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Sunday, September 30, 2018

Neil Young Solo: Tower Theater, Upper Darby, PA - Sept. 30 & Oct 1

Broken Arrow
Photo by thrasher
(Click photo to enlarge)

Setlist via Sugar Mountain

1. The Last Trip To Tulsa (acoustic guitar)
2. Thrasher (12 string acoustic guitar)
3. Four Strong Winds (12 string acoustic guitar)
4. Comes A Time (acoustic guitar)
5. Lotta Love (acoustic guitar)
6. Pocahontas (acoustic guitar)
7. Tell Me Why (acoustic guitar)
8. Only Love Can Break Your Heart (acoustic guitar)
9. Mellow My Mind (banjo)
10. Ohio (electric guitar)
11. Speakin' Out (piano)
12. Expecting To Fly (piano)
13. Tonight's The Night (piano)
14. Horseshoe Man (piano)
15. Broken Arrow (piano)
16. Mother Earth (Natural Anthem) (pump organ)
17. Children Of Destiny (electric guitar)
18. War Of Man (acoustic guitar)
19. (Eternity) (acoustic guitar)
20. Out On The Weekend (acoustic guitar)
21. Heart Of Gold (acoustic guitar)
22. Tumbleweed (ukulele)


Setlist Grid via Sugar Mountain


Setlist via Sugar Mountain

1. Dance Dance Dance (acoustic guitar)
2. Tell Me Why (acoustic guitar)
3. Homefires (acoustic guitar)
4. Only Love Can Break Your Heart (acoustic guitar)
5. One Of These Days (acoustic guitar)
6. War Of Man (acoustic guitar)
7. The Loner (acoustic guitar) - first acoustic The Loner since 1970
8. Mr. Soul (acoustic guitar)
9. Flying On The Ground Is Wrong (acoustic guitar)
10. Mellow My Mind (banjo)
11. Ohio (electric guitar)
12. Speakin' Out (upright piano)
13. Are You Ready For The Country? (white grand piano)
14. Horseshoe Man (black grand piano)
15. Birds (black grand piano)
16. See The Sky About To Rain (black grand piano)
17. Children Of Destiny (electric guitar)
18. Love And War (acoustic guitar)
19. Peaceful Valley Boulevard (acoustic guitar)
20. From Hank To Hendrix (acoustic guitar)
21. Heart Of Gold (acoustic guitar)
22. Tumbleweed (ukulele)

Neil Young will perform solo concerts at the Tower Theater, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, on Sunday, September 30 and Monday, October 1.

Per Sugar Mountain this will be NY's 9th & 10th Tower Theater shows on his 100th known tour to perform his 2348th and 2349th shows leading off with his ~34146th live song since April, 1968.

When Neil Young is Playing, You Shut the Fuck Up

Got a report? Drop us a comment below.

Check Sugar Mountain for setlist updates and Chronological Grid, Recording Summary, Statistics and Extras.

"One Of These Days" (Hank)
Auditorium Theater, Chicago, Il - June 29
Photo by thrasher

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At 9/30/2018 09:25:00 PM, Blogger ForeverYounger said...

As of 9pm EST Not A Sell Out. WHY? $255 face + fees @ NYA
Not say'n the man ain't worth it......
I just ain't got it.
C'mon, Neil.
Start charging $19.99/yr & stream yer shows like ya said ya were gonna.
fer yer Real Fans?
the one's who ain't livin' the dream.

At 10/01/2018 07:50:00 AM, Blogger Julie said...

New wife to support and alimony to pay

At 10/01/2018 08:30:00 AM, Blogger wsanjose01 said...

Flying on the Ground is Wrong! Love that tune. 2 years ago, Telluride. Where does the time go.

At 10/01/2018 08:37:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I hope he plays all my favs Needle and damage, comes a time, Ohio, Heart of Gold.I don't want to hear things the people might really want to hear.

At 10/01/2018 09:59:00 AM, Blogger thrasher said...

@ Andy - right, we hear you. Seriously. And nice to meet you last night.

1st acoustic The Loner since 1970
A rare See The Sky About To Rain
Flying On The Ground Is Wrong
Children Of Destiny on White Falcon Gretsch

c'mon. doubters are gonna doubt and haters are gonna hate.

It's all about Love & War... and we're living the Dream and the Nightmare.

for us, the night hit all the major themes with all the right notes. what more could one ask? And the Philly crowd was very well behaved as far as we could tell. Although no Neil talk whatsoever, oddly.

But we'll take a cruise down Peaceful Valley Boulevard

At 10/01/2018 11:14:00 AM, Blogger wsanjose01 said...

Lower Balcony $71.25 2 ticks Stubhub. Right now. Several other low $90s and $120.00 range. Add $25 or so Service. Just look around ppl you can find much lower than $200s. Wish I could go after seeing that set. Much more interesting than other recent solo shows. But its all good. Have fun Neil fans. Jealous.

At 10/01/2018 11:23:00 AM, Blogger thrasher said...

@ wsanjose01 - thanks for info.

Some folks look at the highest price ticket and somehow assume that every seat is priced at that level. When in reality only the first few rows have the highest cost, while entire sections in rear balcony are priced from like $59 or something.

Like you suggest, the deals are out there if one looks.

for the turnstiles...

At 10/01/2018 12:12:00 PM, Blogger Stills said...

Great show! "The Loner" alone was worth the pit tix price. Neil was relatively quiet all night, but put great emotion into his songs. He didn't make any comments about his guitars or pianos as in the previous "Solo" shows. Just a superb set list, no faults here. The crowd too, was mostly reserved with very few shout-outs. Hope tonight's fans are equally as respectful. It passed too quickly, considering 22 songs. Met some great fans outside and we even ordered Pizza and had it delivered to the street! Really cool! Sorry, I missed you Thrasher. Will look for the colours tonight. I'll have my "Bernie '16" hat. Cheers!

At 10/01/2018 02:27:00 PM, Blogger medward said...

I'd rather not go at all then pay too much for a shitty seat. I paid like $60 for the Psychedelic Pill tour and could get close as I wanted since they were GA seats

At 10/01/2018 04:30:00 PM, Blogger wsanjose01 said...

The Internets says capacity is 3119. Of course some seats are better than others but I doubt even the farthest are "shitty". To any of us its a significant amount of money. To some its not affordable. We are big time NY fans. We dont know how many more shows like this we will get. The cost is competitive to other artists.

At 10/01/2018 04:58:00 PM, Blogger SONY said...

The Loner - 1970.

At 10/01/2018 06:33:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I loved the songs and Neil played and sounded great. BUT I was looking forward to some narrative about the songs or whatever he goes on about. Hardly a word from Neil all night besides "How you feeling tonight" or something like that.
Really would have liked some interaction and comments from him. Made for a sort of disappointing concert.
But, like I already said, played and sang well so I just enjoyed the music. Longer encore would have been nice, too...

At 10/01/2018 11:45:00 PM, Blogger Soldier Steve said...

Tower Theater, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, USA

1. The Last Trip To Tulsa
2. Thrasher
3. Four Strong Winds
4. Comes A Time
5. Lotta Love
6. Pocahontas
7. Tell Me Why
8. Only Love Can Break Your Heart
9. Mellow My Mind
10. Ohio
11. Speakin' Out
12. Expecting To Fly
13. Tonight's The Night
14. Horseshoe Man
15. Broken Arrow
16. Mother Earth (Natural Anthem)
17. Children Of Destiny
18. War Of Man
19. (Eternity)
20. Out On The Weekend
21. Heart Of Gold
22. Tumbleweed

At 10/02/2018 12:24:00 AM, Blogger Richie Cruz said...

Look at that setlist just posted. Just stop and stare at it for a minute. Anyone at that show was truly blessed, wish I could have been there.

Right on, Neil.

At 10/02/2018 01:54:00 AM, Blogger ChasA said...

Right on alright! I would be more than happy to pay the $$$ to hear neil deliver that set list up close in a small theatre down here in Australia. You guys don't know how good you've got it - make the next venture down under neil, feb-march is a great time to visit esp for the beach on the east coast. Looking forward....

At 10/02/2018 07:46:00 AM, Blogger Adam2 said...

Why couldn't Neil have played more unique songs in Chicago. Everyone else got way more.

At 10/02/2018 07:53:00 AM, Blogger Adam2 said...

He even played Chicago's special songs at later shows. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of giving cities special songs

At 10/02/2018 08:44:00 AM, Blogger Stills said...

WOW! I'm still reeling after last nights show. This was the very best of the 4 "Solo" gigs, I've seen this year. Neil was a very happy man last night and it showed. These were two outstanding shows. I hope they pop up in the Archives at some stage. He hasn't lost a step at age 73.
So many highlights tonight. Thrasher topped the list for me! Expecting to Fly, Tulsa, Broken Arrow, Pocahontas...all standouts...I'm even starting to like "Tumbleweed"! These shows (and The Cap POTR shows) were well worth the high pit ticket prices and I for one, am very happy I made the effort to attend, as "Time Fades Away" very quickly. To top it off, I met some great folks, got Neil to sign my "Everybody Knows This is Nowhere" album here and my "Harvest" album at The Cap. Plus, I caught a guitar pick last night from one of the roadies! Memories seared in the brain for life! Thanks Neil! Everybody get home safe! Missed you again Thrasher...down the road hopefully. Cheers!

At 10/02/2018 08:57:00 AM, Blogger Mr Henry said...

Stunning choice of songs both nights; very happy for everyone who was there. Last Trip and then Thrasher--how's that for an open!

Where to next on the path?

"And although this is not the first time on this foot safari that I hear the wind thrash in the borassus palms, the moaning of wild bees, it is perhaps the first time that I listen."
--Peter Matthiessen...Sand Rivers

At 10/02/2018 09:55:00 AM, Blogger thrasher said...

Well, last night was -- obviously -- pretty amazing.

After the 1st 2 songs, we turned to our seat neighbor and agreed we had already gotten our $'s worth for the night.

And Broken Arrow on grand piano. Simply stunning. Breathless, on the edge of the seat. Not just expecting to fly, but actually flying.

Philly #2 saw Neil in much finer form. Relatively chatty and light hearted.

After one standing ovation, Neil said something about feeling awkward with everyone standing while he was sitting. A true master class of an evening.

Agree with those who know we should count our blessings.

we are blessed, indeed.

peace & love

At 10/02/2018 10:05:00 AM, Blogger thrasher said...

fwiw, per Sugar Mountain, Philly #2 had 12 different songs from the night before. (see grid above)

Massive variation -- relatively speaking - for a Neil concert.

but, numbers add up to nothing as we all know...

At 10/02/2018 10:57:00 AM, Blogger DREman said...

These were most certainly shows intended to appreciate his fans. The audience was relatively cooperative, which is critical to be able to feel the depth that he has the ability to portray in his solo performances. There is nothing more disappointing in a live show than trying to enjoy Neil carry a long and soft vocal note, like he does when sings "can we make it last, like a musical ri-eye-eyed?" in a song like "from hank to hendrix", and all you hear is some ass clown yelling "WHOOOP!" as Neil is intending to deliver it as a soft and intimate note that would otherwise resonate right thru our souls.

I think the shout outs from the crowd are a distraction to everyone and it is exactly why sometimes he does not engage the audience with stories.

I sympathize for those that did not want to spend money on the tickets, but I get a feeling that these shows are going to surface on his archives at some point. Until then, does anyone have access to available recordings of these 2 shows?

At 10/02/2018 11:14:00 AM, Blogger Speakin Out Fanzine said...

Just got back home to the UK. Wow, what a trip!

Didn't make last nights show but so so happy with Sundays show. Amazing night and great to see some people there including @thrasher - a privilege again sir.

The 2 Portchester shows were incredible and what struck me was the behaviour and attitude of the crowd those two nights. The joy and love of Neil's music was clear to hear - their roar for another encore had me in goosebumps - really deserving of another encore but with what Neil and the boys put into each show we can't complain - plus the guys were probably spent physically and emotionally.

Plus thanks to the guys who picked up a copy of my Speakin' Out fanzine.


At 10/02/2018 11:24:00 AM, Blogger Adam2 said...


At 10/02/2018 02:13:00 PM, Blogger the rider said...

go to Dime A Dozen .org to get a. opy of all ofthis years Neil shows

At 10/02/2018 02:29:00 PM, Blogger Ken N. said...

Still waiting for last night, but all the other shows--solo and band--are up on Dime.

At 10/03/2018 01:14:00 AM, Blogger Alan said...

Awesome shows, I'm sure! I have paid up to $150 to see Neil and PotR twice from the rail and I felt I got my money's worth. I thought I could afford it back then, and I probably couldn't. But, I'm so glad I went to those 2 shows. Alan in Seattle

At 10/03/2018 07:26:00 AM, Blogger Peacelover Doc said...

RIP Marty Balin

At 10/04/2018 10:41:00 PM, Blogger Olav Toobad said...

Don't seem to be recorded... At least nothing shown up yet. :( That's really pity.

At 10/05/2018 05:15:00 AM, Blogger Babbo B. said...

Tapers have been known to take more than three days to post their recordings, they have lives too.

At 10/05/2018 06:58:00 AM, Blogger Olav Toobad said...

Good point Babbo. Just used to that recordings shows up much earlier. I hope you're correct though. Since it was a special show, I really really hope it was recorded by someone who'll share it.

At 10/06/2018 06:40:00 AM, Blogger joe lookout said...

Hey Neil! why don't you come to Italy and treat us with Thrashers, Last trip to Tulsa and, why not, Ambulance blues???!!!!! I'd pay whatever you ask..........


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