It's Been 39 Years: CSNY 1974 Tour Box Set Planned for 2013 Release

Wembley Stadium, London, 1974-09-14
Photo by smartsetpix | Flickr
(click photo to enlarge)
As we've reported over the years, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young have been working on a CSNY 1974 Tour Box Set and it now seems to be ready just in time for the 39th anniversary of the tour!?
Of course, we're glad to see this after waiting a few decades, but at this point, why not wait another year for the 40th? And maybe coincide with a tour? Just a thought.
From Crosby, Stills, Nash Young to Release Long-Awaited 1974 Live Album in August | Music News | Rolling Stone By Andy Greene:
"It's going to come out August 27th," Graham Nash tells Rolling Stone. "It's going to fuckin' stun people. We only multi-tracked eight or nine shows from the tour, and we've chosen the best from those gigs. We've had to do a little tuning, but not that much . . . But the spirit of the band! If I take myself out the band and look at it, it was a fuckin' great band."A number of other comments by CSN in Rolling Stone with Neil content. But no actual Neil, naturally.
David Crosby shares his bandmate's excitement. "I am one of the most egotistical people on this planet," he says with a laugh. "But the legend looms larger! You have to remember that in 1974, the Beatles were over and the Stones were playing a completely different kind of music. When I hear this shit, I think, for a moment we were probably the best band. It's startlingly good."
They have yet to settle on a title. "I want to call it What Could Possibly Go Wrong?" says Crosby.
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young's 1974 summer tour was unprecedented in many ways -- not the least of which was a pioneering mega huge sound system able to blast tens of thousands at outdoor stadiums. The Bill Graham produced spectacle went on to usher in the massive rock and roll extravaganzas that so many other acts would later follow.

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
1974-08-23, Stadium, Tampa, Florida
Photo Gallery by John Gellman Photography
Photos © John Gellman
Planned as a three CD and a DVD set, the box is being put together by Joel Bernstein and Stanley Johnston from eight full shows from that tour.

Stephen Stills and Neil Young
CSNY Concert: 1974-08-23, Stadium, Tampa, Florida
Photo Gallery by John Gellman Photography
Photos © John Gellman
A comment by Yardbird:
I saw them on their reunion tour at the Capital Center in DC and it was one of the best concerts I've been to.
The DC crowd was attentive and appreciated their wooden music as much as their electric. It was like attending several concerts in one as they played together, then split up to play individually or as a duo (Crosby & Nash) and then finished together. It was a long concert, but awesome. As stated by an earlier poster, Neil Young was clearly the star of that night, when he played a solo set near the show's end. I hope they include something from the DC show.
I am definitely looking forward to this release!
Crosby Stills Nash Young & Mitchell - Helpless (1974)
Nick Dagan | MySpace Video CSNY w/ Joni Mitchell - "Helpless", 1974-09-14, Wembley Stadium, London, England

Labels: 1974, box set, concert, csny, david crosby, graham nash, neil young, stephen stills, tour
No DVD, unfortunately, according to the article
Graham Nash now- " We've had to do a little tuning, but not that much . . ."
Graham Nash then- "We couldn't hear ourselves at all throughout most of that tour...It was basically Stephen trying to outdo Neil, and it was just awful. We were just bad." ......F@#kin' horrible....I pride myself on being a reasonable musician- I have never sung so out of tune. It was awful. We were just bad."
Joel Bernstein, "Most of the stuff is just trash musically. There's no dynamic range- everybody's playing wildly...They're all singing sharp because they can't hear themselves"
-from "Shakey"
great photo though, a coked out of his mind yet soaring Stills.
The whining is horrible. Crosby and Nash, even now, are going on about Neil this, Neil that - I don't have his cell phone number. They should definitely keep that stuff to themselves. It's a bit sad and also lame. One of the great bands of all-time and this is how they want to talk about themselves in public at this point. Nash himself talks about them not having all the time in the world and that's true. So, since he doesn't have Neil's phone number, he uses the media to ask him to tour with them? Really?? By the way, I do believe that it was the Grateful Dead's Wall of Sound that pioneered the big high-quality sound system. Great work as always, Thrasher!!
...... Star of Bethlehem/LoveArt Blues @ about 1:20 is pretty good.
.......... saw the Mile High show w/the Beach Boys & JCYoung from way, way up in the 3rd level .....
...... never will remember that day !
......... lookin' forward to the box
in 1974 the whole tour (according to CSNY) sucked...39 years later it's great? something's wrong with this picture...
Helplessly hoping for Pushed It Over The End. My Italian vinyl is getting pretty worn...
Remember it well, the Wembley concert was the first ever stadium gig in the UK.
Along with Joni Mitchell and The Band, CSNY provided a great show. Ok they were all stoned and the sound wasn't what it might have been (more than a touch up needed here)but truely a day to remember.
Went to a CSNY concert in Isla Vista back in my Hippy days. They were stoned, everyone was stoned, but I wasn't. I wanted to hear these guys without the influence of drugs or booze, so I didn't take anything.
They were not very good at all. Now when these guys were in the studio, and sober, and had it together, they sounded great, I loved em. But concerts were not their thing, except for Young, he did great live.
Neil was writing the best songs of his career around this time IMHO -some released On The Beach and some still in vaults - this live set should put that right.
The live album should be great. These sprawling shows had their ups and downs. But we will only get the ups. A lot of what CSNY said about the tour at the time reflected what happened with them personally. Not the music. Hence the difference between emotional responses at the time, and today's response based on actually hearing the music. There can't that much money in this thing. If it was shit, graham wouldn't work on it and Neil wouldn't authorize it.
In the end, from what I've heard on crappy sounding boots, there is plenty of great music from the tour that, coming from well mixed and mastered 8 tracks, well, I'm looking forward to hearing it.
The Old Homestead would be nice.
Looking forward to hearing "Almost Cut My Hair" and "Carry On" in high quality.
Hoping there's a vinyl or Blu-Ray release and not just a 3 CD set...
There were clearly many great performances recorded on 24 tracks, just some probably bad. The backing band was great: Tim Drummond, Russ Kunkel, Joe Lala. Some, recent reunion concerts were instead terrible. For example, the electric part of the Compaq, St.Jose, 2002 is frankly unlistenable: the triumph of the out of tune.
Honestly I don't care much about the 2000 K reunion concerts, but I'd like that the complete 1969,1970,1974 concerts were integrally released like the Deads sets.
So Tired.
Finally getting something from the CSNY vaults. Won't get too excited until i see a track list though. Wonder how much Young content there is.
Would love to hear Revolution Blues, Ambulance Blues, Don't Be Denied, On The Beach and finally an official release of Pushed It Over The End and Traces. And didn't they do The Old Homestead and Walk On?
Personally I've alwayed waited to meet my blind dates before I threw up or got engaged. So...I'll reserve some judgement til I hear this thing. Always did anticipate those dates though. Usually wasn't put into a bad deal by a friend.
What did the sober DeadHead say ? This band sucks! I have a DVD boot of the Oakland show. Joni singing on Helpless is so out of tune its unlistenable, makes you want to run from the room holding your ears. That part may match with the "They couldnt hear themselves", and shes backstage like with stage fright too. I rather enjoyed the Oakland 2000 show and a couple years later saw them at Duck Pond also(Aneheim). I look forward to the new release my guess is with all of todays tech it will be pretty good.
No live DVD -Neil didn't like his haircut on the tour and now he has no choice! Almost Cut My Hair.
Proud Doubter... Jony Mitchell didn't play or sing in the Oakland show, but she sang only in some songs in the two final dates(Westbury and Wembley). Maybe you intended the DVD of the Wembley show. Anyway, I agree with you that the Joni voice didn't blend well with the other three.
So Tired
Saw CSNY in 74 at mile high stadium in Denver with the beach boys. Was a beautiful night in the rockies, plenty of wine and smoke, didn't want it to end. Still one of the most memorable concerts. Had breakfast at 3:00am in Castle Rock on way home to the springs, entire restraunt was full of concert goers all was a great night.
Any news on the tracklisting for this? Joni ruined the Suite and other stuff at Wembley. Unbelievably bad. However I've got the boots of Rooselvelt and Oakland and they was some great stuff as well as crap on them. Can't wait for it to come out, though I think it's ridiculous that Willy has decided to put its release off till next year.
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