Thrasher's Wheat Celebrates 20th Anniversary: 1996 - 2016
It has been a long, long road since 1996 and we plan to make 2016 a year of celebration. A celebration maybe not so much of our little blog website or even of Neil Young. No, a celebration of this wonderful little community we joined back in 1993 that eventually became known as "The force of Rust".
The Rust community is -- without a shred of doubt -- the tightest and coolest group of music fans running in history... online or offline. (We'd be happy to have that discussion separately below in comments.)

Rusties @ The Healing Pole & Medicine Teepee
Shoreline: 2015 International Rust Fest Bridge Concerts
To say that the power of Rust changed our lives would be a vast over statement. That said, to some degree, it became our mantra to stay "rustie" at all times. To be the rust is to know the rust. And rusties understand that statement. Or as we sometimes say, "It's a rustie thing and you wouldn't understand".
What many may not realize, is that Thrasher's Wheat is now the longest continuously running website in the history of the Internet dedicated to a single topic, operating under the same "original management" and "original mission".
Period. Full stop.
Longer than eBay, Amazon, Google, Facebook, etc. Even before New York Times or Washington Post websites were launched, or about the same time. And we welcome any challenge to the above statement and will gladly correct. :)
At this point, we could run down an amazing amount of TW post highlights. The concert reviews. The photos. The videos. The escasties and agonies. And so on. But at the moment, we just want to share the joy of Neil and the Rust community.
So here's what we're thinking. Thanks to our dear friend Geoff, we've come up with a Thrasher's Wheat 20th Anniversary t-shirt.

Thrasher's Wheat 20th Anniversary: 1996 - 2016
Design by Silver Moon Art & Design
(Click photo to enlarge)
And we want all of our readers to have one.
So the next step is to find out how many folks are interested. Once we have some handle on that, we'll figure out the print run and pricing. Then we'll make available to everyone in the TW/Rust/Neil community. How's that sound?
So let us know your interest and we'll go from there. We welcome suggestions and questions below.
Rusties Ascend to Shoreline for 2015 International Rust Fest Bridge Concerts
(w/ T-shirt designer Geoff and TW Tour Manager Hounds That Howell)
peace & love,
thrasher & thrashette
Labels: neil young, rust
Print them in 3XL and 4XL. I have some fat friends.
lol Danielle. :)
So they got a potbelly?!
Seriously, tho. We haven't figured out all the sizing and pricing details. Or timing.
But we would like to be able to create order page by Spring, take and fill and ship orders in time for the '16 Europe tour. We know how much fun we had with our 1st TW shirt run back in on the CH Euro tour back in 2014.
Thanks for all of your support.
What you have done over the last 20 years is nothing short of amazing. And the reason why this is the first place I go every day after checking my e-mail. Thanks for separating the wheat from the chaff.
Congrats Thrasher! You CAN be twenty on Sugar Mountain! Who knew? We did! Easily the best Neil Young information site and congregation of Neilheads on planet Earth and beyond. You have enriched our community immeasurably. I have grown in appreciation of Neil's music and muse through your posts and the responses here full of Wheat. War of all groups asked 'Why can't we be friends?", well, if anyone knows of you they know they have a friend indeed! THANK YOU! Here's to 20 more buddy!
@wardo - it warms us to know so many care. And we couldn't do what we do without all of the good wholesome wheat that comes from our readers, who we love and care so much for.
This post's for you!
@SONY - you've been here for us practically all along. And especially during some of those dark, strange LWW to FITR days.
As they say, sooner or later it all gets REAL. And the hour is getting late, the winds are beginning to howl...
Great stuff Thrasher, "Long May You Run".
Is anybody keen to obtain some back copies of BA - I have about 60 - these are free of charge as long as you are in the UK! Anyway let me know they're going in the bin if nobody replies.
Hi Andy,I would love to have them.
I understand you haven't figured out all the details yet but I will offer some input from an experienced overweight person that someone who isn't 'big-boned' probably doesn't know. Tee shirts are offered in XL & XLT (or in my case XXXLT) with the T meaning tall. Shirts with the size ending in T are longer & save the general population from the dreaded UCV (unintentional crack viewing). This really is good information. Thanks
@Andy - Do NOT. Repeat. Do NOT toss.
Happy to post a little note here on TW on their availability. Lots of folks would want these.
btw, why toss???
@ P&L Doc - good points. now that's funny... the dreaded UCV!
Hi TW & Growl, just de-cluttering guys. Do you need a list of the issue numbers?
Happy to post FOC to UK - just let us know - cheers guys.
They are in very good condition.
Hi amigos, happy 20 Bday from Neil Young News in Spanish. La Playa. Many thanks for your always interesting posts. Take care and yeah, long may you run....
Hello, Any News On When Thrashers Wheat Radio Will Start Up Again. I've Missed Hearing The Podcasts Every Weekend. Congrats On The Twenty Years.I've Been Reading Since ThE beginning.Looking Forward To Another Twenty. Still Rockin' In The Free World.
Pleased to have them all if that suits you. Thanks
@Andy - looks like you might have a custodian with Mr Growl, Good guy who we've shared beers with @ pre-show. He'll be sure to give'm a good home.
@ manologranpa - gracias!
@ Soldier Steve - Thanks for asking. TW Radio its hiatus at the moment while we figure out where to take TWR 2.0 . We already have a few good ideas from folks like yourself.
We're still all ears here and would love to hear what others might suggest for a revised TW Radio.
@ Mr Growl - I'll get them down from the lost at weekend your address - I won't list them I'll just send them. Cheers
Not lost that should read LOFT!
You have my address already? Don't want to put it on the Internet. How should we proceed?
I'll throw this idea out for TWR 2.0
Pick a past show, get the set list off Sugar Mountain & play it. Maybe play live versions (when available) or versions off the album Neil was touring for at the time. If Eric, Tony & yourself get tired of picking the show have a place on this site for readers to suggest shows. If a Neil show takes more than a single TWR show, so what? Just a thought.
Growl - I understand your hesitation to do that - but I don't recall having your address ? Happy to proceed anyway you feel is secure - there are about 50 BAs in total
I know you know Trash however Ruth and I wanted to thank you again.
We plugged in a little over 20 years ago and life has ways of blowing shit apart and putting the pieces out there
for us to deal with. Everyone knows that. You sir and your "our" site has been there the whole time
Let's touch base by email: Cheers!
Just read the amazing lineup for this year's New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival, and it includes Neil Young and Promise of the Real. See the link below for more details:
The complete listing of performers is mind boggling--might be the most artists I've ever wanted to see all on the same bill. Of course, it does take place over a ten day period, and it would be virtually impossible (and exhausting) to see everyone. But sounds like it will be a great time; I wonder if this means other US dates are coming soon?!
Neil's site doesn't specifically mention the New Orleans gig yet, but the "Tour" page does have April 22 as a blank date, so I'm guessing that will be it and he's just waiting for the general announcements to cycle through first. I see where there are early bird tickets already on sale at $60, so for anyone so inclined it would be worth taking a flyer on that day's shows. Good luck to anyone who decides to go for it!
Re: TWR 2.0, I like Peacelover Doc's idea:
Pick a past show, get the set list off Sugar Mountain & play it. Maybe play live versions (when available) or versions off the album Neil was touring for at the time. If Eric, Tony & yourself get tired of picking the show have a place on this site for readers to suggest shows. If a Neil show takes more than a single TWR show, so what? Just a thought.
Expanding on his idea, you could:
* Provide unique insights into each song and show
* Was the song released or unreleased at the time of the show (or when/if ever)?
* Instrument(s) played. As you know, our hero often changes instruments/vibe.
* Concert reviews (for specific show, or at least from the tour)
* Lyrical meaning of specific songs (always a good debate topic)
* Whether or not there were slight or significant lyrical changes to a song
* Attendance figures and details about the venue (many no longer exist)
* Ticket prices/marketing campaign information if applicable/available
* Give background information that was happening at the time of the show. Popular
records, movies, current events, political/entertainment, etc...
If done a certain way, I think it could be very entertaining if you could transport us all back into the specific time the show took place. It would be great if you could rustle up original radio ads or ads from the era in general.
You could also offer your memories from the time, or solicit feedback from fellow
Rusties if they were at the specific show. You could announce what show was being
featured in advance and we could add our memories here (which you would then carefully review and choose to include them or not, sort of like your post of the moment).
Another idea for shows could be focusing on a specific musical influence of Neil,
or an artist Neil clearly influenced.
Just some quick thoughts, and as always..
Take my advice
don't listen to me
@growl & @Andy - great to see you guys working it out! Love to see that rustie spirit in action.
@TFG & TJW - appreciated, sincerely. Miss you guys and love you you.
@ Mr Henry - yep, looks like another stellar lineup for the NOJ&HF!
@TDaze - great stuff there. Thanks much. As for TWR 2.0, still a work in progress and all TBD. Great suggestions. That said, as you may know, producing a weekly program (or anything) takes a lot and even more to sustain.
Producing this blog daily for 20+ years has been pretty exhausting in and of itself. But that's the way it works with labors of love. We care because you guys care.
And if our TW readers want a TWR 2.0, then so it shall be.
Between the blog, the anniversary t shirts, TWR 2.0 and Europe Tour, 2016 is looking to be the year where it all will get really REAL. word.
peace out
I always forget this isn't your full-time job! In my mind it is because the site is so well done, and in a just world you'd be rewarded handsomely for it. Everything you do here is greatly appreciated. I know you do it as a labor of love, but please don't feel any pressure to grow, improve or change.
I speak for myself, but I trust most others agree. We're just grateful to have a place to drop by with close and distant friends linked together by the common thread of Neil's music.
Take my advice
don't listen to me
I came late to this party although I've been a NY fan as long as I can remember. For me NY is right up there with my favorite bands: The Beatles, Rolling Stones, The Who, The Replacements, The Soundtrack of Our Lives, etc. etc. etc.
Anyway, thanks for doing this site, my knowledge of NY has grown immeasurably since signing up about 5 years ago.
Good luck to all and may Neil live another 40 years!
I didn't think about how much time it would take to put together my initial idea but it could wind up sucking the fun right out of it so how about an hour (or more) of whatever Neil music the host feels like playing that night? On weeks you aren't available skip the news & refer listeners to the coolest site on the web. Also, do you see comments that aren't posted to your newest post?
@TDaze - yeah, just something we do in our spare time between naps and everything else. :)
@Unknown - never too late to the party. The important thing is you are here now. On to TW 60 th Anniversary in 2056!
@ Dr P&L - not sure we follow about comments? Pls elaborate. Hopefully comments aren't getting trashed by The Big Blogger in the Sky... It's been awhile since we've seen that. We do know that some folks are unable to comment due Big Blogger interference. Please re-try if wwhat you'r4e suggesting is occurring. As you well know, TW will never be intimated or backdown. word
I just meant do you see comments made on past articles & now I know you do. Thanks
Count me in, XXL
Are they available yet??
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