Los Angeles, CA – Neil Young & Crazy Horse Concert, Oct. 17
Photo by Timothy Norris | West Coast Sound
Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Hollywood Bowl - 10/17/12 - Los Angeles - Music - West Coast Sound by Katie Bain:
Personal Bias: My parents played "Cinnamon Girl" on repeat when they drove me home from the hospital after I was born.
Overheard in the Crowd: "Forget Soundgarden, Alice in Chains AND Pearl Jam; Neil and Crazy Horse are the greatest grunge band of all time."
Random Notebook Dump: Guitar solos to just float away on.
Into the Black, Neil Young rocking it at the Hollywood Bowl @neilyoung @siriusxmu twitter.com/marbleolive/st…
— LibbyK (@marbleolive) October 18, 2012
Neil Young & Crazy Horse will be performing tonight at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, CA.
Got a report? Drop a comment below.
Check Sugar Mountain for setlist updates and Chronological Grid, Recording Summary, Statistics and Extras.
Also, see Neil Young & Crazy Horse 2012 Concert Tour Reviews and the right, middle sidebar for continuous real time RSS feed updates.

Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Don't Be Denied!
Labels: 2012, concert, crazy horse, hollywood bowl, los angeles, neil young, review, tour
sorry to be off topic, good article in today's LA Times:
interesting excerpt:
Young is continuing to write prose and is working on another nonfiction book in addition to pondering a third in which he might delve into fiction. “I think it’d be fun to create some characters and see what happens with them,” he said.
Lazy Feather checkin' in.
simply put, tonight was one of the best nights of my life.
this is my 3rd crazy horse show in 2012.. and by far the best.
outside lands was heaps fun but it was evident that the band were just warming up. central park was great-- but with only 7 songs played.. it felt waaay too short.
when the date was announced i was a little bummed about it being at the bowl-- i feel like the GA seating in the hockey rinks allows for the rowdy rockers to be up front. i can't even imagine how the 'pool circle' seats were priced but heard rumblings 'north of 2k for a pair' all front and center.
that being said the garden was a perfect vantage.
the stage props!!! the opening!! the backdrops!!
all of these were missing from the aforementioned shows. tis the alchemy tour and fuck!!! its really something quite special. ok- the HB bandstand shell provided extra depth for wonderful lighting.. my only gripe-- and a small tiny one at that-- it wasn't as loud as I would've liked.. (outside lands was louder/crunchier/fuzzier for those of us who love that sorta thing)
alas the set ripped. obviously the front half seems to be rather set in place.. LAOL clocking in at 12+.. which rules except when you realize at the end of the night that it could have been 8.. and still done the trick.. and allowed for one more before the strict 11pm residential neighborhood curfew.. Mr Soul usually seems to be paired with Roll Another Number but tonight we only got the one. had a feeling it was going to be a Buffalo Springfield capper tonight-- my fingers were crossed for LAH or Cortez or DBTR which popped up on setlists last week..
from what i could tell- the band looked to be in really good spirits.. it was too hot for plaid..
poncho caught a little shit from neil for two consecutive sloppy endings. (fu/pp)
neil was very charming and very brief on the mic.. he even worked the sides of the stage a little bit.
as far as audience reaction-- i had sort of expected early departures from the some of the neighbors in my pricey section-- (when the fuzzz just kept on rollin') -- but didn't see anyone leave or look bummed at all.. and just because they weren't dancing like my drug and alcohol fueled posse was-- does not mean they weren't digging on the horse. and to be fair-from cinnamon girl on-- pretty much everyone was on their feet..
singer without a song is beautiful.
fuckin up seemed to be played really slow.. would like someone to back me up on this..
this post is all very blah blah blah.. but i will say this to anyone with tickets for upcoming shows--
if possible-- go with some people who own/cherish the CH records. its really quite fun to be there with someone who knows the songbook-- even if you don't know eachother all that well.. i had a spare seat and snubbed one of my nearest and dearest because i felt he wouldn't 'get it'.. bad form? perhaps.. but having a buddy that can sing every single line of powderfinger with you is.. something really special..
last thoughts-- lots of good looking merch for the collectors and a big fuck you to anyone who chirps about it not being important or relevant or some silliness that i've seen on here before. if you LOVE this band-- support them..
trying to get on the front rail for Vancouver..
i must must must see more of this band. i fear this could be it.. and its just sounding/looking/feeling too good not to go out my way for more.
thrash on thrashers.
-lazy feather
post script. can't tomorrow be Oct 30th?! i want this fucking record already!!!!!
Great review, Anon.
I also noted recently that Fuckin' Up appears to be a bit slower than I remember on this tour.
It could be simply a trick of my memory and/or expectations, however.
There's a very grungy, almost Sabbathy quality to the riff, that really harkens back to some of the dirge-like grunge rock or metal that I really like.
I believe I've heard it played faster before (though again I could be mistaken), at which point it takes on more of a metal / punk characteristic. Unless I'm totally not remembering things right.
I'm going to have to pull out the album and give it a whirl and see what it sounds like.
Got there early, did my tshirt shopping and noticed the Bridge School Booth next door, Un-manned.
Turned toward the stage and here comes Ben Young with two gentlemen in tow. They set him next to the table and I was humbled to be there.
The concert was everything and more. Not as loud as Ragged Glory in the early 90's but I was no where close to the money seats.
You won't want to miss this show folks it is everything and more.
Great show at the Bowl, I agree that Neil seemed to loosen up and get talkative towards the end, even if there was some sarcasm ("Come on LA!" and "This one's like all the others, same key, same chords, same guitar solo," etc.).
Neil seemed to sound more ragged during the acoustic numbers but that totally worked in their favor. I also thought the slower "Fuckin up" worked in context (after a kick-ass Cinnamon Girl) and the pace could just be a trick of the light.
Yeah too bad we only got Mr. Soul as an encore but pointing out he played it at the Bowl 44 years ago with BS made it quite a powerful finisher.
Walk on and don't be denied, R
A couple things related to above comments: F#&king Up was all over the place as far as timing. Predominantly slower, but at one point Ralph seemed to actually start another run at a much faster pace. The song seemed to grind slowly to an end. TNATDD was disappointing being that Neil's harmonic mic's didn't work so he left out all the Hohner parts and shortened the song. I hadn't heard much of the new album but this week I watched the Official Video release of Twisted Road. OMGosh, this full band electric arrangement is amazing! Why didn't Neil play it electric with the Horse?? A great song with a great video on the Tube. This is the only Alchemy show I've see and was a bit puzzled when they brought out the pipe organ on Born In Ontario, then quickly removed it after the song. The following song of course was WLAG with an ending that seemed to last 10mins or more with Neil and Billy playing into the giant amps with psychedelic swirling patterns projected onto the amps which blended Neil & Billy into the amps. It sounded like they were mimicking the stomps of a giant. Obviously I would rather have heard another song added to the show with the time spent on all the stomping. Hey it's Neil Young, we love him just the way he is....
Great show last night, a privilege to see in 2012. I agree the overall volume was relatively quiet, but I think that has to do with this venue being outdoors in the Hollywood Hills, and powerfull neighbors not wanting too much volume. That would also be the reason for the strict curfew, which hampers extended encores. I knew all that going in and still managed to thoroughly enjoy the show. Excellent performances. I was hoping for an extended Cowgirl, River, Hurricane, or Killer, but knew it was unlikely due to time restrictions. I noticed the pump organ moving on and off stage without being played too. There seemed to be a problem with the rigging before the show, a long time was spent by the lab coats and hard hats waving and pointing at the ropes and rafters. The hard hats finally pulled the ropes to lift the cases off the "amps" by hand. Maybe that was part of the show? Seemed to take an awfully long time. I for one really like the extended wild ragged feedback endings of Giant and Fuckin' Up. Wish I could have been closer, got the best seats we could afford. I saw Ben by the Bridge School table too. Towards the end he cracked some jokes and interacted with the crowd a bit more. Wish I could see more of this tour, this was our one shot. Cherish this tour, nobody knows how many more there will be. I'll post my recording when I split it into tracks, should be within a few days. Back to the lab now.
Truly an epic show with Neil and Crazy Horse! Great set and presentation. Sat waaay at the top of the Bowl, but the sound was fine. Just wish I was a little closer, but the big screens on the side helped. I too wondered why they brought out the pump organ during "Born in Ontario" and also wondered who the girl with the guitar case was on stage during "Singer without a Song." Mostly, I wondered who the guy was on stage right - the guy sitting at what looked like a desk with a laptop in front of him in one of the crew white lab coats. I mean this guy was on stage and not in the wings! Just sat there during the show. Maybe just part of the show? 30 years of seeing Neil and I have never been disappointed at a show.
Off topic but anybody know when Journeys blu-ray will be available in Europe coz it's still not listed on amazon UK, they only have US import which off course won't play in these parts.
Enjoying concert reports, hopefully the Horse for europe next year!
The lab-coated scientists are the road-eyes brought up to date. The frigging with the rigging is most definitely "part of the show". The pump organ had its (unplayed) moment in the spotlight in Austin & Tulsa. Neil's harmonica was in position but unplayed at both gigs I saw, as was the "flying keyboard" which remained forlornly suspended up among the rigging.
Ben Young was also in charge of the Bridge School stall in Tulsa. As Kendog said, very humbling. I strolled by the TCC about 4pm just as Pocahontas and the other tour buses swept in. Quite a machine with the two sedan car tops stitched into the roof!
At the ACL festival and in Tulsa, the Horse, their old songs and the news tunes were all warmly embraced, even the ultra-grunge which I thought might have defeated at least some of the unitiated at a fest.
I am now back in England awaiting news of a Euopean tour. Hope Neil can still lead a Horse across water. I was a little worried this might be the last hurrah, but Neil seems to be more driven and excited than ever. Might try getting on that wagon myself!
"TNATDD was disappointing being that Neil's harmonic mic's didn't work so he left out all the Hohner parts and shortened the song."
There isn't any harmonica part to TNATDD, and it is only about 2 minutes long. You didn't miss anything.
I think Neil uses the harmonica as a wireless mic sometimes (because it apparently has one built into it), without actually playing it.
I saw the first show of the tour in Windsor ON and thought the volume was a little lower than I expected too. I think it's because he's using old equipment from the 70's which was considered superloud at the time but in the 80's and 90's the loudness wars in huge stadiums have re-set the bar to the point where NY seems tame volume-wise. I'd always heard that Crazy Horse shows are the loudest so I brought earplugs for everybody just in case and I was pleasantly surprised that I could enjoy the whole concert without them, actually able to hear the music as opposed to the sound of my eardrums frying like in some recent concerts I've been too. So nice!
brought out the pipe organ on Born In Ontario, then quickly removed it after the song.
I just listened to Born In Ontario from the HB show, thank you (Falconidave), I can hear what clearly sounds like celtic organ mixed with Neil's lead in several parts. In particular at 1:15- 2:08 and 3:09- 3:44. Could this be a "Player Organ" ?!
My guess is that the guy sitting on stage with the labtop could be filming different performances. Who knows...but after seeing that sign about Shakey Pictures filming for an upcoming documentary, that seems prettys plausible to me. :)
2 things anyone going 2 bridgeschool i will be hanging around tepee with a few new strains working on for years want to name the right one crazy horse like some imput also a few of us in humboldt are trying to buy a town.my idea is to name it greendale this town has about 20 houses needs work want to make a sustainable living example have a venue for neil to play near by we need 1-2 mil i was told it was pitched to neils people and he was hip i lost contact with those people if interested look for the fat old hippy asking you to try crazy horse strains at bridge school funny thing town we want to buy is called bridgeville.
My recording of:
Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Hollywood Bowl, Hollywood, CA
I loved the concert so much!!! This is the first time I saw Neil in person!!! We got there around 4:00 in the afternoon, and saw Neil's bus pull in!!! I was sooo excited!!!! I have seen Neil's bus on tv, the internet, in pictures but never in person!!!! The concert was the best!!! The songs they sang were great, and every thing seemed perfect but at times the audience was rude, kept getting up during the concert, some were even smoking weed around us, and kept us gagging. I was getting sick from the fumes. Had to use the shirt I had over my tshirt to cover my nose!!!! I think people should be more considerate when it comes that. But anyway, Neil sang several new songs, and I noticed some of the audience members started complaining about the songs, some even left. We did not care if they left, they were being annoying anyway!!! People should not come to a concert and expect a performer to sing all old songs!!! Get over it!!! Neil and Crazy Horse are very hard working performers, and they did a very good job. They earned their money!!!! Keep on rocking Neil until you are in your 80's!!!!!!
Neil seemed to sound more ragged during the acoustic numbers but that totally worked in their favor. I also thought the slower "Fuckin up" worked in context (after a kick-ass Cinnamon Girl) and the pace could just be a trick of the light.
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