


Neil Young's new release ""World Record" w/ Crazy Horse is now available for pre-order. Order here
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Saturday, October 27, 2018

Postcards from The Edge of The Neil Young Archives

Postcard from Neil Young to "Mummy" (Mother Rassy Young)
Parry Sound, Onatario
July 11, 1965

via Neil Young Archives

While exploring around today on the Neil Young Archives' "Song of the Day" -- "(I'm A Man And) I Can't Cry" -- there's quite a bit of fascinating memorabilia associated with the 1965 song. A virtual Neil time capsule with photos, letters, documents, audio and more for early demo of a The Squires song.

Above is an image of the front of a postcard from Neil Young to his mother Rassy Young explaining that "Mort" is dead. "Mort", the 1948 Buick Roadmaster hearse, was Neil's first car and transported The Squires band equipment.

"Mort" - 1948 Buick Roadmaster hearse
Ken Koblun, Neil Young, Bob Clark.
Fort William, Ontario, April 1965

Photo courtesy of Ken Koblun
via Author Sharry Wilson's Young Neil: The Sugar Mountain Years

Dear Mummy, ... "Mort is dead" ... love, Neil
via Neil Young Archives

More on Neil Young's early years explored by Canadian author Sharry Wilson and Neil Young`s Canadian Years by John Einarson.

(Click photo to enlarge)

For more on NYA Times-Contrarian posts see:

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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Neil Young's Note for Song of the Day: "Over And Over" + VIDEO

Neil Young's Song Of The Day today is "Over And Over" from 1991's album with Crazy Horse Ragged Glory.

Along with the Song Of The Day is the official video plus a personal note by Neil.

Neil Young's Song of the Day: "Over And Over"
via Neil Young Archives

We seem to recall that someone wrote NYA a letter asking about this song, but we can't locate the letter any longer? Maybe a separate search function for NYA Times-Contrarian section is needed? We can pull up individual letters like Dear NYA: Why Isn't Ragged Glory Available on Vinyl?, but that's because wee know the URL. Most folks won't know the URLs of past letters. [UPDATE: See comments below on confusion.]

In a Letters to the Editor, John in London asks about why "Over And Over" is played so infrequently?

Anyways, yes, let's hope we hear "Over And Over" in concert soon!

Incidentally, Neil is almost correct in his recollections, per Sugar Mountain. "Over And Over" has only been played 4 times in concert: La Honda, CA (1990), Santa Cruz, CA (1990), Red Rocks, CO (2012) and Lake Tahoe, NV (2012).

And sure enough, here is Neil Young and Crazy Horse at Red Rocks on 8/5/2012 with a rare "Over and Over". Thanks wsanjose!

For more on NYA Times-Contrarian posts see:

Dear NYA
NYA Times-Contrarian
photo by dhlovelife

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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

David Crosby Talks “Ohio”, CSNY and Creativity

Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit + David Crosby
Newport Folk Festival, August 3, 2018

This past summer, David Crosby joined Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit at the Newport Folk Festival to perform Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young's song “Ohio”.

At the time, we posted on The power of Neil Young’s “Ohio” in 2018: Why the Kent State protest anthem remains so relevant. That was then (1970). This is still now (2018).

Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit + David Crosby

From Rock Legend David Crosby Sounds Off On Why He’s More Creative Than Ever | UPROXX by Steven Hyden:
UPROXX: How did you and Jason meet?

DAVID CROSBY: Pretty simple thing. I heard that he was doing “Ohio.” Somebody played me a Youtube thing, and it was just very sincere and very straightforward, and I liked it.

He’s on Twitter, so I messaged him. I said, ‘Hey, good on you for doing “Ohio,” it’s the song we should be singing right now, unless we can write a better one.’ And he said, ‘Hey, I’d love you to sing it with me.’ And I said, ‘I’d love to, what time’s the bus leave?’ And he said, ‘No, I’m serious. I’m gonna do Newport Folk Festival, would you come sing with me? I’ll buy your ticket.’ And I said, ‘Sure.’

I liked the guy. He said, ‘Let’s do “Wooden Ships” and “Ohio,”‘ and I said, ‘Joy. Absolutely fine.’ So we went there, and he’s a great guy, with a great band, and a great wife, and he’s writing really good music. So, we hit it off. Frankly, he’s one of the people that may drag country music kicking and screaming into this century. He’s terrific.

Read “Elephant, read “Vampires,” he’s got a bunch of songs that are good.

UPROXX: Apologies if you’re sick of hearing this question, but have you had any recent contact with the other CSNY guys?


UPROXX: Do you expect to ever to play with them again?

DAVID CROSBY: You know, it’s been so virulent and unpleasant, with Nash in particular.

I would do it if Neil called and said he wanted to do it. I wouldn’t do Crosby, Stills, and Nash, but I would do Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, if he wanted to. But I don’t think he does, man. Why would he? He doesn’t need to. He’s doing just fine. And I’m doing just fine. I’m not making any money, but I’m doing what I think I should be doing, which is making the best music I can make as fast as I can do it.

UPROXX: I want to circle back to something you said earlier: You said making music is the only way you can help. How does making music help?

DAVID CROSBY: I look at this way, man: Music is a lifting force.

The same way that war is a downward force, that drags us downward, brings out the worst in the human race. Music is a lifting force. It makes things better. And it’s what I do. And right now, we need that. We need that really badly.

Truthfully, we need a marching song, too. We need an “Ohio,” or a “We Shall Overcome.” We don’t have that. We’ll have to use “Ohio” for the time being.

But we need the lift that music can give us.
Full interview Rock Legend David Crosby Sounds Off On Why He’s More Creative Than Ever | UPROXX by Steven Hyden.

Also, see "David Crosby isn't interested in celebrating Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young's 50th anniversary sans Neil Young":

More on The power of Neil Young’s “Ohio” in 2018: Why the Kent State protest anthem remains so relevant.

"Ohio" (White Falcon)
Neil Young
Photo by thrasher
(Click photo to enlarge)

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Monday, October 22, 2018

FLASHBACK - Lady GaGa Covers Neil Young's "Out on the Weekend" - 2009

Back in 2009, Lady GaGa covered Neil Young's song "Out on the Weekend" as an intro into "Fooled Me Again, Honest Eyes" / ["Then You Love Me"]. From "The Fame" Mini Movie, this was recorded and mixed LIVE in the 102.7 KIIS FM Slot Music.

Lady GaGa's "Then You Love Me" has these lyrics:

"I scream your name across the bar
I carry pictures of your Neil Young guitar, guitar"

This past weekend, we caught the new re-make film A Star Is Born by Bradley Cooper with Lady GaGa and Lukas Nelson + Promise of the REAL.

Lukas Nelson and Lady GaGa

It was fun to see Lukas + POTR perform as Bradley Cooper's backup band. Lukas and POTR's Anthony Logerfo on drums were somewhat prominent in Cooper's backup band and definitely gave the scenes a real rockin' feeling. Other familiar Neil faces were Tour Manager Eric Johnson, who worked on the film as advisor for concert staging. Eric can be seen in the scene where Lady GaGa and Bradley Cooper walk off the tour bus.

Here's what we said in 2010 about Lady GaGa cover of Neil Young's "Out on the Weekend" above:
OK, so we don't really get the whole Lady GaGa trip.

So when this clip came through we admit we just rolled our eyes. But we understand she's HUGE and all the rage. If Lady GaGa is covering "Out on the Weekend", then it must indicate that Neil Young has clearly jumped the shark.

On the other hand, when Jimmy Fallon's uncanny chanelling of Neil Young went totally & massively viral, we should've seen this coming.

While the video is labeled "Fooled Me Again, Honest Eyes", it opens with what is definitely a modified "Out on the Weekend" cover. That is before Lady GaGa starts putting her foot up on the keyboard?!
We must admit, we furthered our cluelessness in the comments which followed. Actually, it is somewhat amusing how many folks busted our chops for not knowing who Lady Gaga was back in 2009. We do now.

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Willie for a Nobel!

Willie Nelson for Nobel Peace Prize
for Farm Aid and his work on
alternative fuels, and world peace initiatives.

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(... he didn't kill himself either...) #AaronDidntKillHimself

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Neil Young Songbook Project

In the fields of wheat

"Children of Destiny" will NOT be harvested
However, the chaff will be burned by unquenchable fire

Neil Young + Promise of the Real

Europe 2016 Tour Dates

2015 Rebel Content Tour

Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Alchemy Concert Tour Reviews

Fall 2012 N. America Tour
Spring 2013 Australia/New Zealand Tour
Summer 2013 Europe Tour

Europe Summer 2014 Concert Tour
Neil Young & Crazy Horse

Thrasher's Wheat Radio Supporters Go To Europe

Neil Young Films

2010 MusiCares Honors Neil Young

Features Elvis Costello, Crosby Stills & Nash, Sheryl Crow, Josh Groban, Ben Harper, Elton John, Norah Jones, Lady Antebellum, Dave Matthews, James Taylor, Keith Urban, and others.
Proceeds from sales go to MusiCares,
which helps musicians in need of
financial and medical assistance.


"There's more to the picture
Than meets the eye"



Neil Young FAQ:
Everything Left to Know About the Iconic and Mercurial Rocker
"an indispensable reference"

Paul McCartney and Neil Young


"You can make a difference
If you really a try"

John Lennon and Neil Young

"hailed by fans as a wonderful read"

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young:
The Supergroup of the 20th Century

Director Jonathan Demme's Exquisite film "Heart of Gold"

eddie & neil
Eddie Vedder and Neil Young

Revisiting The Significance of
The Buffalo Springfield

"The revolution will not be televised"
... it will be blogged, streamed,
tweeted, shared and liked
The Embarrassment of Mainstream Media

Turn Off Your TV & Have A Life

"Everything Is Bullshit" +
"Turn Off The News"
Turn Off the News (Build a Garden)

Neil Young 2016 Year in Review:
The Year of The Wheat

Kurt Cobain
Kurt Cobain and Neil Young

Neil Young's Feedback:
An Acquired Taste?

Young Neil: The Sugar Mountain Years
by Rustie Sharry "Keepin' Jive Alive in T.O." Wilson

"the definitive source of Neil Young's formative childhood years in Canada"

neil & joni
Joni Mitchell & Neil Young

europe 1987.jpg

Bob and Neil

So Who Really Was "The Godfather of Grunge"?

Four Dead in Ohio
kent state
So What Really Happened at Kent State?

The Four Dead in Ohio

May The FOUR Be With You #MayThe4thBeWithYou


dissent is not treason
Dissent is the highest form of patriotism

Rockin' In The Free World

Sing Truth to Power!
When Neil Young Speaks Truth To Power,
The World Listens

Emmylou Harris and Neil Young

Wilco and Neil Young


Bruce Springsteen and Neil Young


Elton John and Neil Young

Lynyrd Skynyrd and Neil Young


The Meaning of "Sweet Home Alabama" Lyrics

Neil Young Nation -
"The definitive Neil Young fan book"

What does the song mean?

Random Neil Young Link of the Moment

Bonnie Raitt and Neil Young

I'm Proud to Be A Union Man


When Neil Young is Playing,
You Shut the Fuck Up

Class War:
They Started It and We'll Finish It...

A battle raged on the open page...
No Fear, No Surrender. Courage

"What if Al Qaeda blew up the levees?"
Full Disclousre Now

"I've Got The Revolution Blues"

Willie Nelson & Neil Young
Willie Nelson for Nobel Peace Prize

John Mellencamp:
Why Willie Deserves a Nobel



Love and Only Love

"Thinking about what a friend had said,
I was hoping it was a lie"

We're All On
A Journey Through the Past

Neil Young's Moon Songs
Tell Us The F'n TRUTH
(we can handle it... try us)

Does Anything Else Really Matter?

"Nobody's free until everybody's free."
~~ Fannie Lou Hamer

Here Comes "The Big Shift"

Maybe everything you think you know is wrong? NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS
"It's all illusion anyway."

Propaganda = Mind Control
Guess what?
"Symbols Rule the World, not Words or Laws."
... and symbolism will be their downfall...

Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge
Be The Rain, Be The Change

the truth will set you free
This Machine Kills Fascists

"Children of Destiny" - THE Part of THE Solution

(Frame from Official Music Video)

war is not the answer
yet we are
Still Living With War

"greed is NOT good"
Hey Big Brother!
Stop Spying On Us!
Civic Duty Is Not Terrorism

The Achilles Heel
Orwell (and Grandpa) Was Right
“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery.”
~~ Bob Marley

The Essence of "The Doubters"

Yes, There's Definitely A Hole in The Sky

Even Though The Music Died 50+ Years Ago
Open Up the "Tired Eyes" & Wake up!
"consciousness is near"
What's So Funny About
Peace, Love, & Understanding & Music?


Show Me A Sign

"Who is John Galt?"
To ask the question is to know the answer

"Whosoever shall give up his liberty for a temporary security
deserves neither liberty nor safety."

~~ Benjamin Franklin


(Between the lines of age)

And in the end, the love you take
Is equal to the love you make

~~ John & Paul

the zen of neil
the power of rust
the karma of the wheat

