Willie Nelson Nobel Peace Prize Campaign: Update

Art by Jeff Nichol
Some have recently asked whether Willie Nelson's arrest last week would put an end to hopes for a Nobel Peace Prize for Willie Nelson campaign.
And we say no, last week's events will not de-rail the effort. On the contrary, we have seen a significant surge in interest and support of Willie.
Furthermore, as just a historical reminder, Nobel winner Martin Luther King, Jr. was arrested and jailed multiple time during the civil rights struggles in the 1960's. Nelson Mandela served 27 years in prison for his South Africa anti-apartheid activities.
In reaction to Willie's arrest and the ensuing outrage, there has also been the formation of a National Teapot Party. The Facebook page already has over 15,000 members since forming this weekend.
When millions of gallons of oil and can be released in the Gulf of Mexico without a single arrest being made or the wealthy elite members of international financial cartels which can grift, swindle and destroy life savings with impunity, then it is no wonder that many are speaking out at the miscarriage of justice and treatment of an American icon and national treasure over a "victim-less crime".
Willie Nelson's work on sustainable agriculture, alternative fuels, and world peace initiatives deserve a nomination for a Nobel Peace Prize.
Thanks everybody for liking Willie Nelson for Nobel Peace Prize page on Facebook!
So if you haven't already, "LIKE" Willie today!
~~ Willie Nelson

The fact that marijuana remains illegal in this allegedly free country is an outrage. Truly mind boggling in its stupidity as a social law - there just aren't enough words. Billions wasted, lives ruined, people incarcerated...all because a plant has been outlawed. Want to walk into a business establishment and order five or six drinks and then pay the bill and then drive away? No problem - that's what bars are for, right? And those liquor licenses posted in plain view - that makes it official, right? But if I want to take a bong hit in my basement at night, I'm a criminal, right? Good grief. The world is upside down. Willie rules
You'd think I would have learned to hold my tongue by now, but ... While I have no problem with pot whatsoever, you're actually equating Willie's bust with the arrests of Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela for their civil rights activities? How courageous of him to toke up!
Marijuana should remain illegal, in my opinion. It makes you lazy, fogs your mind of clear, reasonable thinking, makes you paranoid (no matter who you are), and dumbs down your potential as a human being.
Again, this is just my opinion...but I've seen it in every single pothead that I used to smoke with. Why are we supposed to be nominating Willie Nelson for a Nobel Peace Prize? Because he smokes pot at 77 and can't still play music somehow? Or because he's so peaceful from all of the pot he's smoked? That's what that ridiculous flyer is showing me.
@Jim - if that's your opinion then ok. We all have them. But the debate over legalizing marijuana is about freedom and it's about the sanity of social laws allegedly designed with the public's well being in mind. Making a plant contraband is insane and the statistics speak for themselves in terms of police $ spent, people incarcerated, etc. Alcohol is far worse and yet it's on sale down at the 7-11 with bright signs and corporate sponsorships. Willie Nelson has done amazing work through Farm Aid that has nothing to do with marijuana. He just happened to have gotten busted again recently. I personally think the Nobel Prize itself is a damn joke, but I'll let that go for now. Marijuana should be 100% legal, available, regulated, and taxed. What good comes out of keeping it illegal?
@Babbo - actually, the point we were making was that some felt that being arrested in some may dis-qualify Willie from NPP. So, no, we weren't equating WN's bust w/ MLK or NM.
@Jim - gee, would you like to get into the amount of violence folks under influence of alcohol are involved in relative to pot?
baby mellow my mind, make me feel like a school boy on good time.
That's the attraction.
History reveals that the US economy ran on hemp in our early days and also that it can be used for more durable clothing and other textile uses, I believe paper production and a myriad of other applications.
It can get in the way of personal progress when unregulated by the individual as to appropriate time, frequency and place of use. I certainly wouldn't want my kids teachers on it, or my surgeon in the act of service. But at a concert? or a friendly gathering, or other recreational times I could accept it. It's the hippie dream for sure, and our generation knows it. Time will tell where it goes as far as policing it. The tide is turning after much of the over reaching policies of the past are voted away. Possession should certainly continue to be decriminalized, but the rest of the story relative to pushing, large quantity transport and sale should be regulated and taxed in order to provide some control and education. The comparison to alcohal is valid, though I would agree that alcohal, while legal, is much more dangerous and addictive than pot. Can it be a gateway drug? of course; but so is alcohal.
I would equate it to cigarettes. And treat it exactly the same. Not to be advertised, maybe to be shunned by 'politcally correct' society, but available through proper channels.
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