HELP WANTED: Graphic Artist Logo Designer
If anyone out there is a Graphic Artist Designer and looking for some logo design work, please get in touch for details.
The logo will be used for Gigs For The Gulf, a Facebook group for band listings of gigs to benefit the Gulf of Mexico oil gusher disaster.
Respond by Friday, July 9, 2010.
UPDATE: Artist selected.

Gigs For The Gulf
Hello, I am Shailesh K, and soon I am to register my work and start my work in making logo and trademark designs, I read your site and found that you need a logo that I can provide the design, and Also I write song and I amwilling to make my own music designs too in future. if you are intrested in making your logo than please contect me on my email , Yes I would like to ask you your you need colourfull graphics logo or simple black and white logo. as colour logo if you need that you cannot change its colour and it will be as it it when you use it, but if you wish to make black and white fount colour in addvertisement you can use ant plain colour for plane art work.
So please answer it to my email any time when can and I will answer within a week to you. thank you
A professionally crafted custom logo design is one of the greatest blessings for a company; whether it is big or small. It gives them an identity of their own and makes them different from others.
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