Neil Young Solo Minneapolis Residency: Night #4 - Northrop Auditorium, January 31, 2019

Neil Young Solo
Orpheum Theatre, Minneapolis - January 28, 2019
Photo by thrashette via NYA Livestream
UPDATES: (+see comments below)
Two critics, two takes on four Neil Young solo shows in Minneapolis
— minneapolishub (@minneapolishub) February 1, 2019
Neil Young concludes his four solo concert residency in Minneapolis tonight at The Northrop Auditorium, Thursday, January 31.
The solo concert tour residency concludes in Minneapolis on January 31.
Got a report? Drop us a comment below.
Check Sugar Mountain for setlist updates and Chronological Grid, Recording Summary, Statistics and Extras.
Check back for updates, reviews, setlists, etc.
Also, see:
- LIVE STREAM "TEST" TONIGHT: Neil Young Solo Minneapolis Residency: Night #3 - State Theatre, January 29, 2019
- LIVE STREAM: Neil Young Solo Minneapolis Residency: Night #2 - Orpheum Theatre, January 28, 2019
- Neil Young Solo Minneapolis Residency: #1 - Pantages Theatre, January 26
- Neil Young's Solo "Big 3M Theater Tour" Begins Tonight: Riverside Theater, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, January 23
- Concert Review of the Moment: Neil Young Solo - Riverside Theater, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, January 23, 2019
- CONCERT REVIEW: Neil Young Stuns Furloughed Fed on Opening Night of 2019 Mini Solo Tour
- Madison, Wisconsin, January 24
....but this guy (& his sign) was spotted at tonights Northrop auditorium show #polarvortex2019 #minnesota #NYA peace
— Neil Young Archives (@NeilYoungNYA) February 1, 2019

When Neil Young is Playing, You Shut the Fuck Up
Lastly, additional concerts are to be announced for Pacific Northwest in Late Spring/May.

Neil Young Solo Minneapolis Residency:
Night #1 - Pantages Theatre, January 26
Labels: concerts, neil young, reviews, setlist, solo, tickets
Northwest show update: Seattle (Paramount) May 20-21, Eugene (Knight Arena) 23 (then BottleRock 25). Expecting the Portland/Spokane dates will be somewhere in the 13-15 range, since POTR plays in Tennessee on the 17-18.
That NYA site is a joke. The UI navigation is so f'd, I can't tell if there is a stream for tonight's show or if there just isn't any stream at all.
And what is up with no Android app? Even if I go to the website and log in with my Android phone, it won't let me go anywhere without telling me that I need to download the app from iTunes 🙄 And I am not saying that this happens only looking for a stream, but you can't get anywhere of any consequence, on an Android device, without getting the request to redirect to iTunes.
So after getting on my iMac in my freezing back office, then not being able to find any info "yes or no" regarding a stream tonight, I stumbled across an internal link for a free download for a live version of Who's Gonna Stand Up? Except that when I try to download, that redirects me to some other site that requires me to set up yet another account.
Oh, I forgot to mention that the NYA SITE also won't recognize me when logging in from my iMac nor through Chrome on my Android phone. Every time requires that I log in again and it must be blocking both of the auto fill services that I have, which work on every other site.
From experience ,I know that anything that Neil tries to do that is even moderately advanced in its technology, it is a big turd. That is why I only signed on for one month, last night,in stead of by the year. So besides the mess that I just described, I streamed the 1/29 show, where a full third of it was unlistenable because of ridiculous delay/echo or whatever that was that went on for the first half hour. What a mess.
And can anybody tell me why this is called the 3M Tour? Is Neil using Post-its to remind him where the water is?
@fruit: Milwaukee/Madison/Minneapolis
Also @fruit: The Android app is not yet ready. The regular site works fine and it's easy to know if there's a live stream happening or not, you're probably just not that bright.
He basically gives it away for free (19.99 is nothing) and still....people just don't know how to have fun anymore. Thanks to all the true fans who silently enjoyed this week as one of the best a Neil fan could hope for. Next week we ride with the Horse!
lol vvvv :) If theres a stream its in the headline, above the fold. Unmistakable.
To those who heard his new song Truth Kills, What was it like?
Cowgirl in the sand
Don’t be denied
Long may you run
Dreaming man
War of man
Old king
Green is blue
Flying on the ground is wrong
Mansion on the hill
Running dry
Truth kills(?)
Journey through the past
Everybody knows this is nowhere
Cortez the killer
Out on the weekend
Heart of gold
Tumbleweed (encore)
Where are you seeing this? Excited and hoping to be able to gdt tickets and make it to at least one shoe!
...Just stopping by to check Thrasher is keeping you all under control. I hope you are all well!
Good to see Neil is back doing some solo shows, always guaranteed to be a magical experience. With some very unusual song choices pulled from the Archives. I'll admit I didn't watch the live streams (Neil really needs to make these available for longer), but I did watch a few clips on YouTube (I know - I should be shot). And while I enjoyed the older tracks, it was actually Tumbleweed that moved me the most. Good to see War Of Man back on the setlist, too.
I have never had an opinion on Neil's private life, but I will just say I was very sad to hear Pegi passed away; a wonderful lady by all accounts. Who inspired and helped a great many people with her charity work. She will be missed.
I'm looking forward to NYCH, of course.
A very belated Happy New Year to you all.
Welcome back, Scotsman! Makes my day to see you back and hopefully doing well. I can't imagine shows with the Horse, without your insight to follow!
@ Hawk - thanks for the setlists and contributions on 3M tour!
@ Scotsman - thanks for dropping by. well. your return and comment is welcomed.
It's been awhile. Clearly, something here @ TW rubbed you and others the wrong way last year.
Frankly, we're a bit puzzled and uncertain as to the root cause and are very interested in understanding the reasons behind your dropout. As you know, your comments were highly valued here and we often featured as Comment of the Moment.
Apologies in advance on any mis-understanding.
Drop a comment here or write to us @ thrasher atsign
Thank you very much!
Thank you Thrasher! cause for concern, nothing has rubbed me up the wrong way. Thanks for the nice words however. Good to be back.
Nya is GREAT! Nya answered me this week in Instagram,they say Android app soon. But who cares I've been using my mobile phone since nya was available.Go to nya,keep it open,it will say not available on mobike,keep page open,go to settings and hit desktop version.the site will load.i check the song of the day everyday to post on my Instagram page.The news story's and music quality are great.Neil answers questions from fans,including me.The live streams are incredible with a few glinches here and there,but their getting it right.It is announced on the home page if there is a live stream a few hrs before show time.Includung Instagram posts from nya,and I'm sure on other social media. For $19.99 it's the biggest bargain available.Plus great seats are available for folks who go to the shows before the public on sale tickets.Before anyone complains do your homework on nya. It's great to be a Neil fan at this time with so much to offer at this time. Thank You Neil,NYA team for doing an outstanding job with the Archives and the spectacular archive releases. Looking forward to Tuscaloosa,Alabama show and the '76 CH tour, plus Toast album, and whatever comes our way.
Welcome back Scotsman.
How was it possible that these concerts weren't canceled due to cold temps. Everything I've read about areas in the midwest, Minnesota being the worst, is everything was closed - Schools, offices, post office, etc.. Is Neil going to have a new motto about being more reliable than the US Post office.
Any details on the song "truth kills" would be greatly appreciated. Lyrics, subject matter, was it on piano as the other new material has been? , etc. thanks in advance!
@ Scotsman - thanks and good to hear.
Hope we can read more of your insightful commentary here on TW in '19!
We think 2019 will be a HUGE Neil year. Something about Woodstock 50 makes us BELIEVE.
but it could just be a hippie dream for all we know...
@ Soldier Steve - thanks for the tech updates. These are very helpful since it seems there are at least 2 tech platforms in play here: i tech & droid tech.
Incidentally, love what you'e doing on Song of the Day on your Instagram. Nice work. For the ages.
mike d - how about that?! Bumper stickers should be issued.
Stay warm in Winnipeg this weekend!
First time Long time as they say...
Saw 3 of the 4 shows this week...was great to have NY back locally after a 9 year drought. Brought my 12 year old son to the first and last shows. He is very passionate about R&R, and was great to share this with him.
Regarding Truth Kills, Neil introduced as a topical end he commented as it was a story about kids, and how easily they can see the truth. Led to a good car chat on way home. Opening riff sort of in the vein of 'My My Hey Hey'...
Lyrics i can recall:
- The Water Wars are coming...It;s gonna take more than a couple of storms to make life worth living as the planet warms
- Don't want to be great again, first time was good enough
- truth kills in a world of lies, so I'll be speaking up
- Don't be Denied was incredible.
- Neil had wrong harmonica for Thrasher which he realized too late. So he played a guitar instrumental instead. then after song he put the right harmonica in then redid the instrumental.
- My son wanted Cortez and he got it.
Flying wonderful.and Alabama too. Right on. Piano or guitar? I have a tech question pls. If I fit my old laptop with a USB to HDMI adapter and cable to my TV HDMI port. Change the input to that port. Can I then project the webstream to my TV for Sundays show? Thanks if anyone knows.
Thanks Steve!
Thrasher, I'm happy you like my Instagram. Hope you don't mind I use some of your Neil photos for the song of the day. 6 shows this week and 51 different songs played, wow! It's shaping up to be the Year Of The Neil. Archives releases coming,volume 2 CDs,etc, potr shows,crazy horse shows, live streams. I'll be watching the live stream Sunday night instead of the super bowl.Thanks for all you and Thrasette do. Long May We All Run!
Scots nice to see you!! Hope to hear more of your thoughts especially with the upcoming NYCH shows and the stream on 2/3. Agree on Tumbleweed, its very moving ... always thought Neil's newer songs are often the most vibrant and poignant.
Babbo, huge thanks for the intel. The Eugene shows seems like they're w the Real because the venue is so large ... is this a mixed midwest tour w Neil?
Looks like its mixed some solo some w POTR
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@ Unknown Dad - Thanks so much on the report!
very cool about re-doing Thrasher instrumental?! wow
Really looking fwd to hearing "Truth Kills/Water Wars". Sounds like our kind of song.
The Rebel speaks yet again.
Very cool that this inspired a car ride conversation home after the concert. Those are some of the best moments of our life, the post show rush euphoria.
Thanks for sharing and hope to see you again someday.
@ wsanjose01 - that will work and it's what we do.
Our laptop has HDMI port that goes to audio receiver HDMI input and splits HDMI video to screen. Great sound. Great picture.
@ Soldier Steve - 6 shows and 51 different songs. amazing variety for Neil.
And we'll be watching the live stream Sunday night too. Enough of same playoff teams year after year. Even the half time show, which we have found of interest for just the sheer ridiculous spectacle seems very weak. Maroon 5?
Our fave year was the Tom Petty halftime. So glad he got to do that. Well, we don't think we ever have to worry about Neil being a Super Bowl Halftime act!
@ Dan1 - right on Tumbleweed being very poignant. Nice how streams end with the song being shot from behind in silhouette. When song concludes Neil walks directly towards camera and then right by. Camera doesn't pan with him. he just disappears out of frame. nice
Sorry for the off topic post but I just stumbled on a song in the archives I've never heard before. It's unreleased and titled "Horseback" 1/6/2012. I haven't been able to play it all yet, but it seems like 37 minutes of the Horse and Neil going to town, meandering through several hits without really landing on one. Probably old news to most here, but wanted to point it out in case others (like me) were in the dark.
In case anyone hasn't heard, tix on sale now for Portland and Spokane solo May 17-18, and POTR in Seattle 20-21 and Eugene 23.
I found a USB 3.0 to HDMI conversion cable on amazon. Also bought it for Sunday's Horse show . Just got it. Seems to work okay.
On air canada right now arriving this pm in Winnipeg for BOTH shows with the HORSE , ! Fantastic pit seats BOTH SHOWS THANKS to NYA !! Way to go. Great to see NILS riding with Neil and the boys . Can’t even imagine the set list , but I know it be thng . IT WILL BE LOUD ,!!!!!
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I'm sure "Thrasher" will be included as the first ever electric version, as it's now mandatory for every single show
I'm heading to Winnipeg for the 2/4 show! I was leafing through Contrarian times and it seemed unclear whether these Winnipeg shows are full NYCH or half solo, half NYCH. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Was I imagining seeing that article on NYA?
Thanks so much for sharing what you recall of the new song "truth kills/water works!" Man this new stuff sounds great between the two songs I heard in Milwaukee and what you shared of this third one.
Thanks Dan! Have a great time in Winnipeg.
I read somewhere (letters to editor I think) that they were debating half acoustic half electric.
Personally I hope he holds old black all night.
Flying out tomrow afternoon.
On Instagram during the week nya said the Winnipeg shows might be a short acoustic set then crazy horse. Wait and see on super bowl Sunday horse style.
Jam was a teaser to announce NYCH getting back together for Pill
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I read somewhere that the First Night is Solo and the Second Night is The Shortest Horse Tour Ever!
Really like the idea of a residency with touring acts and exactly what Neil is doing. As a fan you don't get a musician worn out from the road that way. Musical cruises have the same vibe as a residency and Cayamo has proven that to be a winning festival at sea for a week. It does leave the musician stuck on a ship for four to seven days but on Cayamo they have musician only floors to keep a balance.
We have a local musician, Jonathan Byrd, who has done a residency for a year in the Chapel Hill area that has been great for him. Steady pay plus a regular rehearsal space for the band to get tight and he decided to do a tip jar and has done very well. His band has gotten so much better over the course of the year that they now remind me of Manassas in their prime. They do a three hour show every Wednesday if you are ever in the area but get there at least an hour early.
I'd like to see other musicians like Gillian Welch, Dave Rawlings and other Americana acts do a residency like Neil Young and Jonathan Byrd are doing. Remember back when Aretha had a fear of flying I suggested she buy a club in Detroit and let the fans come to her when I had a three hour intimate chat with her. Years later she started to act on that but fell ill as it was coming together sadly.
Should work fine I would think.
@Tweedboy: Both Winnipeg shows will be Willam Prince opening, followed by a Neil solo set, then the Horse.
I went to the State Theatre show and the Northrop show. Both were really good shows and a blessing to go to. I am surprised at how different they were given how close they were in days. Thursday at Northrop was really a chill show with a standard concert vibe. People showed a lot of restraint and were not very drunk or loud. The guitar work was excellent and it was a great classic show that left no one dissatisfied. Green in Blue was much more powerful on Friday.
But Tuesday was THE SHOW. It was unforgettable and special. Because of the -20+ degree weather, everyone was in a special mood. And, that mood was also influenced by a higher rate of consumption of alcohol. The crowd had an energy in it that was just electric. Neil fed off the crowd and seemed to be in a weird (and possibly Alcohol influenced as well) mood. The show and performances were excellent until.. the incident. Neil's 2nd new song on piano was a low point in the show and it was disappointing to see Neil overreact and scold the crowd. But up to that point it was an incredible and electric night. Truly unforgettable
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