Happy Birthday Neil!!!

Neil Young, Ben Keith, & Pegi Young
Ben's Birthday - March 6, 2010
Photo by Ernie Hernandez Jr
Neil Young is 65 years young today. So Happy Birthday Neil!!!
2010 has been the best and worst of times for Neil.
So let us just be thankful for all the goodness that has happened this year:
So we'll just say that it gives us strength to see the strength of Neil & Pegi, given their challenges and heartbreaks in 2010.
and let us hope that with courage and perseverance, comes the vista & the muse...
peace & love,
thrasher & thrashette

Twitter / @theruralgurl | Paula Brown

people YOUR age
they don't do the things you do
they go somewhere
while WE run away with you
Thanks Neil. Happy Birthday.
I hear the rumblin` in her ground......it must be Neil Young`s 65th birthday party!!
Happy Birthday Neil and thank you....we`ll walk with you wherever you take us!
Happy Birthday Neil, I am still walking with you. Doug S. Warsaw N.Y.
Happy Birthday, Neil!
There are quite a few articles in the
German papers about your 65th birthday today.
Here is a nice picture with birthday greetings:
Love, Liza
-forever thankful that you played Harvest Moon in Cologne last year-
Happy Birthday, Neil!!!!!!
Thank you for all that you do for us to enrich our lives with your music!
It's a joy to walk with you!
All my love,
Marian M.
Happy Birthday Neil have a great day !!!!
Thank you for being there close as my record player , cd player for 43 years since i bought that Buffalo Springfield album at 15. My dad gave me that ATGR album for my 18th birthday . You been like a friend in celebrations and times or loss close as my record player on bright days and dark lonely nights . Thank you and have a great Birthday . Long may you run Neil !! We all hope you keep on rocking in the free world.
The Searcher
Grand Rapids Mi
Gonna leave the pain behind
Gonna leave the fools in line
Gonna take the magic potion
Gettin' in an old Lincoln
Gonna take a ride so far
To the land of sun tan lotion
Gonna take it state by state
Til I hit the golden gate
Get my feet wet in the ocean
I'm still living
in the dream we had,
For me it's not over...
Happy 65th Neil.
I know it will be hard to do, but this is the year Linc-Volt will be fixed to be even better!
Shining you a light!
Realy hard times this year for you, dear Neil, but I'm sure you've got the strenght to emerge, even stronger, with bright visions.
So, happy birthday! Thank you for the music and ideas you share among us. May you stay forever /Neil/ Young!
LincVolt LincVolt LincVolt……………..LincVolt 2.
The world needs LincVolt and Neil knows it.
64 and there is so much more………………is so last year.
65 and motherf@%*ing more alive……………....is here.
Thank you for the soundtrack to our lives.
It’s all one song.
from, Tomorrow see the things……………
happy birthday neil,
i'm proud to share the same one with you even though i'm only half your age today. thanks for making our lives better !
"noone else can kill me like you do, noone else can fill me like you do..." Happy Birthday Neil. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Happy Birthday Mr. Young!
Thanks for still rockin'!
Davie from Scotland
Happy bithday and lots of love from Madrid!!
Guille and Rosa
Know, Neil, that you don't walk alone - and you never will.
Happy birthday, much love, and long may you run.
Happy birthday Neil!!!
Hope you're well. Keep on rocking
Here's to a thousand trunks of memories still to come. Happy Birthday Neil!!!!!
Some of the best memories I have include Neil and his music. Here's to a thousand more trunks of memories still to come.
Happy Birthday Neil.Your spirit and dreams inspire us.
Can 64 other people light a candle and we'll all blow out together.
The blowing out together could be the tricky part ☺
Have a great day Neil !
A million thanks and all best wishes --
Thanks for your humanity, your strength, your music most of all, and your soul.
Thank-you for walking with us these many years.
Prayers for you and blessings upon you in your challenges, set backs, and times of loss.
Long, long may you run
Happy birthday to Neil Young, my favorite songwriter of all time, whose beautiful songs helped me through heartbreak and loss, and who continues to be a huge inspiration, not only creatively, but in pretty much every aspect of life.
Long may you run!
I cannot put into words what your music has meant to me. Thank you. Happy Birthday!
A very happy Birthday Neil!!
In Oz..this means you officially are a pensioner!! lol
So go and hit those Nursing homes with some rocknroll!! he he
Seriously, Neil ,many happy returns
....returns to the stage
....returns to you wonderful fullfilling life and musical career!
Personally,you've brought so much joy into our lives with your music,your compassion and your humility
so keep on keeping on!!!
Age is a state of mind
...and its such a fine mind!
luv doc
Happy Birthday Neil!
You have provided me the best music of all time.
May you have many many more years of making music!!
Here we are in the years, indeed. Hope No. 66 will be a healthy and happy one.
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Happy Birthday Neil....
We salute and thank you for living all of those 65 years to the full, may you never stop what you love doing the best, producing and creating "Le Noise" for all the world to enjoy.
We're so very glad, grateful & fortunate for the countless ways your soul & your music has affected & touched us. The recorded music, the pictures, the written words are but one side of the miraculous affect you Neil have had on us. The other side is the wondrous inexplicably transcendent experience that is to experience you Neil live in concert. All we devotees now living are so grateful to share this time on earth with you. As our lifetimes are finite, your impact Neil will endure & live forever! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Neil. 65 wow and still the best rocker out there. You are now entitled to a free bus pass in the UK so get yourself over here again and bring Buffalo Springfield......You didn't make it to Liverpool when you were 64 so come on over. LONG MAY YOU RUN!
Singing words, words
between the lines of age.
Have a good one ole Neil!
Happy Birthday Neiler! May you have many, many, many more. Age is truly just a number and you are a prime example of this fact. You are younger now than you've ever been, younger than some 20-somethings I know. Keep chasing the spirits, following the muse, and reaching the source. Your music touches us in deep, emotional & primal ways. Words can never express the admiration and thanks I have.
We all need you now more than ever! Never stop!
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