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Saturday, February 08, 2025

Heading out to where the pavement turns to sand ...

"It was then I knew I'd had enough Burned my credit card for fuel Headed out to where the pavement turns to sand With a one-way ticket to the land of truth And my suitcase in my hand How I lost my friends I still don't understand"
Thrasher by Neil Young
image via GROK

Hey hey, Thrashers here with a PSA ... standby ...

Our last break here at Thrasher's Wheat was in 2021 due to an "unplanned/forced sabbatical".  Prior to that, we went off the grid and "on the beach" back in 2016. So this will only be our 3rd break in almost 30 years of blogging?! 

Twist and shout. Fork in the Road and all of that, you know.

So this all seems like a good time to get away somewhere nice and warm; somewhere where the pavement turns to sand.  And -- more importantly  -- work on our tans, unplug from the sea of madness, and declutter our minds and souls.

As humbled as we might be by running what is now the 2nd longest continuously running website dedicated to a single topic on the Internet [i.e., Original Influencer #2], it is our long relationship with our soulmate and the unconditional love that matters the most.

And thank you everyone so much for your support of independent media.

So as we consciously co-create awareness of our separate realities, we'll see everyone on the other side of the Big Shift. C'mon, break on through to the other side ... break on through ... break on through ...

(Incidentally, this resonated with us. Insert standard disclaimer here.)

In the meantime, all of you oh-so wonderful rustie grains and friends out there,  seek only the wheat. No chaff. Please promise.  Because the winnowing is the hardest part. [NOTE: wheat = truth; chaff = false; winnowing = disCERNment ]

Like a smoke ring day when the wind blows, 
we won't be back till later on, if we do come back at all ...
But you know us, and we'll miss you now ...

peace & love,
thrasher and thrashette

ps - And an early Happy Valentine's Day to our Heart of Gold, Thrashette. I love you!

FOUND: A Heart of Gold
An Island in the Sun Under a Rainbow

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At 2/08/2025 11:46:00 AM, Blogger Jim said...

You two deserve some time off and hope you have a blast! My wife is taking me out to sea with the Cayamo folks so maybe we'll see each other "On The Beach" somewhere. "Midnight on the Bay" for the soundtrack of the trip.

At 2/08/2025 04:35:00 PM, Blogger Alan said...

You deserve a break, absolutely. 1 every 10 years on average? That’s a lot of time spent plugged in right here on TW. I am hoping for a Big Shift away from the nasty News of a Nasty King who was short on brains but big on mouth! Humorless curmudgeon that he is.

I am enjoying NYA3. Touch the Night (song) is one of my favorite things on the 17 disc set. Barefoot Floors, Eldorado in Utero. The island stuff is not my favorite. Island? Nah. Love, Your Brother Alan in Seattle

At 2/08/2025 07:30:00 PM, Blogger Dan Swan said...

Be free from the madness and remember love. You both deserve a break, and hopefully you’ll return rejuvenated and at peace 🙏

At 2/08/2025 07:36:00 PM, Blogger GDTRFB71 said...

Watch, the tour announcement will be on Monday.

At 2/10/2025 07:43:00 AM, Blogger Ron said...

"I won't be back till later on, if I do come back at all..."
That line from On The Way Home always really hits me hard when I listen to Neil singing it on Before And After.

Very much hope you will be back later on, not least for the 30th Anniversary of Thrashers Wheat in 2026, but above all else just hope you have a great break with your Heart Of Gold. "Love and only love will endure".

Sincere thanks for everything you do.

At 2/10/2025 12:39:00 PM, Blogger wardo said...

I looking forward to reading you when (not if?) you get back.

At 2/10/2025 03:48:00 PM, Blogger The FarmAidians said...

Have a great time away. We all appreciate the hard work. May we will be "Canerican's" by the time you return.................

At 2/11/2025 02:43:00 PM, Blogger Knowledge Nomad said...

Enjoy your break, Thrasher. I appreciate work, but I was very dismayed to see you posting a link to a QAnon blogger, "Sunny's Journal." Really, dude? Maybe you're among them and this is part of your ongoing obscurantist references to the Big Shift. I hope not. To others, please be wary of your sources on the web, even when the originate from places we otherwise find to be useful and people we respect, whether that is Neil himself or TW or whomever.

At 2/12/2025 02:34:00 AM, Blogger wsanjose01 said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 2/12/2025 03:40:00 PM, Blogger The Metamorphic Rocker said...

"It's wintertime so you've gotta wait a while
For the springtime promises to come true" (Bert Jansch).

At 2/13/2025 09:06:00 AM, Blogger Dan Swan said...

For those of you who are wondering where the protest songs are for our current situation here in America, I urge you to check this video out. Apparently YouTube is making this a little difficult to locate, but it is a protest masterpiece. Thankfully there’s at least one artist who is brave enough to speak out against tyranny.

Peace to all…..and prepare to protest the madness 🙏

At 2/13/2025 03:28:00 PM, Blogger Abner Snopes said...

RFK jr confirmed and there is a significant measles outbreak in Texas. There will be blood where there is so much ignorance.

At 2/13/2025 08:22:00 PM, Blogger Dan Swan said...

@ Abner : Agreed….. we are witnessing the end of our republic, and the end of the rule of law. The end of democracy, and the beginning of the end for our planet. The inmates are now running the asylum, and those who voted for this will suffer right along with the rest of us. Our only hope is an uprising of mass and epic proportions. Time to stand up, or disappear.


At 2/14/2025 07:09:00 AM, Blogger Ron said...

Neil is certainly not sitting on the fence today - see his 'Political Message' on the front page of the Times Contrarian.

At 2/15/2025 04:09:00 AM, Blogger ANDREW BYROM said...

Have a great break, I'm heading to Jamaica on the 26th Feb for two weeks R&R, hoping the tour gets announced before then. I'm hearing a strong rumour of dates coming out on the 18th Feb.

At 2/16/2025 07:38:00 PM, Blogger Nate said...

Have fun, be warm. Thanks for EVERYTHING 25 years? Dang I'm old.

At 2/17/2025 02:33:00 PM, Blogger Alan said...

Dan is right. We must stand up and protest if we are to defend women, Children, men, & everyone! We must stand & face the Bully King in protest or we will lose so much! The constitution is being shredded by Trump & Musk. Women’s freedom of choice & status as an equal to men is being threatened by Trump’s Project 2025. It is horribly sexist & takes back a lot of women’s rights. Our daughters & granddaughters should not have to again fight the same wars our mothers & grandmothers already fought and won?

Join nationwide protest today, 2/17/25, and many more on the way! State Capitols and DC!

Your Brother Alan in Seattle

At 2/18/2025 09:09:00 AM, Blogger Dan Swan said...

For those wishing to protest against this madness, just google 50501. It’s a grassroots movement to peacefully protest in all 50 states on the same day for 1 movement. To stop the shredding of our constitution and protect the rule of law. This is absolutely unprecedented, and it is up to us to take our country back from these evil tyrants. If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.

Peace to all those who cherish freedom 🙏

At 2/18/2025 01:07:00 PM, Blogger Kevin D. said...

While Thrasher is on a well earned step away here is some current Neil news to keep us going - Published yesterday on NYA a new series of Neil covers to help the Bridge School. Vol One comes out in April looks cool. More info at this link

At 2/19/2025 06:17:00 AM, Blogger Hambone said...

Tour dates for US Canada and Europe being announced on Monday 24th Feb. Message on NYA on the Music tab

Tony Hambone in the UK

At 2/19/2025 07:39:00 AM, Blogger Donal Murphy, Ireland said...

Great news, Neil is coming to Europe, can't wait to see what he has for us next Monday Feb 20th

At 2/19/2025 11:50:00 AM, Blogger Donal Murphy, Ireland said...

I got a screenshot of some leaked Dates for Neil's 2025 tour, I can't add the screen shot, but it looks like this was lifted from NY Archives, it has the light brown background, and some info on sustainable touring, which may have been put there, and later removed. It also lines up with his highy rumoured Saturday June 28th Glastonbuty Headline slot, and it looks like they are all outdoor like he previously said.

However as with all rumours - WAIT for official confirmation on Feb 24th


June 18th - Rattvik, Sweden - Dahalla
June 20th - Bergen, Norway - Bergenhus Fortress
June 22nd - Copenhagen, Denmark - Denmark Tioren
June 26th - Dublin, Ireland - Malahaide Castle
June 30th - Brussels, Belgium - Brussels Palace Open Air, Palace Square
July 01st - Groningen, Netherlands - Drafbaan Stadspark
July 03rd - Berlin, Germany - Walgbuhne
July 04th - Monchengladbach, Germany - Sparkassenpark
July 08th - Stuttgart, Germany - Cannstatter Wasen


August 08th - Charlotte, NC - PNC MusicPavilion
August 10th - Richmond, VA - Allianz Amphitheatre at Riverfront
August 13th - Detroit, MI - Pine Knob Music Theatre
August 15th - Cleeveland, OH - Blossom Music Centre
August 17th - Toronto, ON - Budweiser Stage
August 21st - Gilford, NH - BankNH Pavilion
August 23rd - New York. NY - Jones Beach
August 24th - Bethel, NY - Bethel Woods
August 27th - Chicago, IL - Northerly Island
August 29th - Mineapolis, MN - Shakopee Amphitheatre

September 01st - Denver, CO - Fiddler's Green Amphitheatre
September 05th - Green, WA - The Gorge
September 06th - Vancouver, BC, Deer Lake Park
September 10th - Bend, OR - HaydenHomes Amphitheatre
September 12th - MountainView, CA - SHoreline Amphitheatre
September 15th - Los Angeles, CA - Hollywood Bowl

At 2/20/2025 11:09:00 AM, Blogger ANDREW BYROM said...

I've seen those dates also. Very disappointed at no UK show outside of Glastonbury which sold out months ago. I'm not risking getting on a plane to a show given the cancellations on the last tour. Spooner will be 82 before this tours starts and Neil 79, must be a very high risk of these dates not all being completed. Glad I did 3 shows on the Euro tour in 2019.

At 2/20/2025 11:57:00 AM, Blogger Alan said...

The Gorge Amp is located in “George, WA” -not “Green, WA.” It holds 28,000 people. The Old Princeton Landing ruined the huge Ampitheaters for me. To see your hero the size of an Ant except for on Jumbotron is not what I am into. I may not even attend the Gorge, depending on pricing. Bend is a must tho. No ticket needed. I will be there! Your Brother Alan in Seattle

At 2/20/2025 12:59:00 PM, Blogger Dionys said...

To me this European list appears incomplete or preliminary: no Switzerland, Austria, Italy or France? Southern Germany being covered by Stuttgart? Still there are gaps in the list, even when considering that part of the band will have to take it a day at the time.

At 2/20/2025 04:44:00 PM, Blogger Alan said...

Bend venue is fantastic, holds 8000. It’s on the Deschutes River, downtown Bend (Beverly Hills on the River) is pricey. No kayak necessary to enjoy show from outside the venue. The music plays for all to enjoy, in or out of venue. It’s at a recreation park, so you can show up early and get yer Ya Ya’s out.

Your Brother Alan in Seattle

At 2/20/2025 06:25:00 PM, Blogger GDTRFB71 said...

I suspect those rumors came from Europe, based on three Es in Cleveland, Jones Beach is not NY, NY, & the Gorge is in George or Quincy. I expect more Canadian dates to make up for cancellations. I am hoping for US shows before & after Europe. We shall see

At 2/20/2025 07:12:00 PM, Blogger Donal Murphy, Ireland said...

For me, this could potentially be the last time i see NY in Europe, he tours roughly 2 to 3 times more in USA, we don’t get him
Touring in Europe as often, so if these dates are correct, and i think they are correct, with some possible gig additions , i am going to see him in both Dublin + Berlin, i have acommadation already booked in both locations, have flights checked out, will book these once i have tickets, this involves multiple days off work, and a big committment, but this is Neil, i’ve been following him very closely for more than 20 years, many on here, a lot more than that, i have to go see him live more than once on this tour, Neil has educated me on so many different areas, he’s always been ahead of the curve, and allthough i have seen him live only 6 times so far, starting with Greendale accoustic/solo in 2003 in Dublin, i was hooked immediately, this guy blows my mind, so many different music styles, its a no brainer for me. As for “incomplete” gig listing, probably right, this is the way it goes, some gigs will get added, but not many, he is 79’years old, so we gotta expect smaller tours, good luck to all getting to see him !

At 2/21/2025 09:53:00 AM, Blogger ANDREW BYROM said...

I am hearing a very strong rumour of NY also playing Hyde Park BST, London on Friday 11th July. I've booked accommodation for Dublin, and will sort flights once I've got a ticket for the gig, hoping they'll be a NYA section down the front at these gigs.

At 2/21/2025 12:23:00 PM, Blogger Dan Swan said...

Sadly I can’t plan this far ahead, as my Government has made it clear that they want to destroy my life. So far they have attempted almost everything written in Project 2025, and if they do take away my social security, I will no longer be able to afford to live in my home. I will be living on the street, or in my car.

Time will tell…..but the future is always uncertain. I do hope the tour goes smoothly for the entire run for those of you who can make it.

Peace 🙏

At 2/21/2025 01:29:00 PM, Blogger Alan said...

Dan, I will probably camp. Come to Bend. I swear we don’t need tickets. There is a nearby foot bridge over the River. One can chill on the bridge and hear it all! I will book camping or get a room… let’s meet up. Your Brother Alan in Seattle

At 2/21/2025 04:15:00 PM, Blogger Alan said...

Camping is already taken. It looks likely I will rent a bachelor pad in Redmond, just half an hour North of Bend. Dan, if you can make the trip, I will put you up for 2 nights, 9/9 & 9/10, leaving 9/11. I have not yet booked but will soon. Your Brother Alan in Seattle

At 2/21/2025 10:19:00 PM, Blogger herbsworld said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 2/22/2025 04:31:00 PM, Blogger Mark Johnson said...

It is great seeing you guys! I hope to catch you here as soon as you get back. I think we have been doing this online connection (and real life) for over 30 years because of Neil's music. Long may we all run!

At 2/23/2025 09:38:00 AM, Blogger Setz said...

Last night here in Kent Ohio at Kent stage, Harvest performed a version of Find the cost of freedom blended into Ohio. Goosebumps for sure, they also played After the gold rush album front to back, a great night out while waiting for ticket announcement! Our last show was Pine Knob, hoping Blossom really happens. Peace

At 2/23/2025 01:54:00 PM, Blogger Tomatron said...

While we wait for the full tour announcement, new videos are being added to Neil’s YouTube channel that aren’t yet available on NYA: Pocahontas from Boarding House, Sample and Hold from Trans Animated, When You Dance I Can Really Love from In A Rusted Out Garage (full film IS on NYA, along with the other remastered NYAIII movies previously pulled from streaming), Rock from Catalyst, and Heart of Gold from Across The Water.

At 2/24/2025 10:26:00 AM, Blogger Donal Murphy, Ireland said...

That tour dates leak was 100% accurate, except Minneapolis, which has been dropped, all just confirmed on NY Archives.

At 2/24/2025 10:32:00 AM, Blogger Tomatron said...

Left high and dry in Texas, peaches not even in season.

At 2/24/2025 10:35:00 AM, Blogger Donal Murphy, Ireland said...

Presales start tomorrow

At 2/24/2025 11:35:00 AM, Blogger Hambone said...

Its a bit odd seeing a tour announcement "through the EU and UK" and then there not being a UK date listed - not even a confirmation of Glastonbury. And no Southern European dates (Spain/Italy/etc) and only 3 German ones.

So unless there are some other dates where pre-sales have not been negotiated and they can't be listed I can't help but feel disappointed by this, especially after all those letters published on NYA from many Euro fans suggesting all sorts of interesting outdoor spaces to consider (yes I was one of them). Looks like the moneymen stepped in and shaved the no of dates to maximise the dough.

I'm also intrigued as to whether the "HOMEGROWN" concessions are going to be offered on the non-US dates. Maybe that's a reason why there are so few dates - other venues refused to accept new food concessions.

Either way I am not in a position for a road trip this summer as my partner is having treatment in two weeks time and we don't know the recovery timescales to commit to travel, so good luck to all of you who can get there and hope the ticket queues aren't too frantic.

This afternoon's consolation - getting the plant pots out and planting my own first homegrown tomatoes and peppers. Organic of course.

Tony "Hambone" in the UK

At 2/24/2025 11:38:00 AM, Blogger Dionys said...

As I ain't flying nowhere down in easy chairs nowadays there is but one date which I will attend. Apparently this is going to be a smaller tour than in the days past, shorter and also longer breaks between shows. Maybe Lookout Management was too late in the game for this summer? But again: no French or Italian dates? They maybe still might add dates if ticket sales go well?

At 2/24/2025 11:53:00 AM, Blogger Hambone said...

Dionys / everyone,
The NYA post does contain the phrase "More Dates will be added shortly" just after the pre-sale announcement so was easy to miss.

So I publicly roll back my disappointment several notches until the full tour dates are finally revealed and restore myself to the "hopeful anticipation" setting.


At 2/24/2025 12:41:00 PM, Blogger Dionys said...

Re-reading the announcement after posting my last comment I found this glimpse of hope myself. How about Munich on July 12th? While I do not expect tickets to be sold out quickly in continental Europe I made arrangements to be part of this pre-sale thing tomorrow.

At 2/24/2025 05:44:00 PM, Blogger Alan said...

Woooooo Hoooooo! Lookout Mama! There I am on the river’s edge. This time I will float the river during the day & listen to the show from right outside. Might buy a ticket if they are cheap enough. Not gonna try to hit the Gorge, or LA, or any other place. No worries! Your Brother Alan in Seattle

At 2/24/2025 11:29:00 PM, Blogger Peacelover Doc said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 2/25/2025 08:31:00 AM, Blogger Tomatron said...

We are going to Dublin!

At 2/25/2025 06:01:00 PM, Blogger Peacelover Doc said...

I'd never heard of Macklemore before but am a fan now. Thanks for posting Dan!

At 2/28/2025 10:59:00 AM, Blogger Alan said...

Yes, Macklemore had a huge hit with Thrift Shop. And now he is one of the few artists brave enough to stand up for the Gaza Genocide victims. Thanks Dan! The video is tremendous! The American Protest movement is picking up speed & becoming a strong & power force of change. The Big Shift IS happening. It is a response to Elon Musk & Trump’s destruction of the things we hold sacred in the US. For one thing, good people everywhere hate Nazis, and people who support Genocide. But there is a burgeoning Army of true patriots who are friending up very rapidly on social media to fight with the Resistance. We even have Luke Skywalker on our side. But seriously. The Big Shift is that good people will stand and fight for what is right. Protest and Survive! Save Earth for her future inhabitants!

Your Brother Alan in Seattle

And in September, come on down to Bend and let’s hear the show! Your Brother Alan in Seattle

At 3/03/2025 05:20:00 PM, Blogger thrasher said...

We're back from our sabbatical break -- out beyond where the pavement turns to sand and way up high, from the mountains to the sea ...!

We will have much more to say in the future about our sabbatical break, as we prepare for yet another re-launch of the Thrasher's Wheat platform.

But in the meantime, we will only just say that it was somehow yet another trip of a lifetime ... in more ways than one.

Thanks so very much to all of our dear readers and supporters for all of your warm and loving comments which we're just returning to now. Hopefully, we can reply personally to everyone, but if not, please be assured that all of your messages of encouragement and support are truly appreciated.

so, what did we miss? any Neil news happen over past few weeks?!


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~~ Fannie Lou Hamer

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Maybe everything you think you know is wrong? NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS
"It's all illusion anyway."

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... and symbolism will be their downfall...

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yet we are
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Civic Duty Is Not Terrorism

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Orwell (and Grandpa) Was Right
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~~ Bob Marley

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Show Me A Sign

"Who is John Galt?"
To ask the question is to know the answer

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deserves neither liberty nor safety."

~~ Benjamin Franklin


(Between the lines of age)

And in the end, the love you take
Is equal to the love you make

~~ John & Paul

the zen of neil
the power of rust
the karma of the wheat

