Gigs For the Gulf

In The 21st Century
It looks like a number of bands are starting to line up benefit concerts for the Gulf of Mexico oil gusher disaster.
We've had some requests about trying to compile something to help out, so we setup a page: Facebook | Gigs For The Gulf.
So, if your band has a gig to benefit the Gulf of Mexico, then you can post details on Facebook | Gigs For The Gulf. Like it. Friend it. Share it. Tweet it. Suggest it.

"We're The Ones We've Been Waiting For"
i realize this is a neil young site but is it really necessary to use "Look At Mother Nature On The Run
In The 21st Century" as a headline/caption/subtext everytime you write about the crisis in the gulf? it's just a bit cheesy.
Hmm. Seems apt.
Better suggestions?
Not cheesy at all Thrasher...that is exactly what the line means and what it was written for. We're ruining the planet. I wonder how long it will take for people to realize that we are the earth, we come from her and are interconnected and bound to her, we all are the same- same as the birds and whales we are polluting with toxic poisons and for what? So we can drive to work in comfortable air-conditioning and all the options? By destroying and raping the Earth we are hastening our own undoing in such a way that no cash will buy you a way out. All life comes from the Sea and we are made up of the same waters and salts as the sea, from which we are only barrowing, and will one day have to return. It is a sad analogy to use but you should never shit where you eat. What is happening in our OCEAN is an abomination.
Respect Mother Earth.
What Anon 2:08 said.
Greg M (A Friend Of Yours)
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