A Buffalo Springfield Reunion Tour? Hooray For Our Side!

No too long after the triumphant reunion of The Buffalo Springfield at the 2010 Bridge School Benefit Concerts, rumors began to swirl about a possible Buffalo Springfield Reunion Tour.
The Los Angeles Times got the rumor mill started with the provocative headline "More Buffalo Springfield reunion shows on the way in 2011?" in an article by Randy Lewis. Yet the article cites zero sources as basis for the headline. Lewis writes: "Pop & Hiss is hearing rumblings of some additional performances next year, possibly even a summer tour."
"Rumblings"? So we kind of dismissed the article as just more wishful speculation than actual reporting.
Then an in-depth interview with Richie Furay appeared in Crawdaddy! by Ben Corbett. The interview -- which is quite excellent and should be read in full for some interesting insights into the band's breakup -- gives Furay's perspective on the reunion and tour possibilities.
Crawdaddy!: Was there talk of doing anything else together?
Furay: Yeah, there was.
I wouldn’t be surprised if maybe we didn’t do a couple of other things. We were pretty high when we got done and everybody said, “Hey, let’s just settle down and take a deep breath and see how everyone feels after a couple of weeks, and we’ll see if we want to pursue anything else.” So I sent Neil and Stephen a note last week, and both of them were really very positive about the whole experience.
So we’ll just have to wait and see.
Based on Furay's comments, it would seem that saying "tour rumblings" is highly premature.
But here's an interview with drummer Joe Vitale keeping options open:
Asked if more Buffalo Springfield shows are on the way, Vitale says, “I don’t know yet but I would guess. I know they want to. People went crazy for it.”

Buffalo Springfield - 10/23/10
Photo by Thrashette
Surprisingly -- or maybe not so much -- the reunion has already been ranked as among The 10 Greatest Rock and Roll Reunions by Gibson Guitars?!
But not too fear. Up comes Rolling Stone with a helpful primer "How Buffalo Springfield Could Pull Off a Tour With the Byrds" by Andy Greene. Greene suggests that a Buffalo Springfield and Byrds tour would be just the ticket for 2011. Greene proceeds to walk through all the permutations and complications of such a venture:
"The problem: Unlike Buffalo Springfield, the surviving Byrds aren't a good mix. Crosby has been bitching for years that McGuinn refuses to even consider a reunion. Chris Hillman is a born-again Christian and a Republican, meaning he's the polar opposite of Crosby. But this shouldn't matter. The Ramones toured the country in a van for twenty years while barely speaking. Certainly McGuinn, Crosby and Hillman can suck it up for a mega payday and to help secure their place in history.
So one really has to wonder what's that sound?
It would seem that the tail is wagging the dog. There really seems to be no basis whatsoever for the tour speculation nor a truly far fetched tour pairing.
Besides. What fans really want is a Crazy Horse tour.
After all, if there's one single thing we fans understand about Neil Young, it's that he never, ever listens to his fan base.
So. Crazy Horse in 2011!

Joe Vitale, Stephen Stills, Richie Furay, Neil Young and Rick Rosas
Photo by Eleanor Stills (via Rick Rosas | Facebook)
Marian M.
I don't want to see this happen. Huh! maybe they can do the Casino circuit like the rest of those dinosaur's. I just don't want to see one of my favorite bands of all time doing a sort of old hits tour. That's not like NY to do such a foolish thing.
Bring out the horse!
Oh, wait, if he doesn't do what we want, shoot the horse!
I've listened to both of the BS at the Bridge sets and thought the Sunday performance was markedly inferior to the previous day's. Stephen seemed to be unable to maintain the melody-sense that the Springfield songs require.
Didn't bode well, I think, for a bunch of shows in a row.
A Furay-Young tour would be pretty interesting though.
I agree with TIM...I just don't want to see this happen. My heart tells me it will not happen. It was rude for Neil not to show up at the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame, when the Springfield were inducted.
A new Buffalo Springfield CD would be just what the doctor ordered. Not like the unmemorable CSNY reincarnations, but a return to the power stream.
for fucks sakes neil, get back on the horse before somebody kicks off.
It would be great if these guys went on tour BUT only if there were new tunes to play along with some old staples and some of each others other stuff. That would be a great night musically without a doubt.
I'd love to see Crazy Horse back with Neil too, but they don't have any new stuff either ('cept Toast we're told - new to us anyhow). It occurs to me that the CH/Neil relationship is a two way street. Maybe those guys ARE NOT into it. Maybe they've been jilted enough. There is some history of that, so, keep your eyes crossed and your fingers open and maybe now that Hell is thawing out from the freeze over something strange can happen.
Neil Young is unpredictable. Frankly, at this stage of his career, the choice of Lanois as producer, the prolific vein of Neil on Le Noise, whatever you think about, really surprised me.No one can know what Neil'll do, neither Pegi.Anyway, there're no many years left for Crazy Horse, BS or CSNY. So I'd like see Neil again with all these incarnations.
Andrea"So Tired"
@Andrea"So Tired": Great! Crazy Horse, BS or CSNY incarnations!
And while we're at it, why not throw out a Bluenotes reunion? Or Lost Dogs?
maybe Squires too...
funny what happens when someone puts out a pure solo album...
Obviously no one is getting any younger. Oh how I'd love a Crazy Horse tour - what's it been now - six or seven years?
I just don't see Neil doing it without new music, but who knows?
I've read all the rumors, but it's so hard picture Neil doing a nostalgia tour.
And, even at Bridge, much of the Springfield material was old and obscure enough to be lost on much of the crowd. Who would be the audience for a tour? I'd honestly be less surprised by an album than by a tour. And I'd be plenty surprised by an album.
Bottom line - it worked, they had a good time. I expect they will find some occasion to work together again. Maybe a song or two on somebody's album. Another benefit show down the line. But a tour? I just can't get my head around it.
Just glad I saw it. Now Neil should do whatever the hell he wants to do next. Time is running dry for Neil - that's why he did the Springfield thing to begin with. He's done plenty to make me happy. He should do whatever makes him happy.
Thrasher said "And while we're at it, why not throw out a Bluenotes reunion? Or Lost Dogs?
maybe Squires too...
funny what happens when someone puts out a pure solo album..."
Maybe simple boredom. He had been playing with the same pals since 2007 and recording since 2006, when he decided to go alone with Lanois.And the death of Johnson has counted much on the solo choice.My friens (not Neil fans like me)said me this record is really gloomy.
And in the middle of marketing campaign for le Noise, Neil invents the BS concert.He plays only WWM, but with PJ.
Andrea."So Tired".
Not need of a "Lost Dogs" reunion. Actually, the last tours with a band (2007-2009)were the unnamed Lost Dogs, minus Sampedro, if I remember well.
Andrea."So Tired"
Thanks Andrea."So Tired"!
Or how about the Santa Monica Flyers reuniting?!
Thrasher said "Or how about the Santa Monica Flyers reuniting?!"
Now with "The Dark Lady" and "The Boss", sadly only on The Archives Vol.2., maybe...
Andrea"So Tired"
How about a brand new band including me? I can play a flat tire and have a demo tape to prove it!
Sounds good Doonerak!
Or how about The Stray Gators??
you can't have the santa monica flyers or the stray gators without the great ben keith.
THE DUCKS in 2011!!!
But really, give me Neil in any capacity and I'm a happy man!
Crazy Horse does need a tour though!! But I'd also flip over a Buffalo Springfield tour as well- hard to imagine Neil doing that though. I'd think there would need to be an album, and that is REALLY hard to imagine, but what do I know?
Rock on Neil!
Can someone please tell me why the Horse hasn't been alll together in almost 15 years! Poncho was not involved in Greendale. Please watch what yo say. . . . . We Don't wanna Spook the Horse.
Lindsay - Poncho was totally involved in Greendale - he just didn't play on the recording. He is thanked in the liner notes and if you watch the dvd of the studio sessions, he's there.
Thanks Jonathan. i never got aroound to getting the second edition DVD yet. As i bought the first edition with no DVD.
It is just weird not hearing his guitar, anyway. Thanks for clearing that up. All I know is, we need a Crazy Horse album, and tour soon.
I wanna lick the platter,
the gravy doesn't matter.
It's a cold bowl of chili
when love lets you down,
But it's the neighbor's wife
I'm after.
Saddle up the palomino,
the sun is going down.
The way I feel,
this must be real.
Count me as someone who'd like to see them, but only because I wasn't here the first time around.
What about the Springfield fronting a Neil solo tour? Or is that too far-fetched to hope for?
With regards to The Byrds, Roger McGuinn, David Crosby and Chris Hillman remain good friends. McGuinn, Hillman and Crosby continue to speak kindly of each other, demonstrating that one's political leanings and religious beliefs are irrelevant in friendships. To my knowledge, they have not had any problems regarding personal beliefs or political philosophies. Roger McGuinn is a born-again Christian and Chris Hillman is Greek orthodox. As The Byrds, they have done several private performances to raise money for charitable causes, but no official public concerts or tours. Roger McGuinn is living his dream as a folk troubadour, while David Crosby remains active as a solo artist and with annual CSNY outings. Chris Hillman switched to country after The Byrds and has done several reunions with his chart-topping country radio group The Desert Rose Band. Although no plans are in the works, never say never. McGuinn, Crosby and Hillman remain lifelong friends.
@rocknrollmachine - thanks for update.
agree, never say never...
As much as I love Buffalo Springfield, at least the first two albums. How about the International Harvesters? That is one of Neil's most underrated backing bands, or at least that is what some tapers claim.
I of course like the Stray Gators but no Ben Keith. He was in the International Harvesters too, but perhaps less crucial to that band.
I have loved them all since their beginning, but it is kind of painful to watch them now. Maybe I should just appreciate the fact that they are making the effort.
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