CONCERT LIVE STREAM TONIGHT: Neil Young Solo - Fox Theatre, Detroit, July 3, 2018
Setlist via Sugar Mountain:
Neil Young
Fox Theatre, Detroit, Michigan, USA
01. On The Way Home (acoustic guitar)
02. Homefires (acoustic guitar)
03. Only Love Can Break Your Heart (acoustic guitar)
04. Love Is A Rose (acoustic guitar)
05. Cowgirl In The Sand (acoustic guitar)
06. Mellow My Mind (banjo)
07. Ohio (electric guitar)
08. There's A World (piano)
09. Broken Arrow (piano) [first solo piano version ever - stunning]
10. I Am A Child (acoustic guitar)
11. Are You Ready For The Country? (piano)
12. Tonight's The Night (piano)
13. Speakin' Out (piano)
14. After The Gold Rush (pump organ)
15. Angry World (electric guitar)
16. Love And War (acoustic guitar)
17. Peaceful Valley Boulevard (acoustic guitar)
18. Out On The Weekend (acoustic guitar)
19. The Needle And The Damage Done (acoustic guitar)
20. Heart Of Gold (acoustic guitar)
21. Tumbleweed (acoustic guitar)
Review: Neil Young gets personal, political at the Fox Theatre via @macombdaily
— Ukeist (@ukeist) July 4, 2018
Tonight's concert of Neil Young Solo at the Fox Theatre in Detroit, Michigan, on Tuesday, July3 will be streamed live on Neil Young Archives.
Got a report? Drop us a comment below.
Check Sugar Mountain for setlist updates and Chronological Grid, Recording Summary, Statistics and Extras.

When Neil Young is Playing, You Shut the Fuck Up
Also, see:

"Heart Of Gold" (on Hank)
Neil Young Solo: Auditorium Theater, Chicago, Il - July 1, 2018
Photo by thrasher
Labels: concert, livestream, neil young, solo, stream
Was out of my mind looking for this last night as I thought yesterday was the 3rd, and tonight I'll be out of reach camping. Maybe the hounds that howl will keep me entertained all thru the night. Should be good. See ya in Saratoga Neil.
Good news....
so we need to be present around 2:30 AM NYA Moivie Night to attend from home in Paris?
We are having a NY summer and love what he’s doing for his fans, offering tickets through the archives. We're in Detroit ready to see him live tonight (side note: downtown Detroit is awesome, haven’t been here in 20 years and thanks to seeing Neil we’ve had a great vacation!) Arroyo Seco isn’t far from home so we caught him there last Saturday. We were also at the last live-streamed concert, in Santa Barbara. We noticed Daryl Hannah was directing the live cameras. Looking forward to seeing how he might change up the set list tonight. ✌🏼
I hope Dan Clear makes an appearance. We need good clear news reporting these days.
Doors open 7 PM concert 8 PM FOX THEATER
around 1am Paris time
I still have a pit c row 5 ticket available for boston on the 11th - my buddy can’t make it, I don’t want it to go to waste!
Does anyone know the show start time? Im sitting on ''MOVIE NIGHT'' is that where we catch this show?
normally it's soon in Movie Night in a quarter of an hour?
normally it's soon in Movie Night in a quarter of an hour?
non ? ok ready
I'm in the same time zone and thought it was to start at 8pm. i will be patient and smoke til 9pm. Carry On
Broken Arrow!
seemed a bit not into it tonight.
Yeah, because of all the jackasses continuously yelling out but like you said, it's their show!
He expects the audience to respect his song selection. Which seems reasonable to me.
He plowed right threw the people yelling. No harmonica for you. No story for you. Their loss. When he was doing the songs, it was classic, appreciate him while you got him, Neil. Many goose bump moments. Thank you Neil for streaming the show for free. It was awesome!
I hope you all are having or had fun!! I went to NYA and there must be a secret button somewhere because I cannot find the concert.Really wish I would have gone here in STL.
I was at the St Louis show and while it was very good, the Detroit show was light years better. A big thanks to Neil for providing the live stream! And Broken Arrow was amazing.
It has been so nice to see Neil playing and singing so well, with CH and solo. I think he had the flu at Omeemee. That show did not sound as sweet to me as the shows that have followed. Plus the temperature may have been a factor with the instruments. Neil has embraced the live stream! It's the next best thing to being there in person. Thank you Neil! Come up to the Pacific Northwest down the road! Alan in Seattle
Was at the show. Thought he handled the noisy drunks very well with the jokes at their expense. Quite possibly the drunkest Neil crowd I've been a part of. Had people staggering lost trying to find their seats. Someone fell down the balcony steps and almost couldn't get back up. Aside from that the music and his voice was stellar. Loved the stories and his general vibe. If you haven't seen him yet, get there!
Can anyone tell me how to listen/view any upcoming Streaming Concerts? I went ti NYA last nite for Detroit, but could not listen. Thanks to all!
I was at the show too, 5th row center orchestra. The loud drunks yelling drowning him out were annoying and a guy about 30ish, midway down the row in front of me, puked all over, just after “Tonighs the night “. He and his dad (?) immediately got up and left and the mess sent a few others to the exits too. The woman next to the mess summoned security and a cleaning crew was there mopping up the floor, some 4 rows from neil singing “Love and war” and “peaceful valley.”
Other than the many distractions he must have witnessed, Neil’s voice sounded strong, and his stories were really a treat. It felt like an intimate and reflective set. Broken arrow stands out to me . As does his talking about Bruce Barry before “Tonight’s the night” and the sweet “Tumbleweed” to close. Peace out.
That sux Tamara. I live in STL and I apologize for that kind of etiquette.
Neil's voice sounded great! Listened to it in Ireland. Solid stream with very few hiccups.
Fine show with 21 songs. I'll be in Boston, for both shows. Getting psyched!
Gonna be great! WHEN NEIL IS PLAYING...STFU!
Trouble seeing the Movie Night stream? If you hit the menu button on the left top corner you then can go to the FAQ or directly to "Movie Night" from the Hearse Theater. At the very bottom of the FAQ are tips on watching the live streaming. Internet Explorer just flat out won't work at all. I had trouble with refreshing so hit the setting button and adjusted to less than HD but didn't see that much of a difference and audio was perfect. Was happy to see my Audioengine 2+ speakers recommended in the Archives FAQ and they sure delivered last night!
another great free webcast. he seemed to suffer the drunk fools yelling out song requests less tho. "Now if I play it it'll be an accident!" or "I hope you dont think Im keeping track" lol He told fewer stories in between. He was less patient with the bozos. These idiots can really impact the show for everyone. Yes I did it at Shoreline but I was 80 yards away and he surely didnt hear me. These small intimate theatres are different. They got the first and only Broken Arrow and I am a Child and only the second Cowgirl. Feed worked well over all with a few pauses and out of syncs. hey its free Im not complaining. the guy has barely lost a step. voice was as good as ever and playing nearly so.
Such a treat to go on another road trip from CLE and back, sights,sounds, people and stories. It's really fun to see what fan's bring to have signed too! From left of the stage in front of the speakers in row g, was surprisingly difficult to hear any of the stories and jokes, maybe tweek his Mike up in between? Really felt we missed out on that. Could it all be heard on the live stream? Someone had to yell STFU from up front in the middle of a song. Can't describe what a treat Broken Arrow was, but I saw some poeple swipe a wet eye. Speakin' Out stood as maybe the stongest for me, his voice can go right through you. wow. Angry World kind of missed the general crowd, but Love and War, Peaceful Bl, really got em. Who else out there can silence a crowd and end a show with ukulele with absolute respect. Peace and love
Things have changed and are changing...
It's funny, in some ways I look less forward to these shows than I used to back in the good old days, but in some ways, I look more forward to them too. Certainly there are fewer of them to come, so each show becomes just that much more special.
I thought the concert (and live-stream) was very good. Neil's voice was strong, though at times he phrased things slightly off and strained just a little too much trying to emphasize and hit the highest notes. But overall, he was in great voice, and his playing was also very good, though if I had a choice he'd ditch that pump organ--way too dirgy/calliope for me and always has been!
As far as Neil's mood and overall presence, it was a little bit of a mixed bag. He's playing a strong but pretty basic core set-list while mixing in a few different songs for variety. The spontaneity really isn't there, and I think he's trying just a little too hard to make it all seem as if it's completely spontaneous.
I sense he's lacking a little confidence (though not much) and he's a little unsure of himself. When he's in the middle of a song it's not noticeable, but the way he's wandering around the stage and the way he tells his "stories" are tinged with hesitancy and a little bit of doubt and unease. It seems like he's somewhere between being too scripted and not scripted enough. He's certainly not being overly polished or "professional" while at times bordering on being a little too casual and unfocused.
He's not hitting that perfect sweet spot of a groove for the entirety of a show, but he's coming pretty damn close. For Neil at 72, he's singing and playing very well, and I am grateful he's letting us peek in with these great live-streams.
Thank you Neil for providing me with yet another night to remember, even though I was a thousand miles away..."connecting thoughts and actions."
"Take my advice
Don't listen to me"
I was at the concert. I really enjoyed it but the drunks yelling out while Neil was trying to talk were really annoying. Neil was hard to understand too as he mumbled a bit and the mic seemed to not pick up his speech! I also felt the audience was rowdy but lacking in the same enthusiasm that I saw when Neil played with PoTR and Crazy Horse. Maybe the nice theater seats caused people to sleep a bit, dreaming to the sounds of Neil...
Wondering if others viewing the live stream had the same audio quality issues. Depending on where Neil was on stage (acoustic guitars, pump, piano, electric, etc) the level was very high or very low. At some points we could barely hear when he was talking. I was on my volume control constantly to try to adjust. I was connected via an iPad and mirroring to our TV through an Apple TV. Love the whole idea of Neil doing webcasts. It’s something that Jimmy Buffett has been doing for quite a while successfully. I think Neil needs to contact Jimmy’s guys to get the sound online thing right.
Wow, a vulnerable and open post by Neil on NYATC entitled "Rough Night" ... Indeed Neil makes clear the price we all pay for those who yell out and distract Neil from his art ... maybe we ought to print 2,000 copies of Neil's post and hand them out in Boston?
how much
Neil's "Rough Night" post on the archives site was gut wrenching and incredibly honest and sad.
To me, it seemed like the St. Louis show also suffered from the same type of crowd based on what a lot of posters' said, but it seemed like Neil didn't notice like he did in Detroit.
I wish Neil would have just honestly and earnestly asked the crowd to modulate a little or stop, but he chose not to. Communication is a two way street and I think he could have made it a more enjoyable night for himself if he would have respectfully and humorously addressed the crowd directly and openly...
On a side note, it's kind of strange to me that he thinks selling the majority of tickets on his archives site will somehow lead to reverential crowds. And, tickets were sold on Ticketmaster for St. Louis, Detroit and Boston despite Neil saying all tickets were sold on the web-site.
"Take my advice
Don't listen to me"
I couldn't even figure out how to view the concert. You did beter tha i did.
the whole 1:43 feed is on youtube in case you missed it.
I heard the youtube video got taken down
Detroit show video is on dime
Glad I was at Chicago shows !!!!
Now I know this may not be a popular take. I dont make a lot of money. But I do have a NY ticket fund constantly going. At this point in his life I'd be fine with Neil charging $500 a ticket if it meant these fly by night drunks, who feel the need to let everybody including Neil know how miserable they are, would stay away.
I was 4th row, in the pit. Some of the crowd was so fucking annoying- I wanted to get up and strangle them. No wonder some of these songs seemed short... AND THEN- this young insanely drunk kid with his "Uncle Larry" (usher and I both saw foreshadowing earlier on, because he was stumbling to his seat), 4th row from the stage!, pukes all over the ground. Thankfully, it wasn't at the beginning of the show (about 65% in), but the smell was horrible until the ushers came down. Got a little better but not too much.
Sorry Neil, some folks were definitely starting their 4th of July celebrating a little early, like you said.
I hope he comes back because the Fox is gorgeous. Just make it July 5th when all the drunks are hungover.
I think as a result of these drunken idiots, the respectable part of the audience mainly missed out on the story telling element that Neil intended to bring. This show clocks in a bit longer than each of the Chicago shows, so I don't think any songs were skipped due to the crowd's behavior. But like Neil said, some songs he felt he just couldn't get below the surface on, and it's very disappointing that he had to play under those conditions. It would be great if he did a phone free tour like Jack White is doing with those Yondr pouches. It won't stop the screaming interruptions, but it would help get the crowd more engaged in the listening experience. I doubt he'll set foot in there again.
I feel very bad for the man after reading his post on NYAS. I loved the stream. Shouters during a solo set; be ashamed.
RE "Rough Night" Jeezuz, some people just massively suck.
Thank you for the free stream ! What a treat ! I hope the problems that plagued 75% of the feed get worked out for future shows . Yes - I know about the settings etc . Neither Firefox nor Safari seemed to like the feed . NYA is a work in progress . Grateful for what I got !! Broken Arrow made me so happy :)
What a bummer such that Neil is forced to write a "Rough Night".
Our take here those inclined with some semi-practical solutions.
Light a candle...
Not sure what to make of this as contrast/context: Springsteen, arguably, has a similar catalog mix of ballads and rockers. Yet, during his Broadway shows, you could hear a pin drop for two solid hours. I imagine that most of those in attendance at his Broadway shows have at some point in their lives made themselves hoarse by shouting out Born In The USA while fist pumping away in some big stadium. Somehow those fans intuit that the should “shut the fuck up” for Broadway. Maybe Neil should get advice from his buddy Bruce?
I have 2 extra seats to see Neil in Boston at the Wang Center Wednesday night.Was hoping to take my daughters. They are excellent seats in the front row of the mezzanine.$172,face value inc fees.Before I post them elsewhere,i thought i would try here.They are credit card entry only to stop scalpers.SO you have to meet me at the entrance.
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