The "Ordinary People" of Wisconsin and Egypt and Greendale
hard workin' people,
Patch-of-ground people.
The ordinary people."
~~"Ordinary People", Neil Young's "Guernica masterpiece"
So, we've been taking a fair amount of heat here lately for some of our posts regarding recent world events.
There are those who fail to see the connection between the revolution in Egypt and the ongoing labor union protests and state capitol occupation in Madison, Wisconsin. And yet there is explicitly clear linkage between the two movements of the ordinary people around the world. The fundamental spark of the uprisings centers on core labor issues: underemployment and worker rights. And -- us usual -- there's significant misunderstanding and spin.
We have stated before and will again that if you're not supportive of these revolutions then you are either one of the elite wealthy 1% or one of the "ordinary people". It's that simple. period.

"There's a bailout coming and it's not for you"
Rip in the Matrix:
The Global Ponzi Scheme Known as
Monopolistic Corporate Welfare Trickle Up Capitalism is Finally Exposed
As Jon Tapli frames the situation: "We are entering a global phase of extreme turbulence in which the bottom-up forces of a networked world battle the top-down hierarchies of centralized power."

Photo From Egypt: "Egypt Supports Wisconsin Workers." on Twitpic
From | Wisconsin is the front line in right-wing class warfare by Laurence Lewis:
The political showdown in Wisconsin is about class warfare.
No one in the traditional media wants to admit it. No one in the traditional media wants to admit that the Republican agenda is about class warfare. Many in the traditional media long ago chose sides, and they don't want anyone to know that the war exists. They only call it class warfare when those who aren't of the plutocratic elite try to stand up for their rights. They only call it class warfare when those who aren't of the plutocratic elite attempt to draw attention to what the plutocratic elite are trying to do.
Wisconsin has become ground zero in the class war.
That's the real story about Wisconsin.
And as for the those hard workin', patch o ground, ordinary people?

says everything's for sale.
The house and the boat and the railroad car,
the owner's gotta go to jail.
He acquired these things from a life of crime,
now he's selling them to raise his bail.
He was rippin off the people."

"I'm proud to be a Union Man"
ps - it's all one town....
"Back in 1776 a whole new nation was formed. Thirteen British colonies tried unsuccessfully to have the concerns of their citizens heard or taken seriously by the empire across the Atlantic. So the colonists formed themselves into a union.
The preamble to the constitution begins with these words "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union…". A more perfect union was the very first reason for the founding of the United States of America.
America IS a union. You can't be anti-union and pro-America at the same time. Period."
--Arlo Guthrie
You deserve no flack! You will get none from me. I'm a spiritual man (not religious). I believe in Christian principles, not the kind that are force feed us to keep us in line but the ones that provide enlightenment and peace. I believe God speaks to us in many ways. Neil has provided that voice on many occasions. He will tell you he doesn't really know why he writes what he writes, as will most deep song writers. I don't want to wax too philosophical, but it is not lost on me that Neil first and only music grammy is for a song called "Angry World". Let me leave you with the lyrics and you tell me if all things are related.
Some see life as a broken promise
Some see life as an endless fight
They think they live in the age of darkness
They think they live in the age of Light
It's an Angry world
And everything is gonna be all right
Yeah it's an angry world
Yeah it's an angry world
Some see life as hope eternal
Some see life as a business plan
Some will go to hell's inferno
For screwing up their life in freedom land
It's an Angry world
For the business man and the fisher man
It's an Angry world
And no doubt everything will go as planned
Yeah it's an angry world
Yeah it's an angry world
So let me get this straight. Your saying in 3 to 5 years the unions in Wisconsin will be under strict muslim law/government like they will in Egypt. Get a grip Thrasher I'm done with your political BS.
If the only tool you have is a hammer, you will see every problem as a nail.
--Abraham Maslow
If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples, then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.
--George Bernard Shaw
Sex and creativity are often seen by dictators as subversive activities.
--Erica Jong
What is objectionable, what is dangerous, about extremists is not that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant. The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents.
--Robert F. Kennedy
One-fifh of the people are against everything all the time.
@Mr H - Thanks always on the quotes. Arlo's is spot on.
@ Mike D - the Angry World lyrics are appropo for our times. And the timing od neil's Grammy? Somewat uncanny.
@Paul - No. Not sure how you came up with that understanding? pls clarify
everything you say can and will be held against you. at least by some.
Is this a political blog or a Neil Young site. This does not seem the place for a political war Thrasher. Log on to Fox News or MSNBC for this type of stuff and stick to Neil. As they say in the movies "you are out of your league"
- Jessie James
And as Al Jolson said when the movies first talked:
"Wait a minute, wait a minute. You ain't heard nothin' yet!"
Telling Thrasher to "stick to Neil" is kind of like telling Neil to stick to (insert favorite type of Neil music here). And that's why the song isn't titled "Keep on Rockin' in the I'll Tell You What To Do World".
BOYCOTT the union buster billionaire Kochs Brothers!!1
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It is encouraging to see people out in the streets protesting. The last we thing we need in this country is more non exempt part-time jobs that provide no living wages or benefits. That's what the Koch Brothers want to do -- change employment status to "don't call us, we'll call you." No more full-time wages, no more benefits, no more leisure time. People will be working like dogs, again.
what's best way 2 get a hold of Neil Young? we wana use 1 of his songs in our indie short film 4 festival submit. agent? manager? publicist? email me at serious inquiry.
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Lookout Management, Santa Monica, CA
I was ready to boycott the Koch products until I saw Lycra on the list. I have my limits. I just can't do without lycra!(-;
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