


Neil Young's new release ""World Record" w/ Crazy Horse is now available for pre-order. Order here
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Saturday, October 06, 2018

"She's Always Dancing" [Or is She Really???] by Neil Young & Crazy Horse

Sue, Jane, Laura, Betty, Joyce
Frame via "She's Always Dancing" Official Video - Neil Young & Crazy Horse

"She's Always Dancing" by Neil Young & Crazy Horse's from album, "Psychedelic Pill" is The Archives "Song of the Day" today.

She's always dancing... or is she really???

In 2012, during the rush of excitement during "Rock-tober 2012" -- when we had Neil Young albums, books and concerts coming fast furious -- the official video dropped for song "She's Always Dancing" by Neil Young & Crazy Horse from their new album, "Psychedelic Pill".

Boys Will Be Boys, Right?
Or Girls Will Be Girls?

Frame via "She's Always Dancing" Official Video - Neil Young & Crazy Horse

There were a few scattered reactions here and there, but otherwise it made about as much of a splash as say -- Neil Young covering "Born In The USA".

Those "Whores of Babylon"
Frame via "She's Always Dancing" Official Video - Neil Young & Crazy Horse

From comments on the video "She's Always Dancing" by Neil Young & Crazy Horse by cosplusisin:
I am shocked at the responses [to the video "She's Always Dancing"] is getting.

I think she has a valid point that the video for She's Always Dancing really is quite backward, and I'm surprised no one has jumped in to AGREE with her yet. It seems there are a lot of people who are still living in the stone age (add me to the list of people who cannot STAND that "panties in a twist" remark.. it is SO demeaning and condescending).

That said, I don't really know what the video means, and it is possible that it is meant to make a point about how backward those attitudes are, but who knows? It doesn't affect how I feel about Neil's music, because it remains pretty awesome. And like ANON 9:43 said, the song doesn't seem to have these backward connotations, so maybe it's just someone's dumb idea for a video, and nothing more.. I don't know who directed the video, but it wasn't necessarily Neil himself. In any case, it's generally a good idea to separate the art from the artist, because there are a lot of people who might let you down if you really get to know them. And why bother getting let down? It is what it is. People are who they are, but if they contribute something positive to the world, and try (through other means) to create positive change, then that's something. In other words, nobody's perfect.

Lastly, Anon 9:43 later said (at 12:06) "If you can't tell the video is sexist, you're a typical male." As a male, I must say I find that unfair. Please remember that it's not "men" who treat women badly; it's SOME men. If you are open to that way of thinking, you might be surprised at how many men are actually nice, normal, and decent people (hopefully, anyway!).

Crazy, Angry White Heterosexual Christian Male
(obviously The Anti-Christ)

Frame via "She's Always Dancing" Official Video - Neil Young & Crazy Horse

From a comment via Seattle:
It was great to see Neil in Seattle, but as a woman who's a longtime fan, he really put me off with his official video of She's Always Dancing.

It makes me think that Neil is a progressive about cars but prefers to be an old school pig about women. Even tho on his site he quoted Michelle Obama about women protecting their progress thru voting, and even tho the lyrics seem to be all about a woman dancing for the love of it free from sexual connotations, he slaps this ugly near porn, women-exist-to-sexually-arouse-men face on it. Showing the inner pig, kind of like Romney's 47% comment. But I guess most of his fans are men anyway. I guess I shouldn't be looking to a 67 year old rock star for an enlightened view of women.

Disappointing but revelatory.

The "Weaker" Sex?
Frame via "She's Always Dancing" Official Video - Neil Young & Crazy Horse

From an authority who is "stunningly gorgeous":
If you can't tell the video is sexist, you're a typical male.

By the way, I have been called stunningly gorgeous, so don't think I'm doing without or jealous of beautiful women. And people generally like me and think I'm kind and fun. And I love to dance. This is all about the final frontier in human rights: womens rights. And it's a battle. As evident here, Neanderthal attitudes are rampant. But each generation women progress further. Don't forget black men got the vote before women. Hey, I come from a state with a female governor and 2 female senators. And neighbor Melinda Gates is a role model for womens advancement.

Sorry guys, but white males and their regressive ideas are in descendency.

Completely Innocent & Always The Victim
Nothing Suggestive Going on Here What So Ever, Right?

Frame via "She's Always Dancing" Official Video - Neil Young & Crazy Horse

From a comment on VIDEO FLASHBACK: "She's Always Dancing" - Neil Young & Crazy Horse by ahpost:

Thanks for revisiting the "She's Always Dancing" video. I must have missed the 11/16 spat on this blog, and reading it now, I'm more than a little surprised, not that there is some criticism, but that the "reviews" of the song and video come off like something out of my local high school weekly newspaper.

Both I and my wife loved the video, and have watched it and discussed it many many times. By the way, we are both progressive activists, which matters not one bit except that politics seems to be a big issue with the bloggers on 11/16/12. Neil, by using movie clips from a bygone era, suggests that women - and perhaps the women in his life, the most important people to him by far - love to dance.

He suggests that this is timeless. Neil both admires this and is mystified by this in women:

She wants to live without ties to bind her down
She wants to dance with her body left at ground
She wants to spin, and she lives in her own world
She wants to dream like she was a little girl

Dancing for women is a pure expression of freedom, of living in a dream.

The men in the video, for the most part, come across as sleazy, pathetic, slightly stupid, and even cruel. Yet the women won't let that inhibit their love of dancing. Do they want to be watched? In many cases yes, but that's hardly their main impetus for loving to dance, for expressing themselves in a way that men, or at least Neil, can barely begin to grasp. The first man seen may love dancing, and dances beautifully, but he turns it into dehumanizing judgement, something that the women depicted would never consider. The next segment at the drive-in, the women in spite of the foul men in their cars and stiff suits, choose just to enjoy themselves and be happy and carefree, without a thought that the situation is beyond creepy.

When Neil almost cries "She loves to burn", he does so with a longing for the kind of passion that men can only consider a mystery, like that of the later dancers in the vid. Neil's most recent writing, from No Hidden Path to the final verse of Hitchhiker to Ramada Inn, is more and more about his respect and adoration for women, particularly the women in his life; wife, daughter, sister, perhaps - that he feels have saved him. Maybe he puts women up on too high a pedestal, maybe that can seem unhealthy to some. But who can argue that the peace in Neil's life that women have brought to him has produced a level of creativity that is extraordinary for a rocker in is late sixties.

"When you dance, I can really love"
Thanks ahpost! Absolutely agree... "When you dance, I can really love".

So what do you think of this video?

We'll just say that given that the video in question uses stock footage from another time and place, we're not sure how much we can project into today's context.

Times change, things remain the same... "The Big Shift" rolls on...

She's Really Always Dancing
"When you dance, I can really love"
(Because when she dances, he can really truly love her)

The Love & Dance Songs of Neil Young

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Friday, October 05, 2018

The Philadelphia Stories from The Man in The High Tower (Theater): Neil Young Solo @ Upper Darby, PA - Sept. 30 & Oct 1

"Tell Me Why"
Photo by thrasher
(Click photo to enlarge)

Neil Young performed 2 solo concerts at the Tower Theater, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, on Sunday, September 30 and Monday, October 1 which we had the privilege and honor of attending.

On Night #2, after the 1st 2 songs -- "The Last Trip To Tulsa" (full 8 verses) and "Thrasher" (full 8 verses) , we turned to our seat neighbors and fully agreed that we had already gotten our $'s worth for the night. Yes, it was pretty surreal to have Neil start the 1st notes of "Thrasher" and have all of these Rusties in the first couple of rows turn to us with these looks of amazement. In our lifetime, we have had some pretty amazing Neil memories over the years, but priceless doesn't even begin to describe when Neil plays your favorite song just a few mere feet away. More on our "Thrasher" experience down below.


Over the course of 2 nights in Upper Darby, we heard 34 different songs, 12 songs on the second night he didn’t perform on 1st.

Setlist Grid via Sugar Mountain

A few more highlights:
  • The Loner: 1st acoustic since 1970
  • The Trip To Tulsa: last played in 1999
  • See The Sky About To Rain: last played in 1999
  • Expecting To Fly: last played in 2003
  • Lotta Love: 1st solo since 2003
  • Four Strong Winds: 1st since 2014
  • Children Of Destiny: 1st solo electric
  • Eternity: 1st solo acoustic

Broken Arrow

For us, the Philly solo concerts hit all of the major themes, with all the right notes, at all the right moments. What more could one ask?

And Broken Arrow on grand piano?! Simply stunning. Breathless, on the edge of the seat. Not just expecting to fly, but actually flying. A true master class of an evening. We count our blessings and we are blessed, indeed. It's all about Love & War... and we're living the Dream and the Nightmare.

But we'll take a cruise down Peaceful Valley Boulevard any day...

The Big "S" From The Philadelphia Spectrum Autographed Sign

And here's our dear, long time friend Karen's thoughts after seeing 102 Neil Young concerts on her blog streamland:
Now. The thing is this. There’s a big community of serious - and I mean serious - Neil Young fans out there. Me among them. We are a tight group. Friends. And everyone was oohing and aaahing about these setlists. Me too. Of course. But … that’s not what led me to go to 102 Neil Young shows in the first place, folks. That’s cool, and all, but it’s not that which keeps me mesmerized. It’s the sheer span of the catalogue and its creative brilliance, and it’s also and really the feeling. The feeling Neil Young can somehow call up while he’s playing, and that he somehow throws out to us. It’s his lonesome voice when he sings so plaintively “lonesome whistle on a railroad traaaaaack ain’t got nothing on those feelings that we had.” It’s his soft vulnerability in every syllable of Expecting to Fly, the world-weary sound of the early confusion of fame in his Broken Arrow, his mysterious story-telling in Last Trip to Tulsa. It’s the determination and earnest, even innocent, quality of his voice on Children of Destiny. It’s the distinctive, it-could-only-be-him thump thump of the low notes of the acoustic guitar, it’s his feet tapping to the music and his knees swaying back and forth to the rhythm. It’s the giant, supernatural force of his electric guitar that reaches out into the audience and grabs you by the throat from the first note. It’s the love you hear in the clickety clack of his new song. It’s the fact that there are almost always new songs. (Speaking of which, I loved his solo acoustic version of this new song, called presumably House of Love or Eternity …. His deep voice vocal on the click clack clickety clack in between reminded me of the Are You Passionate album, somehow, which I adore. That deep click clack vocal is so stirring, I could listen to it all day.). Which is all a long way of saying, Neil is present.


peace & love

Neil Young, Philadelphia - October 8, 2014
(Video by Sister Terri)

It was a long time coming.

But it was oh-so worth the wait back in 2014 when we got to hear "Thrasher" perform live for the our 2nd and 3rd time. October 1, 2018 would mark our 4th occasion to hear "Thrasher" -- 3 which happened in Philadelphia.

It had been 36 years ago since we first heard Neil Young perform the song "Thrasher" on the 1978 Rust Never Sleeps tour on October 7 in William & Mary Hall at the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. In retrospect, it was an unforgettable moment. A moment that we eventually came to believe that we would never, ever experience again in our lifetime.

And Neil performed the song "Thrasher" with all the intensity and passion that we could ever hope. And it was flawless. All the lyrics were nailed. The right harmonica was loaded. And the audience was rapturously hanging on every note, pondering those oh-so cryptically metaphorical verses.

Philadelphia - Thursday, October 9, 2014 - Show #2

After 1978, Neil would never play the song "Thrasher" again... that is until 2014 at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles, CA on 3/29/2014.

Until this year, the song "Thrasher" had been played in concert only 32 times, the last time being Oct 24, 1978, which was captured in the “Rust Never Sleeps” concert film*. (*Cow Palace, San Francisco, 22 October 1978. Thanks So Tired & Sugar Mountain!)

So why now? Was there any particular motivation of Neil to perform this rarity in 2014 in Los Angeles?

Well, as with all things, Neil, who knows?

Just before performing the “Thrasher” encore on the 3rd night in Los Angeles (April 1), Neil Young said:
"This song, uh, you know, I did it, I haven't done it that much in my life, because, at a very vulnerable moment I read something about it. Just like the worst fucking review I've ever read. So, for all you reviewers, if you feel like your words don't mean anything, you're probably right. In that case.. in that case, they were damaging. So, anyway, we uh .. I think I got this uh.. I think this is the one here, I hope so.."
As we rambled about the other night on Thrasher's Wheat Radio, there's a great deal of significance to the song's unexpected resurfacing after its 36 years absence as Neil's most requested obscurity track.

Obviously, the song “Thrasher” is quite special to us and we've long considered the song to be Neil Young’s lyrical magnum opus - rich with poetry, metaphors, themes, allusions, and symbols. In one of our very first posts to the Rust list back in 1993 we attempted An Analysis of the Meaning of the song Thrasher Lyrics.

Looking back today at the analysis, there were some things that we think we got right and a few things that were clearly wrong. Our central thesis at the time was that "Thrasher" was about the whole mega group Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young trip in the mid-'70s. Neil seemed to be referring to his former bandmates as the "they" in “Thrasher”. The dinosaurs are CSNY - extinct, a fossil. "So I got bored and left them there, they were just dead weight to me" refers to Neil's departure from CSNY. "It's better on the road without that load" signifies Neil's successful solo path.

So that was then. This is now.

It's now been 40 years since the 1974 reunion tour and there's been much speculation about a multi-disc box set being released for the anniversary, as well as, a possible tour. While still no definite confirmation of CSNY plans here in 2014, the clock ticks on and the possibility remains.

But it would seem that the performance of “Thrasher” last week would be a good omen in terms of Neil reconciling differences with CS&N. Or not?

Could this be Neil's response to CS&N regarding the 1974 reunion tour box set, as in it's not going to happen? Well, based on Neil's response to a crowd shout out in Philadelphia to CSNY, Neil replied "Never again."

"But me I'm not stopping there,
Got my own row left to hoe
Just another line in the field of time
When the thrashers comes, I'll be stuck in the sun
Like the dinosaurs in shrines
But I'll know the time has come
To give what's mine. "

First-ever performance of “Thrasher” recorded on May 24, 1978 at the legendary Boarding House in San Francisco.

Or maybe the performance of “Thrasher” has nothing to do with CSNY? Maybe another 4 letter acronym... PONO? A comment below by The Flying Scotsman just might be on to something...
"The aimless blade of science" - surely a reference to the criticism of Pono, intended or not! :-)

Also, along the same lines was Neil's story about one of his guitars: he believed the story for years. Then someone introduced doubt into his mind - it turns out the story about it wasn't true. But he kept on believing the story anyway: "So to me, it's still true".

As blatant a metaphor for his belief in hi-res audio as there could possibly be, and quite apt for the rest of us, too.

It's all about what we believe.

The Flying Scotsman.
Well, we now know the time has come to give what's ours.

We still see the vista. We still hear the muse. We continue.
Godspeed. Thank you Neil. Mahalo.

The Essential “Thrasher” Request Fold Up Sign

(Thanks Howell, Karen, Lauri and all the rusties who make the magic happen!)

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Thursday, October 04, 2018

William Prince: My Two Nights Opening For Neil Young (Boston)

William Prince

This is a re-run of a previous posting while we gather our thoughts on Philly, which we hope to publish tomorrow. At the time, we found this to be one of the most insightful pieces we've ever come across on Neil Young's concert preparations. A true behind the scenes look backstage from a musician's perspective of the art and craft of music performance.

William Prince was the opening artist for Neil Young's solo concerts at the Wang Theatre, Boston, MA, on Wednesday, July 11 and Thursday, July 12. William Prince is a JUNO Award-winning singer-songwriter from Manitoba, Canada. More on William Prince and his story.

Here are his thoughts on opening for Neil Young. Enjoy and savor!

My two nights opening for Neil Young
by  William Prince

As I type that, the cosmic dust is still settling. I don’t know if it ever will because you pick-up and keep going to the next thing. I’m on a plane right now to Edmonton. If Neil showed me anything, it’s how wonderful it can be to keep going once the whole thing is yours. I’m so thankful it was two nights. That’s how much time is needed to really process his being and take in the moment. I tried my best to do just that.


We have the same agent in the States. The vibrant Marsha Vlasic who I met for the first time. This was my second time meeting him.

We spoke a number of times. He was so generous with his time.

His crew and partner are the sweetest people.

I didn’t ask for a photo because he treated me like a friend and peer. Everything Neil does and says is quotable and photo-worthy. That’s what happens after all that work. He gets it all the time. I was in his house and that’s all I needed.

I’ll never forget making him laugh and his ageless smile. 72 years and 100% charming, funny and cool as hell.

Chapter 1: The Call

“You’ve just been offered two nights opening for Neil Young in Boston. Can I say yes?” My manager was delighted and it was only a week’s notice. Of course, I said. A million times “yes”. In the meantime, head to BC to a beautiful resort in Harrison Hot Springs and open for Buffy Sainte-Marie. Calm yourself and prepare. What a show that was. Two incredible icons in one week. I’m playing a lot of new songs lately and that will sometimes take me out of the room to focus. Not this time. I felt every moment. I guess I’m learning the new songs. Buffy was the sweetest as always.

She always asks about Wyatt first-thing. Her show was spectacular. She blessed me and sent me on my way rejuvenated with love.

Chapter 2: “Austin, Massachusetts?”

We get to Boston. My best bud Adam and I. Future tour manager once I can afford to replace his teaching salary in China. Leave it to me to put him to work on his vacation. I couldn’t stop him from coming. “Yeah, like I’m gonna miss my best friend opening for Neil Young”, he exclaimed. That was that.

We did the only thing you can do. Got tickets to the Red Sox and relaxed. I never want to do much before a show. Even after, for that matter. I’m usually alone and satisfied working on songs in my room. I’m glad I had my bud there to take me out to the ball game. It was hot and I was excited as could be suffering from Day 1 of a brutal sinus cold courtesy of my sweet son. Can’t leave for 10 days and not kiss his face a million times. It was worth it.

Red Sox win.

Chapter 3: The First Night and His Sound

I was up to my usual stuff that day. Up too early and ready to see this beautiful theatre. I read all about it. The history is remarkable to say the least. Wiki: Wang Theatre. Emails, memes, articles, checking on my family. Sat outside the hotel with coffee smoking delicious American Spirits (yellow) until I was ready.

Nobody’s heard Earthly Days here. It’s 8 hours til showtime and I’m preparing my set. Earthly Days is always a good starter song because it’s so simple and allows for any last minute adjustments once the show is rolling. I’ve decided that’ll be the first song.

We get to the theatre for Neil’s sound check.

The Wang Theatre. What a breathtaking place. The stage is beautiful. There’s a totem pole. Upright piano, pump organ, two grand pianos, 7 acoustics (one of Hank Williams’ and two from Stephen Stills), a dozen harmonicas scattered throughout.

Sitting glasses of water everywhere. (Why?)

Neil gives history lessons for each instrument and rinses his harmonicas in the water after each song. He wipes them on his pants. Cherries and oranges on stage for a snack during the last half hour of his set. This guy addresses a crowd of 3600 while casually eating an orange.

The sound check felt like every curiosity of mine as young performer confirmed. What do you do leading up to the show? Does Neil check his own stuff? Yes. There’s a piano tuner on hand and a crew he’s been with for 40 years. It’s easy, laid back and fun. I watched from afar as not to impede his workspace. Neil plays piano and calls out minor adjustments. I’m in pre-show singer-songwriter heaven.

“But only love can break your heart...” that melody on keys will stay with me forever. He played it on a guitar for the actual show.

My sound check was great. The crew took such good care.

Chapter 4: 5 Minutes Early

It’s showtime. The theatre is rumbling. People are here and ready. 7:53 PM.

“Do you wanna go out 5 minutes early for an extra song? Let us know when you want the lights to go down and it’s all yours”.

I took the 5 extra minutes. Lights drop. Theatre erupts and I deliver my 35 minutes.

Earthly Days, Bloom, The Carny, Lighthouse, Wasted, Great Wide Open, made up song about Boston, Breathless, done.

Off stage they encourage and let me know it was great. Up until the first song I’m still an unknown guest to most. I always love the opportunity to present my songs and stories to new people. Felt like everything clicked and I was welcomed even more into Neil’s camp. The vibe is all appreciation and excitement. I’m overwhelmed. All I can say is thank you.

Neil’s manager comes up to me and says “Absolutely gorgeous, William. Breathless is the most beautiful song I’ve heard in some time. How is Neil supposed to follow that?” With all the love in the world.

We all have a big laugh.

Truth is, I was a little shaky. I know my voice isn’t 100% because of the cold. What you learn from a theatre that size is volume is necessary. My mix was quite loud and I asked for it to be turned way down. People will always change the sound of the empty room. Chatter from the second balcony hangs over you. It’s loud. That many people quietly talking is LOUD. Mental note for tomorrow’s sound check: turn the mix back up. It got better as everyone started listening.

Highlight: someone yelled my name when I walked on stage. In Boston, where I’ve never been!

Daryl Hannah comes over and expresses the sweetest things about every song. She watched from the side both nights. Such a beautiful person.

Chapter 5: Heart of Gold

You can read in depth reviews of Neil’s show everywhere. Every song. “Ohio” gave us chills. I love that he played to the room. It was a quiet show for the most part.

Quiet but plenty heard. Those old theatres were designed for no amplification. Neil knows and uses it to command the room.

He sang Pocahontas the first night. He spoke about First Nations people with love and as an advocate. He was so funny and interesting. He shares the stories of his songs. The mood he was in when writing them. Where he was. He took his time moving from station to station playing beautiful renditions of every era.

“Down By The River!!!!” “Harvest Moon!!!” “We love you Neil!”

Endless requests.

He comes back sharp as a razor.

“The thing about the call outs is I always manage to play them in the next city. I always come through. It just takes a little time.”

This was Neil’s show. Nobody else. The people loved every minute. Humorous, poised, confident. A master class in how to be yourself on stage.

Neil Young solo is like watching Scott Nolan in the studio. Interesting stories and beautiful songs while always on the move.


“We’ve been fortunate. We made songs and we made a lot of money. That’s not really that interesting but it’s always good to have a lot of money.”

“I believe Boston is the centre of folk music in America” *roaring applause* “Mind you, I said that in Detroit and Chicago, too.”

I laughed and cried all night. I got emotional at one point. I’ve never been here before. I’ve never seen this. I didn’t expect any of this to happen. I took a moment to be thankful and bask in it. One of many dreams coming true.

It felt like Neil spoke to me the next night.

“Who would’ve thought all this would happen? Nobody knew what these songs would be back when I was writing them. They just listened. Thank you for being here and listening.”

He also talked about his dad meeting him at a show in the 70’s in the same theatre.

“He took a bus all the way here to meet me. We sat on my bus and talked about old times”.
Photo by William Prince

Chapter 6: Tomorrow

“See you tomorrow, William.”

Something about that hit me. Yes, I get to be here tomorrow. I get to do this again!

Neil Young knows my name and with that trademark grin threw me a “see ya later, bud” kinda send-off.

Chapter 7: Night 2

Night 2 was such a smash. My sound was tweaked and perfect. I was more familiar with what the building was gonna do. I opened with “All I Know” followed by a never performed new song. Felt good to pump up the crowd with something upbeat. The theatre was packed and everyone listened from the get-go. I took the 5 again. I spoke more. The show doesn’t change. All I can do is my show regardless of the building.

People ask what I do and my answer is “I sing songs in buildings”.

Imagine what weeks of doing this is going to do for my performance and artistry? Every step in its time and place.

Neil’s second night was like my first. He was a little more reserved and let the songs talk. It’s the last night of a long run for him. Nobody complained.

“Sorry I’m not talking. I don’t know what’s going on. But, thank you.”

Chapter 8: Hey Hey, My My

I could go on forever.
I might write a book.
I think this is one chapter of a book.
I think the last three years of my life is one song for the album I write when I’m 50.

I hope one day I can talk about a piano of mine that survived a fire and has been with me for 48 years.

I’m so thankful to Neil and his crew. I’m so thankful to my crew for getting all this together and keeping me going.

I’m thankful if you read this far.

We both sang songs. We both shared. We both carry on. Different degrees of the same thing.

Chapter 9: Encore/Goodbye


After all that beauty, art, anticipation and delivery, Neil leaves the people cheering for an encore. He walks off with total faith that they will applaud for 3-4 minutes while he sips his warm beer, kisses the love of his life and tinkers with a ukulele.

Watching him BE is a show in itself. I was truly in awe and tried to remember as many feels as possible. Thinking ahead to how long this post would be because I want to share my journey in the right moments.


Neil walks out.

Here’s where he got me.

“This song is for my sweetheart”.

He plays Tumbleweed and walks off to her.

She was his last song.

Part of me remembers that feeling and wishes for it. She knows.

Someday, I’ll have Wyatt and maybe a wife to sign-off to the same way on the side. I might make 72. It was so great having my best bud side-stage for this one. I really enjoyed every moment and couldn’t be happier about it all.

I feel so blessed. I feel so ready to stay the path if the cosmos keeps it going.

I’m thankful for my friends, family and supporters of the music.

We must speak into existence the things we want for ourselves. Be positive and confident in our destination. I may not be there just yet but I’m growing every day and believing in the best. No shortcuts. Just work, time and perseverance. 7,200 people heard about the Peguis First Nation and learned a bit about my family and I.

What a victory.

My biggest challenge is acceptance. This life changes all the time and I pray every day I can do this forever. Whatever the case, my son will get to talk about his dad doing this cool thing some day. Nothing will ever change that now. Songs in buildings and reasons for Wyatt to be proud of me. That’s everything.

'Fellow Canadian William Prince opened with a solo acoustic set of his own, his low, ruminative voice lending his frequently beautiful songs a lived-in gravitas.”

-BOSTON GLOBE (July 12, 2018)

“But only love can break your heart...”

This life is what we make it.
I’m going to change the narrative and author my fate.
I will take the light I’m given with the many shades of black.

Thank you for reading.

Sent from my iPad

More on William Prince and his story. (Thanks HtH!)

Neil Young

Auditorium Theater, Chicago, Il - June 29
photo by thrasher

Also, see reviews of Neil Young's solo concerts at the Wang Theatre, Boston, MA, on Wednesday, July 11 and Thursday, July 12.

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Sunday, September 30, 2018

Neil Young Solo: Tower Theater, Upper Darby, PA - Sept. 30 & Oct 1

Broken Arrow
Photo by thrasher
(Click photo to enlarge)

Setlist via Sugar Mountain

1. The Last Trip To Tulsa (acoustic guitar)
2. Thrasher (12 string acoustic guitar)
3. Four Strong Winds (12 string acoustic guitar)
4. Comes A Time (acoustic guitar)
5. Lotta Love (acoustic guitar)
6. Pocahontas (acoustic guitar)
7. Tell Me Why (acoustic guitar)
8. Only Love Can Break Your Heart (acoustic guitar)
9. Mellow My Mind (banjo)
10. Ohio (electric guitar)
11. Speakin' Out (piano)
12. Expecting To Fly (piano)
13. Tonight's The Night (piano)
14. Horseshoe Man (piano)
15. Broken Arrow (piano)
16. Mother Earth (Natural Anthem) (pump organ)
17. Children Of Destiny (electric guitar)
18. War Of Man (acoustic guitar)
19. (Eternity) (acoustic guitar)
20. Out On The Weekend (acoustic guitar)
21. Heart Of Gold (acoustic guitar)
22. Tumbleweed (ukulele)


Setlist Grid via Sugar Mountain


Setlist via Sugar Mountain

1. Dance Dance Dance (acoustic guitar)
2. Tell Me Why (acoustic guitar)
3. Homefires (acoustic guitar)
4. Only Love Can Break Your Heart (acoustic guitar)
5. One Of These Days (acoustic guitar)
6. War Of Man (acoustic guitar)
7. The Loner (acoustic guitar) - first acoustic The Loner since 1970
8. Mr. Soul (acoustic guitar)
9. Flying On The Ground Is Wrong (acoustic guitar)
10. Mellow My Mind (banjo)
11. Ohio (electric guitar)
12. Speakin' Out (upright piano)
13. Are You Ready For The Country? (white grand piano)
14. Horseshoe Man (black grand piano)
15. Birds (black grand piano)
16. See The Sky About To Rain (black grand piano)
17. Children Of Destiny (electric guitar)
18. Love And War (acoustic guitar)
19. Peaceful Valley Boulevard (acoustic guitar)
20. From Hank To Hendrix (acoustic guitar)
21. Heart Of Gold (acoustic guitar)
22. Tumbleweed (ukulele)

Neil Young will perform solo concerts at the Tower Theater, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, on Sunday, September 30 and Monday, October 1.

Per Sugar Mountain this will be NY's 9th & 10th Tower Theater shows on his 100th known tour to perform his 2348th and 2349th shows leading off with his ~34146th live song since April, 1968.

When Neil Young is Playing, You Shut the Fuck Up

Got a report? Drop us a comment below.

Check Sugar Mountain for setlist updates and Chronological Grid, Recording Summary, Statistics and Extras.

"One Of These Days" (Hank)
Auditorium Theater, Chicago, Il - June 29
Photo by thrasher

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Willie for a Nobel!

Willie Nelson for Nobel Peace Prize
for Farm Aid and his work on
alternative fuels, and world peace initiatives.

Farm Aid

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(519) 737-7979

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(... he didn't kill himself either...) #AaronDidntKillHimself

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It's Been Called The
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In the fields of wheat

"Children of Destiny" will NOT be harvested
However, the chaff will be burned by unquenchable fire

Neil Young + Promise of the Real

Europe 2016 Tour Dates

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Alchemy Concert Tour Reviews

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Neil Young Films

2010 MusiCares Honors Neil Young

Features Elvis Costello, Crosby Stills & Nash, Sheryl Crow, Josh Groban, Ben Harper, Elton John, Norah Jones, Lady Antebellum, Dave Matthews, James Taylor, Keith Urban, and others.
Proceeds from sales go to MusiCares,
which helps musicians in need of
financial and medical assistance.


"There's more to the picture
Than meets the eye"



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Everything Left to Know About the Iconic and Mercurial Rocker
"an indispensable reference"

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If you really a try"

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... it will be blogged, streamed,
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Love and Only Love

"Thinking about what a friend had said,
I was hoping it was a lie"

We're All On
A Journey Through the Past

Neil Young's Moon Songs
Tell Us The F'n TRUTH
(we can handle it... try us)

Does Anything Else Really Matter?

"Nobody's free until everybody's free."
~~ Fannie Lou Hamer

Here Comes "The Big Shift"

Maybe everything you think you know is wrong? NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS
"It's all illusion anyway."

Propaganda = Mind Control
Guess what?
"Symbols Rule the World, not Words or Laws."
... and symbolism will be their downfall...

Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge
Be The Rain, Be The Change

the truth will set you free
This Machine Kills Fascists

"Children of Destiny" - THE Part of THE Solution

(Frame from Official Music Video)

war is not the answer
yet we are
Still Living With War

"greed is NOT good"
Hey Big Brother!
Stop Spying On Us!
Civic Duty Is Not Terrorism

The Achilles Heel
Orwell (and Grandpa) Was Right
“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery.”
~~ Bob Marley

The Essence of "The Doubters"

Yes, There's Definitely A Hole in The Sky

Even Though The Music Died 50+ Years Ago
Open Up the "Tired Eyes" & Wake up!
"consciousness is near"
What's So Funny About
Peace, Love, & Understanding & Music?


Show Me A Sign

"Who is John Galt?"
To ask the question is to know the answer

"Whosoever shall give up his liberty for a temporary security
deserves neither liberty nor safety."

~~ Benjamin Franklin


(Between the lines of age)

And in the end, the love you take
Is equal to the love you make

~~ John & Paul

the zen of neil
the power of rust
the karma of the wheat

