saw were having a blast.
As far as I’m concerned, Neil Young painted a masterpiece last night. It was not perfectly perfect, depending on one’s perspective. But it was perfectly imperfect! It was Neil Young and it was exquisite, marvelous, wonderful, spectacular!
Don’t write Neil Young off just yet my fellow fans! I’m a believer seeing thru “clear eyes.”
Thank you Neil Young! The a great Pacific North West thanks you! Sorry for the loud drunks! We await your return!
Your Brother Alan in Seattle
Sounds like another excellent night for big time fans! It’s just so thrilling that Neil is back on stage. I wouldn’t be surprised if all of these shows are released in Atmos sound. Chrome Dreams looks like it will be in Atmos on Apple Music. Sedan Delivery and Hold Back The Tears are. I don’t have the special headphones or home setup for it, but you can get a nice enhanced sound with regular earbuds through an iPhone if you select Dolby Atmos in music settings. Can we talk about Hold Back The Tears (Feb ‘77)? It appears that the only other recordings Neil made at Indigo Malibu were the Hitchhiker set, and part of Will To Love. What a gorgeous sound they got there! Does anyone know of there are more songs from the early ‘77 sessions? Could be a Hitchhiker II in there…
Neil played “I Am a Child” on the guitar owned by Hank Williams! And he plays Homegrown on the guitar given to him by Steven Stills.
Here’s a link to 2 videos from White River: I Am a Child & Homegrown!
@Alan: Maybe I wasn't clear enough, but I liked the show. As I said, any musicmanship 'flaws', if anything, contributed to the tapestry. My only significant complaint about the experience were some very specific obnoxious folks around me who thought it was a good idea to talk through the show, and shouted at anyone who even so much as gave them a stink eye.
Looking at the pictures above (thanks, Alan) I see that there is a series of Coastal Tour posters (upper left corner) that my son (well-bred Rock'n'Roll offspring) asked me to ask Neil Young about. There was a NYA letters response that these posters might be prepared for sale at the Greedy Hand. So my question is whether this appeared to be official merchandise or was this rather a "free-lance" merch stand?
Definitely official.
@ Dionys : Real NY merchandise posters for sale, definitely.
I was glad to get the photos to share. Thank you. -Alan
@ Devan, Thank you. I am still recovering from the show, haha, and your writing is good, I like what you had to say.
It's kind of funny that one of them has a Led Zeppelin motive and the other one shows a Volkswagen micro-bus with five windows on the side as instead of four. Because the engine for these buses used to be in the rear position, there was no need to put in a fifth window. Americans always want it to be bigger, I guess, and such are their memories. If these posters show up at the store I'll get them anyway.
A 1960 model has 23 windows. There's many models of VW Microbus
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The special series named "Samba" (internationally sold als "Microbus deluxe") had 5 side windows on each side and eight additional rooftop windows, alright, that makes it 21 windows, with the tiny triangular ones it's 23. The T1 Sambas are very rare and today rank among the costliest of Volkswagen oldtimers because of their small production numbers. So if you got one of these, better hang on to it.
Those poor motors in back went thru hell. Always a load not really fair. At least those Krauts made em easy to swap out. That means allot. Anyone who's worked on cars curses the engineer as impossible to get to bolt. Make them work on it.
Hey Alan you probably don't remember me, we've chatted before. I live in puyallup. Sadly I couldn't get to this show as my wife has cancer and funds are short. I loved your review. I'd love to see that at paramount or Moore! I think we were both at solo paramount show. I was lucky enough to be row four with my kids. I love the intimate shows and all the horse shows. I'm glad you gave some pics
As a funny side note, my buddy and I went to Everett show years back with my daughter for her first ny show. We waited for death cab for cutie break and snuck onto floor to be up front, she still talks about how fun that was. She felt like we beat the system! Haha
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