Neil Young Continues To Answer His Own Question Affirmatively + The BIG Shift
Earlier this Fall, Neil Young posed the following question on his official website asking "How hard should I try?". Certainly a thought provoking question for us all as we observe the ongoing chaos as "The BIG Shift" approaches (More on "The Big Shift", evolving awareness, mass consciousness, full disclosure and total transparency in comments below. Also, see The Illusion of The Matrix Shatters: Corruption, Fake News & The Big Shift.)
Naturally, most would like Neil to get back to the music -- an obviously valid suggestion.
But Neil has been answering his own question with ongoing messages, the latest of which was posted on Thanksgiving Day.
TodayTo which we say, "Go Neil." No Fear, No Shame. Once again, When Neil Young Speaks Truth To Power, The World Listens.
Today, I am thankful for all of the people world wide who work tirelessly for a good future on Planet Earth. And to my Canadian friends I say this, along with Elizabeth May:
When he became Prime Minister, he cancelled all climate programmes, repudiated our Kyoto targets, chose far weaker targets, weakened them again, legally withdrew from the Kyoto Protocol, and then failed to meet the weaker targets.
Harper's Conservatives now compete with Australia's pro-coal government for the worst climate record in the industrialized world. As a result Canada's international reputation has been severely damaged, but I must emphasise again:
80% of Canadians want climate action. 80% of Canadians continue to be very concerned about tackling the climate crisis. It is not too late -- Canada can be part of an international solution, we can repair our reputation on the world stage. We cannot give up on our own and our children's future with a collective shrug.
Please watch this.
Neil Young
Thanksgiving Day
California USA.
Here's the video link of Neil Young titled "The Calgary Address 01.19.14". This is Neil Young unplugged. This is Neil speaking truth to power. Courageous statements on his opponent's own home field turf. Anyone who listens to this knows that Stephen Harper's days are numbered as Canada's Prime Minister:
Righteous. Or more succinctly, Neil Young: A Humanitarian Rebel With Causes.
So who else dedicates their entire official website page to an activist cause?
No one. Everyone else uses their front page to sell merchandise and simply provide relevant links to concert tours, etc.
Not Bob Dylan
Not Paul McCartney
Not Bruce Springsteen
Not The Rolling Stones
Not U2
Not Lady Gaga
Not Taylor Swift
Not Kanye West
We challenge other artists to step up and prominently support something other than themselves. Go ahead. Put up a dedicated front page on a cause or action you support.
“…..So let us not talk falsely now, the hour’s getting late”
~ Bob Dylan / All Along The Watchtower

Gulf Oil Blowout Disaster Rally, Florida, June 2010
"Walk with Us"
UPDATED: Nov. 2016 Also, see The Illusion of The Matrix Shatters: Corruption, Fake News & The Big Shift.
Labels: neil young
Brian May, too (twitter)....
Canada's commercial seal "hunt" is the largest mass slaughter of marine mammals in the world.
Please enlighten us knuckle draggers out here, Thrasher - what is the 'Big Shift' & can I get a front row seat?
Let me guess - the sky falls because of burning fossil fuels?
I cannot stand the anticipation of being 'educated'.
Thrasher, what do you mean by "The Big Shift"?
@Greg - odds are that is a far left whack-job theory regarding the future of the Earth.
and yes, Thrasher, there is a difference between left & right despite your previous false assertions.
Oh by the way - Neil Young writes great songs.
Good for Neil. You have to be blind to not see that things are getting weirder and weirder outside. At least Neil is doing something.
I trust Neil because, well, what hidden agenda does he have? He doesn't have to stand up for the environment, he's not a corporation that has the potential to pollute, he's not running for a political office and if there is one thing that is true about Neil, he doesn't care what you think of him. He's not trying to win votes or a popularity contest. He's an artist. He makes music. And he is someone that can have a little bit of influence, even if just among SOME of his fans. He is someone who genuinely cares and worries about what the world will be like for his grandkids. Not sure why ANYONE would take offence to this post or to Neil speaking out about the environment and possible alternatives to fossil fuels (unless you have a stake in Big Oil). Look around. Pay just a little bit of attention. The weather is not how it used to be. Even if climate change is just a natural event, or blown out of proportion, or even a figment of us old burn-outs imaginations, these initiatives, words, beliefs certainly won't hurt. It's not about political parties and it's not about economies or cash. It's about people, animals, the water we drink, the air we breath, the food we eat. It's about the planet. Last I checked, none of the above exists without a planet.
Good for Neil. I applaud him.
Not to be too vague or esoteric here, but as a long time Neil listener & TW reader it should be somewhat obvious what the "Big Shift" is all about.
Relative to Neil's Thanksgiving message, the shift references energy.
To spell it out in detail on multiple levels would take far more time than we have right now but the answer to your question can be found out there amongst the links in the right sidebar.
And if that doesn't help, try this short video:
As a life long fan, one comment: I love Neil's music.
Take care all!
Environment is #1
Economy is #...well, it shouldn't really be on the list, but let's just say #11. #^*ck the economy! It's not even a real thing, just something we made and gave a whole bunch of rights to.
Canada is ready for a change. Harper just thinks he's doing want America wants him to do.
Well said .... Neil showed us an eye opening video at the SEMA show, of this wasteland he drove through. He wanted people to see for themselves what the hell is going on up there. It was soo scary and it sent chills down my spine. IT LOOKS LIKE HELL ON EARTH!!! I just could not believe that the government is allowing this to happen. Neil says it is so hard to breathe the air up there, and the oil residue is so thick that people can taste the oil in their mouths. I hope the government wakes up before it is too late. We really need to become less dependant on oil, and SAVE OUR PLANET!!!!
Beautiful. Thank you, Thrasher's Wheat. I am so proud to be a hard core Neil Young fan in these times. We've got Mother Nature on the run in the 21st Century. Our Hero doesn't back down. He stands and fights for the future generations, so dependent on this planet of ours. -Alan in Seattle
Alan - You are welcome. It's been a little while since we posted this but on occasion we are asked for clarification on the Big Shift.
As we alluded to, this is a big subject that can not be easily summarized. The theory of "The Big Shift" goes by many, many other names, as well, with various interpretations. Sometimes referred to as "Full Disclosure" or "The Event", for many, for a very long time this has been considered to be the Second Coming of Christ, i.e., a really big deal happening that would be rather hard to miss.
Our take on this at TW is less biblical in nature, but still rooted in cosmic spirituality.
We see "The Big Shift" as a moment of Truth. We often talk about Neil's song "Winterlong" with the "It's all illusion anyway" lyric as being keystone. Another simple yet insightful lyric from the canon.
We tried to clarify the question of what is "The Big Shift" in the context of this post regarding energy. Undoubtedly, energy is key to "The Big Shift". Not just as one considers energy in a conventional sense like oil, gas, electricity, etc. But energy in all it's manifestations -- awareness and consciousness.
Our awareness -- our consciousness -- our ability to seek and know the truth is "The Big Shift". A tectonic event which will truly lead us all to the next level for humanity. Not to be too esoteric here when so many are just trying to make it from pay day to the next pay day. But there is way more to life than chasing a paycheck. Trust us.
Can't say when. If even in our lifetimes. But there are more encouraging signs that we are on the cusp of "The Big Shift" than ever before. Let's let's all do our part and make it happen.
We are reluctant to point folks to specific links and sites since everyone has a small piece of the big puzzle and when one starts going down these rabbit holes it can be quite strange and bizarre and frightening. This is The Matrix. Which, btw, is a good start for attempting to understand "The Big Shift". You are Neo. Find your Morpheus. Take the Red Pill. (From the film "The Matrix" , the red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are symbolic. They represent the choice between embracing the sometimes painful truth of reality (red pill) and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill).)
But fundamentally, we can only suggest to "Wake up!" because "consciousness is near". "The Big Shift" rolls on...
And always use disCERNment.
In response to a comment, we observed that the US election of Donald Trump on November 8th was merely a slight political shift from left to right -- not The BIG Shit.
Go back and watch The Wizard of Oz again. Dorothy got the BIG Shift right when the curtain was pulled back and all was revealed.
Recall what Witch Glinda says to Dorothy:
"You don't need to be helped any longer. You've always had the power to go back to Kansas."
Use your power and the force will be with you.
We'll see you when you get home.
Updates @
From "Winterlong" to "The Big Shift": The Illusion Shatters
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