Neil Young Archives (NYA) Times-Contrarian Launches Debut Issue
The Neil Young Archives (NYA) has launched it's debut issue of the "NYA Times-Contrarian". (Thanks LRR!)
A couple of articles discuss the Roxy release and the Upcoming Alchemy release. Also, detailed plans for the NYA rollout in 2018. One of the more intriguing announcements is NYA's Movie Night which will feature one film from the Archives each week. Maybe "Trunk Show" someday?!
"Everything is cheaper than it looks."

Neil Young
Keynote @ 2008 Sun JavaOne Conference
Also, see:
- A Comprehensive Review of Neil Young's Online Archives
- The Shroud of Archives: Tracklisting of NYA Volume #1
- "Rust Subscription TBA": Possibilities For Neil Young's Online Archives
- The Making of The Neil Young Archives Volume #1
- Meanwhile Back At The Ranch: Interview with John Nowland, Audio Engineer | Audio Technology
- Roxy Live: Next Release From Neil Young's Online Archives?
- Neil Young's Online Archives: What Have We Found Thus Far?
- So What Might We Find on The Neil Young's Online Archives ... Someday?
- Comment of the Moment: Neil Young Announces Online Archive: "Opening Soon"
- The Mythical "Meadow Dusk" Album by Neil Young: NYA Online Archives
- Xstream: Neil Young’s New Streaming Service

Neil Young @ 2008 Sun JavaOne Conference

(w/ L.A. Johnson, center)
Labels: archives, neil young archives
Consider me a fan of the new NYA Times-Contrarian. It's interesting and informative, and I hope it's updated/released frequently.
A few of my thoughts, mostly positive, but of course, a few negative:
*If I interpreted correctly, it sounds like the Roxy 1973 release should be available in March, and we'll be hearing a new track from it soon.
**If I interpreted correctly, "Alchemy" should be released before Roxy, so presumably that means sometime in February..
***Looks like there will be a weekly Neil Young movie night streaming a "film or long form video" where we can see "the wacky movies they've made over the years." Very cool concept...
****Neil reiterates that there's enough unreleased/unseen material in the vaults to release for the next several years! I tend to believe him, but I think the professional quality and depth of it may be somewhat exaggerated. I suspect there are a lot of alternate takes and live performances, but not that much in the way of realized unreleased work that we haven't already heard in some fashion.
*****Looks like there will be a few subscription options. "Low priced" with "all kinds of perks" from "premier listens" to "first shot at tickets" and it will include the right to purchase tickets in advance to...
******the next tour which "plans are forming for the latter part of 2018"
All of this sounds good to me, but to quibble, the "Alchemy" release is probably the last thing I want to hear. First of all, it's still relatively current, and secondly, the performances were muddy, sludgy and terribly self-indulgent. Virtually unlistenable during the most tedious moments, but I realize that some people liked the CH Alchemy tour noise-fest. To each their own!
*******Reading the Alchemy notes, I was a little frustrated by what Neil was trying to convey. I couldn't quite understand what he was trying to say about the "Rusted Out Garage" tour and "Odeon-Budokan", etc. Is he saying in his mind the Trilogy is "Rust Never Sleeps" and "Weld" and "Alchemy" and these other tours were different or rehearsals of some sort after the fact? His description was very confusing, at least to me.
Overall, I'm extremely pleased with the communication from Neil in the newsletter format, and the plans and perks sound great. I'm looking forward to Roxy and especially the weekly movie night.
"Take my advice
Don't listen to me"
PS: Do you think there's footage of Mel Brooks kicking it with Neil?
Thanks for the rundown TopangaD!
We agree that it's nice to see Neil's team on the offense in terms of communications.
It looks like we do have so much to look forward to as we've dreamed for decades. Maybe the vaults are finally opening?!
Yeah, the weekly movie night sounds like must see Neil-TV.
Footage of Mel Brooks hanging out with The SM Flyers would be pretty priceless. How did that ever come to be? And why wasn't that chapter in WHP?!
Will these be available on CD as well? Or just the archives?
I think that naturally they will be available on the usual channels and also on the Archive website for extension. Preview on the website.
So Tired
Neil hitting the road later in 2018 is music to my ears!!
Can't wait for the ALCHEMY release! I think what Neil is saying when he talks about Rusted Garage and Live at Budokan, is that he's gonna call the Crazy Horse Live Albums a Trilogy even though they're not, because Trilogy sounds cool. His sense of humour is spot on with the times, accuracy is so very overrated these days.
My new dream is to drive the Pacific Coast Highway with NY as my passenger, just shooting the breeze, as we listen to all 5 discs in the Crazy Horse Live Trilogy.
Although if you include Live at the Filmore, perhaps he could have a Trilogy 1 and Trilogy 2?
I know the amateur archivists on this site are going to be all over with other "Live Crazy Horse" releases that I missed, which is awesome! Can't wait to hear your ideas - and I really can't wait for ALCHEMY!!!
Have a great weekend.
HARVEST MOON 2 LP out February 23
24.99 on amazon now
I am predicting that the 2018 Tour will be CSNY to coincide with the fall elections.
You heard it here first folks.
@ So Tired - good to see you here in 2018! The best is yet to come!
@ Dan1 - ours too!
@ Tom - "accuracy is so very overrated these days..." Isn't it though?1 Really, folks getting all upset about fake news?! It's like they finally figured out everything is a lie or something.
seriously, a 5 album trilogy sounds good to us also.
@ joseph - sounds liek a deal.
@ Acoustic FeedBack - ok, right. And a beer for you if so. Hell, a 6 pack. A keg!
we've heard POTR and CH. Maybe neil will play w/ all 3 bands this year?!
If by chance Neil stops by here to look for suggestions, might I mention the 1984 Catalyst shows with Crazy Horse? Or maybe the incredible 1990 Catalyst show ("T-Bone" anybody?)??
Or maybe just a tight compilation of different tunes played at the Catalyst? Just some thoughts.....
Hope to be seeing some live Neil Young at some point in 2018!
I think Filmore/ROXY/Odeon Budokan makes its own trilogy.
Give us more trilogies Neil!
Sort of like the Hitchhiker Guide Trilogy
@ Richard - good suggestion. FYI, Archives Guy has left the building.
But The Archivist is in! If you go to NYA you can leave messages for The Archivist.
And as you can see from neil's note, just like back in 2009 here @ TW - tey are being read considered and responded to.
We are not alone. Happy days are here again.
@ Syscrusher - now that's a nice trilogy you got there.
@ LRR - Sort of like the Rusties Guide to The Galaxy Trilogy!
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Cool, consider me a fan of NYA Times-Contrarian also. It's great to know there's so much in the NYA to look forward to. And it's great to be kept informed in this way. The NYA are really shaping up to be a tremendous thing. And I'm really, really looking forward to the Alchemy release. I'm surprised and excited that it seems to be coming so soon.
No offence guys, but so far The NYA are SOME OF the CDs we own, with some new photos of lyric sheets. Not a single new song or different take, merely a hi-if Spotify with things to look at.
I’d love it if all these promises come to pass, but after years of being told that Toast, Oceanside/Countryside, Trunk Show, etc etc were being prepared for release, I’m afraid i won’t believe it until I see it. I didn’t go for the whole Blu-ray thing but for those who did it must have been immensely frustrating to not get all the unreleased gems they were promised. Ditto Pono I presume.
I love Neil Young and his music, I desperately want it to happen. But I’m not holding my breath!
"...muddy, sludgy and terribly self-indulgent"??? Chacun son gout....
Neil wrote in his memories about the Cellar Door recordings, the lost Hitchhiker album and the Blue Note Cafe recordings. These recordings were effectively released later. Your complaints were valid for the past, but not for now.
So Tired.
@ Mister Henry: Indeed, to each their own. I had to Google the translation, but thanks for teaching me something! Some of the more "recent" CH tours have been polarizing, and by "recent" I mean since the Weld tour. To me, that tour was the beginning of a clear departure in sound, tone, style and attitude.
@ andrea1bianco: Some people were under the false impression that the new archives website would immediately have ALL of Neil's music, both released and unreleased. I never expected that, but several articles exaggerated the expectations. The website is good for now if you want to hear Archives 1 and a good chunk of Neil's catalogue.
Based on the NYA Times-Contrarian, I expect several new releases over the next few months and ultimately look forward to the weekly "movie night" and other releases. I think we're in for some real treats over the next year or so--after that though, I'm not sure if the site will grow or completely vanish...
"Take my advice
Don't listen to me"
Well in the sense that I’d love to hear those recordings, was told they were coming out, but am yet to hear those recordings, I feel the complaint is still valid!
I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, I’m thrilled with hitchhiker and the blue note cafe, all of it!
But I have learnt to be cautious with announcements about what’s ‘coming soon!’
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