STEALTH GIG REPORT: Neil Young with The Nelson Brothers - SLO Brewing Co., San Luis Obispo, CA, April 16, 2015

Neil Young with The Nelson Brothers - April 16, 2015
SLO Brewing Co., San Luis Obispo, CA
Photo by donovanreeder on Instagram
Neil Young played a stealth gig with The Nelson Brothers at the SLO Brewing Co. in San Luis Obispo, CA this past Thursday night.
With a cover charge of $10, you got Neil Young, Willie Nelson's sons, new songs and some pretty awesome local craft beer.
As noted below, Neil Young, backed by Willie Nelson’s sons Lukas & Micah Nelson and their band Promise of the Real, "delivered two sets of environmentally focused and socially conscious rock". Or even better: "Monsanto basically got punched in the face by Young’s songs."
Here's the setlist from Sugar Mountain:
1. Country Home
2. New Song 1 - People Want To Hear About Love ??*
3. New Song 2 - New Day For The Planet ??*
4. Down By The River
5. New Song 3 - Too Big Too Fail ??*
6. New Song 4 - GMO-Starbucks ??*
7. Walk On
8. New Song 5 - Monsanto ??*
9. New Song 6 - I Don't Know You ??*
10. New Song 7 - Seeds ??*
11. Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere
12. New Song 8 - Big Sky/Wolf Moon ??*
13. Love And Only Love
14. New Song 9*
15. New Song 10*
16. Country Home
17. Roll Another Number
* - song debut
Last night #neilyoung and #promiseofthereal played secret show in #slo and supported real food #rockagainstmonsanto
— Lukas Autry Nelson (@lukasnelson) April 17, 2015
From New Times | "Neil Freaking Young"/ by GLEN STARKEY:
Todd and Korie Newman of Good Medicine Presents dropped a super secret show on SLO Town last night—Thursday, April 16—when they welcomed Neil Young to SLO Brew. Young, backed by Willie Nelson’s son Lukas Nelson and his band Promise of the Real, delivered two sets of environmentally focused and socially conscious rock to a sellout crowd that quickly lined up around the block as news of the last-minute concert spread by word of mouth.
Those who couldn’t get in gathered in the alleyway to listen to Young through the side door, and what they heard was Young rail against his pet causes, from corporations to GMO manufacturers. Monsanto basically got punched in the face by Young’s songs.
What’s amazing is no one seemed to know about the concert until the very last minute.
“Until this afternoon, we weren’t sure if Lukas was bringing his dad Willie or Neil Young,” Good Medicine Presents’ Korie Newman said. “Lukas was going to make the show free but decided at the last minute we should charge something.”
Tickets for the lucky 350 or so fans who got in cost just $10 at the door.
Young wore his trademark fedora and delivered incredible guitar work and his signature vocal sound. Fans packed around the stage, and even trying to get through to the bathrooms proved a struggle, but the crowd was friendly and frankly blown away at what they were witnessing.
"Walk On" - Neil Young with The Nelson Brothers
I was doing my radio show last night in Morro Bay and a friend of mine texted me that he was five feet away from Neil Young at SLO Brewing Co. in San Luis Obispo. Neil played an unannounced show backed by the Lukas Nelson Band. Tickets were just $10.00 and nothing was revealed about the show until about an hour before show time. SLO Brewing is a small club that holds maybe 300 people. Neil did two sets mostly new material. Among the older songs he did "Country Home", "Down By The River", "Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere", "Walk On", "Love And Only Love" and "Roll Another Number". When my radio show ended I headed over to the club and saw Neil do the encore (Roll Another Number). Neil left in one of his cool old cars (Lincoln Continental?). My friend flagged him down and got an album autographed. Pretty amazing. I live three blocks away from the club so I was bummed I had my radio show last night! Anyway, Neil is back to his old tricks.
Those who weren’t in line soon enough to buy one of the $10 tickets gathered in the alley to listen to Neil Young.
More details tonight on Thrasher's Wheat Radio on Wbkm Dot Org, Saturday, April 18 at 9:00PM ET.
Don't be denied!
Tune in details and podcast info @ Thrashers Wheat Radio Hour.

Tune in on, Saturdays @ 9P EST
Labels: neil young, radio
This new music with these really young guys hopefully brings something special out of NY.But some of these environmental titles harkens to his Fork in the Road car songs(ugh!).Let's not fret yet.
Hey Hey My My
rock And Roll Will Never Die
Sounds like it would've been an awesome show to be at. I'm interested in hearing the new record
The man is fully engaged with life and still creating.
He's always trying new things with new people.
In this case, it really is "all good."
Long may he run
Sugar Mountain's setlist doesn't include the "Walk On" that's included in one of the reports.
Sure it does, #7 (opening song of second set)
Crap another bad album..I still believe he has a couple of albums that are great.He could choose to do that like he chooses to make environmental dribble albums that will not sell or be heard that much after a week.
New album The Monsanto Years coming 16th June 2015.
Looks like he's kicking off the "Rebel Content Tour" at Milwaukee Summerfest in July. Here's a link:
Here are the dates.
7/5 Milwaukee Summer fest
7/8 Denver Red Rocks
7/9 Denver Red Rocks
7/11 Lincoln,Nebraska
7/13 Cincinnati,Ohio
7/14 Clarkston,Michihan
7/16 Camden,New Jersey
7/17 Bethel,NY
7/19 Essex Junction,Vermont
7/21 Wantaugh,NY
7/22 Great Woods,Massachusetts
7/24 Oro-Medonte,Ontario Canada
Erik & Tony at WBKM,Thrasher's Wheat Radio Hour their is your concert in Vermont.How cool is that? Neil & The Promise Of The Real in your back yard.
A 12 date tour.Wonder if they'll play more shows?
Closest to me in Buffalo is the Ontario show about 3 hr drive north.
I'm a lifelong NY fan and will love him and his music till the end of time ... I respect him intensely for his musical integrity and his lifelong commitment to being an activist ... I believe his activism of late, performed at this stage of his career proves that he's always been the real deal, with his heart in the right place, not someone looking to get publicity for himself ... that alone for me deserves tremendous respect ... I believe these qualities set him apart from many of his peers ... that said, I respectfully disagree with his assault on Starbucks and think he is misinformed ... I have no special loyalty or affiliation with Starbucks and no personal reason to defend them other than to say that condemning a business should not be done casually. A business like Starbucks has thousands of employees, and thousands of shareholders, all of whom deserve a fair shake. Its too easy to use a big corporation like Starbucks as a punching bag to advance a cause. If it undeserved its inappropriate to do so. IMHO the fact that Starbucks belongs to the GMA, along with most grocery stores and other food outlets, does not make them responsible for Monsanto's sins ... that's like saying the US is responsible for Russia's human rights violations or that of China's because all are on the UN Security Counsel together .... entities join alliances or are affiliated for some common objectives (in this case for example to ensure common food labeling, ect..) that doesn't mean they agree or defend each other in every matter ... parties to an affiliation will generally not agree on everything, if that were a requirement there would be no affiliations ... I think an artist such as Neil who protests should have an iron clad case before calling someone out ... in this case w Starbucks the case seems very circumstantial ... protesters arguably must hold themselves to a higher standard then those they protest against ... I question here whether an impartial review would support this public flogging of Starbucks.
@timothy - agree that the Nelson Brothers bring special magic. And more to come!
@Chris exactly... we bring you Exhibit A....
@Keith - it really is "all good."
@Art - He played it for sure. Check the YT above.
See you on the rail this summer!
@kahunasunset -thanks, you seem to be running ahead of us too fast.
@ Soldier Steve - thanks for listing. Posted!
and yes Eric & Tony are pumped to have Neil coming to Vermont!
@Dan1 - as always, thanks for the thoughts.
This is not unlike 5 years ago when folks boycotted BP gas stations in protest of the Gulf oil holocaust. While it may not have hurt the BP corporation it was a way for the average consumer to vote with their wallet. Whether getting your coffee elsewhere from Starbucks hurts Monsanto is up for debate. But folks want to stand up and save the earth any way they can.
As an addendum, and this comment probably should have proceeded my original comment, I support the quest for clear food labeling and agree we deserve to know what's in our food. Big picture, agree with this cause and appreciate Neil's initiative.
Great news about the new album and tour. I love Neil and his music but am hesitant to buy a thicket after spending a lot of money to see him at Dundas and Ottawa in Summer 2013. He canceled both gigs and I was never refunded a penny. I went to both disappointing gigs anyway, Gordon Lightfoot played instead in both instances. I wont forget seeing a guy in Dundas wear a tshirt saying 'I paid for that and they game me this'. Neil also canceled his European leg of this tour (Poncho hurt his wrist) but rescheduled for the following year with Rick Rosas (RIP) sitting in for Billy, but they never came back to Ontario. All this being said ill probably pay the 200 plus bucks for a thicket this time around again and travel the 5 or so hours and hopefully this time my hero will show up.
When he hits the Oro Medonte area he will once again begin to get a taste of the fresh Muskoka air drifting down from the lakes and forests. The fragrance of summer holidays of old.
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