Neil Young Solo @ Vina Robles Amphitheatre, Paso Robles, CA - July 8
Neil Young will have a solo residency at Vina Robles Amphitheatre, Paso Robles, CA on July 8. Also, with special guest Chris Pierce as opening act.
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More concert reports @ NEIL YOUNG COASTAL TOUR.

When Neil Young is Playing, You Shut the Fuck Up
Labels: archives, concert, neil young, neil young archives, nya, presale, reviews, solo, stream, tickets
Any reports anyone?
Your Brother Alan in Seattle
I don't post much here, but I was in attendance at the Vino Robles Amphitheater. We drove down from our home in Santa Cruz and camped at the RV park a couple of miles away. I've been a Neil Young fan for almost 40 years, since I was 10, but this was the first time I ever saw him solo. The setlist didn't have much variation from the previous shows, but I was so excited to hear these songs in a solo arrangement, that I was practically levitating before the show. As a Pearl Jam fan, hearing "I'm The Ocean" from Mirrorball in a solo acoustic arrangement was amazing, and that was the opening song!!! "When I Hold You In My Arms" was not a song I paid much attention to when it was released on an album I didn't pay much attention to except for "Goin' Home". However, this performance was very vibrant and totally changed my perception of that song. So, I will need to revisit Are You Passionate?. The evening was beautiful. It was hot, but there was a nice breeze, and Neil seemed comfortable and at ease. The show closer "Four Strong Winds" was particularly poignant and emotional, at least in my own head. Neil hasn't toured since 2019, and who knows how many opportunities we will have to see him solo in 3D before he retires from the Road of Plenty. I don't know, but I wasn't going to miss my chance. I loved this performance, and I love Neil Young and his music. Thank you, Neil!
Mike, on board with everything you said... and traveled relatively the same distance for the show coincidentally! Gotta say I'm happy there was SOMEONE in attendance that was stoked for this setlist and the rare opportunities it provided. I was lucky enough to be up front, so maybe the vibe got a little looser and more appreciative in other spots but I was mostly surrounded by people being audibly confounded that they didn't "know a single song he's playing" (direct quote from the couple to the left of me). But at least that couple was receptive to songs they've never heard. I don't need to be surrounded by people who can list every song from every album by memory but AT LEAST be open to appreciating what you are hearing... which wasn't the case with the couple to my right... the wife scrolling through her phone and even making calls DURING the set. Their attention shifting only for "Heart of Gold" and then leaving immediately after that.
The amount of people shouting for the hits wasn't really a surprise... I had assumed the venue and its size might not be the most knowledgable or curious audience... but it was still a bit of a bummer to experience that. People shouting requests between songs instead of listening to what he may (or may not) have to say. Shouting songs that have been played thousands of times.
This far into his career and he's still confounding audience expectations... doesn't say much about the audiences. And I'm sure I'm just calling out a small fraction of the crowd. The applause between songs said much more than the knuckleheads ever could. I wish the people around me could have just taken in the moment, looked up at the beautiful California summer sky and appreciated everything about the moment. We can all speculate whether or not this is one of his final lap through the stages, sheds, and stadiums but one thing is for damn certain... this setlist is a moment of time that will not last too long. He'll be on to another batch of songs that have caught his fascination. Maybe solo, maybe with the horse or the real or something that will confound the audiences again. It's cool that today someone who likely only has Harvest or the Greatest Hits comp is probably adding something from Sleeps With Angels to their playlist right now.I was definitely too young to catch him on the road for SWA and just a bit too young to have my ear to the ground for any Mirrorball shows (that would all change in '97 though) so hearing him play songs from both of those was transcendent... just a flood of tears and joy. And from Trans! And "Homefires"! Just hearing and seeing him again at all.
Alright... to hell with the small cluster of unimaginative dimwits - they absolutely could not take away from how cool and special and unique this tour is. It's the closest you can come to his fireside sessions happening in front of you... and at fairly large venues no less.
Thank you and apologies to the TW community for letting me work through that small little tantrum in public forum.
See this tour if you can.
Fingers crossed the audience in Berkeley is a little cooler? Even if they're not, I'll be grateful to be there.
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@ JVJ : so odd that people are still shouting songs at Neil even tho he never plays them (until the next show… Haha!). I badly want to see him play I’m The Ocean on acoustic 12 string but there is no way I would shout it, out of respect. When Neil Young is playing you shut the fuck up (and Listen!).
Its a privilege to attend a Neil Young show these days. People might as well give it a listen if they get lucky like that.
Your Brother Alan in Seattle
I'll be one cool guy at the Berkeley show! I'm stoked by the set. You'll know where I'm
sitting if he swaps out Heart of Gold for Cripple Creek Ferry.
Add another set of ears to the cool list in Berkeley.
I'll be there with the guy who introduced me to that shakey sound that is NY, my good ol' Dad! Way in the back section 2. Wanted to get something closer in one of the "lettered" sections, but couldn't justify $700+ on a pair of tix right now....
Do you recall any setlist ? I kinda want to throw together a playlist for us to listen to on the drive over because he's not as cool as I am... So far I know to give a listen/sample of: Mirrorball, SWA, AYP?, and Freedom.
How searchy has entry been? Asking for a taper friend...
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