Hurricane Sandy: You Are Like A Perfect Storm
Neil Young & Crazy Horse's 1978 concert tour
She's being called "unprecedented".
So, Neil Young's "Hurricane" is the song of the moment.
There's calm in your eye, but we're getting blown away.
Lookin for somewhere safer...
We're hunkering down here @ TW.
Stay safe.
Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Alchemy 2012 Tour, Pittsburgh, PA - 10/9/12
Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Here are a few other interesting "Like A Hurricane" versions over the years courtesy of Sugar Mountain (Thanks Tom!):
Acoustic guitar with Stills-Young band
1976-07-18, Charlotte Coliseum, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Electric guitar/Piano with Crazy Horse
1976-11-14, Dane County Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Acoustic guitar solo
1992-03-24, Tower Theatre, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, USA
Pump organ solo many from 1992 (~27)
1993-02-07, MTV Unplugged, Universal Studios, Los Angeles, California, USA
2003-05-08, Heineken Music Hall, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Neil Young & Crazy Horse

Tune in on, Saturdays @ 9P EST
Logo design by
Geoff Moore - Silver Moon Graphics
Thrashers Wheat Radio Hour from Saturday, October 27, 2012 is now available for download.
Thrasher's Wheat Radio Hour - Show #10.[To download, right click on link, save target as, pick destination folder: the podcast will download. Select your preferred MP3 audio player and play file.]
With a special "Hurricane" and news on Bridge School Benefit Concert - Oct. 21, 2012 and Neil Young & Crazy Horse Alchemy Tour 2012 news.
Climate activist group rallies in New York City on Sunday to connect the dots between extreme weather events and climate change
Labels: hurricane, neil young
23 Comments: couldn't resist the climate crap 'eh Thrasher? Hurricanes have been happening on the Earth for millions of years...but I know it's all the fault of Big Oil or Wall Street or Romney or Republicans, right?
How did you get to all those shows you've been travelling to recently? Farm Aid, Cleveland, Pittsburgh - you must have burned quite a lot of fuel getting there...maybe Sandy is all your fault,
Hang in there T!
The "Pump organ solo many from 1992"
that I witnessed at Saratoga, NY blew me away! That was a night when I was expecting to hear Neil in all his Ragged Glory tour ensemble and he came out by himself with guitars with many of the unreleased Harvest Moon songs.
Anyhow, the pump organ was new to me, and everyone else I believe at that time, and he layed into Hurricane like something out of the outer atmosphere, like we had never heard before. I recall the guy behind me saying after the song, "I never knew he was that talented!"
So find somehwere safer where the feeling stays and be carefull all. Already raining all over me this morning. Oh! Sandy!
Stay save everyone out there on the east coast!
Stu Ostro, a senior meteorologist with the Weather Channel, put the storm into context:
“History is being written as an extreme weather event continues to unfold, one which will occupy a place in the annals of weather history as one of the most extraordinary to have affected the United States.”
“A meteorologically mind-boggling combination of ingredients is coming together: one of the largest expanses of tropical storm (gale) force winds on record with a tropical or subtropical cyclone in the Atlantic or for that matter anywhere else in the world; a track of the center making a sharp left turn in direction of movement toward New Jersey in a way that is unprecedented in the historical database, as it gets blocked from moving out to sea by a pattern that includes an exceptionally strong ridge of high pressure aloft near Greenland; a “warm-core” tropical cyclone embedded within a larger, nor’easter-like circulation; and moisture from the tropics and cold air from the Arctic combining to produce very heavy snow in interior high elevations. This is an extraordinary situation, and I am not prone to hyperbole.”
Hurricane Sandy is expected to cause billions of dollars in damages and impact 50 million people along the East Coast of the U.S.
Incredible waves during High Tide three hours ago. So far a big tree is down next door and we had a window blow out in our family room.
Stay safe Mr. Henry, and everyone effected by this situation. I’m in Michigan, and only in danger of maybe losing some power, but have a lot of friends and family in the path of Sandy. So please, everyone be safe.
But you too Thrasher, stay safe from anyone suggesting that weather change does not have something to do with this. I don't think carbon emissions are the proximate cause, otherwise how do you explain warming and anomalies in magnetic fields throughout the solar system, but to ignore that there is weather change that is affecting our collective circumstances, up to and including changes in the hurricanes that have always been with us? Ahh, no. How is not waking up to these changes and not taking constructive steps to combat the results a good thing? Although, weather changes or no, we should be moving away from oil, coal and nuclear, in the absence of an alternative- which can be laid at the feet of the Romney’s of the world, who have no plan or desire to advocate for viable alternatives, although this is true of both parties, you can hardly be called to task for expending fuels to get from point A to point B- especially in an effort to catch Neil in concert…
A Friend Of Yours
Hey there Thrasher Wheat , whoever the hell you are ?
What the hell does your personal opinions regarding the Al Gore myth of climate change have to do with Neil Young ????
I realize he himself has been dupped , and thinks electric cars is the solution .
These comments are seperate from my appreciation for his sound with the horse .
The SUN dictates the heat that releases CO-2 from the oceans , far greater than any man made emissions .... stick to the science of mother sun and not the bleeding heart socialist rhetoric EH !
Oh ya , by the way , while in Kingston Ontario Canada , the true home of the North and free , I counted no less than seven big rock star buses idling outside of the K-Rock Centre , please enlighten us , how many were actually burning boi-mass fuel .
Get Gone with yer Hypocrisy !
Thrasher's blog- can post whatever he chooses to post. John EH Connolly start your own post and post your opinion. You might call it . Happy now
I'm the Ocean, I'm the Giant undertow.
~ Hurricane Sandy
I listen to music
I listen to facts based on science
I listen and hear the wind flowing through the pines of the forest that speaks the truth to me
What is your truth ?
this may be an alternate crazy horse in the midst of the hurricane.
"Got fuel to burn got roads to drive"
Stay safe friends! Sandy is one for the record books, hunkering down now in NJ with fierce winds and no power ...
Al Gore ...wealthy politician
Neil Young ...millionaire musician
Has always been very curious to me , who you follow and what we disagree
MIT Science , based on years of dedication
A hippie dream based on years of mind alteration
Who are we to believe ?
Walk in the bush fer a day , without water nor food , fall to your knees
Turn yer ear to the ground , she will always speak to those who listen
Blind Faith seems to be an Americana thing.
Al Gore ...wealthy politician
Neil Young ...millionaire musician
John EH Connelly ...painintheass
Keep on blogging till the power goes out, Thrasher!
Hope you are save over there.
Here's a good one for the next post:
Mr John EH Connelly-your denial is saddening.
This was on Democracy Now! yesterday----
AMY GOODMAN: Can you talk about climate change and whether it makes this storm more destructive?
JEFF MASTERS: Whenever you add more heat to the oceans, you’ve got more energy for destruction. And hurricanes are heat engines. They pull heat out of the ocean, convert it to the kinetic energy of their winds. So, the approximately one-degree-Fahrenheit warming of the oceans we’ve experienced over the past century does directly increase the winds of hurricanes. And that’s of concern because just if you’ve got a 5 percent increase in hurricane winds, that doesn’t translate to a 5 percent increase in damage. The damage of the wind goes by some power, like a second or third power. So a 5 percent increase in the winds causes a much higher degree of wind damage. So that’s the main thing, as far as heat in the oceans goes, about the effect on hurricanes.
The other thing to think about is, when you do heat the oceans up more, you extend the length of hurricane season. And there’s been ample evidence over the last decade or so that hurricane season is getting longer—starts earlier, ends later. You’re more likely to get these sort of late October storms now, and you’re more likely to have this sort of situation where a late October storm meets up with a regular winter low-pressure system and gives us this ridiculous combination of a nor’easter and a hurricane that comes ashore, bringing all kinds of destructive effects.
AMY GOODMAN: Were you disappointed, Jeff Masters, that in the three presidential debates, that tens of millions of people were watching, the issue of climate change did not arise?
JEFF MASTERS: Yeah, absolutely. Climate change has become the new Voldemort of our times, that which cannot be named. And it’s ridiculous that we can’t talk about a subject that’s directly influencing our lives now and will continue to do so even more strongly in the future. I see superstorm Sandy here as kind of a wake-up call coming the week before the election. "Hey, America, hey, politicians, pay attention to this." We’re experiencing an unusual number of very rare meteorological events, and they’re probably not all due to just random variations in the weather. We do expect extreme events of this nature to increase in the future, and we should be paying attention to the fact that we’ve had a very large number of these billion-dollar sorts of disasters in recent years.
"AMY GOODMAN: Were you disappointed, Jeff Masters, that in the three presidential debates, that tens of millions of people were watching, the issue of climate change did not arise?"
I mean, this is the whole crux of Thrashers inclusion of the Times Square demonstration, that there is near silence on the subject of something that will continue to affect us all in the most fundamental ways. Neither Thrasher or the group honed in on the admittedly (IMO) fraudulent greenhouse thesis, although either of them may or may not still believe that. The point is that there is clear and unequivocal climate change that is and will increasingly effect existing weather patterns, and therefore the human condition. That our supposed leaders are not addressing this truth, regardless of cause, is as pathetic as their inability and/or unwillingness to address the myriad other crisis' we are facing.
And to suggest, yet again, that topical issues bear no relevance to Neils music, says much more about a lack of close understanding of the music than any inappropriateness on Thrashers part. Long may we all run- everyone in the path of continuing weather change and its effects, the effort to come to an accurate understanding of the cause of weather change, and you Thrasher in your continued role of dodging the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" in bringing us all things relevant when it comes to Neil.
A Friend Of Yours
Thank you Greg. Always nice to know at least someone here "gets" where we're coming from.
We could say a lot right now but we're just too damn exasperated right now.
Of what little media coverage we caught of Sandy, we did not hear a single mention of climate change. How can this be? Sandy may turn out to be the largest weather event in modern history. Maybe not by death & destruction. But by characteristics never seen before.
Never has such a weather system moved from east to west in the U.S. It's unprecedented. And things like that don't happen when everything is normal.
This is the new normal.
And Amy's question & Dr Masters answer is exactly right. How can this topic be forbidden? Everyone talks about the weather but no one can handle the truth of why this happening.
sorry, but Sun Green was right. We dearly wished she weren't.
Science is the purest form of truth
That allows humans to understand the natural laws of Mother Earth
No politics , no opinion , no question
She is far greater than any human
Americana cirles the drain
Up North , we watch and laugh in vain
Well, I’ll tell you John EH, I’ve read your posts in the last several months, and pretty much chalked them up as more of a class that I've decided to ignore and not comment on anymore. I considered them ill informed and trollish, and just not worth a dignified response. My Grandmother taught me that. She came from homesteaders in Saskatchewan, you know, “up north”. She and her five siblings were abandoned by their father, who left their mother quite literally with a plow in the field. She was forced to put them all in an orphanage, while she worked in a logging camp as a cook, until she could take the kids back one by one. The family eventually made their way to Detroit, and survived the depression and the war years somehow still intact. I got to know most of them over the years, and you know what? Not a mean bone in their bodies. What happened to you?
You don’t have to go much further than me to find someone as critical as I am of the US, but even I know that most Americans are just people, they do what they think they have to do, sometimes they make good decisions, sometimes they don’t. But as Neil himself wrote, “The world is full of questions, some are answered, some are not. The only faith your keepin’ is the faith that you still got.”
So what faith have you got? Science? At one point or another, science taught us that the earth was flat and that the sun orbited around it, that there was no need for surgeons to wash their hands before they performed surgery, hell, science was even employed in an attempt to deceive us all into believing that a bullet could suspend itself in mid air, change directions, cause an equal amount of damage as multiple bullets, and then mortally wound a sitting US president. Science has even been used to advance a bogus theory of climate change. Guess what science can’t do? It can’t explain what a thought is, or the nature of Spirit that inhabits us all. It can’t explain how you and I came to share the same air we breathe, how the known universe came to be formed, how in truth everything you see with your eyes is an illusion, how in truth there is no separation between anything or anyone, that there is only Oneness. All my opinion? Use your science to disprove anything I’ve said. See how far you get.
Can science be used to ascertain how and why our weather has been changed? I think so, yes. But it can only be done accurately and in good faith if it comes from “open hearted people”, who share a world view of love and acceptance for all people, warts and all. It just isn’t gonna work to “watch and laugh” as fellow human beings “circle the drain”. Where is your compassion, or even your sense of understanding that what goes around, comes around? In short, where is your faith? Do you believe in the sanctity of life, or are you content to let the devil take the hindmost?
A lot of questions, I know. Why don’t you stop and answer some of them for yourself, before you so recklessly shoot from the hip again? Maybe you’re just being sarcastic, maybe you’re just trying to get a reaction, maybe I should just leave it alone. But I choose to see you the way I see everything, as another joyful expression of Life. Yeah, there are any number of things that one could point to as seemingly just the opposite of joyfulness, but that's my faith, and I learned a long time ago to "let the mystery be".
I’ll leave you with one more thought, again from Neil himself: “Even Richard Nixon has got it, Soul”. Whatever ill will you bear in your heart, for whatever reason, my hope for you is that you’ll stop and consider this. Consider also that, although I often stop and wonder “how could people get so unkind”, there is nothing you can say or do that will make me lose the faith that I’ve got, that “I am you, and you are me, and we are all together”, or that “I hope some day you’ll join us.” I really am
A Friend Of Yours
Hey Thrasher - let's assume that "man-made climate change" is in fact causing changing weather patterns.
What should we all do about it?
Thanks again Greg. Your grandmother sounds like a heck of a pioneer. And your thoughts seem to indicate you inherited her good genes. :)
We'll agree that we're all in this together. We are one. The powers that be try and divide and conquer us. This may sound trite but united we stand, divided we fall.
@anon 10/31/2012 10:04:00 - there are many things you can do and we'd venture to guess that you know exactly what those are. It's really not hard to find out. We're not going to try and suggest.
We'll just say there are many simple things you can do. We try and be part of the good food movement. Eat locally. Turn off the lights. The 3Rs - reduce, recycle, reuse.
That's a good start. If and when you're ready for the next level, let us know.
Geeze. Does anyone really expect Neil Young fans to be a bunch of rightie-tighties?!! I would have actually interpreted the climate change-related image as being tangentially related to the others, but yes, climate change and environmental damage are occurring. Even if things aren't catastrophic, what sense does it make not to be as eco-friendly as possible?
Hey Greg ... How touching , and a great sermon , that I'm sure have many wiping tears.
I prefer to not preach ,and have felt expression with a less verbose sentimental approach more suitable for personal integrity .
Something less religious than your terms " sanctity of life " and " devil"
Your religion , all the power to you to believe .
My science and connection to Mother Earth , separates faith from such man made distractions as religion
My observations and comments are a reaction to a thrashers wheat who at times is lost in a hippie dream , a flag , and a country that proclaims to be the last stronghold to God , Mother and apple pie ...... " And they're full of shit " DC
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