New Logo for Gigs For The Gulf

Gigs For The Gulf
Avatar by Jeff Taylor of Neil Young Tribute
Here's the new avatar logo for Gigs For The Gulf, a Facebook group for band listings of gigs to benefit the Gulf of Mexico oil gusher disaster.
The avatar logo has been designed and created by Jeff Taylor, of The Neil Young Tribute. You may recall that Jeff recently caught up with Neil just before he walked on stage which resulted in a nice story. Terrific job, Jeff! Thanks so much.
Already there are about a dozen benefit gigs listed from all over the country. So if your band has a gig planned to benefit the Gulf of Mexico, head over to Gigs For The Gulf and post details.
As an aside, there's been some speculation on whether Neil Young's upcoming tour of the Gulf states will be as benefits. We can't say for certain, but it would seem that some of the potential setlist hints indicate the Gulf catastrophe will be very much on Neil's mind. At the least, he will undoubtedly be bringing awareness to the issue.
We just can't begin to tell you how hard this tragedy is hitting us.
While we don't live on the Gulf itself -- or feel immediate, direct impacts -- our hearts just break for the wildlife, fishermen, the habitat, and all the others who are suffering because of this sheer insane stupidity.
Simply, this is the environmental 9-11 of our times. Ecological terrorism, if you will. Quite strangely, this event seems to be hitting us almost even harder than 9-11 itself. While we live only a few miles from the Pentagon and were basically sitting at the end of one of the airport runways (in a cubicle) that a highjacked plane took off from on 9-11, the tragic event itself was over pretty instantly. However, this oil gusher disaster is now going on 70+ days with no end in sight.
Literally, Mother Nature On The Run In The 21st Century.
This is the time for action. This our moment to finally connect all the dots. It is time to be the rain.
Even though it's a completely different story when he wrote "this much madness is too much sorrow" those words certainly captures that gut level we're all experiencing right now ...
Great Logo!
Very sad situation. Hopefully the gigs will bring relief to some of the victims ... So curious to see if (how) Neil addresses the topic in his song selection and/or comments during this leg of the tour.
A few news sites I've gone on seem to always mention the financial and political fallout when talking about this story.WHAT ABOUT THE ENVIROMENTAL FALLOUT YOU JACKASSES!!!The only people's fincances I care about are the everyday working stiffs that depend on the Gulf's ecosystem to make their living.WE NEED TO FIND AN ALTERNATIVE FUEL SOURCE THAT WORKS!!OUR DEPENDENCE ON OIL MUST STOP!!HOW CAN WE BE THE RAIN?!!
Rancho(not so) Relaxo
I'm as heartbroken as I can be following this disaster as it unfolds. I have friends in New Orleans and it's one of my favorite cities to visit in the U.S.
Unfortunately, oil is the lifeblood of the industrialized world - whether we like it or not. I'm all for a new clean form of renewable energy that will enable us to break free from fossil fuels.
Who knows, however, when that fuel will come along and be brought to market and BE AFFORDABLE? I fear there are far too many corporate interests involved that have stood in the way and will continue to stand in the way of renewable energy research and development.
The logo sucks!
Nothing beats the image of the bird!
Look at the bird.
At the top right corner.
Dear Mr President,
Why the hell is it not possible to stop this leak?
Is BP the one to solve this problem?
Is it all about money?
You can fly me to the moon.
You can fly to mars.
You can destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
I don't get it...???
But I do get the blues.
The deep sea blues.
Because Sound Matters
@ BSM: OK, whatev...
Let us know if you hear back from Prez.
Even though the situation in the Gulf is still a mounting disaster for the fishermen and the oyster beds, I don't think a little levity here can hurt.
I came across a song by a singer/songwriter named Pat Dailey who can best be described as an R rated Jimmy Buffet. It takes me back when I was bar hopping and a friend introduced me to Oyster Shooters...."They'll make your spleen lean and your liver quiver! Turn a wonderful night into a glorious one!"
So in light of the Gigs for the Gulf coming up, here are the lyrics to a song called "Oysters".
Now listen to me folks
Hear what I say
You gotta eat oysters every day!
They'll put your love life right on track!
They're natures own aphrodisiac!
OOO-OOO Yes it's true!
What a little oyster can do for you
OOO-OOO Ain't it fun?
Here's some things them oysters
They made Jim Beam! They made Alan Thicke! They made Jonathan Swift! They even made Gracie's Slick! They made Victor Mature! They made Tom Petty! They started Willie, Waylon and made Helen Reddy!
They made Tom Cruise! And made Oscar Wilde!
They gave Gary Hart what gave Gomer Pyles!
They made William Hurt and made Lucille Ball!
They made Wilson Pickett
And that ain't all!
OOO-OOO Yes it's true!
What a little oyster can do for you
OOO-OOO Ain't it fun?
Here's some more them oysters done!
They made Stevie Wonder and Ol' John Wayne! They made Saul Bellow and caused Thomas Paine!
Turned Clint Black and Mary White!
They made Doris' Day
And Gladys' Knight!
They gave Bob Hope and Percy Faith!
They turned Marvin Gaye and then
George Straight!
They made Bobby Short and Lester's Flatt!
And Hey! They did even more than that!
They got George Bush! They made Bozo a clown!
They got Bobby Bare and made Ezra Pound!
They made Gallo Wine and Merle Haggard! They made Andy Devine and Tommy Swaggert!
They made Rich Little and Huey Long!
B.B King and Neils' Armstrong!
And if you were to even ask my wife
She'd tell you how this should be sung!
They can even make Ol' Neil Young!
OOO-OOO Yes it's true!
What a little oyster can do for you!
OOO-OOO Ain't it fun?
That's all about oysters
Now we're done!
Save the Gulf!
But especially the oysters!
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