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Saturday, February 01, 2025

"A Note About The 'New' Times Contrarian" | Neil Young Archives

"A Note About  The 'New' Times Contrarian" 
Times Contrarian | Neil Young Archives
(Click photo to enlarge)

On the front of the Times Contrarian | Neil Young Archives is an article by Editor Phil Baker on "A Note About  The 'New' Times Contrarian".

We encourage all Thrasher's Wheat readers to read the article in full. An excerpt:

The reason why Neil and others are pouring so much time into the Times-Contrarian is that we need a source of news that’s not afraid of covering the important issues of our time, and I want the T-C to become that.

Unfortunately, the newspapers that once did this so well are shrinking from the task. Too often they equate reporting as providing equal coverage to one side that lies and the other side addressing serious issues. Too often they decide not to run stories that will offend their owners or the new administration.

What I’m finding, particularly since the recent election, is that the sources of meaningful news and opinion are much better from a selection of independent journalists who are experts in their field, support the causes we believe in, and are independent writers or pieces that don’t need to be approved by their editors.

What you’ll find here are selected stories from independent journalists of high repute from around the world that publish the material on their own using Substack, Word Press, or another platform. Many of these stories are sourced from the journalists’ own accounts. By calling attention to them here, I hope you will subscribe and support independent journalism.

And we endorse this statement of support for independent media.

As indicated by Neil Young's latest track drop "big change is coming". Indeed.

T-C | Neil Young Archives
 (Click photo to enlarge)

Late in 2024, Neil Young, as Editor of Times Contrarian on Neil Young Archives,  published a statement titled "MAINSTREAMING":

"Going forward, we will be publishing independent political journalists who do not carry the burden of poisoned corporate support."

Neil Young Independent Websites
Times-Contrarian | Neil Young Archives

Back in 2023, Neil Young Archives posted a listing of Neil Young Independent Websites, which prominently featured Thrasher's Wheat.

We are honored and humbled to be recognized as "Independent" media. And we are committed to continuing our struggle to exercise our freedoms and rights to "speak truth to power". It brings us joy to share our "truths" -- whether it be an opinion on Neil Young's music or something much heavier.

Again, at the risk of saying "told you so", Here Comes "The Big Shift" and the  corruption of mainstream media is blatant, insidious and dangerousit is sadly ironic that this all comes so late in the game for those who should have been paying attention.

But, better late than never.

More on the intersectionality of politics, art and the media.

'She was welded to the eagle's beak
Sun Green leaned into that megaphone
and said, "Truth is all I seek" '
"Sun Green"
 by Neil Young  

(see  "Resist The Powers That Be": Neil Young's New Song "Children of Destiny") 

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At 2/02/2025 04:34:00 AM, Blogger Dionys said...

The NYA TC selected coverage is very convenient and became a part of my rather broad daily media diet (with the exception of TV News I read and listen to almost everything that comes my way). What is becoming increasingly difficult is access to conservative media., - media that are firmly positioned, credible and serious. I want this in order to not getting locked in with filter bubble opinions that I share anyway. I do understand, that in the US the opposition for now have to count their marbles, have their bases covered and the like. Maybe it's too early to think about bridge-building but eventually that will have to be done.

In order to prepare for a decent and reasonable government the American people have 1448 days left (and counting).

At 2/02/2025 11:12:00 AM, Blogger Dan Swan said...

I completely agree with you Dionys. Factual Information was become increasingly unreliable. I just did an experiment involving a fake photo and quote that I fact checked and then sent out to 61 different people. Of the 61 individuals, only one person fact checked it and responded back with their findings. One out of 61!!

I urge everyone to question everything they read, or hear. The truth is rapidly becoming extinct, and it is on each one of us to seek it out on our own. Trust nothing, and be mindful.

Peace to all 🙏

At 2/02/2025 11:26:00 AM, Blogger Abner Snopes said...

Reflect a bit over what has happened to "facts" and then consider how far the knowledge of fact is from actual understanding (which, at the very least, is an ability to link facts together in a coherent way). According to many around these parts, there is no evidence that could count in favor of global warming and no evidence that could count against election fraud in 2020. In my view, and I am overjoyed to be wrong, the cause is a toxic brew of racism, sexism, systemic ignorance and a gross nationalism (tied to the other stuff). Our fight now is yet a fifth wave of a civil rights movement. But the whole thing is hideously disorienting as situation looks self-defeating. The more we push for the truth, the more foolish we look. As a student jokingly said to me the other day- "are you a lib-tard?"

At 2/02/2025 03:17:00 PM, Blogger Knowledge Nomad said...

On the issue of fact checking, I noted with dismay that the T-C posted a photo with no citation of a person in wrist restraints being led away by ICE agents. The detainee is wearing a shirt saying Latinos for Trump 2024. The problem is, a reverse image search quickly turns up a Snopes article debunking the provenance of the photo. There is enough genuinely horrific shit this admin is releasing that we don't need to spread misinformation. I'm sure it was not intentional on the part of T-C, but we all need to be vigilant about sources and what we spread. I have written to the T-C to inform them of their mistake, so hopefully it will come down and a retraction issued. Reputable sources are open to admitting when they get things wrong, as we all do from time to time. For all the legit crit of so called mainstream media, good ones have processes and respurces in place to do more fact checking. Not convinced a lot of indie media have the same, so please don't simply paint in broad strokes (MSM=BAD, Indie media=GOOD). It's all a lot more complex and nuanced than that. And I still don't know what the hell The Big Shift means, but I still love this site and support TW's dedication and hard work.

At 2/02/2025 05:38:00 PM, Blogger wsanjose01 said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 2/02/2025 06:03:00 PM, Blogger Knowledge Nomad said...

Update: it appears the T-C has taken down the doctored photo.

At 2/03/2025 05:58:00 PM, Blogger Fort Mac said...

Canada is now officially at war with Americana .
Your dictator's threats of forcing Canada into submission .
Those are words of war .
Neil Young , carrying an American flag on his shoulder .
I as in we , know Lakefield Ontario very well .
Old enough to never forget .
Young enough to carry a rifle up a lofty pine .
Old enough to know .
Americana Neil Young will not pay for security at the Lakefield show.
This time of year the sow bears are giving birth to blind cubs in the den , in the fervent Ontario Spring , they will emerge .
May 24 , they will have plenty to feed on ........

At 2/04/2025 04:23:00 PM, Blogger Alan said...

Make Americana music great again. Listen to The Band, Green On Red, the Jayhawks or something by Neil Young, for starters. Canada should not go to war with Americana! Just open the ears & enjoy. Roll Another #.

With the US Dept of Education closing, Trump is putting on full display his vision for making America stupid again. So at least we have poetry in song to keep brain activity alive. “Republicans close Dept of Education.” It’s a perfect summation of their efforts thus far. And the Dems just want to give Arms to the IDF for Gaza Genocide. Give us some reason to vote for your party! Like offering Health Care For All! Trump & Biden have the same goals for Gaza: new real estate for Israel! Trump wants to “clean it out.” Almost like Ethnic Cleansing? Our 2 parties have the same policy on Gaza Genocide!

Give Peace a chance! Your Brother Alan in Seattle

At 2/04/2025 06:52:00 PM, Blogger herbsworld said...

The Nitwit & the damage done. IN TWO WEEKS!
Btw: A 100% tariff on Tesla autos sold in Canada? Well played! Take that, Best buddy Elon! Of course the spin will be “The art of the deal” worked.

At 2/05/2025 09:31:00 AM, Blogger Dan Swan said...

We are living in unprecedented circumstances here in the US, and our government is now attempting a coup against our constitution. We as a nation must stand united against this corrupt regime. If we don’t stand up united against this lawlessness, then we will lose our democracy. The world is watching as Project 2025 destroys any hope of freedom. And if it’s lost here, it will disappear everywhere.

Be the rain 🙏


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Show Me A Sign

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To ask the question is to know the answer

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deserves neither liberty nor safety."

~~ Benjamin Franklin


(Between the lines of age)

And in the end, the love you take
Is equal to the love you make

~~ John & Paul

the zen of neil
the power of rust
the karma of the wheat

