Graham Nash Photo: Neil Young, Northern California 1988 | Rolling Stone

Neil Young, Northern California 1988
Photo by Graham Nash | Rolling Stone
(Click photo to enlarge)
A gallery of photographs by Graham Nash | Rolling Stone and here's one of Neil Young. Seems appropriate with Neil being out on the road with LincVolt to promote sustainable fuels.
From Rolling Stone:
"That's Neil Young driving home to his ranch at Broken Arrow.More photos by Graham Nash | Rolling Stone.
We were recording the American Dream album. I'm in the limousine with David [Crosby] and Steven [Stills] behind him. Neil, of course, wasn't in the car with us. It's Neil. He has an English sports car. I think it's called a Jensen.
I saw him driving along this lonely road and I thought, 'This is a perfect image of Neil Young.' And even though you can't see Neil, except the back of his head, it is in fact Neil."
Labels: graham nash, neil young
Neil Young. Alone. Leading the way.
Isn't that a cul-de-sac just ahead ?
No LA. That's a fork in the road ahead, for sure.
I know Neil promised Crosby they would all do another album if David finally got clean, but geez...hard to believe Neil put his name on that 'American Dream' piece of shit. It seems like there's always a stinker right before some songwriting gold...'Freedom' came right after this period.
The link doesn't work for me. Here is a link to the Rolling Stone feature; the photo in this story is 3 of 11:
American Dream was a stinker - what about the next shocker 'Looking Forward' a very low point - so bad they covered a the dreadful Sanibel track to finish off proceedings.
& even worse put his name to 'Looking Forward'...
How can Neil be on the road in the midwest with the LincVolt and touring Australia at the same time??? I'm starting to question what I read so much I'm starting to wonder if we ever even landed on the moon.
I think that Neil's songs on American Dream were great, though I never had any use for the rest of CSN. is saying the CSNY live album from 1974 is coming out this August.
And once again Graham Nash is lamenting his lack of genuine friendship with Neil.
It's always all about Neil with Stills, Nash, and it should be.
Sorry to post this here but haven't seen it mentioned anywhere else yet (and it does relate to Nash)...
Interesting comments by CSNY, including this nugget from Graham Nash: "I can't call Neil my friend." Wow!
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