Neil Young Concert Etiquette: Chapter #28

When Neil Young is Playing, You Shut the Fuck Up
Last night's Neil Young Solo concert at the Fox Theatre in St. Louis, Missouri was marred by audience members shouting song requests and yelling while Neil spoke between songs, according to numerous attendees.
Over the years, we've blogged on numerous occasions about etiquette at a Neil Young concert...
Sit vs Stand.
Smart Phone Etiquette.
Shouted requests. Clapping and singing. Incessant photos and videos and flashes.
The June 28th concert experience was marred for some by the obnoxious behavior of a few at the expense of the many.
From a comment on Neil Young Solo: Fox Theatre, St. Louis, Missouri - June 28 by Peacelover Doc:
It really was a drag because Neil came out in a great mood.Thanks Peacelover Doc!
He was talking to the crowd more than I'd ever seen, he drank a couple beers & was explaining that Stills gave him this particular guitar & where he was when he wrote this tune. How they went on a tequila binge after Bruce Berry & some other roadies OD'd & was just going through parts of his career & telling stories but the morons kept screaming instead of listening & finally Neil said "it doesn't even register with me" but they didn't understand that either. A few of us were saying SHUT UP because we've seen it before but it didn't help.
Maybe I'm being over dramatic but it's been 11 years since I'd seen Neil & it broke my heart to see such disrespect.
OTOH, Neil himself may not have even noticed or been annoyed as he writes on NYA:
"What a night! The audience was really amazing. They listened to me and they listened to John Hammond. It was quiet while I sang and played..."
Labels: concert, neil young
I hate to say this, but the worst experiences I have had with fans have been at Neil Young shows. I’ve seen him a lot, and half the time the audience has been a problem. The drunk guy next to me standing on his chair and yelling random things all night. The guy next to me at an acoustic show who wants Neil to “play some rock and roll!” The group of fans behind me singing every song they know in full voice so I can’t hear Neil. The unending shouted out song requests and “I love you Neil” in the middle of songs. The guy who keeps yelling “bogie til you puke!” even during Needle and the Damage done.
Of course, acoustic shows are much worse, because they leave the space and quiet. It’s hard to disrupt things when Old Black and the Horse are roaring.
People. We came to see Neil. Shut the F up!
it started with whistling— then came whooping — now it’s audible-selfies...
at club shows, the music is just background to boozie conversation.
(yes, I stay away...)
Almost, I say almost, wants to make me wait for a good aud of the show rather than spend hard earned money listening to rude, loud mouth patrons who think buying a ticket gives them the right to ruin the show for their fellow audience members. Yeah, it's America, we have the right to make fools of ourselves. I get the yelling when he's cranking up old black. A solo show ? Have some respect.
all deja my first neil concert, in baltimore, late sixties, great venue...i had great close seats, he came out, just him and his accoustic, and a chair...he chatted briefly, began to play....some one set a firecracker off in the back of the Civic Center...unbelievable, neil got up (wasn't on the stage 5 minutes), walked off, crowd wnt wild, settled down, began to chant "Neil..Neil...' over and over...a man of integrity, after about 10 minutes or so, lights came up and announcer said...
"Mr. Young has left the building'
sure it was a big let down for me...but that behavior at a show was ridiculous
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I collect bootlegs and have been to a few concerts in America. I can honestly say that American audiences are by far the worst for talking through concerts.
Chicago crowd was garbage both nights. shut your sloppy drunken mouths... what do u expect i guess.
Detroit was no different. If you want to get drunk and yell--go to the foocking bar. Couldn't hear some of Neil's comments, or the finish of some stories. Assholes STAY HOME--WE WANT TO LISTEN!! Most of the piano songs they stayed quiet--it was spiritual especially from when I first listened to some of those Buffalo Springfield songs. Neil played songs I thought I'd never hear LIVE Thx, Neil ;)
The Detroit show for me was most likely the best concert I've ever seen, although it's hard to Judge between him and the Allman Brothers. The only problem was the loud mouths, it was a bummer not hearing what Neil had to say. Any true Neil fan knows not to poke the bear!
Is concert etiquette out the window? At some concerts, it seems the answer is yes. This version of "Southern Man" is from a full-length concert video, Polar Vortex, that Neil says is coming soon to the NY Archives.
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