


Neil Young's new release ""World Record" w/ Crazy Horse is now available for pre-order. Order here
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Saturday, July 14, 2018

William Prince: My Two Nights Opening For Neil Young

William Prince

William Prince was the opening artist for Neil Young's solo concerts at the Wang Theatre, Boston, MA, on Wednesday, July 11 and Thursday, July 12. William Prince is a JUNO Award-winning singer-songwriter from Manitoba, Canada. More on William Prince and his story.

Here are his thoughts on opening for Neil Young.

My two nights opening for Neil Young.

As I type that, the cosmic dust is still settling. I don’t know if it ever will because you pick-up and keep going to the next thing. I’m on a plane right now to Edmonton. If Neil showed me anything, it’s how wonderful it can be to keep going once the whole thing is yours. I’m so thankful it was two nights. That’s how much time is needed to really process his being and take in the moment. I tried my best to do just that.


We have the same agent in the States. The vibrant Marsha Vlasic who I met for the first time. This was my second time meeting him.

We spoke a number of times. He was so generous with his time.

His crew and partner are the sweetest people.

I didn’t ask for a photo because he treated me like a friend and peer. Everything Neil does and says is quotable and photo-worthy. That’s what happens after all that work. He gets it all the time. I was in his house and that’s all I needed.

I’ll never forget making him laugh and his ageless smile. 72 years and 100% charming, funny and cool as hell.

Chapter 1: The Call

“You’ve just been offered two nights opening for Neil Young in Boston. Can I say yes?” My manager was delighted and it was only a week’s notice. Of course, I said. A million times “yes”. In the meantime, head to BC to a beautiful resort in Harrison Hot Springs and open for Buffy Sainte-Marie. Calm yourself and prepare. What a show that was. Two incredible icons in one week. I’m playing a lot of new songs lately and that will sometimes take me out of the room to focus. Not this time. I felt every moment. I guess I’m learning the new songs. Buffy was the sweetest as always.

She always asks about Wyatt first-thing. Her show was spectacular. She blessed me and sent me on my way rejuvenated with love.

Chapter 2: “Austin, Massachusetts?”

We get to Boston. My best bud Adam and I. Future tour manager once I can afford to replace his teaching salary in China. Leave it to me to put him to work on his vacation. I couldn’t stop him from coming. “Yeah, like I’m gonna miss my best friend opening for Neil Young”, he exclaimed. That was that.

We did the only thing you can do. Got tickets to the Red Sox and relaxed. I never want to do much before a show. Even after, for that matter. I’m usually alone and satisfied working on songs in my room. I’m glad I had my bud there to take me out to the ball game. It was hot and I was excited as could be suffering from Day 1 of a brutal sinus cold courtesy of my sweet son. Can’t leave for 10 days and not kiss his face a million times. It was worth it.

Red Sox win.

Chapter 3: The First Night and His Sound

I was up to my usual stuff that day. Up too early and ready to see this beautiful theatre. I read all about it. The history is remarkable to say the least. Wiki: Wang Theatre. Emails, memes, articles, checking on my family. Sat outside the hotel with coffee smoking delicious American Spirits (yellow) until I was ready.

Nobody’s heard Earthly Days here. It’s 8 hours til showtime and I’m preparing my set. Earthly Days is always a good starter song because it’s so simple and allows for any last minute adjustments once the show is rolling. I’ve decided that’ll be the first song.

We get to the theatre for Neil’s sound check.

The Wang Theatre. What a breathtaking place. The stage is beautiful. There’s a totem pole. Upright piano, pump organ, two grand pianos, 7 acoustics (one of Hank Williams’ and two from Stephen Stills), a dozen harmonicas scattered throughout.

Sitting glasses of water everywhere. (Why?)

Neil gives history lessons for each instrument and rinses his harmonicas in the water after each song. He wipes them on his pants. Cherries and oranges on stage for a snack during the last half hour of his set. This guy addresses a crowd of 3600 while casually eating an orange.

The sound check felt like every curiosity of mine as young performer confirmed. What do you do leading up to the show? Does Neil check his own stuff? Yes. There’s a piano tuner on hand and a crew he’s been with for 40 years. It’s easy, laid back and fun. I watched from afar as not to impede his workspace. Neil plays piano and calls out minor adjustments. I’m in pre-show singer-songwriter heaven.

“But only love can break your heart...” that melody on keys will stay with me forever. He played it on a guitar for the actual show.

My sound check was great. The crew took such good care.

Chapter 4: 5 Minutes Early

It’s showtime. The theatre is rumbling. People are here and ready. 7:53 PM.

“Do you wanna go out 5 minutes early for an extra song? Let us know when you want the lights to go down and it’s all yours”.

I took the 5 extra minutes. Lights drop. Theatre erupts and I deliver my 35 minutes.

Earthly Days, Bloom, The Carny, Lighthouse, Wasted, Great Wide Open, made up song about Boston, Breathless, done.

Off stage they encourage and let me know it was great. Up until the first song I’m still an unknown guest to most. I always love the opportunity to present my songs and stories to new people. Felt like everything clicked and I was welcomed even more into Neil’s camp. The vibe is all appreciation and excitement. I’m overwhelmed. All I can say is thank you.

Neil’s manager comes up to me and says “Absolutely gorgeous, William. Breathless is the most beautiful song I’ve heard in some time. How is Neil supposed to follow that?” With all the love in the world.

We all have a big laugh.

Truth is, I was a little shaky. I know my voice isn’t 100% because of the cold. What you learn from a theatre that size is volume is necessary. My mix was quite loud and I asked for it to be turned way down. People will always change the sound of the empty room. Chatter from the second balcony hangs over you. It’s loud. That many people quietly talking is LOUD. Mental note for tomorrow’s sound check: turn the mix back up. It got better as everyone started listening.

Highlight: someone yelled my name when I walked on stage. In Boston, where I’ve never been!

Daryl Hannah comes over and expresses the sweetest things about every song. She watched from the side both nights. Such a beautiful person.

Chapter 5: Heart of Gold

You can read in depth reviews of Neil’s show everywhere. Every song. “Ohio” gave us chills. I love that he played to the room. It was a quiet show for the most part.

Quiet but plenty heard. Those old theatres were designed for no amplification. Neil knows and uses it to command the room.

He sang Pocahontas the first night. He spoke about First Nations people with love and as an advocate. He was so funny and interesting. He shares the stories of his songs. The mood he was in when writing them. Where he was. He took his time moving from station to station playing beautiful renditions of every era.

“Down By The River!!!!” “Harvest Moon!!!” “We love you Neil!”

Endless requests.

He comes back sharp as a razor.

“The thing about the call outs is I always manage to play them in the next city. I always come through. It just takes a little time.”

This was Neil’s show. Nobody else. The people loved every minute. Humorous, poised, confident. A master class in how to be yourself on stage.

Neil Young solo is like watching Scott Nolan in the studio. Interesting stories and beautiful songs while always on the move.


“We’ve been fortunate. We made songs and we made a lot of money. That’s not really that interesting but it’s always good to have a lot of money.”

“I believe Boston is the centre of folk music in America” *roaring applause* “Mind you, I said that in Detroit and Chicago, too.”

I laughed and cried all night. I got emotional at one point. I’ve never been here before. I’ve never seen this. I didn’t expect any of this to happen. I took a moment to be thankful and bask in it. One of many dreams coming true.

It felt like Neil spoke to me the next night.

“Who would’ve thought all this would happen? Nobody knew what these songs would be back when I was writing them. They just listened. Thank you for being here and listening.”

He also talked about his dad meeting him at a show in the 70’s in the same theatre.

“He took a bus all the way here to meet me. We sat on my bus and talked about old times”.

Photo by William Prince

Chapter 6: Tomorrow

“See you tomorrow, William.”

Something about that hit me. Yes, I get to be here tomorrow. I get to do this again!

Neil Young knows my name and with that trademark grin threw me a “see ya later, bud” kinda send-off.

Chapter 7: Night 2

Night 2 was such a smash. My sound was tweaked and perfect. I was more familiar with what the building was gonna do. I opened with “All I Know” followed by a never performed new song. Felt good to pump up the crowd with something upbeat. The theatre was packed and everyone listened from the get-go. I took the 5 again. I spoke more. The show doesn’t change. All I can do is my show regardless of the building.

People ask what I do and my answer is “I sing songs in buildings”.

Imagine what weeks of doing this is going to do for my performance and artistry? Every step in its time and place.

Neil’s second night was like my first. He was a little more reserved and let the songs talk. It’s the last night of a long run for him. Nobody complained.

“Sorry I’m not talking. I don’t know what’s going on. But, thank you.”

Chapter 8: Hey Hey, My My

I could go on forever.
I might write a book.
I think this is one chapter of a book.
I think the last three years of my life is one song for the album I write when I’m 50.

I hope one day I can talk about a piano of mine that survived a fire and has been with me for 48 years.

I’m so thankful to Neil and his crew. I’m so thankful to my crew for getting all this together and keeping me going.

I’m thankful if you read this far.

We both sang songs. We both shared. We both carry on. Different degrees of the same thing.

Chapter 9: Encore/Goodbye


After all that beauty, art, anticipation and delivery, Neil leaves the people cheering for an encore. He walks off with total faith that they will applaud for 3-4 minutes while he sips his warm beer, kisses the love of his life and tinkers with a ukulele.

Watching him BE is a show in itself. I was truly in awe and tried to remember as many feels as possible. Thinking ahead to how long this post would be because I want to share my journey in the right moments.


Neil walks out.

Here’s where he got me.

“This song is for my sweetheart”.

He plays Tumbleweed and walks off to her.

She was his last song.

Part of me remembers that feeling and wishes for it. She knows.

Someday, I’ll have Wyatt and maybe a wife to sign-off to the same way on the side. I might make 72. It was so great having my best bud side-stage for this one. I really enjoyed every moment and couldn’t be happier about it all.

I feel so blessed. I feel so ready to stay the path if the cosmos keeps it going.

I’m thankful for my friends, family and supporters of the music.

We must speak into existence the things we want for ourselves. Be positive and confident in our destination. I may not be there just yet but I’m growing every day and believing in the best. No shortcuts. Just work, time and perseverance. 7,200 people heard about the Peguis First Nation and learned a bit about my family and I.

What a victory.

My biggest challenge is acceptance. This life changes all the time and I pray every day I can do this forever. Whatever the case, my son will get to talk about his dad doing this cool thing some day. Nothing will ever change that now. Songs in buildings and reasons for Wyatt to be proud of me. That’s everything.

'Fellow Canadian William Prince opened with a solo acoustic set of his own, his low, ruminative voice lending his frequently beautiful songs a lived-in gravitas.”

-BOSTON GLOBE (July 12, 2018)

“But only love can break your heart...”

This life is what we make it.
I’m going to change the narrative and author my fate.
I will take the light I’m given with the many shades of black.

Thank you for reading.

Sent from my iPad

More on William Prince and his story. (Thanks HtH!)

Neil Young

Auditorium Theater, Chicago, Il - June 29
photo by thrasher

Also, see reviews of Neil Young's solo concerts at the Wang Theatre, Boston, MA, on Wednesday, July 11 and Thursday, July 12.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Neil Young Solo: Boston, MA, July 11 & July 12

"Mellow My Mind"
Photo by Jill G. Seagraves (via HtH)

Setlist via Sugar Mountain:

Neil Young
Wang Theatre, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

01. On The Way Home
02. Long May You Run
03. Homefires
04. My My, Hey Hey (Out Of The Blue)
05. Already One (first since 2009)
06. Only Love Can Break Your Heart
07. Mellow My Mind (banjo)
08. Ohio (electric guitar)
09. There's A World (piano)
10. Horseshoe Man (piano - first since 2003))
11. Are You Ready For The Country? (piano)
12. After The Gold Rush (pump organ)
13. Speakin' Out (piano)
14. Tonight's The Night (piano)
15. Angry World (electric guitar)
16. Love And War
17. Peaceful Valley Boulevard
18. Out On The Weekend
19. The Needle And The Damage Done
20. Heart Of Gold
21. Tumbleweed (ukulele)

Don Leary (via HtH)

Setlist via Sugar Mountain:

Neil Young
Wang Theatre, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

01. On The Way Home
02. Homefires
03. Pocahontas
04. Only Love Can Break Your Heart
05. Mellow My Mind (banjo)
06. Ohio (electric guitar)
07. There's A World (piano)
08. Birds (piano)
09. Are You Ready For The Country? (piano)
10. After The Gold Rush (pump organ)
11. Speakin' Out (piano)
12. Tonight's The Night (piano)
13. Angry World (electric guitar)
14. Love And War
15. Peaceful Valley Boulevard
16. Out On The Weekend
17. The Needle And The Damage Done
18. Heart Of Gold
19. Tumbleweed

Neil Young Solo

Neil Young will perform a solo concert at the Wang Theatre, Boston, MA, on Wednesday, July 11 and Thursday, July 12.

When Neil Young is Playing, You Shut the Fuck Up

Got a report? Drop us a comment below.

Check Sugar Mountain for setlist updates and Chronological Grid, Recording Summary, Statistics and Extras.

NOTE: This is photo-shopped. Beware fake photos posted on FB, HtH

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Monday, July 09, 2018

"Broken Arrow": Neil Young Solo @ Fox Theatre, Detroit, July 3, 2018

Last week's solo Neil Young concert at Fox Theatre, Detroit, July 3, 2018 was live streamed for Neil fans around the world.

Among the highlights was a stunning "Broken Arrow" on grand piano -- the first solo piano version ever, per Sugar Mountain.

More on Neil Young's solo concert at Fox Theatre, Detroit, July 3, 2018 and the aftermath of A "Rough Night" In Detroit.

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Sunday, July 08, 2018

The Unbearable Lightness of Being A Neil Young Fan (Or: God Save The Neil Young Fans ... & Thrasher's Wheat)

Fans Before A Neil Young Concert
Coburg, Germany - 08/23/08
Photo by Henning Rosenbusch

As we have observed before -- after running Thrasher's Wheat for over 20 years and almost a lifetime of listening to Neil Young's music -- there are two things which we have found to be nearly universally constant:

1) Neil Young never ceases to surprise, amaze, and confound us, and
2) Neil Young fans never cease to surprise, amaze, and confound us.

A Personal Note by Neil
(via Neil Young Archives Times-Contrarian)

In a startlingly candid and heart wrenching post on NYA, Neil Young writes that it was a "rough night" in Detroit last week. The Neil Young solo concert at Fox Theatre, Detroit, July 3, 2018 was live streamed for Neil fans around the world and what should have been an evening of pure delight became something far more disturbing as rowdy fans disrupted the proceedings with their selfish and boorish behavior, lacking even the basics of Concert Etiquette.

"I said solo...they said acoustic" T-Shirt
2010 Neil Young Solo Tour

Back in 2010's Neil Young Solo Tour, the t-shirts in the lobby had the words: "I said solo. They said acoustic." Seldom has a concert t-shirt more succinctly expressed a concert sentiment.

Which brings us to the unbearable lightness of being ... Neil Young. Or -- if you will -- The Unbearable Lightness of Being A Neil Young Fan.

Neil Young
Frame from A Day At The Gallery
(Click photo to enlarge)

We've often argued that a Neil Young concert is almost like being part of performance artist workshop. As if almost anything could happen.We attended both of the recent Chicago shows, we spoke to a lot of folks before and after and heard quite a range of opinions and expectations. Could probably say a lot about that but will pick up another comment about how your expectations going in often set your experience. Following Neil's career is about not setting expectations. It's about expecting the unconventional. When we read comments like this, this and this, we seriously wonder how a "fan" could be puzzled, bewildered or disappointed by a concert. The fact is that's a chance and a risk you take when you're a fan. If you can't handle it, then maybe you don't belong in the room and this is not for you?

We long ago came to the conclusion that there seems to be a huge divide between fans who are comfortable with Neil following "The Muse" and those who steadfastly refuse to allow Neil's creativity to deviate from their own desires.

It has all been quite fascinating. Here's a brief rundown on some posts which generated hundreds and hundreds of comments between impassioned Neil fans around the world:

- The Myth of Washed Up Neil (140+ comments)

- So Who's Really Washed Up? (30+ comments)

- Yonder Stands The Sinner (25+ comments)

- Life in the Neil Young Cocoon (15+ comments)

- "Fork In the Road" - New Video! (70+ comments)

- Those New Songs: Falling From Above (80+ comments)

- Comment of the Moment: Yonder Stands The Sinner (40+ comments)

- A Battle Raged on the Open Page: Can You Change Your Mind? (30+ comments)

- "Optimal" Neil Young Fans (10+ comments)

- Comment of the Moment: "Chaos Is Good" says Neil Young

- Doubters: There's A Hole in the Neil Young Fanbase (19+ comments)

- The Essence of "The Doubters": Neil Young & Crazy Horse Concert Reviews (40+ comments)

From a report on Neil Young & Crazy Horse concert at A Day On The Green, Hunter Valley, Australia, (Mar 9, 2013) "Drunk Yet Sensitive Aussie Fans Storm Stage at Neil Young Concert":
The mood of the evening was summed up by Lucy Blight and her sister, Drusilla, as they contemplated a musical world and (now former) idol they found confounding.

"Well, he doesn't look like he did 40 years ago, and that is certainly unsettling. I mean, every time I play my Neil Young collection (consisting of "Harvest" ) the songs are just the same, so why can't he do that? You know, get a brown wig and a buckskin jacket and just make everything like 1972" said Lucy, with a wistful whine.

Added Drusilla, sniffling, "I'll admit, I did try "Comes A Time" but it had that creepy song. "Look Out For My Love," so no more of that wild new stuff! Reminded me of Bobbie McSchwetty, my beau back then who I had to get a restraining order against. But I ended up marrying him! Of course, he doesn't look at all like he did in's like he was eaten by an even drunker and immensely fatter version of himself."
A priceless riot that definitely helps us back off the ledge.

Neil Young Concert
Coburg, Germany - 08/23/08
Photo by Henning Rosenbusch

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Willie for a Nobel!

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Neil Young Songbook Project

In the fields of wheat

"Children of Destiny" will NOT be harvested
However, the chaff will be burned by unquenchable fire

Neil Young + Promise of the Real

Europe 2016 Tour Dates

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Alchemy Concert Tour Reviews

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Spring 2013 Australia/New Zealand Tour
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Neil Young & Crazy Horse

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Neil Young Films

2010 MusiCares Honors Neil Young

Features Elvis Costello, Crosby Stills & Nash, Sheryl Crow, Josh Groban, Ben Harper, Elton John, Norah Jones, Lady Antebellum, Dave Matthews, James Taylor, Keith Urban, and others.
Proceeds from sales go to MusiCares,
which helps musicians in need of
financial and medical assistance.


"There's more to the picture
Than meets the eye"



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If you really a try"

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When Neil Young is Playing,
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Love and Only Love

"Thinking about what a friend had said,
I was hoping it was a lie"

We're All On
A Journey Through the Past

Neil Young's Moon Songs
Tell Us The F'n TRUTH
(we can handle it... try us)

Does Anything Else Really Matter?

"Nobody's free until everybody's free."
~~ Fannie Lou Hamer

Here Comes "The Big Shift"

Maybe everything you think you know is wrong? NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS
"It's all illusion anyway."

Propaganda = Mind Control
Guess what?
"Symbols Rule the World, not Words or Laws."
... and symbolism will be their downfall...

Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge
Be The Rain, Be The Change

the truth will set you free
This Machine Kills Fascists

"Children of Destiny" - THE Part of THE Solution

(Frame from Official Music Video)

war is not the answer
yet we are
Still Living With War

"greed is NOT good"
Hey Big Brother!
Stop Spying On Us!
Civic Duty Is Not Terrorism

The Achilles Heel
Orwell (and Grandpa) Was Right
“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery.”
~~ Bob Marley

The Essence of "The Doubters"

Yes, There's Definitely A Hole in The Sky

Even Though The Music Died 50+ Years Ago
Open Up the "Tired Eyes" & Wake up!
"consciousness is near"
What's So Funny About
Peace, Love, & Understanding & Music?


Show Me A Sign

"Who is John Galt?"
To ask the question is to know the answer

"Whosoever shall give up his liberty for a temporary security
deserves neither liberty nor safety."

~~ Benjamin Franklin


(Between the lines of age)

And in the end, the love you take
Is equal to the love you make

~~ John & Paul

the zen of neil
the power of rust
the karma of the wheat

