Tulsa - Neil Young & Crazy Horse Concert, Oct. 14
Neil Young & Crazy Horse will be performing tonight at the Tulsa Convention Center, Tulsa, OK.
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Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Don't Be Denied!
Labels: 2012, concert, crazy horse, neil young, review, tour, tulsa
Love And Only Love
Born In Ontario
Walk Like A Giant
The Needle And The Damage Done
Twisted Road
Singer Without A Song
Ramada Inn
Cinnamon Girl
Fuckin' Up
Mr. Soul
My My Hey Hey
Tonight's The Night
Neil Young is a freakin monster. Came from England to Austin to see the Horse then added Tulsa to the itinerary on the advice of Thrasher and another wise poster - thanks guys. The Austin performance was immense but, without the restraints of a festival setting, Tulsa was one step beyond. Tonight's the Night. Indeed it is. I can now die happy.
Just got back from Tulsa, it was a great show. Neil was really really good, I hadn't seen one of his concerts in 30 years and he still has the power of rock n roll and a gentle voice of an angel. So mystic and illusive and powerful at the same time. It was simply awesome.
This was the second NY show for me and my girlfriend on the current tour, having attended the first Red Rocks show in August. The venue was not-quite sold out, guessing about 6,000. Neil doesn't hit Oklahoma very often.
Neil seemed a little less energetic at the outset, playing this show roughly 24 hours after the big Austin festival slot. Compared to the Red Rocks show, the tempos were just a bit slower, and there was a serious demeanor onstage. No matter, as the power of Crazy Horse was still exciting. Powderfinger was exquisite - Sampredo's little guitar fills were perfectly placed. Walk Like A Giant was just that - gigantic. Funny, after numerous listens to a recording of the Red Rocks show, Giant didn't seem so long. Neil and the Horse really raged on the closing atonal section following the earthquaking "steps" - in fact, all the "noise" endings were superlative.
Folks clapped appreciatively during Giant, and also welcomed Twisted Road and the new Singer Without A Song with generous applause. Ramada Inn seemed a bit more gentle at the beginning, and once again the weaving guitar lines and poetic narrative soared. That song is a monster. The Horse and Neil messed up the end of Fucking Up - the song collapsed to a stop with Neil at the mic saying "we fucked up the ending!" And as the band laughed, they ripped into a positively metallic Mr. Soul. My My Hey Hey was towering, with an extended ending that howled, sheets of metallic noise evolving into a ferocious sonic windstorm. The encore Tonight's The Night slowly evolved into a haunted house version that featured a crashing mid-section stopping cold into a quiet breakdown - whoa, the Horse can stop on a dime when Neil yanks the reins!
It was a big music weekend in Tulsa for us - Jack White at the 1500-seat Cain's Ballroom on Friday (he headlined Saturday in Austin), catching the incredible music documentary Searching For Sugarman on Saturday(this remarkable story of a musician lost and found is definitely worth your time), and the topper of it all, Neil and Crazy Horse on Sunday night. Wish I was going to another show on this amazing tour!
Neil shouldn't drop "Psychedelic Pill", it's a great song with a Cinnamon girl" feel, IMHO, lots of potential,really rocking... hey,where is David(Briggs)?...;
I don't have anything to compare it to except YouTube videos, but there wasn't any "slower tempos" or lack of energy that I could see. In fact, I tend to agree with the blogger who very nicely reviewed the show here. It's worth a read -
The boys were jacked up like a bunch of kids who'd had too much sugar! Amazing energy. Amazing show. Tulsa was way into it too. Great crowd!! One of the best nights of my life!!
I hope Sandy Horne and her friends are okay. Prior to the show, an older man went down right in front of the stage and it looked serious. Shame on the venue or whomever was involved that decided to cut the lights and start the show. Infantree comes out and starts rocking while they're are still trying to help this guy! It was absurd. It almost looked like he had a heart attack or something and now they're trying to deal with it in the dark and noise. Then right after they got him out, Sandy Horne's friend, the one pictured on this site at the Red Rocks show, she went down!! They were front and center too. So sad. They left and never came back. I think she was alright. Sorry Sandy. I only knew it was you because of your posts and your picture on here. I hope everything's okay. My son and I were on the rail to the right. Neil's side of the stage!!
We got there at 6:30. There were maybe 100 people waiting to get in and we trotted right up there, just to the right of center. If anyone had told me I'd be standing next to a stage in 2012 watching NY&CY, well, I wouldn't have believed it but there we were!! We've got some great pics to back it up. Simply amazing!
And Thrasher can probably back me up on this - Neil doesn't do much interaction with the audience. He seldom makes eye contact and mostly is just focused on jamming with the boys. I think he only even spoke to the crowd twice. But I would scream "woooooo" at him every time he came our way and between songs. So during "My My Hey Hey", he did this solo right in front of us, and then it happened!! He looked right at us, briefly, kind of smirked then and then looked at us again, right at us, and then as he started to walk away, he yelled "woooooo". Right at us!! Not on mike, but we were so close you could hear it come right out of his mouth!! Wow, just wow.
I had wanted to get my book signed but we never even caught a glimpse of him earlier in the day. I wanted a personal "Neil" moment and we got it!! I was just looking in the wrong place for it!! After the show, that's the first thing we talked about. Kind of reaffirmed that we both saw the same thing and it really happened. Like my night wasn't already perfect enough!!
God Bless Neil Young
@SJ. Tami is fine. We went to the hospital and it turned out to be extreme exhaustion and dehydration. We missed the show. To say we are disappointed is putting it mildly...
Yes, it was strange that the first band started playing when all this was happening RIGHT IN FRONT of the stage???? Not sure how the other guy fared. But he was at the same hospital we were at. Tami saw him when they brought her in. I hope we find out. It looked very serious.
We were right up front!! Got some pics with our sign!! Saw the cool stage!! For whatever reason, it was not meant for myself and my Sister of the Spirit to be a part of this night.. but like you Thrasher, we are looking ahead to the horizon..
Peace to you all
Thanks SJ for the report. So sad about those with difficulties.
Glad you got that personal "Neil" moment!
Sandy - good to hear you guys are OK. Was worried when those early reports came in that you guys were down. You're a very special friend to stick together like that.
We heard you guys were at venue @ 10A to get your rail spot?! Hardcore Neilers. Bless you guys.
Hope this wasn't your last trip to Tulsa.
hydrate in the free world...
@Sandy. I'm glad Tami is okay but I'm really sorry you guys missed the show. Hope that other dude is all right too!
Someone from Neil's camp should reach out to these lovely ladies. They've traveled far and wide. It's a long way from Red Rocks to Tulsa! To be front and center and have that snatched away from you at the last moment just isn't fair!!
Sorry you missed it Sandy and Tami but I really admire your spirit. See you on the horizon!
Thank you so much for your concern and kind comments. Actually, I am from Arkansas and Sandy is from Missouri. She is indeed a great friend to care for me and miss the show. To say we were disappointed to miss the show we had been waiting for months to see is an understatement. However, things work out the way they do for a reason. I'm getting stronger everyday and am grateful to all those around me who kept me from getting injured on the concrete floor. I guess I can tell all my friends I was one of the opening acts for Crazy Horse! LOL. The man who fainted before me was on a gurney in the hall at the ER when they rolled my gurney in. I didn't get to talk to him. Sure hope he is OK. SJ - I am so glad you had a great experience! Tami (SandCowgirl)
Sorry to hear of your woes there Sandy and Tami. OMG/WTF. What a bad break. Glad you are ok Tami. What a bummer. I had a friend go down one night a long time ago, got up and headed furhter towards the stage. The security yanked us over the wall and dragged across the stage to get out. He was eventually allright, but he didn't enjoy himself too much thereafter.
Here's hoping the stars align and you two get another chance to strut them boots to the front and boogie on with the Horse before this tour is over. Maybe we need a fundraiser for 'em ey wheaties?
Glad you're okay Tami. I was hoping you guys just went out for some air and were still back there somewhere!? I mean you're right about stuff happening for a reason. I believe that too. But that would have been almost too much to handle. I really do admire your spirits and what a great friendship too!
I learned a long time ago not to count my experiences until they actually happen. I'm sorry it happened to you two. Good thing you made that Red Rocks trip! That was a great pic from there by the way. You looked great in Tulsa too! Even if you were lying on a concrete floor. ;) I'm glad you're okay!!!
Some people were there before breakfast ...way before sandy ...and her friend didn't get there till 2:30 in the afternoon after the first people in line had been there over 12 hours ... not sure how she was dehydrated after all the water and strawberries anyway but hope she is ok after falling. ...
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